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Kissed by the Wave: A Forbidden Realm Novel

Page 9

by Serena Gilley

  “It’s the polite thing to do, but yeah. I like your being naked.”

  “I’m glad.”

  “I just…damn it. I just don’t know what to do with you, Aliya.”

  “You don’t? I’m not like the other females you’ve brought here?”

  “Uh, no. Not by a long shot.”

  Well, that didn’t make her happy. “I’m not? What’s wrong? I was told I’d be human, really human in every way!”

  She was going to kill her fairy friend for making her wrong.

  But he just laughed and held her tighter. “No, don’t worry. You look just fine to me. All I meant was you’re such a different kind of person from the women I usually…well, you know. You’re special, Aliya. And I like that. A lot.”

  “I like you, too, Devin.” She snuggled closer to him. “Is there more politeness we need to do, or can you join with me now?”

  When she met his eyes he didn’t seem to know what to say. That was good. Conversation wasn’t what either of them really wanted, she could tell.

  In the dry it was harder to read Devin’s thoughts, but she was becoming attuned to them. With her body resting closely against his she could feel his heartbeat as well as the emotions that surged inside him. His desire was strong, and went beyond the very physical response that was so very obvious. Aliya tingled with her own response.

  She was learning this new body and what all the sensations and reactions meant. Much of what she felt was foreign and still unexplainable, but one thing was certain; this body wanted to join with Devin. Badly. And soon.

  She slid against him, feeling his hardened appendage through his clothing. He let out a deep breath and heat radiated from his body.

  It wasn’t necessary to think anymore. Aliya ran her hands over his chest, across his shoulders. She wanted to feel him, the strong arms and the solid flesh of his body. He seemed to have no objection, so she set to work on the clothing covering his lower portions. They wouldn’t slide off as easily as she hoped, and he laughed again, putting his hands over hers to help.

  “We have to undo the zipper first,” he said and showed her what he was talking about.

  He undid a sort of fastener, then helped her to slide a small metal contraption down. The whole concept of clothing fascinated her—always had. Now the idea of getting this particular human out of his clothing held even greater allure.

  At last her fingers made contact with the heat of his skin. Ah, his appendage was free. She cupped her hand around it in an almost desperate caress. Would he come inside her at last?

  He breathed again, loudly, and leaned into her hand. She grasped him firmly, pulling him toward her. It was much more difficult without the water to buoy them, but she had to get him inside. She stood on tiptoe, trying to reach.

  His arms tightened around her.

  “Aliya,” he said, but she wasn’t sure if it was aloud this time or if she had become more aware of his thoughts.

  He brought his lips to hers and kissed her. Deeply. She surrendered to them and let his tongue brush inside her mouth. That, too, was a devastating sensation. Her knees felt weak and she had to rely on his arms to hold her upright.

  His kiss was long, and drew deep inside her until she was sure he was searching her soul for whatever secrets she still held. She followed his lead and glided her tongue along his, ignoring everything but the warm vibration that began at her lips and spread through her whole body, down to gather in a trembling heat between her legs.

  She huddled closer into him, holding tight and guiding his appendage toward that heat. The wanting was too much. Nothing mattered but getting Devin inside her.

  “Come on,” he said, breaking off the kiss almost abruptly.

  He was backing her toward the wall, and she was glad for something to lean on. He would hold her there and plunge himself into her. She strained to hold herself up higher, thrusting her throbbing center toward him. Any second now she would feel it…

  But the wall behind her gave way. Devin had reached around her and released some sort of latch that caused it to swing open. It was not a wall but a door, paneled with wood like the rest of this boat. Behind it was another small room.

  She staggered back but Devin held her. She wanted to ask what was happening, but his lips had taken over hers again and the waves of sensation this brought were washing over her. She barely noticed when her backward steps were halted by a long, low object behind her.

