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Memory: Volume 2, Trials to Bear, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice)

Page 63

by Wells, Linda

  “How long could it take?” Elizabeth asked breathlessly.

  Darcy laughed, “Oh love, at this point I would say seconds.”

  A knock at the sitting room door startled them and he cursed softly. “Damn.”

  Elizabeth kissed him and called out. “Yes?”

  “The carriage has been spotted on the ridge, madam.”

  “Thank you, we will be right there.” She smiled and looked back at Darcy. “Too late.”

  “Oh, no, you cannot leave me this way.” He took her hand and placed it over his arousal. “It is cruel! We have time. Come … just let me …” He reached to lift her skirts.

  She laughed and gave him a firm squeeze, then slipping off to stand, held his face to kiss him lovingly. “Later, love.”

  “Elizabeth!” He whined and took her hands to place them back where they were, “Please! We have time; we have at least twenty minutes …please?”

  “Guests, Mr. Darcy.”

  “I do not care.”

  “My goodness, are you going to pout? Shall I compare you to Lydia?” Elizabeth held out her hands and helped him to his feet.

  Darcy immediately wrapped her up in his arms, kissing that spot below her ear. “I do not think I am as bad as that.”

  Elizabeth sighed and melted against him. “No, but Georgiana thinks that she is. I just had a talk with her about her fears, I am afraid that she feels that we have forgotten her.” Georgiana leaned closer to listen.

  Darcy spoke into Elizabeth’s hair and moulded her against his body while his hands rubbed continually over her back. “We are hardly ignoring her. She certainly knows how much work I have always had to do.”

  “We are both busy.” She tried to gently push him away, but he resisted. “She has not been here since we had Rosa, and running Pemberley is not the same commitment as Darcy House for me, especially with family coming and having to care for the baby, the tenants’ worries, catching up with all that has been done, and teaching Mary …”

  “And looking after me.” He kissed her softly, unwilling to be distracted from his desire. “How often have we been able to be alone? In the daylight, I mean.”

  She touched his cheek and looked into his passionate eyes. “Not nearly enough, Will. Things will settle down, soon. Our family just wants to check on us for a short while then we can get to the business of truly recovering.” Elizabeth kissed him and caressed his shoulders. “You know that you are always the most important person for me.”

  “As you are for me, love.”

  “I know. I need you, too.” She sighed as he resumed nibbling over her throat, and tried again to refocus his attention. “What do we do with Georgiana? If she turns into Lydia, I will feel like such a failure. I cannot imagine what Aunt Helen would say. What would your father think?”

  “Father would be devastated, as would I.” Darcy murmured and at last seemed to give up his quest. “Why do you think she is so insistent that we be with her all of the time? Why does she demand attention this way? She seems to be getting younger, not maturing.”

  “She said that she has been frightened since we were injured, we are her parents, Fitzwilliam. She has been orphaned once already.”

  “I do not know what to do. Perhaps Uncle Henry can give me some advice when they arrive. We are doing our best, but this so hard. A mistake on our part could change her irrevocably.” She hugged him and Darcy laid his cheek on her hair, and looked out of the window.

  Georgiana listened with her hand at her mouth. I am being like Lydia. She is horrible! Am I horrible?

  “It seems that my conversation has thoroughly discouraged you.”

  “We did not have enough time anyway.” He sighed and kissed her forehead. “I do not want to rush.” He pressed his lips to her ear. “But I am still so ready for you.”

  “I would love to have you.” They rested in each other’s arms and swayed.

  Darcy finally drew a calming breath and opened his eyes. His brow creased. “Elizabeth?”


  “What is that on the floor?” He let go and bent down, picking up the lover’s knot. “Did you drop this when you read the journal this morning?”

  Stepping closer, she touched it. “No, I put it in its usual spot. I suppose you have not touched it?”

  “No.” He picked up the journal and opening it to the last entry, put the ribbon where it belonged. He flicked through the pages and noticed that one was creased. Reading the entry, his eyes softened. Elizabeth leaned against his arm and read it.

