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Memory: Volume 2, Trials to Bear, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice)

Page 65

by Wells, Linda

  “You know everything?” Georgiana gasped and sat down on the bed. Mary took a seat beside her.

  “I was in the library when you came in. Lord Matlock saw me when he was walking around.” Mary stared at her. “You watched them expressing private love to each other. Between a man and wife.” Georgiana looked down but not before she saw the disappointment in Mary’s face. “Lizzy has spoken to me of what happens privately between a married couple. She has told me of the physical experience, but she has spoken more to me of the emotional one, from her words, I sense that what they display before our family is nothing to what she and Fitzwilliam share when they are alone. How could you trespass on that?”

  “I … I just could not walk away.” She sniffed.

  Tears slowly tracked down Mary’s face. “Did you know that Fitzwilliam is going to hold a celebration for my birthday? For me. I am … I am not a shadow to him! Elizabeth and Jane tried to encourage me, but living in Longbourn it was so hard to be anything special. It was not until Elizabeth found Fitzwilliam, and she changed so much that I … I got to feel a little bit of the love they share. They love me. I cannot in any way express how … The gratitude I feel for them, taking me into their home, giving me an education, giving me a family who cares for me … How can you treat that like … like … chattel!” Mary stood. “You are jealous of the time that they wish to be alone? Do you not understand that their strength comes from their time alone? They have conquered too much to … to …bend to the will of a spoiled girl.” She sniffed and turned to the door. “You have a wonderful family. You should be grateful. You could have grown up in mine.” Mary walked out and closed the door behind her.

  15 AUGUST 1810

  Georgiana has just left us. She came to the nursery door and asked for permission to enter. I admit that I was of a mind to send her away, Fitzwilliam was suffering so, but in the end, I thought he would rest easier having the conversation now. So I sat with Rosalie in my arms and Fitzwilliam sat beside me while Georgiana stood before us and apologized. I do believe that this time it was sincere. I sensed genuine sorrow and shame, and perhaps a clear grasp of the root of our disappointment. It would be unreasonable to expect her to love a mother she never knew, and Fitzwilliam understands that, but it is not wrong to expect her to value this woman, and more so her father, who she did love and esteem.

  I believe that so much of Fitzwilliam’s hurt comes because he feels his duty to his family so deeply. So deeply in fact that he came a hairsbreadth from rejecting his love for me for fear of disappointing his father. Fitzwilliam feels that duty, honour, impeccable behaviour and honesty are hallmarks of the Darcy name. While I have only been a Darcy for a brief time, I too value those qualities, but more so, I have seen firsthand what the effect of poor behaviour unchecked can bring, and I would be devastated to see Georgiana become what my sister and mother are.

  We did not ask for promises or make demands. We listened to her, told her that we love her, but that we expect her to prove to us she has learnt her lesson, and that she has to earn our trust again. Fitzwilliam told her that she is fortunate that my birthday fell as it did, otherwise she would not be back at the dinner table so soon. I believe that she understood that all is not forgiven until she demonstrates her improvement.

  This has been exceptionally difficult for us to address. We are very grateful for Uncle Henry’s offer of intervention. We are learning more every day how to be parents.

  Darcy leaned over her shoulder and kissed her cheek. “It is our own fault, you know.”

  “What is?” Elizabeth turned to look up at him.

  “We took her out of the nursery, we encouraged her to be part of our lives, and not be relegated to being silent and demure until she was deemed old enough to marry a man.”

  “Marry a man to whom she is silent and demure.” She laughed and stood up to hug him. “Never ever tell your husband of the troubles you had all day while he was away. Give him a perfect home, a perfect meal, a lovely countenance, and a willing body.” He chuckled and rested his cheek in her hair. “Then leave him to enjoy his bed alone.”

  “Sounds ideal.” He yelped when she pinched him. “I believe that was not in the handbook you read, and by the way, that surely is not the life your father enjoys.”

  “Definitely not, nor will you.” Elizabeth sighed and she looked up to him. “How do you feel?”

