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Memory: Volume 2, Trials to Bear, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice)

Page 27

by Wells, Linda

  “We will be continuing on to London from here.” Layton observed. “We have decided that she will have her confinement at Matlock House, I am anxious to be on our way as soon as possible tomorrow, we think that we have a few weeks, but … well, I will be glad to arrive.”

  “I can certainly appreciate that. We have decided to remain at Pemberley.”

  “I am surprised at that.” Harwick led the way into his study where Lord Moreland sat and Stewart was manning the port. “I would have sworn you would opt for the best hospital or the surgeon with the greatest reputation, and they are to be had in town.”

  “I have opted for the midwife with the greatest reputation.” Darcy accepted a glass and sank into a chair. “I have hired Mrs. Griffiths to be Elizabeth’s monthly nurse.”

  “Oh, I have heard of her!” Layton took a chair and smiled. “She will do well for you, I am sure. We will have a male midwife, we hope anyway, I have made the arrangements. I received a letter from a friend, Jacob McMasters, you know him? Well, his wife went into labour and the accoucher was too late for the delivery. The housekeeper did the job. McMasters sued him and won a pretty rich amount, took his wife on an extended holiday when she was up and around again with the proceeds.”

  The men laughed and Fitzwilliam grinned. “Well, if your business is delivering babies, it is good to be there on time.”

  “You never know how long it might take. Unpredictable little devils.” Lord Moreland raised his glass to point at Stewart. “You were a troublesome one for your poor mother.”

  “So I have heard every year on my birthday for as long as I can remember.” He smiled sheepishly and shrugged. “I do make sure that she receives a gift that day.”

  “Instead of you?” Harwick chuckled. “Your mother is brilliant!”

  “OH YES, MY DANIEL ALWAYS REMEMBERS ME on his birthday!” Lady Moreland nodded and lifted her chin triumphantly.

  “My mother is excellent at laying on guilt, but I never had her expect recompense for having me.” Elizabeth laughed and the ladies joined her. “Oh this is so nice to be with you all again!”

  “Is Fitzwilliam a nervous wreck, Elizabeth?” Alicia tried to reach the sugar and Evangeline moved to fix her tea for her. “Thank you, I look forward to bending again.”

  “Or seeing my toes.” Elizabeth looked at her feet ruefully and shook her head. “Two more months, I cannot imagine myself any larger; and yes poor Fitzwilliam is such a dear. I know that I am nonsensical much of the day. That cannot help but add to his worry.”

  “I remember eating nothing but marmalade and muffins for days and days, and then when Henry had ordered our poor cook to make endless batches of it, I suddenly could not stand the sight of it!” Lady Matlock laughed. “That was with Audrey.”

  “How is she?” Elizabeth asked. “I received her letter about the birth, but have not heard from her since.”

  “She is well, it is difficult for her to write, her hands are still a bit sore from all the swelling she had. You two girls look svelte compared to her, poor thing.” Lady Matlock said sadly. “I was quite concerned for her and the baby, but thankfully they both came through it well.”

  “It is a blessing.” Evangeline agreed quietly. The ladies exchanged glances and Elizabeth spoke up.

  “Now, tell me all of your wedding plans!”

  “It is very simple, Elizabeth. Neither of us wanted anything too much.” Laura took Evangeline’s hand and squeezed. “Our concerns are calming our nerves for the ceremony.”

  “You are nervous?” Elizabeth smiled. “I remember being so frightened of disappointing Fitzwilliam.”

  “That would have been impossible, my dear.” Lady Matlock assured her. “And I say the same to you ladies. My Richard is the happiest I have ever seen him, Eva. I can only imagine his joy will be bursting from him tomorrow morning.”

  Evangeline smiled. “Thank you, I look forward to making him happy.”

  Laura nodded, “I am not so worried for Jeffrey’s happiness, he tells me so often of his joy, and I already love the girls.”

  “I had my talk with Laura about what to expect tomorrow night.” Lady Moreland announced to her daughter’s embarrassment. “I did my best.”

  “Oh I hope that it was better than what I did for Elizabeth.” Lady Matlock sighed.

  “What did you say?” Lady Moreland asked and Lady Matlock shook her head.