  “Oh, Will.” She smiled up at him.

  “You had not seen that one?” He said quietly and kissed her.

  “No.” She kissed his cheek. “But I did see what you wrote on my entry that day.”

  They kissed again, then looked back at the ribbon. “Who has been reading our journals? The staff? How many of them can read?”

  “Adams and Millie can, but they would never touch them. The other maids certainly cannot read, or at least not well. Perhaps they were dusting and it fell out, or they were curious?” Darcy looked at her with raised brows and she nodded, knowing that was unlikely. “Who then?”

  He looked at the journal and spoke angrily, “I am not sure, but when I find out, that person will be dismissed. I will not tolerate anyone invading our privacy. Reading our journals is as despicable as Wickham’s invasion of our home and the injury just as deep. It is as if someone was watching us love each other.”

  Georgiana gasped and ran from the room. In the hallway, she leaned against the wall and hugged herself. Wiping the tears that had fallen down her cheeks, she started moving towards the stairs. “He would never forgive me if he knew!”

  “Georgiana!” Elizabeth called and noted how her sister jumped. “Were you looking for us? We were just going to meet Jane and Robert.” She turned to see Darcy joining her.

  “Oh, oh yes, I thought that I would come to find you, but did not think you were there, I did not hear anything.” She spoke quickly and smiled a little.

  “Are you well? Have you been crying?”

  “Oh … I am fine.” She whispered.

  “Are you sure, dear?” Darcy walked over and wrapped her up in a hug. “Elizabeth told me that you had a talk. We are going to be fine. Please do not worry about us. We feel better and better every day.” He smiled a little and let go. “Come, we have to find Mary and greet our guests. You will have to play for them! I am not sure if they really had a chance to listen at the wedding breakfast.”

  “Yes, Brother. I will be happy to.” She swallowed and looked up to him and to Elizabeth. “I want you to be proud of me.”

  “We already are, Georgiana.” Elizabeth smiled and took her hand. “And we both look forward to you becoming a wonderful woman.”

  “I will. I promise.” She said fervently and hugged her. “I am so sorry!”

  “For what?” Elizabeth asked and looked to see Darcy’s concern. He put his hand on Georgiana’s shoulder.

  “For … for … being so insensitive to your … responsibilities.”

  “Oh.” They looked at each other and smiled. “Perhaps we are too caught up in them.” Elizabeth hugged her. “We are going to try to give up more of them to our staff and make more time for you.”

  “No.” Georgiana let go and wiped her eyes. “I am being foolish and selfish.” She stood up straight and tried to smile. “You are going to be well, and I am going to stop being so silly and worry about my future instead.”

  “Well!” Darcy smiled and looked at Elizabeth. “That was quite a talk you two had!”

  Studying her for a few moments, Elizabeth turned to Darcy. “Fitzwilliam, you go ahead, I want to speak to Georgiana.”

  Darcy smiled and nodded, sure that she would get to the bottom of the situation. “Certainly, I will chase Mary from the library.”

  Elizabeth watched him go then opened the sitting room door and looked at her sister expectantly. Georgiana walked past her and jumped when the door closed. She watched
her nervously. Elizabeth picked up the journal; and turned to frown at her sister. “Were you reading this?” The guilt was written clearly on her face. “How could you invade your brother’s privacy? Our privacy?”

  “I … I did not mean to.” She whispered. “Please do not tell him!”

  “Oh, yes, I will.” Elizabeth stated flatly. “He will be very angry, and I will support whatever punishment he determines is suitable.”

  “Yes, Elizabeth.” She cast her eyes down. “I am sorry. I was just checking to see if Fitzwilliam was well and … It was an impulse. I am sorry. I forgot how many responsibilities you both have. I hate knowing that he thinks that I am not maturing.”

  “Maturing? How can you speak of … You were listening to us!” Elizabeth gasped. “Were you watching us?”

