Book Read Free

A Holiday to Remember

Page 7

by Jennifer Redlarczyk

  “It’ll be tight, but I thought I could squeeze it in over there by the window if I move a few plants back into my office and put the rocking chair in my bedroom. If not, I can always take it to school.”

  “Sounds good to me.” He nodded.

  “I also thought I might pick up a few more instruments for school when I go again. Last time, I purchased a hand-crafted dulcimer. I’d show it to you now, but it’s in my office at the academy. One of my students figured out how to play it and is working up an arrangement for a medley of Appalachian folksongs I’m putting together for our Spring Showcase. One song in particular tells a beautiful story of unrequited love. Charlotte is going to choreograph it in modern dance for Kitty and a couple of her other students to act out while my choir is singing. With the right lighting, I think it’s going to be one of the highlights of our showcase.”

  “Liz, I’m amazed at all you do—in awe, actually. The creative forces coming from the academy are beyond what I first imagined when you mentioned the school. Georgie’s going to love it.”

  “I’m sure she will. Say, do you think that the two of you would like to join me when I go up to Door County again?”

  “I’m up for it, and Richard has a truck we could borrow if you want to purchase the harp and bring it back when we go.”

  “That would be fantastic!”

  “We could make a long weekend of it, or even take a full week after school lets out in June. I haven’t taken a real vacation in ages.”

  “Why am I not surprised?” Elizabeth giggled as he defensively shrugged his shoulders.

  “Then Door County it is!” Elizabeth put down her phone and took William’s hand leading him back through the kitchen and out into an enclosed sunporch which she had converted to her office and music room. “This is the last of the tour. What do you think?”

  With windows on three sides, William imagined the room to be very cheery in the daylight hours. Elizabeth obviously loved plants and had several hanging from the ceiling and a few others settled on the windowsills. Along the main wall, she had positioned her keyboard and computer for working at home and in the corner next to a lounge chair, there was a cozy drum table where she ate breakfast. “This place suits you,” William remarked. “I like it very much.”

  Walking back into the dining room, Elizabeth asked William to pour the wine, and they sat on the couch while they waited for the pie to finish. She talked some about her family, and William told her a little more about the trip he and Georgiana were about to take on the next day. Richard’s brother owned a small house used for family gatherings near a ski resort in the upper peninsula of Michigan.

  “Every year our extended family joins the Fitzwilliams for some family time and outdoor adventures over the Christmas weekend. I can’t say I’m much into skiing or snowboarding, but it’s a nice change of pace,” William offered. “After my parents died, the holidays were so dismal.” Elizabeth snuggled in a little closer, offering him comfort as she listened.

  “The first year they were gone was the worst. The anticipation of every holiday, anniversary or anything holding a fond memory seemed to prey on our emotions. At the time, letting Georgie spend a few days with her cousins instead of moping around the condo turned out to be the best medicine for both of us. This will be our third year going. Richard is no longer married, but he still brings his two girls, who are only a little younger than Georgie. I don’t suppose you happen to ski or snowboard?”

  “I’m sorry to disappoint you, William.” She sat up tall. “The only time I ever went skiing was when I was a freshman in college. My family was visiting relatives in Milwaukee, and if a true confession must be made, my greatest feat was basically gliding down Chicken Ridge without falling.” They both chuckled. “On the other hand, I really did like ice-skating the other day at Millennium Park. Maybe, sometime you and I should go back … without our sisters. I hear it’s very romantic in the evenings, Mr. Darcy.” Her eyes sparkled as she looked into his.

  “Romantic….” He stroked her cheek. “Liz….” Before she knew it, William had pulled her onto his lap and held her close. Their kisses were filled with passion, and it wasn’t long before they were stretched out on the couch—legs and arms entwined with one another. The two barely came up for air and didn’t stop kissing until the timer on the stove went off, awakening them from their desires.