  “Better.” She kissed his brow and smoothed his hair. “I do, love. I think that we understand each other.”

  “I think that we caught it just in time.”

  “What do you mean?” Darcy’s brow creased. “What do your fear might have happened?”

  “I do not know dear, but unchecked, who knows what Georgiana may have done?”

  Chapter 25

  “Good morning.” Darcy whispered. Elizabeth turned in his arms and kissed him. “Good Morning.”

  “May I be the first to wish you a very happy birthday?”

  “You may.” She laughed when he nuzzled his face against her throat. “Fitzwilliam! That tickles!”

  “Does it?” He rubbed his bristly cheek over hers.

  “Will!” She gasped and writhed when his hands fell upon her waist and he began to tickle her. “Fitzwilliam Darcy!”

  “I love you.” He grinned and kept at it as she squealed and started tickling him back. “Oh no, my girl!” He rolled on top of her and pinned her hands above her head. He kissed her and they lay breathing heavily and smiling. “I love you.”

  “What are you about, Mr. Darcy?”

  He chuckled and kissed her slowly. “I love you.”

  “I love you.” She laughed and wrapped her arms around him as he slipped his under her shoulders. “What are you plotting?”

  “Hmm.” He kissed his way down her throat and started nibbling. “I have never tasted a woman of nineteen years before.” His head popped up and his eyes twinkled. “I have tasted one of eighteen years many times, I am delighted with the change.”

  Elizabeth pinched him and he pressed his hips against her. “You grew bored with the child you tasted before?”

  “Nooooo.” He returned to his nibbling, working his way down her body. “Hmmm, thirsty.”

  “Ohhh.” Elizabeth’s back arched as he licked and suckled, then burying his face between her breasts, he sucked hard. “Ow!”

  “I am simply making sure that everyone knows you are mine.” Admiring the strawberry he had left, he licked it and kissed the mark. “Mine.”

  “Nobody but Rosalie and Millie will ever see that.” Elizabeth cried out when his eyes lit up and his teeth nipped below her ear. “That does not give you permission to bite my neck!” He blew on her throat and resumed his kissing. “Oh Will.” She sighed.

  “Relax.” Darcy whispered and sitting back on his heels, he stroked his hands down over her belly, “I want to give you your first birthday gift.” He touched her. “If you want me?” Elizabeth sat up and stroked over him with both hands. Darcy’s eyes closed. “I am supposed to be pleasuring you.”

  “Take me to our glade.” She whispered as he leaned forward and pressed her into the pillows. “Ohhh, love me by our tree.” Darcy settled comfortably and caressed her hair while they kissed. “This is so nice.” Elizabeth sighed when he moved to taste her shoulder. Their hips moved in lazy circles, and she rested her feet on his thighs. “Will?”

  “hmmm?” He smiled as her hands massaged over his shoulders and down to his buttocks. “That feels so good, love.” She laughed and he finally lifted his head. “You were saying?”

  “I was saying … Oh, I asked you to love me by our tree, but it seems that you preferred not to wait.” Her eyes sparkled and he chuckled. “No?”

  “Do you mean to say that you would not like me in both places? Only one time today? It is your birthday, whatever you want, you shall have. Even if I am forced to perform endless acts of love today.” Darcy groaned when she caressed his bottom and he drove his hips forward, making her gasp. “And do not think for a mome
nt that I could not meet your demand.”

  “I never had a doubt.” They kissed and settled back into the steady motion of their embrace.

  Elizabeth suckled his throat while he moaned and moved his lips to her ear. “I made a terrible mess of your birthday last year. This year, I intend to do very well by you.” Darcy raised his head from where it rested on her shoulder to see her eyes smiling at him, while his smiled in return. Slowly they rocked together and sighed. “A gift we both will enjoy.”

  LUCAS AND JANE walked hand and hand down the hallway, and passing the master’s chambers, he paused. A smile spread over his face and Jane blushed, and tugging his hand, pulled them along. “Shame on you!”

