Jaded: The First Cut is the Deepest

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Jaded: The First Cut is the Deepest Page 15

by Shawn C. Thompson

  “It’s not about what’s right it’s the principle, the man is dying Myla what am I supposed to do? Turn her down in her time of need?”

  “Yes, that’s exactly what you are supposed to do, I mean shit is sad but life goes on.”

  “This is where we disagree my friend.” I began, scrounging for chewing gum to relieve the tension headache I felt coming on. “Right is right. I’m only gonna be there for a second, just to make sure she’s okay.”

  “You act like you and her were the best of friends before this incident. She was paying you to FUCK her husband. Man I swear your heart clouds that brilliant brain of yours.”

  “And your mouth is gonna cloud the fact that we are sisters so I suggest you watch it.”

  She stuck the middle finger at me while I continued on my trek to Highland West’s urgent care unit.

  “What exactly do you think your presence is gonna do for the moment because having a side chick by my husband’s bed side is definitely something I wouldn’t want. This whole thing is just weird.”

  “And that’s why this whole thing isn’t your problem.” I retorted, snatching the wheel to dodge an oncoming car. “Hold on baby, Mommy’s driving a little reckless at the moment.”

  Junior didn’t seem to be phased one bit by my wild driving. He was much too interested in the actions figures he was playing with.

  “I’m so done with you girl. You know better than this.” Myla advised as we approached the ominous red sign that signaled hospice care. “I’ll watch Junior but I’m for damn sure not going in.”

  “I didn’t expect you to.” I responded.

  She made a face at me while I closed the car door and jogged to the entrance of the hospital.

  Once inside the lobby, I spotted a familiar face.

  “Hello sweetheart.” Roland crooned, giving me the usual charisma that was the reason for his many past affairs and trysts.

  “Nice to see you again Roland even if it is under unfortunate circumstances.”

  Ro was wearing a tight navy grey V-neck sweater and a pair of rust colored jeans. Even through the thickness of the sweater, you could tell he was a regular at the gym.

  “Unfortunate isn’t the word. Follow me, I’ll show you where they are.”

  I went with Roland to the corridor that many patients feared. I could smell the ending of life as we made our way to Delano’s bed.

  The hallway felt lonely and the walls were of pale white.

  “It’s so cold in here.” I remarked, holding myself as we walked. “Feels like we’re been walking for eternity.”

  “Maybe to make the patients feel as if they have it.” Roland replied, finally reaching Room 226.

  I peeked my head in first, worried of what was inside. Denise smiled at me to the best of her ability and was surprisingly the only person there.

  It was amazing that out of all the women Denise had caught him sleeping around with and all the “friends” he made through his career as a surgeon that it was only the three of us here to comfort him.

  She was holding his hand stroking it and showing a side of herself that seemed so opposite of how Denise expressed herself to be.

  “I don’t know what happened? He’s had some before but never to this point. I should have never went after him the way I did.”

  I came to her side like I had done before but felt her energy differently.

  It was as if the pain and anger I had sensed was gone with nothing left but the love she had for her family.

  “You said its happened before, is there anything that caused them?”

  “Delano’s had his issues with abuse.” Denise looked away to resist being shamed. “There are just some things rehab can’t erase. Our son’s death drove him into a rut he just couldn’t shake.”

  The man that laid in front of me was just as enticing as he was when I initially met him. Light breathing and a colorless expression were the only giveaways that let me know he was fading before my eyes.

  “I can’t tell you how sorry I am for what’s happening. He was doing just fine a few days ago, I don’t understand how…”

  I let my words trail off due to the Freudian slip of letting other people know I had seen Delano besides right now. The look on Roland’s face was a solid indication that it went completely over his head.

  “This is gonna be such a process.” Denise said through tears. “I’m gonna have to make funeral arrangements, handle his business affairs, and take care of our expenses.”

  “That’s why I’m here.” Roland began, walking over to stroke her hair. “I planned an extra few days into my schedule to help with things at the shop until you get on your feet.”


  She looked up from her despair to glance from me to Roland.


  He consoled her while I stared at Delano’s body.

  Despite the things Pierce had put me through, I couldn’t help but think about what life would be like for Junior if his father had passed away.

  Even though he was a complete asshole, I still wanted Junior to love his father the way many African American boys were unable to.

  “I think it’s time for me to go.” I announced, feeling my voice crack as I spoke.

  I attempted to walk out of the room only for Denise to follow me down the hallway.

  “Ivory…” She called.

  My pace slowed and I turned to face her.

  “I hope none of what I’m about to say will come to an inconvenience to you but I don’t think I’m gonna pursue my divorce. The deal we had is null in void; I wish I could pay you for all of your efforts in regards to the second payment but I don’t think that’s a possibility, at least not now.”

  My initial reaction was anger, partly because I had already made plans to use the money to pay off Myla’s ex but knew that sympathy in death had to be my main focus, especially as the counselor I was.

  “It’s okay.” I replied, embracing her. “Destroy the tape and we’ll call it even.”

  Without another word, Denise threw the drive down on the hallway floor and stepped on its contents with the back of her white Manalo heel.