  “Uh oh!” Elizabeth giggled, breaking their embrace and quickly sitting up. “Excuse me, Mr. Darcy, but that little reminder is your apple pie.” She stood up, pulled her hair back and straightened her dress. “Come with me, William.” She grabbed his hand. “I think I better put you to work. It’s time you earned your keep! For the next hour, there will be no distracting the cook.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said before pulling her back into his arms for one more kiss. A few seconds later, the timer beeped again prompting him to say, “Okay! I surrender!”

  True to her word, Elizabeth put William directly to work sautéing mushrooms and onions. While he stood over the frying pan, she turned on the broiler and took out the steaks which had been marinating in her special sauce where the secret ingredient was beer. “I don’t actually drink beer, but I love cooking with it. It’s a great tenderizer and seems to improve the flavor of the meat. I also added fresh ginger root, minced garlic, and hot pepper, followed by sesame oil, soy sauce and a little corn starch for thickening. I promise you are going to love the combination.”

  “I’m practically salivating in anticipation.”

  “Hold that thought.” Elizabeth had also fixed twice baked potatoes, asparagus, fresh tomato-basil salad and homemade bread. A little reheating was all that was required while the meat was broiling. After finishing dinner and enjoying the apple pie, the two were so full that they struggled to put away the leftovers and load the dishwasher.

  The couch was beginning to look very tempting, and the two lovers opted for some serious cuddling to the tune of It’s a Wonderful Life showing on one of the movie channels. Elizabeth and William felt so comfortable with one another that somewhere during the middle of the movie they both drifted off to sleep and didn’t wake up until they heard the closing refrains of Auld Lang Syne being sung.

  Checking the mantle clock Elizabeth spoke softly, “William, it’s midnight. You’ve got to get going. Morning will be here before you know it, and you and Georgie have a long drive tomorrow.”

  “Midnight,” he sighed pulling her closer and placing soft kisses on her neck and face until he finally secured her mouth in one last heated kiss. “What if I told you I didn’t want to leave?”

  “Oh, Will….”

  “I can’t leave.” He tenderly looked at her. “Not at least until I’ve told you how much I love you, Elizabeth Bennet.”

  “You love me?”

  “With all my heart. Liz, being with you makes me feel like a different person. I know I’m sounding like one of those crazy characters from your favorite movie channel, but when I’m with you, I really do feel like I’ve come home.”

  “Me too, William. I love you so very much. The first time you kissed me was magical, and from that moment, my feelings have only grown stronger.” Again they kissed.

  “So, Liz, does this mean you’re my girl now?”

  “Yes, William, I am definitely yours.”

  Chapter 8

  The Pemberley Foundation Gala

  Elizabeth’s apartment

  New Year’s Eve

  Elizabeth stood in front of the mirror in her bedroom admiring the beautiful ruby pendant William had given her just one week after declaring their love for one another. “The ruby is the gem of the heart,” he had said. “And since you hold my heart, I want you to wear this for me.” Thus far, Elizabeth had worn it every day. She loved what the necklace symbolized, and more importantly, the dear man who gave it to her. “William,” she murmured.

  Earlier in the day, William had dropped Georgiana off at the Bennets’ for a sleepover with Kitty and Lydia to welcome in t
he New Year. From there, he picked up Elizabeth and drove north to Forest Ridge Country Club where Billy and Skip were already setting up the cables and equipment for the sound system to be used by her choral group and the band. After speaking with Mr. Reynolds, Elizabeth wondered if the staging area might be a little tight to accommodate the dance moves which were a part of the holiday medley. If need be, she could make a few adjustments at the last minute as long as she knew what to expect.

  The country club itself was a posh private organization located adjacent to Lake Michigan, a little north of the Chicago Botanic Gardens and the Ravinia Summer Festival Music Park. The entrance to the club was hidden in a forested area with winding roads leading back to the main buildings, tennis courts and golf course. At this time of year, the winter gardens were scenic, and the trees surrounding the club house were adorned with tiny sparkling lights. The entire setting was inviting like something out of a fairy-tale—perfect for a winter wedding.