  “I am not the one moaning, that is our brother.” He laughed and turned his head when the sound of laughter filtered through the door. “Can you imagine us making such noises at home?”

  “Oh Robert, do not speak of it!” Jane whispered and hurried them out of the hallway and away from the family bedchambers. “Not in public!”

  “My dear Jane, who do you see?” He spread his arms and stood at the top of the marble staircase. “Only the echo of our voices is here. Nobody rises early except servants and our hosts.” He turned and slipped his arms around her for a hug. “And it seems that they have risen quite nicely.”

  “What has come over you?” She laughed when he let go and they started down the steps. “You are different.”

  “How so?” Lucas kissed her hand and they walked into the breakfast room. “I am happy.”

  “Well of course, but it is something else.” Jane shrugged and they stood together lifting lids and looking at the offerings. She took some buttered toast and chocolate, and he opted for something more substantial. They sat down and enjoyed the solitude. A maid silently went about her duties and a footman stood outside of the door. “You are growing used to Pemberley.”

  “I am. It is such a beautiful place. It is not just a house, you can feel … Can’t you feel it, Jane? There is a rhythm here, a heartbeat.” He laughed. “I sound ridiculous, I know, but when I stepped in the door that first day and saw for myself the splendour I … I was tempted to turn tail and run back into that carriage. Those three shots when we entered the gate were disconcerting enough.”

  “I told you that the park is ten miles around.”

  “Yes, and with the surrounding farmland it is more. Darcy could spend an entire week doing nothing but riding about the estate, and still not see it all.”

  “Yes.” Jane sighed. “It is a little overwhelming.”

  “Just a little.” He smiled and looked around the beautiful room, then out of the open French doors. “I thought that Netherfield was grand. It is nothing to this. I now understand what Pemberley is all about. The responsibility, the dedication, the care that this place requires, it makes me appreciate all that our brother has on his shoulders.”

  “It is quite … large.”

  “Large?” Lucas turned to her and laughed. “You have a gift for understatement, my dear. It is magnificent; it is ponderous in its enormity. As soon as we cleared the trees and gazed down upon it, I understood exactly your feelings of discomfort. I can only agree that I feel completely inadequate within these walls, and it makes my admiration for Darcy grow.”

  “I feel differently now.”

  “Why, my dear?” Lucas smiled and took her hand. “Has it grown on you?”

  “I am here with you.” She blushed. “I suppose that it makes all the difference in the world.”

  “Last time you had Bingley.” He frowned. “That is not something that I like to know.”

  “But I did not feel comfortable here until it was with you. Does that not bring you relief?”

  “Of course.” He held her hand possessively. “I am foolish, I know, for being jealous of a man who ultimately rejected you. I suppose that I never thought that I would have my chance once you left Longbourn. You cannot imagine … Well, of course you can. Your mother’s tongue.”

  “Planning my future.” Jane sighed.

  “All those rich men who apparently did not trip over you.” He smiled and shrugged. “Forgive me Jane; I still cannot believe my good fortune.”

  “Who would you have chosen if I had found a rich man?” She smiled and he looked down at his plate. “Come Robert; give me someone to glare at when we go home.”

  “You cannot glare.”

  “You know that I can, you told me it was a quality you wished to see in me.” He laughed. “You wanted a country girl. Who would have won you?”

  “I am no fool, Jane.” He kissed her hand. “Nobody.”

  “I do not believe you.”

  “Believe whatever you like.” A maid entered with a basket of freshly baked buns and they grew quiet. Lucas watched yet another servant delivering a tray, and sighed to himself.

  “Oh!” Georgiana entered nervously. “Am I interrupting?”

  “No, not at all. Please join us.” Jane smiled and Lucas found his. “Did you sleep well?”

  “Oh, no, not really.” Georgiana took her usual chair and nibbled on a bun. “I have a great deal to think about.” She glanced out at the hallway. “Do they all hate me?”

  “Hate?” Lucas turned to Jane.

  “That is a rather strong word. I would say that they love you, which is why they feel so much concern.” She smiled kindly. “We are not privy to what occurred, but I would say that … The discipline you are receiving is … appropriate.” Georgiana only blushed.

