by Ron Chernow
81. The Washington Post, May 24, 1884.
82. Ward, A Disposition to Be Rich, 235.
83. New York Evening Post, May 6, 1884.
84. PUSG, 31:142. Letter from William T. Sherman to Senator John Sherman, May 7, 1884.
85. The Washington Post, December 30, 1884.
86. The New York Times, May 15, 1884.
87. Ward, A Disposition to Be Rich, 231.
88. Ibid.
89. Ward, “General Grant as I Knew Him.”
1. The St. Louis Globe-Democrat, April 3, 1877.
2. PUSG, 31:100. Letter to Adam Badeau, January 21, 1884.
3. Kentucky Stock Farm, October 8, 1885.
4. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 329.
5. Flood, Grant’s Final Victory, 57.
6. Ibid., 57–58.
7. Ibid., 58.
8. Ibid., 60.
9. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 171.
10. Perry, Grant and Twain, 63.
11. PUSG, 31:205. Letter from Roswell Smith to Richard Watson Gilder, September 9, 1884.
12. Perry, Grant and Twain, 65.
13. Badeau, “The Last Days of General Grant.”
14. Perry, Grant and Twain, 69.
15. Flood, Grant’s Final Victory, 110.
16. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 189.
17. The Philadelphia Press, July 29, 1884.
18. PUSG, 31:211. Letter to Cornelius B. V. Ward, October 4, 1884.
19. Perret, Ulysses S. Grant, 471.
20. Perry, Grant and Twain, 71.
21. Badeau, “The Last Days of General Grant.”
22. Perry, Grant and Twain, 81, 121.
23. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 428.
24. Ross, The General’s Wife, 293.
25. Perry, Grant and Twain, 80.
26. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 175.
27. Kaplan, Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain, 258.
28. Paine, Mark Twain’s Notebook, 175.
29. Kaplan, Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain, 261.
30. Smith, Autobiography of Mark Twain, 1:78.
31. Ibid.
32. Ibid.
33. Griffin and Smith, Autobiography of Mark Twain, 2:61.
34. Ibid., 61–62.
35. Ibid., 63.
36. PUSG, 31:237. Letter to George W. Childs, November 23, 1884.
37. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 329.
