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Memory: Volume 2, Trials to Bear, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice)

Page 13

by Wells, Linda

  “You needed me.”

  “I did, but you were here for a year before Ellen died. You, for all your declarations of independence are not a woman who likes to be alone. You are strong because your husband forced you to become that way, but falling in love again, or for the first time,” Harwick squeezed her hand and she looked up, “will not make you weak. I know Fitzwilliam; he is a strong, loyal, and honest man. I can imagine that there are layers of pain beneath his uniform that ache for relief. He assured me that his injuries, while no longer life-threatening, made him unfit for battle. He will not be leaving the country again. It is safe to care for him. And clearly Eva,” Harwick took the crumpled letter she held in her grasp, “he cares for you.”

  “He does. He told me so.”

  “Ah.” Harwick waited and he saw the longing raging in her eyes. “Give him a chance, dear. And perhaps by the time I have finished wooing Miss Stewart, you will be ready to find your home at last.”

  “Maybe.” Evangeline whispered. “Will you be long, do you think?”

  He laughed loudly and hugged her. “Oh dear, I have no idea!”

  19 OCTOBER 1809

  Our guests begin to arrive today; I look forward to it, not just because these are our friends and family, but also because having more people here will give me more time with Fitzwilliam. With Jane as our only guest, we have felt obligated to remain with her, and we have had no opportunity to steal away for walks alone or even to simply sit together in his study and answer correspondence. It feels very much as it did when we were first engaged, and Jane is our chaperone once again. I suppose that we simply do not wish to inspire her disapproving words as we did before when we displayed our feelings. Without a doubt Fitzwilliam is growing impatient with the constrictions and I notice that he seems to urge me to retire earlier and earlier each night, for my health, of course. And naturally, he must accompany me. Perhaps with more guests in the house, they may entertain each other and we can return to enjoying some moments alone beyond the cloak of darkness.

  Darcy’s lips twitched and he placed the ribbon on the page then looked up to notice Elizabeth’s eyes sparkling at him from across the room. He nodded emphatically, and delighted to hear warm laughter erupt from behind the hand she pressed to her mouth. Clearing his throat, he glanced at Jane’s curious expression then back to Elizabeth. “What news does Mary’s letter bring?”

  “She is getting along fairly well. The other girls were impressed with her wardrobe, and Georgiana made it clear that Mary was her sister, so nobody has delved too deeply into the subject of Longbourn. She looks the part it seems, and she has decided that it is not deceitful to leave them to their conjectures so long as she does not proclaim herself to be something other than she is.”

  “It seems that Mary is learning how to work her way around society without even realizing it.” Darcy observed.

  “She seems to have found a way to reconcile it within her heart.” Elizabeth smiled and his mouth lifted. “She is definitely enjoying her music lessons although she would rather not spend more time with the sewing mistress. Georgiana is undecided, but Mary feels that she seems overly friendly.”

  “How does she feel that Georgiana gets on?” He rose and settled beside her on the sofa, and peeked over her shoulder at the letter.

  “She also enjoys her music lessons, and is paying earnest attention to everything that is presented. She is, as Mary puts it, a truly engaged student.” Elizabeth put down her letter and leaned against Darcy’s chest. Immediately his arms came around her and he pulled her close. They both looked up to see Jane blush with the display. “I am sorry to embarrass you, Jane. We will stop.” She began to move away, but Darcy refused to let go.

  Jane noticed his refusal with some relief. “No, actually I was wondering if something was wrong between you.”

  “Really?” Darcy broke his gaze with Elizabeth and looked to her. “Why is that?”

  “Well, you have always been so affectionate with each other, I have certainly caught you enough times, and it seemed that you have barely held hands since we arrived here.” Jane looked at her own clasped hands. “I hope that you have not withheld your affections because you fear my becoming jealous again. I am over that and very happy to see your love displayed so freely.”

  Elizabeth and Darcy looked at each other then back to Jane. “I am glad to hear that you feel this way now. I suppose that is what was keeping us … behaved.”

  Darcy chuckled. “And now we have license to misbehave?”

  “Within reason, I suppose.” Elizabeth laughed and he grinned. “Thank you, Jane. You are too good.”