  I let her go and said my goodbyes, heading back to the parking lot where Myla and Junior were taking a nap.

  I knocked on the passenger side window, scaring her awake.

  “Shit girl, you can’t be running up on me like that.” Myla said, unlocking the door for me to enter.

  I took a seat and adjusted the heat as we drove. The coldness of the hospital room latched on to me like a gold-digger to a naïve millionaire.

  “He’s dead.” Was all I could express to her.

  Myla took a tissue from the glove compartment and wiped my tears with its edges.

  “If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought that was your man as dramatic as you are acting.”

  “That’s not the worst part.” I continued, blowing my nose. “She called it quits on our arrangement.”


  The urgency in her voice almost made me slam on my brakes.

  “She can’t do that, I need that money Ivory. Cue is crazy, he will kill me before he lets something like that fly.”

  “I just can’t bring myself to hold her to something as petty as that with all that’s going on in her life. Plus, she destroyed the tape like I asked so I don’t have to worry about it ever seeing the light of day. Just ask for a little more time.”

  “I’ve already been given extra time.” The franticness of her body language only made things worse. “What part of he will kill me don’t you understand?”

  “I am not asking a widow to exploit her husband for money. I’m done with this whole thing. We will figure out a way that doesn’t involve hurting or defamating anyone.”

  My resistance to her wanting to uphold the deal I had with Denise caused tension that remained until we reached the walkway of my home.

  Upon arrival, I noticed Tegan’s car parked ou
tside which I found interesting because he hadn’t told me he was going to be meeting me at my house.

  “I wonder why your friend’s car is here, doesn’t he know its rude to pop up without calling first.”

  “He was probably riding through the neighborhood and wanted to see us…well me.”

  Myla rolled her eyes at the correction I made.

  “Well it’s still rude nonetheless.”

  “Girl please, you walk in and out of this house like it’s your own, why can’t he?”

  “Because I’m me.”

  She stuck her tongue out at me while I turned the knob to open the door.

  The minute I did, I was met with a gun barrel.

  “Get the fuck inside.” A loud voice ordered, cocking the pistol for effect.

  My knees buckled at the sight before me as we did what we were told for fear of being shot.

  The assailant clicked the lights on, revealing a face that was a stranger to me but not to Myla.

  The individual at the other end of the revolver was none other than Cue, Myla’s crazy ass ex-husband.


  “No more talking or you and your bitch will get popped in the head.” He said, locking the door behind him.

  Cue was about five-ten, caramel skin with unkempt hair and a somewhat attractive face that was tainted by the scars he had acquired from fighting. When he spoke, I noticed that he wore gold caps on both of his upper canine teeth. The smell of Newport cigarettes crept from between his dark-edged lips.

  What the hell was Myla thinking

  “Do you have to call her a bitch though?” Myla retorted, sliding past him with her hands up and plopping on the couch. “You sure this is what you wanna do? Out on bail and trying to hem niggas up already.”

  Her jokes made the fire in his eyes more violent.

  “This ain’t no fuckin game.” His shouting woke Junior up. “Put the kid in the got-damn bathroom, he’s not gonna wanna see what happens next.”

  Junior began rubbing his eyes, fluttering them as he struggled to wake up. I hurried to place him in the downstairs bathroom before he could realize what was going on.

  “Mommy, are you okay?” He yawned, taking a seat next to the toilet like I instructed.

  I slipped him my phone and gave him a kiss with my quivering lips.

  “Everything will be fine honey. Do me a favor and stay here. Be very quiet okay?”

  “Okay.” He whispered, clutching onto the phone.

  I made my way back over to the living room and spotted a tied up Tegan in my guest bedroom. His eyes lit up the moment I saw them and I acknowledged him by putting a finger over my mouth to signal him to remain quiet.

  My mind was racing with a million thoughts, all of which involved getting the four of us out of here alive.

  “What the fuck is taking you so long?” Cue called.

  I could hear his footsteps coming in my direction so I quickened my pace back to the living room.

  “Sit down next to your trifling ass friend.” He demanded.

  I did as I was told and used every fiber in my being to remain composed.

  “That’s good.” Cue sucked his teeth using his tongue. “Now, where’s my shit?”

  He tapped the barrel of the gun against his palm, waiting for a response.

  “We were just working those details out Cue, I swear we were. Ivory here is going through a little situation with her divorce, once everything is over I’m sure we’ll be able to give you at least half of what I owe.”

  “Half?” Cue chuckled at the idiocrasy of Myla’s words. “You’ve had more than enough time to give me my bills. Did this hoe tell you she tried to run from me? Now you know any other broad out on the street would have BEEN buried six feet under playing with me like that.”

  “Only because you love me huh?” Myla beamed, attempting to use their poisonous flame to weasel us out of trouble.

  “No because I wanted my cash.” Cue corrected, aiming the gun at her. “Now should I shoot you in the head or the heart where you hit me?”

  The two of us stood completely still, holding our breath in terror.

  “Or maybe…” He aimed the gun in my direction. “I’ll shoot her in the head to hit you in the heart. Damn, I’m the fuckin GOAT.”

  Every pore in my body began to emit a cold sweat.

