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Dagger & Deception

Page 12

by Jeremy Dwyer

  “I am also ready and certain,” Kettil said. Like Cheveyo, he believed he could sense, via his link to the spirit world, any signs of danger. The Ahitan were known for human sacrifice, and a killing field and its ghosts would speak to him, and he could sense it.


  General Cassandra ordered Colonels Marko, Tyler and Basil to arrange the necessary ships – there were seven (7) ships assigned to each colonel and his contingent of five thousand (5000) troops. General Cassandra took the five (5) new scouts on board her own ship, the Vigilant.

  The fleet of twenty-two (22) ships traveled southeast over the Medathero Ocean to a narrow portion of its eastern edge, where it met both the Crypt Trail land bridge and the Colossal March Warpath land bridge. From there, they converted the ships to airships – the light and heat from the many aligned suns was so plentiful that they were able to harness the energy in their crystal covered sails quite easily – and traveled southeast over the Crypt Trail land bridge. The ships returned to sea level in the Dead Waters Ocean. From there, they traveled to Athekriptole Island.

  CHAPTER 13: Hearts of Evil

  Unfortunately for the Ahitan woman – Victoria – the young scouts were right about her location being on Athekriptole Island. Victoria was not alone, but was with an ancient woman, Tanith Orenda, who was her five thousand eight hundred thirty-seventh (5837th) great grandmother. Also with Victoria and the old woman were their servants and guards. Some of the guards were drinkers of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean, giving them the powers of light. Of these, most were lookouts, and stood on mountains and cliffs around the island, watching for approaching ships. That is what they saw, and they counted twenty-two (22) ships. One of the lookouts returned to the secret location on the island where Victoria was hiding – a small stone temple with many water fountains, because she was a water-worshipper – and they told her the news.

  Victoria was alarmed – both angry and afraid that her plans were in jeopardy – and she knelt down on one knee and spoke gently to the old woman, though her own emotions were quite apparent in her voice. Victoria said to her: “Many thousands great grandmother, they pursue me, and I live in darkness and weakness. Their fear and their hate are dangerous to our family and our plans. Please let me hear your wise words, and instruct me, so that I may mutilate and destroy them, before they strike at us or hinder our plans.”

  Tanith Orenda said to her: “Be at peace, many thousands great granddaughter. Neither fear nor anger have a place within you. Do not worry, or despair, or let fury cloud your judgment. Remember the principles I have taught you. First, you must weaken your pursuers. Then, you must misdirect them. Finally, you must destroy them. Send your guards to prepare the way.”

  Victoria concentrated, became calm, and then considered what this meant in tactical terms. When her mind focused on the old woman’s words, all the details became clear.

  Victoria then pointed to four (4) women – highly skilled archers, who were drinkers of the waters of the Lujladia Ocean, which gave to them the powers of light. They could see clearly, even around corners, by bending light. They never missed their targets. “Disable their scouts – they will need refreshment, so target their water vials,” Victoria said. She knew that sensible armies always sent scouts ahead, so as to verify the way forward.

  Then, Victoria pointed to four (4) more women, saying: “Overpower the disabled scouts and bring them to me.” These women were adept swordfighters and could overpower and subdue anyone – man or woman – in battle. They drank the waters of the Nabavodel Ocean, which gave them strength and dexterity like that of a tiger.

  Then, Victoria pointed to another four (4) women, saying: “Provide the cover of deep darkness to conceal our strength and location.” These women had the power to conceal themselves in darkness, along with concealing others. They drank the waters of the Ikkith Tar Ocean, giving them that power. All of her guards drank deeply of the great waters that were appropriate for their powers, multiplying their high innate potential for those powers. They were now energized.


  The twenty-two (22) ships of the Jenaldej Empire arrived at the coast of Athekriptole Island. On board the four (4) lead ships were General Cassandra, Colonel Marko, Colonel Tyler and Colonel Basil. Each of them ordered their scouts to initially scan the island.

