Jaded: The First Cut is the Deepest

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Jaded: The First Cut is the Deepest Page 14

by Shawn C. Thompson

  “I’m not so sure that can be done Pierce.” I watched as he smoldered me with his eyes that glimmered in the moonlight. “Loving you is one thing but trusting you is another.”

  “Trust must be rebuilt on both ends especially after what I saw. Watching another man hold you and make love to you the way I used to was almost unbearable. I know we are going through things but you didn’t have to move on so fast.” I could feel Pierce begin to make his way up my thigh. “Let me prove it all to you. The divorce isn’t in stone and the stuff we’ve both done can be put behind us.”

  His reiteration of what “we” did sounded like nothing but a ploy to use my own actions as a scapegoat for his own.

  “WE did two completely different things…I was single when I decided to do what I did.”

  “I get it Ivory, I get it.” He agreed, almost too quick for my taste. “Just let me make it up to you.”

  Pierce slid his hands further upwards and to my private region. Despite how much I hated him, I couldn’t deny how good his familiar hands felt against my skin.

  “Pierce…” I struggled, trying to calm my libido down. “Sex is more than what’s needed to repair…”

  Before I could finish my sentence, he pressed his lips against mine. I waited for the chemistry to send me head over heels like it had done those many times but when a spark failed to ignite, I was certain that his love was the furthest thing from my mind.

  “Get off of me.” I murmured while he swallowed my tongue whole.

  The friction against our bodies made me feel trapped as I attempted to wiggle myself from up under him.

  “GET OFF OF ME!” I screamed, even louder than before.

  It seemed as if my squeals were of no use, it wasn’t until I bit him that he got the point.

  “Fuck!” He yelped.

  Pierce backed up and clutched his ear. With quick disposition, I snatched the thumb drive from his car and slammed the door, running as fast as I could to my own vehicle.

  “You’re gonna regret that shit!” He shouted, shaking from the pain. “You’re nothing but a slut. See you in court.”

  I caught my breath and turned the key to start the engine. Once it was revved up, I tore down the street and dialed Myla’s number.

  She answered on the first ring.

  “I got the drive back.” I stuttered, trying to catch my breath and drive at the same time.

  “Damn that was easy. He just gave it back?”

  “No, he damn near raped me in the process.”

  I could hear Myla munching on a bag of chips in the background.

  “I knew he couldn’t resist, what a dog. Did you do what I told you?”

  “Sure did.” I took a moment to slow my breathing before pulling out a hidden device from my bra. “Let him try to blackmail me now.”

  Without Pierce’s knowledge I had come to our secret meeting with the intention of catching him on film the same way I had done Delano only this time it was to keep him from running his mouth about my dirty deeds.

  “That’s what I’m talking about my girl!” Myla cheered.

  “I swear this is the last time I let you convince me to do anything shady again.” I smiled at myself through the rearview mirror in triumph. “Now the final order of business is to give the tape to Denise, pay your man off and we’ll be home free.”

  “Mm sounds easy enough.”

  “Let’s hope so.” I bit my lip. “Just don’t go making any more deals with the hood.”

  We laughed in unison as I made my way home.

  I was ecstatic that I was able to retrieve the drive from Pierce and secure my own reputation in the same token.

  Hopefully my next set of plans wouldn’t follow the old mantra of being “easier said than done” because time was definitely not on my side.


  “Denise, sorry to interrupt but can I speak to you for a moment?”

  I was once again at Wholesale for Sale, arriving to deliver the saving grace that would get us out of the terrible mess I had gotten myself into. After the situation the night before, I decided it was best to get things over with as soon as possible so I was at the store the minute they opened.

  “Um yeah sure, come right in Ivory.”

  She waved me into her office while the associate that was already inside took that as their cue to leave.

  I closed the door behind us and wasted no time in handing her what she had been asking me for these past few weeks.

  “You got the face this time correct?”

  “Sure did, but please check and see.”

  Denise’s eyes grew wide as a smirk formed on her face.

  “Are you sure you don’t wanna step outside while I double-check?”

  “I’ve been exposed in several ways throughout our journey together.” I explained, taking the seat in front of her desk. “I’d rather just be done with it to be honest.”

  “Fair enough.” Denise placed a piece of gum in her mouth. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

  I sat back in my chair while I allowed her to review the contents of my last and final rendezvous with her husband Delano.

  “This is perfect.” Denise continued to watch with a voyeuristic stare. “You really did your thing this time girly.”

  I flashed a quick smile and began digging through my purse. When I was able to spot what I was looking for, I gently laid it out on the table.

  “Who’s number is this?” Denise quizzed, looking puzzled.

  “Ask you husband.” I finished, crossing my arms and leaning back. “I figure since you are helping me out with my divorce, I’d tip you off on something you might need to know.”

  Denise sat stoic for a moment before grabbing the piece of paper with the number on it. Although I had promised Shauntae that her gold-digging secret on Delano’s end was safe with me, I decided to give a good woman the same hint I felt I needed to receive.