  “It is your brother’s position as your parent to tell you what is expected.” Lucas added.

  “Your parents set boundaries for you?” Jane asked him.

  “Oh, yes.” He laughed. “Father and Mother did not tolerate disrespect, even if they themselves have a knack for foolishness. Their sins were of … I suppose ignorance of social skills for the society they had entered, and enthusiasm on my father’s part that is boundless.” He saw Jane’s nod and Georgiana’s confusion. “Mother gossips and Father is a busybody. I learned my proper behaviour at school.”

  Mary entered the breakfast room. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning.” Jane watched as she took some toast and sat down away from Georgiana. “Did you sleep well?”

  Mary opened her mouth to quote scripture and stopped. “I slept well enough.”

  Lord Matlock and Layton appeared together, and greetings travelled the room. He made a point of greeting Georgiana. “It is good to see you with us.”

  “Thank you, Uncle.” She whispered.

  Settling with a large plate of food, the elder man looked pointedly at the empty master’s chair. “So, any wagers on when our hosts will arrive?”

  “We are to enjoy our morning without them.” Jane informed him. “Fitzwilliam has plans for Lizzy, and we will see each other this evening.”

  Layton smiled and winked at Lucas. “I can imagine what these plans involve.”

  “Whatever it is, I am sure it will be precisely the gift Eliza wished to receive.” Lucas said stiffly.

  Lord Matlock studied him. “Will you come shooting with us this morning, Lucas? Without Darcy or my son Richard along, we have a fighting chance of actually bagging a few birds.” He smiled at Jane, “Of course, if you would rather be honeymooning, I certainly understand.”

  Lucas looked at Jane then turned back to the Earl. “If you do not mind then, sir, I would prefer the opportunity to enjoy the peace of this estate with my bride.”

  “You would be a damned fool if you did not.” Lord Matlock laughed and coughed at the wide-eyed look he received from Jane. “Forgive me. Somehow I forgot that you ladies were here.”

  “Well that is not a surprise.” Lady Matlock said from the doorway.

  “Good morning, my dear.” Lord Matlock stood and kissed her cheek. “Was your night restful?”

  “Of course.”

  “Of course, how can one not sleep well at Pemberley?” He declared. “Ah, but we will be home before much longer.”

“Did you see my wife?” Layton asked worriedly when she did not appear.

  “She will be along soon.” Lady Matlock met his eye. “She is a little peaky.”

  “She is ill?” He immediately stood and left the room.

  “Ill?” Lord Matlock watched his wife carefully. “With anything of a lasting nature?”

  “It will end when the time is right, I suspect.” She smiled and he raised his brows. “Time will tell.”

  “So soon.” He shook his head and cleared his throat when he noticed all eyes were on them. “Well Lucas, Jane, I understand you are to continue on your journey? Perhaps you might join us at Matlock for a few days before going to the Peaks?”

  Jane and Lucas exchanged glances. “We would not think of trespassing …”

  “Why not, we will be?” Singleton laughed when he and Audrey entered. “We will be there for a few months.”

  “It will be nice to be at Matlock again.” Audrey smiled and sat next to Jane. “It would be so good to have your company; we have not really had a chance to know each other well.”

  “Thank you, but … Mr. Lucas and I were considering remaining here for the length of our visit.” She looked over to him and he lifted his head and smiled. “I am afraid that we will rarely have such an opportunity to be with the Darcys, and if they will tolerate us, then we will remain for a few weeks before we need to journey home.”

  “Hmm, and to the reality of your lives.” Lord Matlock mused.

  “Sir?” Lucas bristled.

  “Oh, I meant no harm, Lucas. It is simply an observation. Visiting Pemberley to us is as much a holiday as it is to you. Returning home means facing all the work I have left to my stewards, despite Layton’s presence.” He nodded to his son. “I have not been at Matlock since Christmas. I imagine you will have things waiting for your attention as well. The honeymoon is over, and the marriage will begin in earnest.”


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