  There were three (3) assigned telepathic scouts – each a drinker of the waters of the Elanatin Ocean – who were stationed on board those lead ships. They drank anew of those waters from their vials and were thus energized, reaching out with their telepathic and empathic abilities to detect the presence of Victoria. Each of them found nothing, and gave their negative report.

  Not sensing any obvious danger, the ships approached the island and three (3) divisions of five thousand (5000) troops each came to shore, along with General Cassandra, Colonel Marko, Colonel Tyler and Colonel Basil. They were accompanied by the five (5) young, idealistic scouts, each thinking themselves capable of finding the Ahitan woman and seizing her tiara, to be used to uphold their own personal ideals.

  Assigned to the first (1st) such division were Corinne, who could both project and sense emotions and Cheveyo, who could sense spirits. They were the scouts of the first (1st) division. With the second (2nd) such division were Radoslaw, who could both project and sense emotions, and Kettil, who could sense spirits. With the third (3rd) division was Havard, who could follow the stars.

  General Cassandra then gave her orders: “Scouts of the first (1st) division, please dispatch and search the western portions of the island. Scouts of the second (2nd) division, please dispatch and search the eastern portions of the island. The one (1) scout of the third division, please advise as needed regarding the paths of the many suns as they might move and change our search location.”

  The scouts each drank deeply of the waters to which they were bound from the vials they carried. Corinne and Radoslaw drank of the waters of the Elanatin Ocean to multiply their ability to sense emotions. Cheveyo and Kettil drank of the waters of the Zovvin Ocean to multiply their ability to sense spirits. Havard drank of the waters of the Atrejan Ocean to multiply his ability to sense the paths of the suns. They were all freshly energized, and ready to begin their search.

  “This island is a place of murder and sacrifice. It is a killing field. I am confident that the Ahitan are here,” Kettil said.

  “There are many graves here, and the spirits cry out against the evil that was done to them,” Cheveyo said.

  General Cassandra heard this and became worried. Then, she composed herself from within, before allowing her alarm to discourage her colonels or her troops. She said to them: “Our enemy is quite evil and depraved. It is no surprise that they would have committed other evil acts. Our mission is to prevent more such attacks. Let this be a reminder, and a motivation, to all of you.”


  The first (1st) division and second (2nd) division scouts made their way to their respective portions of the island. The mountainous terrain led them to higher altitudes, where the already intense suns beat down harder on them. They were parched as a result. The great waters were the source of many magical powers, but they were also a source of hydration. When extreme heat affected a person and they lost water, and that water was one of the great waters, they were thirsty as well as suffering a reduction in their water-based powers. This affected the scouts of both divisions. They drew the vials that hung on chains around their necks so as to drink the great waters from them.

  Their vials shattered.

  They were pierced by arrows, shot by perfect archers.

  They remained parched, and did not have their powers from the great waters. And they were startled by their vials shattering.


  Then, darkness overcame the scouts, as well as brute strength, as they were taken by Victoria’s powerful warriors who were cloaked in darkness by Victoria’s other guards. Under the cover of that same darkness, the scouts were taken to her secret location in a water-wors
hipper’s temple in the mountains. There were thirteen (13) water fountains inside the temple.

  They saw Victoria the first time, but were powerless to touch her, as their arms were bound by the warriors.

  Victoria stared at the four (4) scouts – Corinne, Radoslaw, Cheveyo and Kettil – revealing her violet eyes, which were burning, piercing, frightening and hypnotic.

  The drinkers of the Elanatin waters – Corinne and Radoslaw – were weak due to being parched, thus they did not have the use of their emotional powers to generate an aura to reach into Victoria’s mind to influence it in their favor. The drinkers of the Zovvin waters – Cheveyo and Kettil – were also weak due to being parched, thus they lacked the use of their spiritual powers to reach into Victoria’s soul and influence her to their advantage.