  “Wedding!” Elizabeth’s eyes widened, and her face flushed with the thought. “I can’t believe I’m thinking of weddings when I’ve only been with him for a little over three weeks—not even a full month.” She giggled. “Now I know I’ve been watching way too many holiday movies!” Again she giggled.

  How could one man have become so integral to her life in such a short time? She felt giddy with the thought. Some might think she was acting like a teenager who had a schoolgirl crush, but for Elizabeth, her feelings ran far deeper. In her mind, she and William Darcy were soulmates, and words could not begin to describe the bond which existed between them.

  Having finished with her hair and makeup, she reached for her free rental from Rent the Modern Closet, took it out of the dress bag and held it up in front of the long mirror on her closet door. The burgundy red chiffon fabric shimmered. Waves of tiny sequins decorated the strapless sweetheart bodice, which was intricately ruched and cinched with a twist at the waist. This dress was far more elegant than the one she had worn to Bingley’s party, and it was one she wouldn’t be embarrassed to wear in front of her students. Yet with the discreet side slit, it would be perfect for dancing the tango with William.

  All at once, Elizabeth was startled from her musings by the sound of the buzzer announcing William’s arrival downstairs. “Oh no! He’s here, and I don’t even have my dress on!” Panicking, she rushed to the intercom and buzzed him in. “Come on up, William. The door’s unlocked. I’m still getting dressed.”

  “Be right up, beautiful!”

  Hurrying back to her room, Elizabeth picked up the dress, unzipped it and slithered in. It was a tight squeeze with a narrow zipper opening, but she managed to wiggle in and pulled the strapless bodice into place. As soon as she pulled up the zipper and slipped on her shoes, she would be ready to greet William.

  “You’ve got to be kidding! The darn thing is stuck!” She arched her back while trying to free the zipper. “Ouch!” Not only was the fabric caught in the zipper, but now, so were a few strands of her long hair. No matter how much she tugged, the zipper wouldn’t budge, and with her hair caught as well, she couldn’t twist the dress around to where she could see how to fix it.

  “Liz, I’m here.”

  “Oh, William, I’m having the worst time with my dress. I’m so sorry, but I really need your help. Could you please come in the bedroom?” Holding the bodice to her chest and with her head bent to one side she self-consciously turned to face him. “The zipper’s caught.”

  “Darcy to the rescue,” he said walking into her room. “Here, let me see what I can do.” She turned around. “I see the problem. It looks easy enough to pull your hair free, but the zipper may prove harder—it has a mouthful of fabric.”

  “Do what you can. If I ruin another dress, Rent the Modern Closet will have my head.”

  “Not if I can help it. Hold still, Liz.”

  With one yank, William was able to pull her hair free. “Oh, that’s so much better. I owe you.” She turned her head and gave him a quick kiss. “Now, see if you can ease the fabric out by wiggling the zipper up and down. Be careful. It’s chiffon and can easily snag.”

  “Got it.”

  Elizabeth felt one of William’s warm hands slip inside of her dress and grab the fabric around the zipper while the other hand began working on the slider. His touch against her bare back was nearly her undoing, and it became obvious that it was his, too, when he momentarily stopped and tenderly kissed her bare shoulder. “William?”

  “Sweetheart, I’m not sure how long my resolve will hold in this tempting situation.”

  “William, please, you have to stay focused. We have a party to attend.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” William couldn’t resist kissing her shoulder once more before starting in again on the zipper. “It won’t be long, Liz, I almost have it.”


  “There! Mission accomplished!” William carefully finished zipping the zipper. “Now, turn around and let me have a look.” He stepped back. “Liz, you take my breath away,” he nearly whispered. Gently touching the ruby pendant, he lifted his fingers to caress her cheek. “I love you,” he said sealing his vow with a kiss.

  “I love you, too, William.”

  “I brought something for you.” He took her hand and led her into the living room. Opening a medium-sized flower box, he presented Elizabeth with a wrist corsage.

