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Kissed by the Wave: A Forbidden Realm Novel

Page 22

by Serena Gilley

  “Yes, so very wrong. But I want it. With you.”

  And she felt the last inkling of his calm disappear. He growled and grasped her hands firmly in his, pinning them against the smooth rock up over her head. She drew in a surprised breath, but her heart beat in anticipation. He was not fighting her now. He was beyond worrying about codes and society and the Fairy Council. He was giving her what she needed and she loved him with every breath for it.

  He moved over her and his weight prevented her from moving. She had a brief flash of panic, then the moment took over and she realized her fantasies were about to be fulfilled. His engorged human penis was throbbing against her tender flesh.

  She opened up to him. Yes, yes, yes! She wanted to cry out, but the air and the words would not come. Silently, then, she thrust herself up to meet him.

  With an animal groan he pushed into her. She gasped for breath that dragged slowly into her lungs. He was huge. He was hot. He was so very, very human. He was exactly what she wanted.

  “I’ve dreamed of this, Raea,” he breathed. “I’ve wanted you so badly. Are you sure this is what you want?”

  “By the Creator.” She finally managed to gasp. “It’s perfect, Kyne. So perfect.”

  Her words seemed to reassure him. He kissed her heartily on the lips. She was overwhelmed by sensation and failed to notice at first when he began withdrawing his manhood from her tender core. What? He was done with her? But she was far from done with him!

  “My Raea…,” he said, then thrust firmly back into her.

  She felt every inch of him. So hot, so hard, so demanding. He withdrew slightly again, only to come crashing back into her. She moaned.

  “Perfect, yes,” he said. “Everything I’ve ever wanted.”

  She responded by clinging all the tighter to him. She wrapped her legs around him and concentrated on matching his rhythm. He was so powerful, so strong. She felt safe like she never had before, as if they were the only souls on earth and nothing mattered but drawing him farther and farther into her quivering body.

  His thrusts intensified and she was rocked against him the way she’d seen humans do when they coupled. She held on for dear life. It was as if she’d left her own body and was carried far away from anything she’d ever known to a place that was all light, all pleasure. And Kyne was her entire universe.

  “I’m sorry, Raea,” he said between rasping breaths. “I can’t stop. I need to have you.”

  “No, don’t stop. This is right…this is heaven.”

  And he obeyed her. The thrusts continued as she felt herself raised higher and higher, as if to the peak of a very tall mountain. She called out his name and he answered with kisses and filled her completely, her body and soul. Surely she would die from the emotions and sensations. And she didn’t care.

  Suddenly they were tumbling, leaping from the pinnacle of that mountain. Raea felt something let go inside her. It was the release she’d needed all along, but it was overpowering, intense. She buried her face against his shoulder and whimpered.

  “Kyne, I’m falling! Oh, by the Stars, Kyne, don’t let me go…”

  “You’re safe,” he said, and was gripping her tightly. “I’ve got you, Raea.”

  With a final thrust and a loud roar ripped from his very spirit, she felt his release. He was pouring himself inside her, and she was helpless against the gale force of ultimate pleasure that racked her body. She shuddered against him and cried his name to the skies.

  Slowly she became aware of the world around her again. She was surprised when her eyes slipped open to notice they had never actually left the rock. She could have sworn they’d been floating on clouds. Kyne’s body was warm and heavy against her, pinning her to earth with his manhood still softly pulsing inside her. She felt a peace she’d never felt before.

  Exhausted, he finally slid over to lean on his elbow, cradling her against himself.

  “I knew it would be good with you, Raea,” he said. “But I never dreamed it could be like that.”

  “Amazing,” she agreed, nuzzling against him.

  “You were right when you said nothing would ever be normal again. How can it be? Everything is different.”

  She reached out and stroked his golden skin.

  “Everything is better.”

  He kissed her forehead. “And I will make sure you always believe that.”

  “Oh?” she asked, feeling limp and drained and completely happy. “Just how do you plan to make that happen?”

  “Maybe I’ll make a wish,” he suggested.

  She laughed. “As I recall, you don’t get a wish until you’ve won a certain bet.”

  He kissed her neck. “And as I recall, the bet’s over. You cheated.”

  “Maybe, but you did give me a whole week to complete the task. I can still prove my point in the allotted time.”

  “I think you’ve already proved it quite thoroughly,” he said, running a finger from her throat, over her breast, and down to the slick area between her legs. “Humans are a sordid lot.”

  She sighed under his touch. “So, does that mean I won after all?”

  “Hardly. In this wager, I’m clearly the one who got the prize.”

  “That’s corny, even for you, Kyne,” she said. “You really are incredibly human, you know.”

  “Not so much,” he said and nibbled her ear lobe. “Humans generally require several long minutes between pleasure sessions.”

  She glided a hand across his thigh to take his manhood into her grasp. Solid and ready for action. She grinned.

  In so many ways, Kyne was human. In all the important ways, he was more than that. In the most important way of all he was hers. No code and no law could ever change that.

  The future might hold some difficult decisions, but that didn’t matter tonight. Tonight was for wishing and, fairy or not, she would grant all of Kyne’s without haste. And a few of her own while they were at it.