  “Thank you.” She muttered, placing it atop of the files on her desk. “I trust you’ll want your money as soon as possible?”

  “Yes ma’am.” I agreed, toying with the jewelry on my arm. “As soon as you can is excellent.”

  “I will have it taken care of by the morning.” Denise said, nodding.

  She removed the drive from her computer as I rose in preparation to leave.


  I stopped what I was doing to turn and face her.

  Denise looked at me softly, revealing an inner glow that wasn’t there when we initially met.

  It felt nice to help free a woman who was trapped in a situation where the odds were against her. Especially after realizing that she too fell victim to a man that wanted cake and the ability to eat it too.

  “Thank you.”

  I mouthed the words your welcome and opened the door to exit.

  When I did, I was met by the face of a stranger which I assumed worked at Wholesale for Sale because of the uniform he wore.

  He was a young dark skinned black man that wore his youth with a box haircut and red braces that shined when he spoke.

  “I’m so sorry ma’am but I need to speak to Ms. Denise immediately.” The employee said with a shaky voice.

  Upon inspection, I nodded that his expression was somber and his jaw was trembling. The fidgeting he displayed made me feel extremely uncomfortable.

  “No problem, we just finished. She’s all yours.”

  I stepped out of his way and used my arm to jester him in.

  I was half way down the corridor that led to her office when I heard a loud thud and a painful cry.

  Out of concern, I did a double take back into her office.

  When I peeked inside, she was holding the phone against her chest with her eyes closed and tears trickling from them.

  “What’s wrong?” I inquired, rushing over to comfort her.

  Denise struggled to speak through sniffles while her employee stood looking awkward and out of place.

  It was obvious he had delivered some
heart-wrenching news just moments ago.

  “It’s Delano.” She began, doing her best to keep from unraveling around us. “He’s had another one of his heart attacks.”

  I covered my mouth unsure of what to say.

  It was clear through our interactions that although Delano and her had a strained relationship, she cared about his well-being like a wife who was still somewhat emotionally attached to her husband.

  The tears became more rapid the harder she tried to control her sobs.

  Part of me wondered whether Denise was like this because she actually cared or because her plans to leave the marriage with all their assets might be in jeopardy.

  “I need to go be with him. Lonnie watch the shop until I get back.”

  Before either one of us could utter a word she quickly gathered her things and bolted out of her office, leaving me and her employee clueless as to what to do next.

  “He was a major dog to her, guess it finally caught up with the guy.” Lonnie mentioned, shaking his head and leaving to return to work.

  I leaned on Denise’s chair while I glanced at the number I had given her out of revenge for Shauntae’s messiness in my relationship.

  There’s no need for her to find out about Delano’s raw dealings, especially not now.

  “I’ll let karma take care of that bitch.” I whispered, grabbing the piece of paper and throwing it in the trash. “I have bigger fish to fry.”

  I made my way home, contemplating the current situation of Delano’s health and the karma that was bound to catch up with me eventually.


  “C’mon girl, can you please focus on your food. Not your man, not your problem remember?” Myla coached as we sat at Waffle house the next day.

  Junior bit into his mini waffle with vigor, messing up his shirt in the process.

  “Baby, use your napkin.” I chastised, wagging my finger. “Gentlemen don’t eat with their fingers and without something to wipe them.”

  He nodded and followed instructions like the good boy I knew him to be.

  “Ivory are you listening to me?” Myla pestered.

  “Yes! I’m doing my best with that. What if somethings seriously wrong though? We may not have been a forreal thing but he was very nice to me.”

  “He was just nice because he wanted to fuck.” She stated, dipping a piece of sausage into some gravy. “Just gassing you up to fill your tank.”

  Myla laughed at her own joke while I gave her the eye.

  “Not funny, he’s still a person.” I bit into the Colorado omelet that had become an instant favorite to my taste buds. “I think I’m gonna give Denise a call and see how she’s holding up.”

  I pulled out my cell in mid dial when Myla extended her hand to block further dialing.

  “Not your man not your problem.” She repeated shaking her head. “I understand you are a counselor and you’d like to advocate or whatever but this definitely wouldn’t be the time. I thought you wanted to end the drama not be apart of its sequel.”

  I considered what Myla was saying and as hard as it was for me to leave it alone, I did.

  “Alright.” I reasoned.

  “Your services have officially ended with the Gathers.”

  Myla pressed her fork into my omelet to taste.

  “Damn this is good, whoever they got in the kitchen put their foot in this shit.”

  “Eww FEET.” Junior exclaimed, scrunching up his face and tossing his waffle to the side.

  I giggled and helped him cut his food into miniature pieces.

  “It’s a figure of speech baby, they didn’t really put their foot in the food.”

  “Or maybe they really did, who knows.” Myla joked.

  I stared a hole into Myla to encourage her to close her mouth.

  It was hard enough getting Junior to eat these days, especially with the fact that he had adopted the quirky habit of asking what everything was made of before he put it to his lips.

  She used her hands to act as if she was zipping her lips.

  “So when are you returning to work?” Myla asked, changing the subject.

  “Sometime next week and I can’t wait.”