  She smiled to see them settle into their embrace. “Why do I think that I have made a terrible mistake? Now I shall certainly be ignored as you two gaze at each other.”

  “Now you know that our guests begin arriving this afternoon, so you will surely have good company. I so look forward to seeing everyone and catching up on the news. Mr. Bingley undoubtedly will have stories of …” Elizabeth stopped and her eyes grew wide.

  “Elizabeth?” Darcy turned to face her. “What is it?”

  “Shh!” Elizabeth commanded.

  “Lizzy?” Jane stared and watched as her sister’s hands drifted to the slight bulge in her waist, and jumped when she gasped. “Lizzy!”

  “Dearest!” Darcy cried. Elizabeth grabbed his hands and placed them over her belly. “What … The baby moved?” Elizabeth’s head bobbed rapidly. The room became silent and they waited.

  She jumped again and beamed at him. “Did you feel it?” Darcy’s head shook. “Ohhhhh. He must be too small, yet. But, oh Will! It is real!” They threw their arms around each other. A footman appeared and seeing their occupation averted his eyes and spoke to Jane.

  “Miss, a carriage has arrived. Should I disturb …?”

  “No, I … I will go.” She glanced at the embraced pair and smiled, they were oblivious to her departure. She walked to the front door to find Bingley entering. “Mr. Bingley, it is so good to see you safely arrived.”

  Bingley laughed and handing his things to the waiting maid walked forward and bowed. “It is good to have at last ended the journey! Where are our hosts? Do not tell me, my friend Darcy is somewhere about the grounds tracking down his wayward wife as she tests his nerves by walking briskly about the park?”

  Jane smiled and took his offered arm. “No indeed, the happy couple is enjoying a moment of private celebration. Your arrival rescued me from acute embarrassment.”

  “Ah, Darcy. A man after my own heart.” Bingley smiled as they walked back to the sitting room. “Tell me, what do you think of their humble home?”

  Jane laughed at his description. “It is rather intimidating, beautiful, but far more than I can imagine ever wanting.”

  “I do not believe that your sister wanted it either, but she has adjusted.” Bingley looked about and sighed. “I will never have the like either, but I will always be happy to visit.” He smiled down at her and she nodded. “I surmise that I am the first arrival?”

  “You are, Mr. Stewart and Miss Stewart will be here soon, and I believe that Colonel Fitzwilliam travels with them. Then Mr. Harwick and his sister will arrive together as well.” Jane looked down to her feet.

  “Does that bother you, Miss Bennet?” He asked quietly.

  She looked back up to his warm green eyes and shook her head. “No, both of us deserve to find love in marriage if we can.”

  A slow smile spread over Bingley’s face. “That is a notion that I do not believe I would have entertained quite so fervently had I not witnessed the bloom of the Darcys’ joy. It is now something that I hope to experience myself one day.”

  “For both of our sakes, I hope that we are successful in our quests, sir.” Their eyes met and both tilted their heads to smile and nod.

  “Bingley!” Darcy called and strode forward to take his hand. “When did you arrive?”

  “Hours ago, I have been waiting impatiently for my hosts to greet me b
ut nobody heard me scratching at the door.” He laughed and grinned. “I understand that celebration is underway? What is the occasion?”

  “The joy of life, my friend.” Darcy’s eyes glowed with pride. “Come, Elizabeth is waiting for you.”

  “Ah yes.” Bingley straightened and walked forward with Jane, then followed Darcy into the sitting room where Elizabeth was patting her hair. He happily took her hands as he bowed then kissed one when he straightened. “There is no need to fuss, Mrs. Darcy. You are glowing and lovely as ever.”

  “As are you, Mr. Bingley.” She laughed.

  “Flattery is always welcome, please do not stop now!”

  “Bingley, may I remind you that Elizabeth is off the market?” Darcy said sternly.

  “Why do you think that I feel free to flex my skills with her, Darcy?” Bingley laughed to see his glare. “I can see what is effective with a lady but be in no danger of leading her on!” He tapped his head. “I am a thinking man!”