  Instantly Devin had her up in his arms. Her feet were off the floor and he was holding her. His kiss never stopped, even as he was lowering her down to lie on something soft. Her body sank back into fabric, which was smooth like an oyster shell, but soft and comfortable. It molded around her body and it smelled like Devin.

  “Satin sheets,” he said as she rubbed the fabric between her fingers.

  She nodded, as if his words held meaning for her.

  He smiled. “Now just lie back and relax.”

  She did. Right away she knew this position was more accommodating for joining. Devin was over her, stretching his tall body out beside her. The smooth fabric against her body allowed her to wriggle her body to the perfect place. She felt his appendage pressed against her at just the right spot. All she would have to do was push herself toward him and…

  He bent forward and pulled one of her nipples into his mouth. Her nerves responded with a flash of sensation like a storm over the water. She trembled and tingled with electricity that only grew stronger as his hands roamed over her body. Every part of her was alive to him; the slightest move of his hand across her belly, the gentle demands of his mouth on her breast.

  Then he was touching her where she most wanted to be touched. It was so wonderful, so overwhelming, that she cried out. She never wanted him to stop touching her. She wanted more.

  She arched her back to get closer to the wonderful pressure of his hand. He obliged, letting her move against him until two fingers dipped inside her. She breathed out her delight. If only it were more…she had to have more of him.

  “You’re so ready for me,” he said, leaving her nipple to whisper into her ear.

  “Please, Devin, I need you!”

  She was begging but didn’t care. She’d do anything to get him to fill her, to stop this spiraling tumble into desire that was almost painful.

  He shifted position and for a moment she was afraid he was leaving. Her fingers dug into his skin, clinging for dear life. She pushed against the soft platform beneath her to bring herself closer to him.


  But he just moved over her again, this time directly in position so that she could feel his hardness against her.

  “Shh, I’m not going anywhere,” he said gently.

  She knew he would not leave her aching this way, but the burning inside her was so strong she could barely think straight. Her senses felt heightened, her skin prickled everywhere, and the hot juncture between her brand-new legs throbbed for something she knew only he could provide her.

  “Come inside me, Devin,” she pleaded.

  “Don’t worry.” He smiled and kissed her lips again. “I’ll take care of you, Aliya. But you haven’t done this before and it might…”

  She didn’t wait to hear what he had to say. Using those wonderful legs she pushed herself up toward him. She felt his appendage, hot and solid. She shuddered with a thrill as she felt him press against her. It was what she needed more than breath itself.

  Holding him urgently, she wrapped her legs around him. His appendage was huge; at least that was her impression. It would fill her entirely and finally give her what she wanted so very badly. Why was he not helping her? Her fingers raked his back, forcing him to join with her.

  “Devin, I need you now.”

  “Oh God, Aliya,” he said. His resistance was gone—at last—and he drove himself into her.

  She gasped for air. It was beyond her imagining. Her body was overcome by a brilliant white flash of sensation: pain, pleasure, longing, d
esire, joy. Devin was inside her.

  Legs tight around him, she gripped him with every muscle she possessed. How could she ever let him go? How could she ever live apart from him again?

  But any thought of the future was lost as Devin moved. Slowly, he pulled back. Her nerves flamed at the sensation. Before she could beg him not to leave, though, he thrust forward again. She moaned.

  “Aliya.” He breathed over her. “Is this all right?”

  “It’s perfect,” she said, letting her eyes drift shut to concentrate all her energy on feeling.

  “You’re so tight, so wet…,” he said, but went back to silence as he continued the gentle motion of thrusts and tantalizing retreats.

  Aliya rocked with him. Any initial discomfort was gone and forgotten as Devin became the entire universe for her. She met his pace, feeling herself hover in a place halfway between today and eternity. Colors swirled behind her eyelids.

  Gradually she was aware of a change in their tempo. Her pulse was speeding up, and Devin’s motions matched it. His thrusts became more insistent, plunging farther and farther into her, connecting with parts of her she could never have imagined.