  Victoria said to each of the scouts: “You have traveled far so as to find and defeat me. You have certainly found me, but you cannot defeat me. That is because, in truth, you don’t want to defeat me. You want me to prevail.”

  Neither Cheveyo, Corinne, Kettil nor Radoslaw could respond. Victoria’s violet eyes burned through them, taking away their will to resist. They believed what she was saying. They now wanted her to win. She was powerful, and beautiful, in a most terrible way. Victoria was forty (40) years old, and stunning to the eyes, with a healthy physique, except for being barren, but they did not know that.

  Victoria then said: “To show you how gracious that I truly am, I want you to have this island. It is my gift to you. Please, lead your allies to the east, up the mountain and into the highlands, and to the west, down the mountain and into the wetlands, to see it for themselves, to see its wonders, and to see how wonderful I am for giving it to you. The land will yield a bountiful harvest, if only the proper seeds would be planted. Have your allies plant those seeds, and this island will be a source of joy, abundance and wealth for each of you. Do this – accept my gift – to show me how much you truly love me. Only see the living. Do not focus on death. Only see the good in things. Do not focus on evil. Only see the love around you. Do not focus on hate.”

  The minds of the scouts had been seduced, so they could no longer even think of such things as spirits of the dead or hate or evil.

  Victoria then said: “Please be on your way. See my gift to you in all of its splendor. First, however, drink this, so that you are not parched by this terrible heat.” She filled vials with Dead Waters from one of the water fountains in the temple. She gave each of them the vials containing the Dead Waters, which can parch the thirst of anyone – even if they are waterbound. Only, the Dead Waters gave no powers. The four (4) scouts were now refreshed from the heat, but powerless to use their magic. Their innate potential was still there, but not multiplied by the great waters to the level at which it would be of use.

  Victoria’s guards escorted the scouts, under the cover of darkness, back to where they were previously found, and the scouts then returned to their divisions, not having seen where the temple was located.


  Corinne and Cheveyo returned to the first (1st) division. Corinne said to them: “We should travel to the far west of the island, down the mountain and into the wetlands. The path is safe, and we can get a better view from there.” Colonel Marko directed his troops to travel there, with the scouts leading the way.

  Kettil and Radoslaw returned to the second (2nd) division. Radoslaw said to them: “We should travel to the far east of the island, up the mountain and into the highlands. The path is safe, and we can get a better view from there.” Colonel Basil directed his troops to travel there, with the scouts leading the way.


  Approaching the far west of the island, the first (1st) division made their way down the mountain, so that they were cooler at lower altitudes. They found their way into a wetlands area, and travel was slow and difficult. Then, it became nearly impossible, as they became tangled in vines. Their swords cut through the vines, but they were not fast enough for the sudden appearance of the deadly venomous snakes, which numbered over six thousand (6000) and bit them all many times. All five thousand (5000) troops perished, along with Corinne, Cheveyo and Colonel Marko.


  Approaching the far east of the island, the second (2nd) division made their way higher up the mountain, so that they were hotter at higher altitudes. The intense heat was too much, despite the protective gear that everyone wore. They stopped to rest for a while, but became disoriented and outright ill in the heat. Their protective gear was designed using a thin crystal fabric with the healing Trerada waters enmeshed inside, based on the design by the architect, Fantine. They did not, therefore, suffer the burning disease. But they had to rehydrate themselves, which still wasn’t enough – they were so weary from the heat that they had to sleep, which was utterly irresistible, and they did not resist. From under the cover of darkness, a group of twenty (20) of Victoria’s archers were able to finish off all five-thousand (5000) sleeping troops, as well as Kettil, Radoslaw and Colonel Basil, who had taken rest.


  Spies reported back to Victoria, saying: “Two (2) enemy divisions have been slain, and only one (1) division remains, along with their ships with minimal crew.”

  Victoria considered this, and thought of a plan for how to handle it. She would have to wait for the enemy to make their next move. And they did.