  Darcy let an exasperated breath escape before taking Elizabeth’s hands firmly back into his. “There is no need to be quite so charming. You are not …”

  “Ready to marry, I know, I know.” Bingley turned back to Jane. “Have you noticed that your brother often sounds like a fearsome old aunt? I rather feel sorry for his children. They will have no fun at all.”

  “I believe that I can agree with that!” They turned to see Fitzwilliam enter with the Stewarts behind him. “Before you complain of your staff, Darcy. I waved them off and led the way.” He kissed Elizabeth’s cheek. “You, my dear, look beautiful.”

  “I think that I will like having guests if they insist on flattering me!” Elizabeth laughed.

  “It seems that some rules need to be established.” Darcy shifted his glare to his cousin who grinned and went to greet Jane. “Stewart, Miss Stewart, welcome.”

  “Thank you.” Stewart smiled and turned to Elizabeth. “Shall I add to the chorus?”

  “Consider it done, sir.” She returned his smile and felt Darcy’s hand slip around her waist and draw her to his side. She smiled to see the possessive glint in his eye. “Laura, I am so pleased that you could come.”

  “Oh, when I mentioned that we were coming to Pemberley, you would not believe the interest it raised!” She leaned forward and whispered. “It is a much-sought invitation.”

  “Why?” Elizabeth looked up to Darcy.

  “Because nobody outside of family and Bingley have been asked for ages.” He smiled at Stewart. “So you should be doubly honoured.”

  “Oh I can see where this house party is going already.” Stewart sighed.

  “Sir, another carriage has just entered the park.” A footman announced.

  “That will be Harwick.” Darcy took Elizabeth’s hand. “Perhaps this time we should greet our guests at the door?”

  “I will wait with you.” Fitzwilliam announced and cleared his throat when he caught Darcy’s eye. “Quiet Cousin.”

  “I … I would like to come as well.” Laura said softly. “I have not seen … Mrs. Carter for so long.”

  Fitzwilliam broke the startled silence and offered her his arm. “Well then Miss Stewart, we shall together greet brother and sister.” He bent down as they followed the Darcys to the door. “I wish you luck in your quest.”

  Laura blushed and looked to her shoes. “And I wish you luck in yours.”

  “STOP RIGHT THERE.” Darcy commanded Elizabeth.


  “Now turn to your side.”

  “Fitzwilliam, what are you about?” She laughed and turned so that she faced the windows instead of the bed. “Anything else?”

  “Yes, be still.” He sat up on their bed and gazed upon her. The glow of the fire exposed her body through the fine fabric of her nightgown and there, finally visible, was the evidence of their baby. Elizabeth followed his gaze and biting her lip, smoothed the fabric over her stomach. “There he is.” Darcy said softly.

  “Or she.”

  “Or she.” He held out his arms and she climbed up to curl under the covers and into his embrace. Darcy kissed her and she rested her head on his shoulder. “Do you still feel him?”

  “I did after dinner when Richard was making me laugh so hard.” She looked up to see his head shaking. “Although really watching all of you boys posturing was highly entertaining. I think that you have wonderful friends.”

  “I do.” Darcy kissed her softly and laughed. “Although I would say that I heard a fair amount of cackling coming from the female side of things. You and Laura seem to be very well-suited.”

  “We are.” She gave him a belated pinch and he jumped. “Cackling? So you compare me to a crone?”

  He nipped her ear. “You are a temptress.”

  “mmm.” Their mouths met for several moments of soft kisses. Elizabeth licked her lips and he growled before gathering her tighter to his chest. “Did you see how Mr. Harwick’s eyes followed Laura everywhere she went?”

  “Did you see how red she blushed when he exited the carriage and took her hand?”

  “And how he nearly forgot to hand his sister down?”

  “Did you hear him trip all over his tongue when he tried to talk?”

  “And her nervous laughter?”

  “And their inane conversation?”

  “And how he kissed her hand when she left for the evening?”

  “And how her brother had to guide her upstairs?” Darcy’s eyes met Elizabeth’s. “I am very happy for them.”

  “I am as well. I hope that over the time they are with us, they will relax and be able to talk comfortably. Perhaps we could walk out to the stables and go riding?”

