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Star Trek: Discovery: Desperate Hours

Page 30

by David Mack

  The captain nodded slowly. “A reasonable justification, I suppose.” She narrowed her stare. “But it would be quite a stretch to describe your actions as regulations compliant.”

  “True.” Sensing that it would not be long before Georgiou steered the conversation toward the bad news Burnham knew was waiting at its end, she chose to meet the storm head-on. “Permission to speak freely, Captain?”

  “I’ve never been able to stop you before,” Georgiou said. “Why start now?”

  Burnham ignored the captain’s sarcasm for the sake of expediency. “Sarek persuaded me to accept a Starfleet commission at a time when I was ready to just give up, go back to Earth, and vanish. I’d be willing to bet he used more than his share of influence to get you to accept me aboard the Shenzhou.”

  “You’d win that bet. What’s your point?”

  It felt dangerous to bare her feelings, but Burnham knew she had gone too far to turn back. “Sarek believed that after all the years I’d lived on Vulcan, immersed in their culture and customs, that it would be in my best interest to live and work among humans and other species. To put it mildly, I disagreed. More than once—and even a few times recently—I’ve wondered whether I’d be more comfortable serving on a ship like the Intrepid.”

  “One with an all-Vulcan crew,” Georgiou said. “You think they’d have you?”

  There was no point in lying when it was clear Georgiou already knew the answer. “No,” Burnham said. “As much as I might wish to be among them . . . the truth is that I would not be welcome there. Not like I am here.” She confronted the truth that had been haunting her. “I’ve come to understand that Sarek was right. Or at least, not wrong. I do belong here.

  “But I’ll understand if you don’t think I should be your first officer. I know that I violated the chain of command by engaging in unauthorized communications, and I am prepared to accept the disciplinary consequences of my actions. In my defense I will say only that I sought to prevent violence, injury, and loss of life. Though if I were questioned under oath, I would have to confess that under similar circumstances, I would do it again.”

  “I sure as hell hope so,” Georgiou said. “In fact, I’m counting on it.”

  Baffled by the captain’s response, Burnham creased her brow. “Captain?”

  “I want a strong first officer who will keep me grounded—who won’t be afraid to challenge me for the right reasons.” Georgiou stood and walked around her desk to stand with Burnham. “Michael, I’ve known for quite some time that you belong here on the Shenzhou. I’ve also known that Starfleet needs officers like you, and that in your own way you need Starfleet. Your Vulcan education, tempered by a refresher course in your own humanity, has made you an amazing officer. You still have a lot to learn . . . but there is no one else I would rather have as my Number One.”

  The shock of good news left Burnham at a momentary loss for words.

  “I’m not being demoted?”

  “Not today, Number One. I’ve already informed Starfleet Command of your promotion.” She shook Burnham’s hand and smiled. “Congratulations, Lieutenant Commander Burnham.”

  “Thank you, Captain,” Burnham said, savoring both her achievement and the ungracious realization of her promotion’s best fringe benefit:

  This is going to drive Saru insane.


  * * *

  My thanks go out to my wife, Kara, for her support during the months I spent writing this book. This job proved to be a longer and more complex undertaking than I had expected it to be. Also deserving of my gratitude are my esteemed editors, Margaret Clark and Ed Schlesinger, as well as CBS Television licensing guru and my good friend, John Van Citters.

  Let me single out for special thanks my sister-from-another-mister Kirsten Beyer, who earned a staff writer position at Star Trek: Discovery in early 2016, and whose support was instrumental in helping me land this sweet gig. It has been an honor and a pleasure to work with her during the development and refinement of this story. You’re the best, Miss K.

  This story originated in a request from Star Trek: Discovery cocreator Bryan Fuller, who asked me to craft a tale that would feature both the Shenzhou and the Enterprise commanded by Captain Pike—and put Michael Burnham and Spock together. Thanks for the idea, Bryan!

  I would also like to thank a few of my fellow Star Trek authors. John Jackson Miller helped me get a handle on this story at a time when I couldn’t figure out how to make it fly. Dayton Ward and James Swallow helped me develop a lot of the material that was needed to flesh out the crews and settings of this new corner of Gene Roddenberry’s universe. I could not have wished for better, more enthusiastic, or more imaginative creative partners.

  Here’s hoping that you, gentle reader, do not judge our efforts to have been in vain.

  Until next time, live long and prosper.

  About the Author

  * * *

  David Mack wants you to buy his novel The Midnight Front.

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