  General Cassandra became worried after hearing no report back from the other divisions for several days. She sent twelve (12) troops from the third (3rd) division to survey and report what they saw in the east, and another twelve (12) troops from the third (3rd) division to survey and report what the saw in the west. “Do not engage the enemy. Report, and return promptly,” Cassandra ordered them.

  General Cassandra then turned to Colonel Tyler: “I believe that our first two (2) divisions failed in their missions. Return these troops and the star-reader to the ships and await my orders.”

  Colonel Tyler did as directed.

  General Cassandra then looked for a location where could obtain a better view. She found a hill, and made her way up, to see if there could be greater clarity at the increased elevation. She suspected that the enemy overpowered her troops, and that she was going to be demoted and lose her citizenship. Still, this was war, and they had no guarantees of success or survival no matter how clever their plan and ample their resources. Whatever the fate of her troops, she believed her own fate would pale in comparison. Losing citizenship would be painful, but she could at least struggle to find purpose outside the Jenaldej Empire, if need be, because she was still alive.


  While Cassandra was thinking, someone, with purpose, found her. Suddenly, she was enveloped in darkness and overpowered by strength. She was carried away quickly, to a temple somewhere on the island. Inside, Cassandra was surrounded by the temple’s thirteen (13) water fountains and she found herself face to face with a beautiful woman.

  “I am so very pleased to meet you, General,” Victoria said to General Cassandra.

  Victoria looked at the markings on Cassandra’s military uniform, seeing for sure that it was the Jenaldej Empire’s marking. She had captured one of the military leaders of the longtime enemies of the Ahitan Empire.

  Victoria started intently, with her violet eyes, at General Cassandra. They burned through Cassandra’s will, hypnotizing her. She was in a trance, completely losing her will to resist.

  “You brought many ships here to my island. It really is a beautiful island, and you should see it from a new perspective. Only then will you fully appreciate the wonder of it. Divide your remaining troops among all your ships. Then, order all your ships to the eastern side of the island. Then, I want you, and the highest ranking male officer, to return here to me.”


  The same warriors powered with strength and darkness who brought Cassandra to this location took her back to where they found her, and waited.

  General Cassandra went to her ships, and ordered
the remaining troops to be divided among the ships, and then the captains were ordered to steer the ships to the eastern side of the island. She ordered Colonel Tyler to return with her to the shore and her orders for the troops and ships were followed, though she did not stop to observe this. General Cassandra and Colonel Tyler returned to the point where Cassandra had been taken before and waited.


  Victoria’s warriors, powered with strength and darkness, brought General Cassandra and Colonel Tyler back to her temple.

  Then, Victoria spoke to Cassandra, saying: “The Ahitan Empire will gladly receive a strong woman such as you as a servant. We would be most delighted to have a Jenaldej leader become one of us, instead. We are the truth, and we have returned. Our way was always right. Now, you only need to pay the price, in blood, to be accepted. Take this dagger and sacrifice this male officer to our master. Spill the blood of the male in the name of the great water spirit, Matatirot, and you will become one of us this very day.”

  General Cassandra wanted to resist, not wishing to commit horrific acts. This turn of events was dizzying and mind-boggling, but her ethics would not be surrendered. The Ahitan woman’s violet eyes had a hypnotic effect, and they could mislead the mind to do many things, but they could not compel all actions, such as outright murder.

  “I would rather die, or have you kill me. I will not commit a sacrifice to your demon,” General Cassandra said.

  “Very well,” Victoria said to her. Then, she took a special knife – one with a very jagged edge – and slowly dismembered Colonel Tyler as he was held in place by her other warriors. He screamed in ways that no one could imagine, while Victoria laughed and called out to her master, Matatirot: “Accept the blood of this male, my master.” Cassandra watched in horror, seeing that her enemy lived up to the legendary cruelty and depravity of the Ahitan Empire.


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