  “You are not riding, my love.” He said sternly. “No risks.”

  “Now that is silly, Emma is the most gentle of ponies. I was not proposing that we leap fences!”

  “No, but Miss Stewart is a very accomplished horsewoman, and she would, and you would feel obligated to keep up. Perhaps Richard and Mrs. Carter could ride with them. I am sure that Harwick’s sister is every bit as fond of horseflesh as he is.”

  “Because they grew up together?” Elizabeth laughed and saw his brows rise. “Dear, how alike am I to my sister?”

  “I stand corrected, then.” He smiled and rested his forehead to hers. “Richard is lost.”

  “I know, and Mrs. Carter wants to be.”

  “He knows.” Darcy smiled and shrugged. “He is willing to be whatever she wishes, as long as she does not send him away.”

  “I do not think that will happen. She was as blushing and nervous as Laura, and I have never seen Richard so … silly.”

  “I have, but that is another story.” Darcy laughed to see her pursed lips and ran his fingers through her hair. “I have known him a little longer than you, my love.”

  “Hmm.” She closed her eyes and sighed with his touch. “That feels so nice.” He chuckled and her eyes opened to see his twinkling. “Will she say yes, do you think?”

  “I hope so, for both of them. We looked at the townhouse she was given. It is modest but the location is very good. Of course we did not see the interior.”

  “Whose idea was that?”

  Darcy shrugged. “She gave Richard the address and that is all. Of course he felt that she was asking for his approval.”

  “I think that all of these couples will do much better if they just say what is on their minds.” She kissed his growing smile. “We did.”

  “After a fashion.” He sighed. “And what of Bingley?”

  “What of him? He is as sweet as ever and as you are fond of saying, he is not ready for marriage.”

  “Do you know why I say that?” Darcy asked and watched her face. “Besides the obvious answer that he is too young and has no estate and all the rest?”

  “Why then?”

  “He loves you.” He watched Elizabeth’s brow crease. “Well not love, perhaps it is a spectacular crush, but he cares for you.”

  “We are friends, Fitzwilliam, no
thing more.”

  “I know.” He hugged her tightly. “I know, but as long as that exists, he will not be ready to love, or at least care for another. And I think, if I am not mistaken, your sister likes him.”

  “I think that he likes her. So now what do we do?”

  “We do nothing.” Darcy said positively. “It is up to him. He has to marry off his sister, he has to establish himself in society, and he has to find himself an estate to purchase or if possible, lease. And all of this next spring when we will not be in town to mentor him.”

  “Why will we not …oh.” Elizabeth giggled when Darcy’s hand caressed over her belly. “How quickly I forget. By next spring you will be unable to hold me on your lap, I will roll off!”

  “We will work something out.” He kept his hand in place and they kissed. “Is it quiet in there?”

  “At the moment.” She laughed. “I cannot wait for you to feel it, too. Audrey says that it can be rather painful.”

  “Painful?” He looked down and spoke sternly to her belly. “See here young man or lady, you do not cause your mother any pain!”

  “I am sure that he heard you, dear.” They looked at each other and laughed. “Oh this is so nice.” Elizabeth’s eyes closed. “We must invite many ladies of the neighbourhood over for Mr. Stewart. He is the odd man out, it seems.”

  “I thought that we were not going to be matchmakers?” He tilted his head to see the little smile that played on her lips, and unable to resist any longer, he lifted her up onto his lap, and settled his back against the headboard. “mmm this is better.” His lips began roaming her face as his hand did the same over her breasts. Untying the top of her gown, his hand slipped beneath the fabric to touch the warm soft skin, and tease her dark, hard nipples. “These are growing, my love.” He whispered as he tasted her ear. “They beg to be suckled.”

  “Yes they do.” Darcy nudged her cheek with his nose and she turned her face to meet his mouth, while her hand caressed his chest. “mmm.” Elizabeth withdrew and his tongue peeked between his lips. She saw his eyes remained with her mouth and she returned to kiss him once again. Now his arms wrapped completely around her and they continued the caress. “Oh Will.” She whispered shakily and kissed his throat.


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