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Heathered Country: part 2 (Devil's Iron MC Book 7)

Page 12

by GM Scherbert

  “Yes, of course Johnathan that’s not why I was disappointed.” She says as a blush creeps over her cheeks and I am instantly hard at the look.

  Laughing, I’m not able to hold back from asking, “What is it that you were exactly wanting, Heather? That look on your face, tells me something that I haven’t misread from you since the day we met.”

  Reaching up awkwardly, Wayne pulls Heathers chin towards him and his face lights up as he she’s the same desire and want in them that I had. Pulling her down, he takes her lips with his own.

  Reaching down, I gotta adjust my cock before shifting towards my woman. As she is coming up for air from Wayne, I reach out for her face, and tug on her hair bringing her lips to mine. Consuming her, I can’t stop myself from tugging roughly through her hair.

  When I can finally pull myself away, it is Heather that I hear whimper at the loss. Drawing yet another laugh from both Wayne and myself. She glances from one to the other before saying, “I just want to feel loved, cherished, wanted, after all that has happened the last few days.”

  “Spitfire, stop. There is no way that Wayne or myself would fuck you right now and you know that damn well. You just brought our beautiful babies into this world not a week ago, there is many a thing that we would do to you and will do to you in the weeks before we fuck you again, but you being so needy will not make our decision change. We will take you and the babies to see the doctor tomorrow, and we will speak with him about it then.”

  The pout that grows on her face is almost cute. The upset in her eyes, however, is not.

  Wayne is first to address the look that has come over her face. “Little Spitfire, don’t pout. When we are given a chance to speak with the doc we will have all the answers we need, and be able to know what we can and can’t do. It is not that we don’t want you, because you know that we do. We want nothing more than to take your pain away, but there are some things that not even your Masters will cross. Including that gorgeous body of ours and its healing. We want you to be able to give us more babies, and if we put your body through too much now, we might ruin those chances. Is that what you would like, Heather? For us to not be able to have more children?”

  “No, of course not.” Running a hand over her belly she quietly continues, “But, I don’t even know what that man did to me when he sliced me open to get the babies out. He could have done some real damage and maybe I won’t be able to have more babies at all. Then what will happen between us? Will you still want me then?” Turning her head to Johnathan, “Will you?”

  Feeling the pain from her, is something that rips at not only my heart, but Wayne’s as well.

  I answer her harshly, “I will not have you bait us into anything Spitfire. We won’t know anything until tomorrow so you need to make sure that you keep yourself in check before you jump ahead of yourself. We have taken you as ours, and you know what that means. But, just since you seem to be so doubting, I will take a few minutes to remind you.”

  Stroking a hand, down my beard, it’s hard for me to start, but once I get going I find it easier.

  “The first night we saw you, we knew that you were it for us. We might have fought it and fought against it hard for a while, but it is something that we have long ago accepted. You are ours, there is no one and nothing that will ever take you away from us. We have claimed you as ours and that means that you will belong to no one, but us. You will kneel to no one, but us. You will submit to no one, but us. You. Are. Ours. And. Ours. Alone.”

  Wayne has moved slightly in bed and continues on for me. “You are the only thing that means anything to either myself or Johnathan. You have given us the family that neither of us thought we would ever have. You have given us those beautiful babies and let us claim Sophie as our own. You will be our wife, ol’ lady, mother to our children, sub, and anything else we desire for all the days of our lives. Each. And. Every. Fucking. Day. For. The. Rest. Of. Our. Days.”

  Nodding her head at the words, she is quick to raise to her feet and tumble to her knees. “Ok, I understand and I won’t push it any longer. I am just concerned about our family and what might have happened.” Dropping her head to match her position, she goes on. “I will submit to your desires and remember my place Masters.”

  Stroking along her head, I look towards Wayne and we exchange a silent nod. “We will head over to Prez’s house for a bit then we will head home and spend some time with our babies and Sophie. You will do as you should and you will forget for this night, the bad things that have happened to our family these last days. This will be a time to celebrate life, and share in good memories.”

  Pulling her up from her feet, I embrace her in a hug that is joined quickly by Country coming to stand behind us.

  “We are a family, that is all that ever needs to concern you, Little Spitfire. We will take care of what is ours, and make no doubt, you, Sophie and those little babies are ours. Whatever we see fit to give you, you will have. And now, we will go and share the evening with our Brothers and their families.”

  Chapter twenty-six


  The party that night was a home coming of sorts. Seeing all the people gathered together made my heart happy. Our family and the families of all the other Devil Iron Brothers joined together to celebrate- less for one.

  Shadow and Peach were nowhere to be seen during the night and I know that the struggles I have had are in no comparison for what they have suffered. I don’t know what had happened to Peach or Shadow, but I know that it had to be horrible.

  Pulling myself outta the thoughts of Peach and Shadow, I bring myself back into the here and now. Seeing Sophie playing in the yard with Iris and Rose brings a smile to my face. Seeing Pearl near them watching over all the children like the mother hen that she truly is, brings me even greater peace.

  Walking towards her, she opens her arms wide as I reach her, pulling me in to a hug. Squeezing gently before she lets me go and speaks softly, “Sweets, glad you could find your way out to join us. Don’t worry about the babies, the security and video system that Abraham had installed when we moved Rebel in is state of the art.” Holding up the receiver to me, she goes on, “this will pick up on any little peep that happens in their room.”

  With a smile on her face, she moves towards the house grabbing out more food for all the people who have descended upon her house. I glance around the yard and see my men sitting around the bonfire that is raging. I move quickly to get to them and soon find myself sandwiched between them. The security and safety that I feel is everything to me and I know that this is where I will be for the rest of my life.