  “I … I … I heard my name.”


  “OH!!!” Georgiana’s hands flew to her face in mortification.

  “Now get yourself downstairs, plaster a pleasant look on your face, and if you know what is good for you, you will not give a hint of what you saw to your brother. It would devastate him to know how terribly you invaded our privacy, and I do not know that he would easily forgive you. After all that we have suffered from a man who thought nothing of entering our home and taking from us our security and health, how terribly do you think we will feel this violation? From you!” Elizabeth turned away to calm and heard Georgiana’s sob. Furious, she turned back and faced her. “And young lady, starting tomorrow, you will have a regular schedule of work. You will practice your piano, you will study your languages, you will read histories and poetry, and you will report to us daily what you have accomplished. You will not waste any more time, and you will not enter this room again without invitation. I will speak to him about your reading his journal. Obviously our talks of the past have left no impression on you. Very well then, if you choose to behave as a child, you will be treated as one. You are going to appreciate what you have been given, and if all of this work is not enough for you, and your brother’s decisions are not effective, I will find you something more stimulating to occupy your time.”

  “What do you mean?” She squeaked.

  “I will just let you think about it.” Elizabeth stormed out of the door, horrified that Georgiana had nearly witnessed them making love.

  Georgiana followed meekly and barely looked up when they arrived in the courtyard. Darcy was watching for the carriage to appear and turned to smile at them. He read Elizabeth’s expression and looked at Georgiana’s downcast eyes. “What happened?”

  “Forgive me, Fitzwilliam.”

  “Forgive you?” He looked to Elizabeth. “And what am I to forgive?”

  “Well, I was going to wait to discuss this, but since Georgiana has chosen to speak …” She looked at him and said quietly, “I found who was reading your journal.” He stared. Elizabeth saw Mary’s jaw drop open. “I have already informed her that her idleness has come to an end and that she will be expected to fill her time with her studies, however education is a reward in my opinion.”

  “I agree.” Darcy said quietly. “We have spoken to you before about privacy. What is your excuse?”

  “I … You went upstairs and looked so grim that I wished to see if you were well, and … When I did not see anyone in the sitting room, I … I have always wondered why those journals seemed so important to you.” She said to her shoes.

  Darcy was speechless and took a moment to think of an appropriate response. “While I appreciate your concern and can understand the pull of curiosity, it is not an excuse for reading my journal.”

  “No, sir.”

  Darcy looked to see Elizabeth’s expression, there was more to it than this, he was sure, rarely was she so angry. Without further knowledge, it was difficult to judge what to do, but as he was the master of the house, it was up to him to make a decision. “Well, since you choose to behave as a child, you will be treated as one. In addition to your studies, you will be taking your meals in the nursery until further notice. Clearly Aunt Helen was correct in her assertion that you should remain there until you are seventeen.”

  “But … but this is family coming to visit!” She cried.

  “Yes, and they will certainly appreciate seeing their mother’s ways adopted here. We have been too lenient, it seems.” He then took Elizabeth’s hand and felt her squeeze his in approval. He squeezed back and turned to address Mary. “How was your exploration of the library?”

  She was watching Georgiana and startled. “Oh, it was fascinating! I never really had the opportunity to explore Papa’s bookroom. I only entered when he was present and I was invited.” She glanced at Georgiana. “But I think that I could be lost for years amongst the volumes of your library. Right now I am simply trying to learn where everything is.”

  He smiled at her. “Perhaps you should consult the map hanging on the wall by the door.”

  “A map.” Mary shook her head. “Of course.”

  “There is a book below it that has every title recorded, as well as its location and category.” Elizabeth added.

  “Well. I have learned my lesson, the next time I will ask.” Again she looked at Georgiana and then back to see Darcy smiling at her, and blushed with his approval.