  Something was welling up inside her, too. She felt it building, growing. As Devin’s breathing became more labored she found herself holding more and more tightly to him. Was she even breathing at all? She didn’t know.

  He was fairly pounding at her now, faster and faster. She was unable to control her body and simply clung to him and waited. Something was happening; she was being washed away by a tidal wave and had no desire to save herself. She wanted the wave. She’d let it crash over her with all its force and drive her downward until she was left to float helpless in its wake.

  And there it came, just as big and violent as she knew it would be. Her body reacted, arching and writhing under Devin’s continuing onslaught.

  She was loud. “Devin…oh! By the Depth of the Deep, don’t stop ever!”

  But then the wave hit him, too. She felt it, both in the physical spasms that wracked him and in the wild emotions and images that coursed through his thoughts. They surged together, her cries echoing with his fierce growl. At last, he collapsed down on top of her. Finally she understood the human fixation on this all-consuming act, the sounds she’d heard when Devin had been with his many partners, the urgency she’d sensed in their vibrations.

  This time his fixation had been on her, the sounds had been her moans of passion, and the urgency had been of their own making. It was wonderful. Amazing. Everything she could have hoped for. And she wanted to do it again.

  Chapter Ten

  Kyne the Summer Fairy fought it as long as he could, but finally he gave in. Even the air around him smelled like passion. He had to follow it, and he did. His wings flared in the breeze and he flew.

  The scent and the sensing led him back out over the lake. Somewhere out there, lovers were entwined in that horrible, wonderful thing humans did. Their joining, mating, sex…whatever they liked to call it. Making love, even. That had a nice ring, but Kyne couldn’t quite believe it fully described what went on.

  What humans did was primitive and carnal—a thing of earth and earth creatures. Creatures of the Air only ever spoke of it with distain and raised eyebrows. It was clearly nothing a fairy should be interested in.

  By the Skies, how he’d tried not to be.

  But he was. His body craved it; his mind dwelled on it. When he was near humans doing it, strange vibrations resonated in the air and he felt it. Then he reacted.

  Kyne hated himself for his weakness. He threw a hundred accusations and taunts at himself. Damn this burning in his blood, his imperfect fairy body that betrayed him like this.

  Yet here he was, helpless to keep from seeking out the vicarious release he got from nearness to the humans. He would find them, then soak up those strange and alien feelings that would surround him in their vicinity. It was the only way he had found to get some relief from this desire that continued to build up inside him.

  He only hated to think what would happen when even this proved not enough. He knew beyond all doubt that eventually the foreign urgings would grow too strong to be satisfied by simply being near the humans and their passion. Someday his body and his mind would finally ruin him in the eyes of Fairykind.

  He didn’t like the idea of being exiled, but there was a worse worry. How far would he let things go before the others would realize his problem? And who would he drag down with him?

  One pink Wish Fairy was immediately in his mind. Again.

  No, he’d never do that to Raea. She deserved better. He wouldn’t think of her that way…except that he did think of her that way. He could imagine everything quite plainly, as a matter of fact: Raea with her elegant pink wings fluttering over him, moving closer, reaching for him…

  By the Clouds, he wasn’t going to let himself think about that. It was wrong and he was better than that. He may be half human, but he was half fairy, as well. Fairies—not humans—had been the ones who took his mother in after what that human brute had done to her. They’d welcomed her back under their protection despite her condition, and they’d helped raise him and teach him the Ways.

  He was a fairy first and foremost, no matter what tainted blood ran in his veins.

  So why did he tremble as the air brought senses of passion to him? By the Skies, he felt it stronger than ever tonight. He closed his eyes and homed in on the source.

  There, off to the north of him, he felt the humans. Their passion was strong. He followed it, flapping with all his strength only to pull up to a stop when he saw the boat.

  He recognized it. It was the same boat he’d visited last night, drawn there by the same man. One of Raea’s wish recipients.

  Damn, was she here tonight? He scanned the horizon, the skies above him. No sign of Raea. Thank the Clouds.