  “No, I will not presume to give another talk like that again. When Georgiana’s time comes, I leave it to you, Elizabeth.”

  “I imagine that it will depend on the man she chooses.” Elizabeth smiled at Laura. “I have a feeling that you have nothing at all to fear. Mr. Harwick reminds me of Fitzwilliam.”


  “And Richard does as well.” Elizabeth addressed Evangeline. “They are both gentle and loving men.”

  “I have an inkling that the other men have planned a bit of a send-off for the grooms this evening.” Lady Matlock sighed. “So what shall we do to entertain ourselves, ladies? Will it be whist or gossip?”

  ELIZABETH AWOKE to the sound of stumbling footsteps across the floor of the bedchamber. “Elizabeth?” She heard a soft, almost frightened, voice call. The bed curtains began to move and were suddenly thrown wide apart. She faced in the glow of the firelight the searching eyes of her very dishevelled and obviously worried husband. “LIZZY!” He fell upon her and she gasped.

  “Will!” He held her possessively and showered her face in kisses. Elizabeth managed to put her hands on his shoulders and push him away, then held his head in her hands. “What has come over you?”

  “I … I, oh Elizabeth, I must have had a nightmare, I dreamed …” He sighed and sat beside her on the bed, drawing her against him. “It does not matter, I awoke and you were not beside me.”

  “You must have been so confused to wake in a strange room.” She stroked the hair from his brow and smiled at him.

  “I was, and it never would have happened if I was in the bed where I belong. We never sleep apart, why …why was I banished to my own chambers?” He searched her eyes.

  “Mr. Darcy, look at yourself.” He furrowed his brow. “Go ahead, what are you wearing?”

  Darcy looked down. He was dressed in breeches and a shirt. “Where are my night clothes?”

  “Do you have any memory of last evening?” She tilted her head. “Perhaps of a strange servant leading you to bed? He certainly would not have expected you to be sharing mine.”

  “I … We were celebrating, after you retired, and Richard suggested that we toast …” A look of comprehension came over his face. “Richard! He got me drunk!” He stared at her incredulously. “I never drink to excess! What did that fool do to me?”

  “I imagine that you must have cooperated in some manner, my love.” Elizabeth smiled.

  Shaking his head he stared at her. “No, you do not know how he operates, he has done this before, believe me, the man knows how to do it.” He held his hands up to his head. “No wonder my mind feels like it is spinning and my tongue feels like it is covered in wool. Oh, and I kissed you with that mouth, I am so sorry, dearest.”

  “Hmm, the woolly tongue was not quite as bad as the fragrance. I definitely prefer you bathed, and wearing sandalwood.” She rubbed his throbbing temples. “Perhaps you would like to wash and come to bed with me?”

  “You will allow your sottish husband room in your bed?” He leaned gratefully into her touch.

  “As it is the first; and hopefully the last time I have seen you this way, I will grant you dispensation for celebrating your friends’ last night of bachelorhood.” She smiled and he frowned.

  “I am not sure if that is why I drank.” He looked at her then lay his hands over her belly. “I remember now, Harwick showed me a portrait of his Ellen. You truly do resemble her.”

  “Oh Will.” She wrapped her arms around him and they rocked quietly.

  “I am trying so hard, love.” He whispered.

  “I am glad that we came
here together.”

  “Why?” He rested his head on her shoulder while she gently stroked his hair.

  “I think that you needed to be amongst some men for a little while and … just relax with them, and I think that it has done me some good to be amongst the women.” She kissed his brow. “I am trying very hard too, Fitzwilliam.”

  He squeezed her, “I know. It helped to talk to everyone in person.. You confuse me.”

  “I confuse myself.” She laughed and squeezed him back. “But it felt good to hear that I am not so silly.”

  “Your tears …”

  “Are normal.” She whispered.

  “Are you sure?” He kissed her and sat up. “I have not read of them …”

  “I think that you have read enough. Those books are doing you no good, only worrying you more. You read and imagine.” She drew herself up. “When we go home, I want you to put them away, unless you intend to give up Pemberley and become a surgeon.”

  Darcy smiled. “That is what Uncle Henry told me, he said I had read enough to frighten me for a dozen children.”

