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The Seventh Chakra

Page 68

by J.R. Bowles


  Michael hadn't told the other's that he had made reservations for them all to travel to Roanoke tomorrow morning. He had reserved eleven seats. He figured that after the next opening he would tell them what he did. Their flight was scheduled to leave at ten. It didn't give them much time for sleep but they would be there before 1:00 in the afternoon.

  The Reverend Lamb had slept most of the morning but Michael had to give him an injection to make him sleep after he had awaken and started to protest he was being held prisoner. Michael felt sure all of the others would be agreeable about going to Roanoke but he still wasn't sure how he would convince the good Reverend to go along without force. He had made enough reservations to cover all of the centers and all of those who had been drawn into any of the openings. He guessed he had better call down to tell Rudy that he was going along. He didn't want to take him along but he had experienced Jamal's opening. After listening to them talking when they were together he deciphered that Rudy was the only one working. So he would be the only one who would have to make arrangements to be off.

  He was going to tell him he was going. He shook his head. Rudy was the type that like to be ordered around. Strange as it is, that was just the way some people are. He might as well tell the others while he was at it.

  He heard John ask Zolar to go with him back to the Coast Guard base. He didn't know why John had wanted him to go but Zolar was the next center. He would be the key that would help them all understand what was taking place.

  The Reverend was going to be the problem but he would figure it out.

  He had called them all and told them the plan. They had been agreeable. He hadn't reached John or Zolar but he was sure they would be agreeable. He had been right about Rudy too, the man had balked until he told him in no uncertain terms, he would do as he was told and he then became extremely appeasing.

  He had been shocked when he was told by Mindy that their friend Azid had been killed. He wondered what had happen to the man. Mindy said she would have to check with Jamal but she felt sure he would go without any problem. It was just that Jamal had wanted to be alone for a while to mourn his friend.

  There was something about her Michael couldn't quite put his finger on. Almost something callous, yet she had made him promise to call the airlines back and tell them she would be bring that scruffy looking cat she had found.

  She had been gone a long time last night and Azid left shortly after her but he hadn't returned when she did. Apparently he hadn't been seen alive after that. He wondered how Azid had died. It was very strange indeed.

  Michael suddenly had a thought and went to the phone.

  “Give me Clarets,” he said into the phone. He waited for several minutes for the detective to come on the line.

  “Clarets, this is Michael. When you investigated the births that took place at the hospital you said one of them had died, a young girl, I want you to investigate that death for me.” Michael paused.

  “Give me a call back here tonight. If I'm not in, leave a message but whatever you do I need the information by tomorrow evening. I'll be in Roanoke tomorrow, so if you haven't called me by then I'll call you.”

  Michael listened for a moment and then said, “Listen I've supported you and your agency for years. I don't give a damn what it cost, I don't care if you have to wake up people in the middle of the god damn night! I want that information. Hire as many as you have too and I assure you, it will be worth your while. Just get me information.”

  He hung up the phone and turned and stared at his other problem lying unconscious on the bed. How was he going to get the preacher to be cooperative?

  Picking up the phone again he punched in several numbers.


  “Hello Jackie?”


  “This is Michael, I need to talk with everyone. It's about the centers.”

  “Oh, hi Michael. Come on over, we're just sitting around playing cards. That's about all we've done all day.

  “Now is okay?”

  “Sure, I think everybody's ready for a break. By the way, how's the Reverend?”

  “He's sleeping.”


  “Yeah, I sort of had to help him, if you know what I mean.”

  “I understand. Come on over. Do you want one of us to watch him?”

  “No, he'll sleep for a while. I'll be over in a few minutes. Bye.”

  “Bye.” Jackie said and then turned to the group gathered around a table. “Michael's coming over. He said he wanted to talk to us about the centers.”

  “Fine with me.” Bernie said. “I'm tired of rummy. I'm ready for a break. Jackie, I think you and Billy are cheating. What's the score?” He asked Morgan.

  “We have 220 to their 475.” She answered.

  “Come in.” Bernie yelled in response to the knock. He leaned back to where he was balanced only on the rear two legs of his chair.

  “Didn't your mother tell you not to do that?” Jackie poked at Bernie with her foot trying to make him turn over.

  “Yeah, every day.”


  “Well what?” Bernie responded.

  “Why are you leaning back?” Jackie scowled.

  “Because she told me not too.” He grinned.

  “Smart-ass.” Jackie grinned back. “And I bet you leave the refrigerator door open to?”

  “How did you know?”

  Jackie turned to Michael as he sat down on the sofa. “Hi, we haven't heard from John yet.”

  “I didn't figure you had.” Michael answered. “Hi Morgan, I was hoping you were here. I called your room.”

  “We've been playing cards all day.” She said, “And losing I might add.”

  “We're playing strip poker next.” Bernie joked. “I bet you'll play a better hand then.”

  “Bernie you're incorrigible.” Jackie chuckled and sat down on the opposite end of the sofa.”

  “What's up?” Billy finally joined in and put an end to the horseplay.

  “As you know, “Michael ran his hand through his hair, “the sixth center opens tonight.” He watched as they nodded in agreement. “Well tomorrow is the Reverend and from what I gather, most of you know, I was originally the first center. I'm sure Billy does.”

  Billy nodded in agreement and said, “And we know all of the centers have certain powers, or should I say abilities, but the two substitutes don't.” He paused and looked at Morgan.

  “I understand that, Michael.” Morgan answered. “I was going to say something earlier this morning but didn't get much of a chance.” She paused and looked around at the others to watch their response to what she was going to tell them.