  “Gardenias! Oh, William, I absolutely love the smell.” She inhaled deeply.

  “There’s one more under the tissue. I asked the florist to attach one of the flowers to a hair clip. If it seems like too much, you needn’t wear it.”

  “No, not at all. It’s beautiful.”

  “May I?” She nodded. William carefully smoothed her long hair behind her left ear and clipped the flower in place. “They say that when a woman wears a flower in this manner, it means she is taken.”

  “William Darcy, I’m yours, without question, just as you are mine.” Again they kissed. Moments later, William helped Elizabeth with her wrap. They headed down to the car and drove directly to Forest Ridge in anticipation of a lovely evening while attending the gala and welcoming in the New Year.

  ~ ♫ ~

  Forest Ridge Country Club

  William and Elizabeth arrived at the country club close to six o’clock. Although dinner wasn’t scheduled to start until seven, the ballroom was beginning to fill with guests who were either lined up at the bar or milling about in conversation before taking their seats. After checking their coats, William happily introduced Elizabeth to several of his associates who were on the board of the foundation.

  A little later, the couple happened to notice Richard’s arrival with Caroline clinging to his arm. Dressed in a form-fitting mermaid dress and adorned with an excessive amount of gold jewelry, Caroline literally teetered as she walked across the floor with her escort. She held herself tall, surreptitiously looking around the room as if to check who might be paying her notice.

  “William, is that really Caroline Bingley? Dressed like something out of Fredrick’s of Hollywood?” Liz asked in disbelief.

  “I’m afraid so. When I told Richard about us, he offered to run interference with her at tonight’s event. The man is far braver than I thought. Here they come.”

  “William,” Caroline simpered, refusing to acknowledge Elizabeth’s presence. “What a shame I was unable to accept your invitation for this evening.”

  “I never….”

  “Richard insisted I accompany him tonight, didn’t you, darling?” she cooed, leaning into her date as he rolled his eyes. “Don’t you worry, William. With Eliza no doubt playing musical diva tonight, I’m sure we’ll have plenty of time to catch up, if you know what I mean.” She disgustingly parted her lips and moistened them with the tip of her tongue.

  William was appalled by her inference, especially with Elizabeth standing beside him. Before he could make his mind known, Richard interrupted Caroline’s little exhibition. “Excuse me, William, Liz. I believe Caroline i
s in want of some refreshments, aren’t you, my dear?” He glared at the woman and not too subtly took her by the arm, directing her towards the bar. Her shrill laughter was unnerving as they walked away.

  “My goodness! Does she always act like that?” Elizabeth asked, rather stunned.

  “For as long as I can remember … pretty much, yes. Hopefully Richard can keep her in line. Regardless, you are with me tonight, and I don’t plan to let you out of my sight for one minute.” He tenderly kissed her.

  “Thank you, William. I think I’ll rather enjoy having you for my protector.” She smiled sweetly.

  “Good. I see a few more people I’d like you to meet before dinner. Shall we?”

  The rest of the cocktail hour proved to be uneventful. Promptly at seven, just as dinner was about to be served, Bob Reynolds stepped up to the microphone in the staging area, introducing himself and making announcements about the silent auction and entertainment taking place during the course of the evening. Following his brief speech, William was introduced and handed the microphone.

  “Happy New Year!” he greeted. “I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our New Year’s Eve Pemberley Foundation Gala. Once again, we come together to raise money as a presenting partner for MADD, Mothers Against Drunk Driving. Exactly four years ago tonight Darcy Enterprises lost James Darcy, its CEO and founder of the Pemberley Foundation Charities, along with his wife Anne to a drunk driver. Since that time, this foundation has raised more than one million dollars through private donations and events such as tonight’s gala for the MADD organization. As many of you know, in addition to this evening’s fundraiser, our foundation supports more than twenty other charities in the Chicago metropolitan area. On behalf of my family, Darcy Enterprises, and the Pemberley Foundation, I thank all of you for your continued support and wish you a very enjoyable evening.”


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