  “Well, let us just have one for now.” She laughed and smiling at his nodding head, climbed out of the bed and held her hands out for him. “Come, let me take you to your dressing room and prepare you for a good night of sleep. We have weddings to attend very soon.”

  He sighed and let her help him up. Wrapping his arms around her he kissed her hair. “I love you, my dear Elizabeth.”

  “And I love you, my inebriated Fitzwilliam.”

  He chuckled and gave her a squeeze. “Get back into bed. I will join you shortly.” The tinkling sound of freezing rain against the window drew his eyes to the closed curtains. “We may not be able to travel home today.”

  She listened and saw his consternation. “I am sure that Mr. Harwick and Laura would be thrilled to have more guests for their honeymoon.”

  “He has no intention of leaving his chambers. I do not think that he really cares about who is here.” Elizabeth gasped and started giggling. Darcy caressed the fallen hair from her face. “I hope that you were kind in your advice to the brides?”

  “That depends on the advice that you offered the grooms, does it not?” She raised her brow and he smiled. “What did you tell them?”

  “I told them to love their wives.” He kissed her and was pleased to see her smile. Dropping his eyes to her belly, he caressed the baby and felt a little kick. “If you ever catch me overindulging in drink again, please discourage me. In any way you feel will garner my attention.”

  Elizabeth wrinkled her forehead and nodded. “I will promise to do just that.” She watched him leave the room and climbing back under the warm covers, listened to the rain. “Such a man I have married.”

  LAYTON PACED THE BEDCHAMBER and pulled out his pocket watch, glanced at the time and jammed it back in place. “What is the delay?” He demanded.

  “It seems to me that I should be the one issuing the commands for time to fly, Brother.” Fitzwilliam stood still while his batman adjusted his uniform and gave his sword a final brush with his cloth. “What is your worry?”

  “I want to leave for London before the day is done! The weather is turning and I do not want to risk Alicia having to wait to travel, it is already too close to her time to be moving there as it is.” He said tightly. “Who marries in February?”

  “Men who do not wish to wait until March.” Fitzwilliam declared. “Calm yourself! Darcy’s worry is rubbing off on you. The weather is fine. You will be off for London in three hours.”

  Harwick entered the room and grinned at them. “Well, I am ready.”

  “And handsome.” Fitzwilliam grinned back. “Laura will be delighted, I am sure.”

  “Well let us not keep her waiting!” Layton demanded.

  “Brother, if you push me one more time …”

  “Boys, enough.” Lord Matlock entered the room and looking them over, nodded at them in approval.

  Lord Moreland was right behind him and folded his arms. “Here is a sorry lot.” He smiled at the men. “If I am not mistaken, the grooms are far happier than the groomsman … Where is Darcy by the way?”

  “I believe he is making use of a chamber pot.” Richard smirked. “His stomach is not at peace.”

  “He did indulge rather heavily in that fine illegal wine of yours, Harwick.” Lord Matlock noted and laughed when Darcy appeared with Stewart grinning behind him. “Good Lord man, you are green!”

  Darcy wiped his lips with his handkerchief. “I am perfectly fine, now why are we not on our way to the church? We would like to make Pemberley before the weather turns.”

  “YES!” Layton pointed at him and nodded vigorously. “Come on, the time is nigh!”

  “I am of a mind to wait until noon, what say you, Harwick?” Fitzwilliam grinned.

  “It is an idea.” He rubbed his chin.

  “Your brides would not be best pleased, and on this day of all days, you want your wife to like you.” Lord Matlock winked and the men, except Darcy and Layton, laughed.

  “I assure you that my sister would have your head, Harwick.” Stewart proclaimed. “She has been anticipating this hour since the day she first laid eyes on you.”

  “Really?” Harwick’s face lit with a delighted smile. “I felt the same.” A knock sounded and a footman appeared.

  “The coaches are ready, sir.”

  “Ah, at last.” Fitzwilliam cocked his head at Darcy. “Well, Cousin?”

  Darcy smiled and let down a little. “Come on.” The group made their way downstairs and donned their coats. Stewart took his place as Harwick’s best man in one coach, and Darcy walked with Fitzwilliam to board theirs. He saw a glimpse of fear in his cousin’s eyes. “Are you well?”