  “I wish you weren’t so far away from me,” she murmured.

  Like magic, his body was covering hers again, his warmth filling her soul and his forbidden humanness filling her being. She was willing to bet they’d be doing this a lot from now on. A whole lot.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  The water was cool over Aliya’s body. Her muscles flexed and relaxed, reacquainting themselves with her old, familiar form. It wasn’t that she didn’t like her human body—she loved it, actually. But she loved her usual form, too. She dived down under the water and let herself glide easily through it.

  Devin was sleeping, back on the boat. Exhausted from their antics. She had slept, too, but woke before him. The sky on the eastern horizon was just beginning to show glimmers of dawn. Misty rays spread upward from the lake, fingers that brushed the wispy clouds with pinks and golds, all softly diffused by the chill of early morning.

  She broke back through the surface to admire the sky. She’d never paid much mind to it before, considering air just another part of the dry that meant very little to her life. Now the whole world was opened up to her. She would be a creature of the land with Devin. He would take her into his world and make her his wife.

  It was exciting, and frightening. Devin would help her make the transition, though. She would learn his ways and her new life would be more than she could have ever dreamed of here in the lake.

  A sound at the boat caught her attention and she turned. She felt Devin’s presence before she saw him there, leaving the warm cabin to stand and watch over her on the deck. They were far from the shore and the water was calmer than usual today. He stood peacefully there, his naked skin glistening with moisture from the cool air. The light was just bright enough that she could see him smile.

  “I hope you don’t mind that I left you,” she said.

  “As long as you intended to come back,” he replied.

  “Of course. I just thought I might come for a swim, but now that you’re awake, I will come back on board.”

  “No,” he said, stretching hi
s waking limbs and shaking his head. “I’ll come where you are.”

  She was going to warn him that the water was probably too cold for a human so early in the day, but he dove off the side of the boat and split the water expertly just a few feet away from her. She bobbed in the wake he made, laughing that he had splashed her. She waited for him to resurface so she could splash him, but there was no sign of him.

  Just as she began to get worried, something brushed past her fins. She startled, then dropped down under the surface. Her eyes detected his movement, but she relied on her senses to locate him. He had gone down fairly deep, under the boat. Immediately she reached out her thoughts, hoping he wasn’t in trouble.

  But then he shot past her, moving as fast as any fish and every bit as agile. She felt his laughter and realized his mind was as open to her as any mermaid she knew. She felt his surprise, but the lightness and love that filled his mind, too.

  “I can hear you down here,” he said, though there was no speaking.

  “You have reached my mind,” she explained. “I had no idea you would be able to do that.”

  “I seem to be damn good at swimming, too,” he replied. “These gills work like a charm.”

  “And you are not too cold?”

  “It’s refreshing, but I’m okay. How about you? Any negative effects of spending another night as a human?”

  “I’m fine,” she assured him.

  He moved up next to her now, pulling her into his arms and stroking the length of her with his hands. She pressed against him, sliding in the cool water and wrapping her body around his. She could feel him respond.

  “Yes, you are fine,” he teased, taking her breasts into his hands.

  She knew he could feel her response, too. It seemed no matter how many times she gave herself to pleasure in Devin’s arms, she would never quite have enough of him.

  “I hope not,” he said. “Because I’m never going to have enough of you.”

  “We’ll have to go back to the boat for that,” she reminded him.

  But he wasn’t ready to leave.

  “Not just yet. I want you to show me your world, Aliya. Let me be here with you, get to know you in your home.”

  “My home is with you, Devin. I thought you wanted me to live with you on land?”

  “I want you to be my wife,” he explained, pulling her up close to him and rising just enough so that there was light to look into her face. “You will be my wife in the water as well as on the land. And I want you to feel at home in both.”

  “But you want to know about my world?”

  “I love you, Aliya. I want to know everything about you, whether we’re wet or we’re dry or we sprout wings and start to fly.”

  “Oh, I hope we don’t do that. How confusing would that be!”

  “But we’d find a way to make that work if we had to, wouldn’t we?”

  “Yes, of course we would. And I cannot wait to learn about your world. If you are happy there, Devin, then that will be my home.”

  “There’s a cheesy old human saying: home is where the heart is,” he said, and she didn’t think it sounded cheesy at all. “My heart is right here with you, Aliya.”

  “Then welcome to our home, Devin, because my heart is wherever you are and you are right here.”

  He held her tighter and she melted against him. There was no need to think about air or about breathing. They both just did what came naturally and let their bodies drift in the darkness, touching each other inside and out. They spoke their vows silently, bound together by a kiss that ignited flames no wind and no wave could ever extinguish.

  About the Author

  Serena Gilley grew up reading fantasy and fairy tales, and believing there was a distinct possibility that both were real. Somewhere. Even all these years later, Serena’s belief in magic and mystery hasn’t diminished. In fact, she is living out her own happily-ever-after with a handsome prince in a beautiful castle, taming dragons and granting wishes every day. Okay, so the prince is a regular guy, the dragons are really just teenagers, and the wishes she grants are as spectacular as frozen pizza on Friday night, but it’s a fantasy world just the same.