  “Are you ready?”

  I scoffed and took a sip of my sweet tea.

  “As ready as I’ll be at the moment. It’s time for me to get back to my regular comings and goings. I’m tired of sitting at the house festering about what was done to me. It’s time to implement the acceptance stage.”

  “Isn’t that in reference to the stages of death?”

  “Not quite.” I corrected, in between bites. “More-so the stages of grieving. The part where you kinda just realize that what’s done is done and its time to move on.”

  “After you pretty much wreaked havoc on the lives of others to get there.”

  “Your perception of my struggle that you influenced but yes, Denial, Anger, Bargaining and Depression all tie into the extra bull it took to get from point A to now.”

  “Guess you could tell I barely paid attention in psych class.” Myla rolled her eyes and picked at her food. “Lemme get another bite of that egg sis.”

  She reached for another piece and I slide my plate closer to my chest.

  “Between you and Junior I swear I’ll never have to go on a diet.”

  They laughed and gave each other a combination of what I thought to be a secret handshake.

  “Hey! Neither one of you taught me that. I’m beginning to feel a little left out.”

  Junior gave me the same kiss that warms my heart anytime I’m mad, upset or having a crappy day. I was certain that granted my son looked like a replication of his father, his good-hearted personality was all mine.

  “I guess that will do.” I said, digging my face into Junior’s neck as he giggled.

  The waitress came back with the tab and before I could use the cash I had on hand, Myla slipped the waitress her debit card.

  “Ah ah don’t say anything. This is my gift to you.” The waitress scurried off to give us our receipt. “And don’t act like you ain’t used to no one paying for your meals by now.”

  Myla used her tongue to press the side of her cheek in reference to sex.

  “Nothing but jokes with you huh?” I spat.

  “It’s how I get through life, jokes and drinks.”

  When the server returned, I tipped her some cash and left the diner with Myla and Junior following behind.

  Once we were situated in the car, I started the engine and began our route back to the house. Traffic prevented me from getting there as quickly as I wanted but the radio kept us company with the old eighties cut “Nasty Girl” booming through the speakers.

  When I looked at Myla in the passenger seat, I could tell she was reminiscing on a part of her life that I was not aware of.

  “This song brings back some memories girl...” Myla said as she hummed to the 808 like beat. “I performed this when I first auditioned for my spot at the club in ATL.”

  I chucked at her choice of music.

  “What you know about this song? Its old enough to be your momma’s cut.”

  “Now you know Mrs. Joyce wouldn’t be caught dead listening to this.” She used a toothpick from her clutch to clean her teeth. “I used to sneak and listen to this kind of music. I chose the song because at the time I was too shy to perform and this always made me feel confident…made me feel like…”

  “A nasty girl.” I finished, tapping my fingers on the steering wheel. “I can’t imagine you of all people being shy.”

  “Well I couldn’t imagine you being divorced and involved in a scheme to get a vengeful broad out of her marriage but things happen.”

  “Touché.” I concurred, keeping my eyes on the road. “I don’t believe any of us in this car have a right to judge anyone on what they’ve done, well except Junior.”

  I could see Junior from the rearview enjoying one of the many toys I had bought him to keep from hearing the infamous “are we there yet?” que

  “One of these days, we’ll need to sit and really catch up on what went down while you were in Atlanta, seems to me like you went through a lot.”

  “I guess you could say that but in the end it led me back to family so it’s all good.”

  I smiled and became cheerful about where we had been and where we were headed.

  In the midst of my positivity, my phone began to vibrate uncontrollably in my purse. I did my best to ignore its hums but when it kept going back to back without break, I knew someone was in dire need of a conversation with me.

  “Ivory speaking..” I answered with Myla being nosey per usual. “He what? Oh Denise, that’s terrible.”

  The mention of Denise’s name made skepticism appear on Myla’s face. As I continued my chat, she mouthed the words “not your man” right beside me.

  I paid her comments the moment I heard what the verdict was on the emergency situation with Denise’s husband Delano.

  “Right now? I was on my way home but I can definitely swing by to be with you. I’m so sorry about this, really I am.”

  Myla breathed a deep sigh which I took to be irritation as I hung up the phone.

  “What was that about? Didn’t we just discuss how you were gonna leave well enough alone?”

  “I know Myla, I know.” I spoke, making arrangements to get into the turnaround lane so I could join Denise and the other people who were bound to be there.

  “It just wouldn’t be right if I didn’t aid her in her time of need.”

  “If filming a sex tape to get her out of her crappy situation wasn’t enough, I don’t know what would be.”

  I felt myself becoming emotional, not because of any romantic feeling Delano and I had but because of how quickly things had went from bad to worse.

  What I said next broke through any lack of sympathy Myla seemed to have as it was evident in her silence.

  “Its about her husband Delano. He’s dying Myla.”


  I weaved in and out of traffic the best I could en route to meet Denise at the hospital her husband was at.

  “My condolences to her and the family but I still don’t think you going to see him is a good idea.” Myla said, holding on for dear life while I sped towards our destination.


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