  “I am going into battle.” Fitzwilliam said softly.

  “Nonsense, you are returning from it.” Darcy assured him. “How many nights have we spent over a glass of port talking of our dreams for home and family? I have not forgotten them, have you?”

  “Of course not, but I never believed mine would come true.”

  “It certainly surprised me that any woman would ever want you.” Darcy sighed and Fitzwilliam startled. “Well look at you! She could do so much better. Poor woman, when she sees those scars tonight she will be running away.”

  “Darcy!” Fitzwilliam growled.

  “And wait until she hears that snore of yours.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean that you rattle the roof. But then she will not wish to sleep with you every night anyway.” Fitzwilliam’s brow creased and he stared down at his hands.

  “Richard.” Darcy said with a smile. “I am joking with you. Your wife will think you the most handsome man that ever walked the earth and if she is like my Elizabeth, she will prefer to sleep by your side, even if you do snore.”

  “It is not kind to torture me today, Darcy. I have told you before that humour does not sit well with you.” He watched the church looming closer. “Is this real?”

  “Shall I strike you and find out?” Darcy offered and Fitzwilliam at last relaxed and chuckled. “I am quite willing, you know.”

  “No doubt, I wait for the day when I am paid back for last night. I think that I was just the recipient of a taste of what is to come.” He took a shaking breath. “Why am I behaving like such a fool? I slept not a wink; my hands … look at my hands!” He held them out and they watched them tremble.

  Darcy smiled. “To paraphrase a wise man, let me say, how fortunate you are to be sleep deprived and nervous on your wedding day. You, Cousin are a man in love.”

  “Who was that wise man?” He smiled. “Thank you. It will not take long, and do not feel obligated to stay. I know that you want to return home.”

  “Elizabeth wants a piece of cake.” Darcy winked.

  “But of course!” Fitzwilliam tilted his head. “How did she feel about your appearance last night, or should I say this morning?”

  Darcy shook his head then clos
ed his eyes against the dull headache that remained. “She decided that it did neither of us any harm, but strongly suggested that I not do it again.”

  “You know Cousin, I am looking forward to being married.” Fitzwilliam said wistfully.

  “Well, it appears that we are here. You made it at last.” Darcy nodded to the church outside their window. He held out his hand and clasped Fitzwilliam’s shoulder. “Congratulations, Richard.”

  He drew a deep breath and smiled. “Thank you, thank you for falling in love so that I could, too.”

  The ceremony was the identical one spoken to every couple marrying in the church, but of course it was unique to the individuals involved. Darcy stood by his rock solid cousin, no steady hand was needed on his forearm. This man knew war, once at his post, the business of watching a woman strolling down an aisle was simple to endure, particularly this woman. Harwick’s eyes were bright with joy, and he stepped forward first to take Laura’s trembling hand from her father, and they gladly turned to face the vicar and awaited Evangeline and Fitzwilliam to join them. Harwick and Laura exchanged smiles and squeezed their hands. Fitzwilliam winked at Evangeline and she rolled her eyes. Darcy stood facing the couples and remembered his day, and found that in his hand he grasped the box containing Elizabeth’s lock of hair, remembered the love radiating from her entire being, and found himself repeating his vows as Fitzwilliam took his. Stewart nudged him and smiled, and told him to turn around to look at Elizabeth. She smiled at him through her tears while Darcy wiped his own and blushed.

  Back at Meadowbrook, the wedding breakfast was well underway when Darcy noticed Richard taking Evangeline by the hand and slipping out into the hallway with a devilish grin on his face. He laughed to see her so willingly following him and imagined that they were not going to wait for nightfall to officially begin their marriage. His gaze moved away to take in Harwick and Laura, and how he was darting envious looks at the doorway where Richard had gone. Go ahead, do it. Darcy urged, and smiled when he recognized Harwick sighing at his own reticence, and settling for a fervent kiss to his Laura’s hand.

  Layton joined Darcy to watch and chuckle at their friend’s predicament. “So, you are happy for them, but you are thinking that there is no possibility that their match can ever approach your own.”


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