  Learn more at:

  Please turn the page for a preview of the next novella in the Forbidden Realm series,

  By the Magic of Starlight

  Available Fall 2014

  Chapter One

  It might have been the phase of the moon, or maybe it was the heady, sweet scent of summertime in the air. She really wasn’t sure what caused it, only that her body was helpless against it. That warm, electric wave of forbidden desire was washing over her again and she could do nothing to make it stop. She’d been forced to leave tonight’s gathering place and seek the chilled solitude of the Great Lake.

  She headed for the darkest, loneliest stretch of shoreline she could find. At least here she could burn for things not allowed and no one would know about it.

  “Hello, Raea. I’m glad you found me.”

  Raea’s body instantly reacted to Kyne’s warm, deep voice. It was in perfect contrast to the cool blue moonlight and the calming, wet air coming up off the lake. Fairies were generally unaffected by mundane physical things such as air temperature, but lately Raea had noticed herself becoming more and more aware of her physical surroundings. She was more aware of all sorts of physical things.

  “I wasn’t looking for you, Kyne,” she said, her eyes searching the shadowed landscape around her until his form became visible.

  He sat on the low, sandy ridge that flanked the rocky shore of the lake. The cool light of the moon toned down the fiery oranges and gold in his coloring, yet the very sight of him made her insides grow hot. No, she hadn’t been looking for him intentionally, but it was all she could do to hide the fact that she was awfully glad to have found him.

  “You seemed to be looking for something,” he drawled in that self-assured tone that drove her half crazy. “And I’m definitely something.”

  Oh, but his cockiness grated. Especially because he had good reason to feel so overly confident. Kyne wasn’t like other fairies. He had something…special. She just wished she could somehow stop wanting it.

  But now here they were. Together. Stillness surrounded them, sweetened by a light breeze and the distant call of birds as they darted about, looking for a place to settle in for the night. Languid waves lapped at the shoreline, making a watery rhythm against the age-rounded stones strewn everywhere. It was peaceful, and very, very empty. They were entirely alone.

  “It’s good to see you, Kyne,” she said, pretending it was easy for her to stare out at the lake, to ignore his golden coloring, his unfairylike broad shoulders, his strong, well-formed wings. “I’ve been very busy lately, and—”

  “You’ve been avoiding me,” he said, not allowing her to complete the lie. “And to be honest, I’ve been avoiding you.”

  She shouldn’t have been disappointed in his words, but she was. “If you’d rather not be around me, why don’t you flap on back to the gathering place where you’re supposed to be?”

  “Why don’t you?”

  Oh, he was infuriating. She knew better than to enter into foolish banter with him, but somehow she just never could help herself when it came to Kyne. She always did the wrong thing with him.

  “Because I want to be alone,” she replied.

  He pointed out the obvious. “But you’re not alone. You’re with me.”

  “Not intentionally.”

  “Then why aren’t you leaving?”

  “I think I will.”

  “No you won’t. You’re going to stay here.”

  “And why would I do that?”

  “Because you don’t really want to be alone, Raea. And truthfully, I don’t either.”

  She refused to agree with him. She couldn’t let him know what she felt, what his presence was doing to her. She’d fallen prey to these feelings before
and she didn’t dare allow it to happen again. No matter how badly she wanted it—had been wanting it since that one single time that she’d let herself forget her breeding, her station, the very foundation of her existence here behind the Veil in the Forbidden Realm. She’d let passion take her over and it had been wonderful. Amazing. Magical.

  But she could never let it happen again.

  It should have never even happened once. What they had done was…well, it was forbidden. It was dangerous. It could unravel the carefully constructed Veil that for millennia had kept their world safe and protected from humans. Giving in to that passion was foolish and reckless. It was very nearly the worst crime a fairy could have committed.

  And yet here she was, sensing Kyne as he left his perch on the knoll to come toward her. She could practically feel his eyes on her, roaming over her pink form with all the hunger and tenderness of a lover’s touch. She wanted that touch so badly her body felt weak, as if starved for the very thing that might keep her alive.

  “I’ve missed you, Raea,” he said softly.

  “You saw me two days ago at the end-of-week gathering.”

  “That’s not enough.”

  “It has to be, Kyne.”

  “It isn’t. We can’t go on this way,” he said, his voice ragged from fighting back the very same emotions she felt herself crumbling under. “I can’t, at least.”

  “But we have to,” she said and finally turned to face him. “It’s just the way things are, Kyne. You live your life and I’ll live mine and we can never let any of it overlap.”

  “Is that really what you want?”

  “You know as well as I do that our wants don’t matter. They’re wrong. Very wrong.”

  “They don’t feel wrong.”

  By the Skies, he was practically touching her. She could feel the heat from his warm, summer body. She was becoming mesmerized by his deep amber eyes. She was falling into the swell of desire that always threatened to take her over when Kyne was near. She was allowing herself to be seduced.

  “We should never have allowed ourselves to feel those things in the first place. It’s dangerous; it’s foolish. It’s how the…” She stopped herself before she said more than she ought.


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