  As the weeks pass by, we find out that there is no permanent damage to Wayne, due to the bullets or accident. He is up and moving about without the casts within a month, which was against doctors’ orders.

  Our visit the day after the party brought us good news. That I would be able to have more babies, as the good doctor said, as long as that is what I would like. The laughter that filled the room on that comment was almost too much. Thinking that I had any choice in the fact that my husbands might want more babies.

  It is nearly six weeks later and only after the doctor has released me that we have sex again. Not that my men haven’t been using me in other ways during this time, just not for sex. I have found myself at The Dungeon on more than one occasion watching the scenes play out before us. I even got to do a scene last week, with little impact, but it was nice to be able to feel that way again. Feel the peace and tranquility that only submission can bring.

  The first night that I have been cleared for sex, my men make sure that it is a memorable one. There is a new outfit laid out for me on our bed, and it leaves nothing to the imagination. The blue and green ribbons that run through the barely there skirt and corset match beautifully to our babies and my husbands eyes.

  As we enter The Dungeon, all eyes turn to us and I feel all out of sorts. My hands slowly run over my body, and all the worries I have had the last weeks about this new
body of mine come back full force.

  “Little Spitfire, now is not the time for those thoughts, your body has been made for us.” Running his hands over my body, Wayne goes on, “each one of the marks and scares that have come to this body was from the babies you gave to us and the fuckers that have tried to come between us.”

  Johnathan is quick to add, “your body is even more beautiful now that you have given us those babies. Watching you feed them is something that we can’t get enough of.”

  Dropping my eyes down, I say quietly, “I know, it’s just that being here, in front of all these people-“

  “Hush, Spitfire. We will show you just how much we appreciate your body. And we will do it with all eyes on us.”

  Wayne and Johnathan grab up my hands and lead me to the stage at the front of the room. Binding me up my husbands waste no time starting to lay into me. The release I find from the pain that they give is something that I have been at a loss for these last weeks. They have tried, but nothing is as good as the pain followed by them fucking me into oblivion. And that is exactly what they do.

  We have continued to live, and love, and spend as much time with Ma and Grams as possible. Not only for the memories we are making with the babies, but for our own. Grams is nearing on eighty and we know that she will not be around forever. We want to be sure that we are able to spend as much time as possible with her.


  Until we meet again

  Here is a sample of

  Twisted Pleasures,

  which is a novella that I did for the Biker Chicks 3 anthology.

  This is the novella that will be the beginnings of the next book in the Fates Reborn Series,

  Twisted Fates


  Chapter 1


  There is only one thing that I really like spreading my legs for. Well, two I guess if I’m being honest with you. My bike and a hot body. Each has their place and each can get me hot in their own way.

  The first time I rode, was a few weeks after I left the asshole that I had been with since high school. I finally got the strength to up and leave him when he put me in the hospital for the second time. I know I should have left after he hit me the first time, but I didn’t. I should have left after the next time, when I wound up in the hospital for three days and had twenty-some stiches. I did finally leave him, after my jaw healed, that he shattered that third time he attacked me. That time I was in the hospital for going on two weeks and believe you me, I fucking had it. Three strikes and I was fucking outta there, long overdue, but I got there eventually.

  I moved three hundred miles away, to a little suburb of Chicago and have been there ever since. Twenty-five years old and starting over then and there, as far as I was concerned. Those first months were the hardest, but I finally found a little slice of heaven when I got on the back of a bike with a guy one night. The feeling of freedom took hold of me and I knew in that instant that being on a bike was something that I needed much, much more of in my life. After a quick fuck goodbye, the next morning, I went home and signed up for the first motorcycle class that I could find. Within a few weeks I had a license and was well on my way to owning the bike that I had picked up the day after my classes had started. Before the summer ended I was able to pay off the sportster, and my thighs spread for that baby as frequently as possible.

  The pinup thing that I have going on has really played well into the job that I have found myself doing. I know that being a bigger girl, the style of clothes I wear, the way I do my hair and makeup, the sleeves of tattoos I have, might not be for every job. The one I was lucky enough to find within the first few weeks being in Zion fit like a glove. My work as a piercer and eventually a tattoo artist at the Branding is a breeze and pays really fucking well, I fit in well with this scene. The guy I work with Nick is a real sweetheart, though he seems hung up on some chick, I try not to pay no mind to it. Not that I would fuck someone I work with, learned that lesson the hard way, but he is something to look at. Nick is fucking hot, use to be in the military, is in shape with a rock-hard body, and did I mention- tattooed, and FUCK those tattoos that cover him.

  It was the beginning of summer when I picked up my bike. The bright red hair that I had going on, matched the paint job I had on the bike, might have done that on purpose. I got lots of looks and even more catcalls from men, and even some woman when I would cruise around during my free time from the shop. Now, I am not the type of girl that gives a fuck what’s between your legs, I care more about what’s in someone’s heart, but there is just something said for having someone put me in my place and make me feel every inch of the woman that I am. Having someone order me around in the bedroom has always just gotten my motor running. I am independent as fuck, but anybody that can take control and command of my body is the right sort as far as I’m concerned. Man or woman doesn’t matter one bit to me. If your nice to me, I’ll return the favor and all that jazz.

  That bike between my thighs all summer was only replaced by a few things, by the only other thing that could make me hot, and spread them so easily. A woman named Lilly who seemed more feminine and domineering each time I took her home and we sweated up the sheets together. And a man who I would need to lose my mind to forget, Dominic.

  I wasn’t looking for what I found that summer and each time I saw either of them, they made their way further into my heart. The thought that each of them, in turn, would take some of me with them when they left hurt, but I couldn’t stop the way I felt when I was with each of them.




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