  Could this really be the end? Is this the karma the universe had in store for me?

  “Please, don’t do that.” Myla begged, falling to her knees. “She has everything to live for. A child and career. Please don’t do this to her, shoot me and be done with it.”

  I glanced at my best-friend who was willing to take a bullet for me and my child. This was the type of sisterhood most sought but could never attain.

  He flailed the pistol from me and back to her, unsure of which one to release it on.

  “I don’t have anything to live for Cue. I’ve done nothing in my life but hurt the people I love and use them to get myself out of trouble. I deserve every ounce of pain that comes my way.”

  “Myla, this is all my fault.” I felt the lump in my throat grow larger the more I said what was on my mind. “I should have just listened to you about Denise, I should have made her uphold her part of the deal.”

  “What deal?” Her ex interrupted nosily.

  “Nothing.” Myla replied quickly.

  He rose from where he was and grabbed her by the dreadlocks, holding the gun to her temple.

  “Now wouldn’t be the time to play games with me.”

  I watched as Cue yanked her upwards and threw her onto the floor.

  “Just tell him Myla.” I urged, wanting to move but paralyzed by what would happen if I did.

  From my peripheral, I could see a silhouette dash from the guest bedroom to the bathroom. If my intuition served me correctly, stalling would be the best method in saving our lives.

  “Tell him!” I shouted once more, hoping she would to buy us time.

  “Ivory had a deal with a woman named Denise who was gonna send her 40k to sleep with her husband so she could get out of her marriage pre-nup. That was what we were gonna use to pay the money I owe you. She fell through at the last minute and before I could let you know, you popped up here ready to blast.”

  His grandiose laugh was so unsettling that it made my stomach turn into a knot.

  “That’s some crazy shit yo. Wish I would have come up with that, if I knew you were into prostituting I could have put you and your girl out on them ATL streets to make some serious bread.”

  I contemplated defending my reputation but decided to let him rant.

  “Guess it’s true what they say, birds of a feather flock together. Both of you hoes deserve to die if it was up to me. Wait? It is up to me…”

  Cue aimed his gun back in my direction.

  “Call me God because tonight you’ll both be going straight to hell where you belong.”

  I screamed and closed my eyes as the sound of his pistol went off.

  They say revenge is a dish best served cold. In my case, it should have never been served at all.


  The smell of gun smoke filled my nostrils while the ringing in my ears subsided.

  I opened my eyes to see Myla and I still intact from the shot I thought would end one or both of our lives.

  “What the fuck?!” Cue bellowed, realizing that in an act of passion he had missed his target.

  I breathed a sigh of relief but quickly came to the understanding that something or someone had taken the bullet instead.

  “Daddy!” Junior squealed, rushing over to his father’s body.

  Pierce laid in a pool of blood that seeped from a chest wound.

  T snatched up my son and covered his eyes to spare him the haunting memory of his father’s vanishing life force.

  Before Cue could reload another shot, Myla lunged at him, knocking him off balance and sending the gun flying in the opposite direction.

  “Grab the gun” She order
ed, doing her best to fight Cue off while I ran to grab the pistol.

  Tegan quickly locked my son back in the bathroom and went to stop the blood that continued to pour from Pierce.

  Cue threw Myla’s arms off of him and decked her in the face. She held her mouth and staggered to the couch before falling over unconscious.

  “You fuckin bitches will pay for this shit if it’s the last thing you do.” Cue said, running after me as I scrambled to pick up his weapon.

  Cue and I fought for control of the gun as shots went flying everywhere.

  Debris from the ceiling covered the both of us, making it hard for me to see where his attacks were coming from.

  I threw a punch at him, only to miss and be kicked right in my stomach.

  I felt the wind leave my lungs as I fell onto the edge of the stairs.

  Cue retrieved the gun and regained his position of power.

  “Now, where were we.” He began, securing the magazine in place. “Oh yes, sending you birds to hell.”

  I held my hands over my face in surrender as he aimed.

  “By the way, tell ol’ dude I didn’t mean to end his shit. Just the way the cookie crumbed.”

  Police sirens could be heard in the distance, causing Cue to lose focus just long enough for T to try his hand at relieving him of the gun.

  They went blow for blow, exchanging hits to the chest and face while I went to check on Junior.

  “Daddy, daddy. What happened to Daddy?!” He pipped.

  I clutched onto my son for dear life. Unsure if this would be the last time I would ever hold him again.

  “Focus on Mommy.” I whispered, covering his eyes with my hands and sneaking him out of the house through the garage door opening.

  Once we reached the door, I saw the police coming down the street and knew it was safe to let him stand out front.

  “Now listen to me Junior. Wait for the policemen and get in the car with him. I’ll be right back, Mommy loves you.” I gave him a kiss on the cheeks and forehead before returning to the bloody scene.

  Myla was out cold, Pierce was motionless and Tegan was still fighting for our lives.

  I looked from left to right and decided that the element of surprise was the best way to go. I jumped onto Cue’s back seconds before he could aim successfully at Tegan’s head. The bullet ricocheted and hit his shoulder instead. The gun dropped at my feet and this time I was able to pick it up and aim it at Cue.


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