  A carriage that had seen better days entered the courtyard and came to a rest before them. Footmen appeared, opening the doors, and immediately began taking down the luggage. Lucas stepped out and shaking his head, looked at the mansion before him, then with a smile, handed out Jane. She flew into Elizabeth’s arms and the sisters began talking over each other. Mary joined them for more hugs and Georgiana hung back until Elizabeth pulled her hand to join them. Darcy blew out his cheeks and walked over to shake Lucas’ hand.


  “Thank you.” He gestured to the woods. “I thought we would never clear the trees! When we entered the drive and heard the three shots from the gatekeeper, I nearly hit my head on the roof I jumped so high! Then to hear it repeated twice more as we continued to travel … How far is it from the gate to here?”

  “About three miles.” Darcy said softly then lifted his hand to rub his temple. “So you understand the need to repeat the signal.”

  “I do.” His gaze travelled over the building. “It is beyond anything I have ever seen, Jane’s description clearly was not fanciful as I supposed.” Lucas’ smile faltered when he noticed Darcy’s pained expression. “We are forever indebted to you for this gift.”

  Darcy saw his concern and straightened. “You are enjoying your privacy?”

  “I cannot begin to describe it.”

  “You do not need to, I surely understand.” Darcy looked to the women and smiled. “And I hope that you know; you are under no obligation to spend your time with us. Please take full advantage of our home and enjoy your honeymoon. There are many wonderful places to explore, inside and out. Stay as long as you like or move on to the Peaks and stay with us afterwards. There is no agenda.”

  “What a congenial host you are!” Lucas laughed.

  “I remember the early days of our marriage, and occupation with people other than my wife was frustrating. Admittedly, it remains that way.” Darcy noticed Georgiana was looking at him sadly and his smile fell away. His disappointment appeared before he managed to mask it.

  Lucas looked between the siblings. “Mother suggested bringing Charlotte along as a companion to Jane. Although she would have loved the trip, especially to visit Eliza, I know that this time alone with her is a rare and precious gift.”

  “You value your privacy.” Darcy murmured.

  “When you live in a small home with six other family members, yes you do.”

  “You value it when you live in a mansion as well.”

  LOOKING BEHIND HIM as they rode away, Lucas saw the exp
ression of relief on the men’s faces. He faced forward again then spoke to Darcy. “I am overwhelmed.”

  “What has amazed you?” He nodded to Nichols, who moved forward to join his assistants and left the brothers alone.

  “Forgive me, I did not mean to interrupt your work.”

  “No, Nichols was just confirming some information.” Darcy smiled a little and adjusted his seat. “As you saw, I was merely asking Mr. Johnson’s expectations for the harvest.”

  “You were reassuring your tenant that you are well.” Lucas glanced back to see the men gathered and watching them ride off. “I imagine that there was great concern over the fate of Pemberley should you have died.”

  “I imagine that you are correct.” Darcy stared ahead and let the horse set the pace. “Pemberley goes to Elizabeth upon my death, to be held for our daughter for now, or to our eldest son should he one day come.”

  “Eliza?” Lucas was surprised. “Is there no entailment?”

  “It was broken when I came of age, Father did not prepare a new one before he died, I am not sure why. I am grateful though, since I was free to assure her that this was her home for life. I have written the agreement to assure that a child of Darcy blood would always be in this home. No husband will come along and assume its ownership, so should we only have daughters, Rosalie’s eldest son will inherit, or her eldest daughter will maintain possession until she has a son. Eventually some child of Darcy blood is bound to be a boy.” He glanced over to Lucas with a small smile. “I will not suffer as Mr. Bennet does, with no heir.”

  “That is an interesting solution you have devised.”

  “I see the results of a family in crisis because of uncertainty daily in the example of Elizabeth and Mary, and soon enough I will have another sister to look after in Kitty. I will not let my family be without a home merely due to their sex.”

  “I will remember this when we have our children. My father knows nothing of these things, and nothing has been prepared for our little home.” Lucas mused. “Thank you.” He saw that Darcy only nodded and cleared his throat. “And I … thank you for tolerating my company as you look after your estate. It has been a great experience.”


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