  He tried to push her from his mind but couldn’t. Reveling in the passions he could feel emanating from the boat, it was impossible not to think of Raea. And oh, so sweet.

  He dipped lower in the air, closer to the boat. Inside, he could hear the humans now. There were moans of pleasure, murmurs of contentment, and the sounds of bodies moving against each other. It sounded like ecstasy.

  There was no excuse for him to be this close to the human vessel, but he moved in ever nearer. He touched it. Tentatively, he hovered beside a window. Did he dare? He shouldn’t. But he had to.

  He peeked.

  The humans were well occupied and didn’t notice him, so he stayed, watching in awe. The man was tall and well formed, with dark hair and suntanned skin. He was definitely the same man who had been on this boat last night. The female was slighter, but not like any other human Kyne could ever recall seeing.

  She was especially fair. Her hair was almost translucent, and her skin was as pale as if it had never been touched by the sun before. But it was being touched now.

  The man ran his hands over her as she made throaty sounds, encouraging him for more. They kissed, they clung to each other, and the man’s body drew back, then pushed forward as he entered the woman. She raked his back with her fingernails.

  It was beautiful.

  Kyne gave in and allowed himself a moment’s fantasy. How would it be to have a female come to him that way, willing and open? She would let him touch her, taste her, drive himself into her the way this human male did to this female. It would not be disgusting or criminal. It would be wonderful, and so very, very satisfying.

  He faltered, his wings forgetting their rhythm. Damn it all, he knew better than to get so carried away. His body ached, the evidence of his damnable human parentage growing stiff at his groin. And he had no one to spend himself on as the man inside the boat did.

  It was stupid to put himself in this position, to follow the leading of passion. He drew in a deep breath, but the air was so full of the lovemaking it made him dizzy. He shouldn’t have come here. He should have stayed away—far, far away.

  “You’re amazing,”
he heard the man say, his voice thick and lazy.

  Kyne tried desperately to calm his pulse and regain control of his wings, but he couldn’t help overhear the couple inside the boat.

  “You make me feel things I never thought possible,” the woman said.

  Her voice was like a sigh that floated in the air and hung over the water’s surface. It was an odd voice for a human. Where had Kyne heard this sort of voice before?

  “And you make me feel things I never thought possible again,” the man said. “How did I get so lucky to pluck you out of the water like that?”

  “You must have been wishing for it,” the woman said, then laughed.

  It was just meaningless banter, Kyne supposed, but he couldn’t help wonder at the woman’s words. The man’s next statement was just as intriguing.

  “Hell yeah, I was wishing for you all day. I swear, Aliya, after last night I was obsessed with finding you again.”

  “I know,” was all the woman said before she changed the subject. “But now you’ve found me, Devin. Let’s not waste any of our time together.”

  The man murmured something softly and she giggled. Kyne forced himself not to look, but he was sure they were touching intimately again. His body ached. What he wouldn’t give for someone to touch him that way.

  “And to think,” the man said after a heavy silence, “an hour ago you’d never done this before.”

  “You’ve been an excellent teacher,” she said.

  The woman had been inexperienced. A virgin? And was it a coincidence she’d spoken offhandedly of wishes? Could be. Then again, this man was known to Raea. Kyne suddenly had a feeling he knew a bit of what was going on here.

  This was Raea’s little virgin already. Had she really won their bet so quickly? Well, obviously this was a man who would have taken the bait easily enough. But how on earth did Raea find the woman and get her involved with him so fast? Kyne needed to get to the bottom of this. Whatever was going on here, something simply did not feel quite right. What had Raea done?

  The couple was laughing and whispering endearments. Hard to believe, but Kyne could feel the electricity crackling through the air as their emotions began to escalate toward yet another physical encounter. Did these humans possess some strange telepathy? Or was the passion simply so strong that Kyne was beginning to develop his own? He swallowed back his forbidden emotions and physical response.


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