  “My parents were members in of an ancient esoterical religion and when I was eight they began teaching me about John's coming. I was told I would be a substitute center for a girl who had gone crazy. They taught me what to expect and that I wouldn't have the ..., as you put it, the ability of the center but after my center opened I would have a certain amount of telepathic or rather empathic ability. I know Billy is the same. We've shared mental thoughts before.”

  “Yeah,” Billy agreed. “It's not completely words but more a comprehension of an image the word creates.” He shook his head as if he was trying to comprehend what he had just said.

  “I think all of us are now linked.” Michael said “whether we want to be or not.”

  This time no heads bobbed but they each responded yes mentally.

  Michael smiled in response then said, “The last center to open is Lamb, and it should happen in Roanoke.” He paused again awaiting their reaction but they waited for his explanation.

  “From what I can tell,” he continued, “the source of our centers is like my own center, Billy and my center,” he corrected himself. “The source is like the first center’s opening and each one of us needs to be there for the last center to open. It will take all of us with our ke
ys vibrating in unison. Well, I made flight reservations for all of us to Roanoke.”

  “Thank you.” Billy said, looking around at the solemn faces. “I had the feeling it was going to be necessary but I wasn’t sure. Just sort of a feeling and I didn’t know how to bring the subject up and I certainly don’t have your revenue… must have cost a fortune.”

  Michael waived his hand in dismissal at the mention of money and stated, “It’s only money.”

  “Only money, to you, but I’m in the military. We don’t exactly get paid that much.”

  Michael understood what Billy meant. It hadn’t been that long ago when he wondered how he was going to get his next bottle of wine.

  “Well anyway,” Michael continued, “I thought I would check with all of you just to see if you were in agreement. I also made extra reservations for Mindy, Rudy and Azid because each of them has taken part in at least one of the openings and I figured they probably have gathered some of the energy from those openings. Plus with two substitutes I thought the extra energy would probably help out. Since Azid’s death I guess I won’t need the extra ticket.”

  Sounds logical to me.” Morgan said. “You might, ought to keep the seat you had for Azid. You never know when there might be somebody else brought into the opening tonight.”

  “I guess you’re right.” Michael responded.

  “What time do we leave?” Jackie asked.

  “We will leave at ten and should be there by one tomorrow afternoon.” Michael answered.

  “Want to play some cards with us?” Bernie shuffled the deck. “Help me keep an eye on Jackie and Billy, so they don’t cheat. Probably using telepathy.”

  Michael smiled and stood up and stretched. “You’re probably right there but I guess I had better go back and watch over the good Reverend.”

  “If you need somebody to relieve you let us know,” Bernie offered.

  “Thanks, I’ll let you know.” Michael said as he headed for the door.

  “Hey Michael,” Morgan called, “are you going to be here with us at the time of the next center? I have this feeling John and Zolar won’t be back until after the opening.”

  Michael turned and nodded in agreement. “I think you’re right. I had the same feeling. It’s a strange feeling, like something most unusual is going to happen. I just hope they are all right. I’ll call you about eleven and check and see if they’re back. If they’re not I’ll need one of you guys to give me a hand and bring Lamb with me. I really don't want to leave him alone during the opening. Besides I was going to slow up on giving him the sleeping drug. I want him to be a little alert.”

  “Are we going to be able to talk him into going with us tomorrow?” Morgan questioned.

  “I don't know if we can talk him into it but he will go, even if we have to put him in a sack and tie him to the outside of the plane. Without him there will be no opening.”

  “That's a for sure.” Billy said.

  “Well, I'll see you later.” Michael said turning the door knob.

  “Wait a minute, how about Jamal?” Jackie said.

  “I'll call him around ten. Give him a little more time with his grief.” Michael said and shut the door behind him.

  “Well now,” Bernie said rubbing his hands together and then clasped them and pushed them palms out to pop his knuckle joints. “Let's play some more cards.”

  “Might as well,” Jackie sighed.

  “How about a little strip poker?” Bernie grinned wickedly.

  “Yeah,” Billy chimed in. “Two girl, two guys, good odds.”

  “I don't think so.” Jackie slapped at both of them playfully.

  “I'm game.” Morgan grinned so wide her dimples appeared.

  They all turned and looked at her but Jackie was the one who finally said something. “Morgan, I'm shocked. What would John say?”

  “Hey, wait a minute, I had sex with him I didn't marry him. I saved myself for him now I'm ready to cut lose. Besides I've turned down hundreds just so I could save myself for him.” She paused and sighed visibly and added with sweet smile, “Although he did cause me to see fireworks.”

  “That's putting it lightly.” Jackie said and they all laughed.

  “Besides, Bernie said strip poker, not carnal knowledge.” Morgan said.

  “With Bernie they're the same thing.” Jackie said as she jabbed Bernie in the side with her elbow.

  “Ouch!” Bernie yelped. “Women, you can't live with them….”

  The rest of them chimed in “And you can't live without them!”

  “Unless you're Rudy.” Billy said as he poked Bernie in the other side of his rib cage.

  “Ouch!” Bernie complained. “What is this pick on Bernie day?”

  “Well are we going to play strip, or what?” Billy asked hopefully. “I'm game too.”

  “Okay,” Jackie said in agreement, “but I promise you I am going to cheat.”

  “You ladies have to take off some clothes before we start so we'll all have the same number of articles starting out.” Bernie protested.

  “That's what you think,” Jackie said. “I told you I plan to cheat.” She chuckled and the rest of them joined in.

  “Oh! All right,” Bernie pouted. “Beggars can't be choosy, but I deal first.”


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