38. PUSG, 31:294. Letter from Julia Dent Grant to Anna R. Hillyer, February 28, 1885.
39. Cantacuzène, Revolutionary Days, 18.
40. Kaplan, Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain, 271.
41. Paine, Mark Twain’s Notebook, 174.
42. Perry, Grant and Twain, 119.
43. Kaplan, Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain, 272.
44. The New York Times, March 1, 1885.
45. Ibid.
46. PUSG, 31:364. Letter from George M. Arnold to Frederick Dent Grant, March 17, 1885.
47. Badeau, Grant in Peace, 437.
48. PUSG, 30:136. Letter from Gen. William T. Sherman to Senator John A. Logan, February 5, 1881.
49. Ibid. Letter to John A. Logan, February 9, 1881.
50. Flood, Grant’s Final Victory, 135.
51. GPL. S2 B12 F22. “Mark Twain.” Telegram from Mark Twain to his wife, March 14, 1885.
52. Griffin and Smith, Autobiography of Mark Twain, 2:70.
53. Flood, Grant’s Last Victory, 136; Ross, The General’s Wife, 294.
54. PUSG, 31:321. Letter to Attorney General Richard C. Drum, March 4, 1885.
55. New York Tribune, March 20, 1885.
56. Perry, Grant and Twain, 162.
57. Flood, Grant’s Final Victory, 143.
58. The New York Times, March 27, 1885.
59. Ibid., March 30, 1885.
60. Perry, Grant and Twain, 170.
61. Ibid., 172.
62. Shrady, “The Last Days of Our Great General.”
63. Ibid.
64. Ibid.
65. Ibid.
66. Ibid.
67. New York Tribune, April 8, 1885.
68. Ibid., April 7, 1885.
69. PUSG, 31:337. Letter from Frederick T. Dent to Capt. Lafayette E. Campbell, April 15, 1885.
70. GPL. S2 B24 F13. “Interview with Ulysses S. Grant, Jr.” HGP.
71. Smith, Autobiography of Mark Twain, 1:99.
72. Flood, Grant’s Final Victory, 142.
73. Perry, Grant and Twain, 183.
74. GPL. S2 B12 F22. “Mark Twain.” Letter from Samuel Clemens to Henry Ward Beecher, September 11, 1885.
75. Ibid.
76. Ward, A Disposition to Be Rich, 240.
77. McFeely, Grant, 497.
78. PUSG, 31:280. Letter from William B. Moore to Frederick Dent Grant, March 27, 1888.
79. New York World, April 29, 1885.
80. Kaplan, Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain, 273.
81. PUSG, 31:358. Letter from Adam Badeau, May 2, 1885.
82. Ibid.
83. Ibid., 359. Endorsement by Frederick Dent Grant of Adam Badeau’s letter of May 2, 1885.
84. Ibid., 286. Letter from Julia Dent Grant to Clarence A. Seward, May 23, 1888.
85. Ibid., 354. Letter to Adam Badeau, May 2–5, 1885.
86. Ibid., 355–56.
87. Ibid., 359. Letter from Adam Badeau, May 9, 1885.
88. New York Sun, March 21, 1888.
89. PUSG, 31:430–31. Letter to Adam Badeau, July 12, 1885.
90. GPL. S2 B12 F22. “Mark Twain.” Letter from Samuel Clemens to Henry Ward Beecher, September 11, 1885.
91. PUSG, 31:52. Letter to Roland Worthington, July 3, 1883.
92. New York Sun, May 3, 1903.
93. Ibid.
94. Carnegie, Autobiography, 79.
95. GPL. S2 B12 F22. “Mark Twain.” Letter from Samuel Clemens to Henry Ward Beecher, September 11, 1885.
96. Ibid.
97. Simon, General Grant by Matthew Arnold, 57.
98. New York Tribune, May 1, 1885.
99. Griffin and Smith, Autobiography of Mark Twain, 2:71.
100. Kaplan, Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain, 274.
101. PUSG, 31:410.
102. Ibid. Letter to Frederick Dent Grant, July 6, 1885.
103. Ibid., 363–64. “Message,” May 14, 1885.
104. Perry, Grant and Twain, 208.
105. New York Tribune, June 14, 1885.
106. Ibid., June 15, 1885.
107. Flood, Grant’s Final Victory, 188.
108. Ibid., 191.
109. PUSG, 31:391. Letter to Samuel Clemens, probably June 29–30, 1885.
110. Julia Grant, Memoirs, 331.
111. USGH. “Interview with Dr. George F. Shrady.”
112. Flood, Grant’s Final Victory, 204.
113. PUSG, 31:441. Letter to John H. Douglas, circa July 1885 [n.d.].
114. Grant, “General Grant’s Son Speaks of His Father.”
115. PUSG, 31:375. Letter to John H. Douglas, June 17, 1885.
116. Ibid., 377. Letter to John P. Newman, circa June 20, 1885.
117. Ibid., 400. Letter to John H. Douglas, July 1, 1885.
118. Ibid., 387. Letter to Julia Dent Grant, June 29, 1885.
119. Ibid., 388.
120. Ibid., 414–15. Letter to John H. Douglas, July 8, 1885.
121. Perry, Grant and Twain, 221.
122. Smith, Autobiography of Mark Twain, 1:83.
123. Ibid., 82.
124. Procter, “A Blue and Gray Friendship.”
125. Ibid.
> 126. Webb, Benjamin Helm Bristow, 294.
127. Ibid., 295.
128. Eaton, Grant, Lincoln and the Freedmen, 296–97.
129. PUSG, 31:410. Letter to Frederick Dent Grant, circa late June/early July 1885.
130. Ibid., 437. Letter to John H. Douglas, July 16, 1885.
131. Grant, Memoirs, 1:5.
132. Paine, Mark Twain’s Notebook, 183.
133. Kazin, “The Generals in the Labyrinth.”
134. Simon, General Grant by Matthew Arnold, 13.
135. Kaplan, Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain, 274.
136. Catton, “U. S. Grant: Man of Letters.”
137. New York World, June 27, 1885.
138. PUSG, 31:440. John P. Newman journal entry for July 21, 1885.
139. Cantacuzène, Revolutionary Days, 20.
140. PUSG, 31:441. John P. Newman journal entry for July 22, 1885.
141. Vincent, “The Inner Life of Ulysses S. Grant.”
142. PUSG, 1:121. Letter to Mrs. Thomas L. Hamer, December 1846 [n.d.].
143. Flood, Grant’s Final Victory, 232.
144. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 199.
145. GMA. GFP. Box 1. Letter from Mayor W. R. Grace to Julia Dent Grant, July 23, 1885.
146. Buinicki, “‘Average-Representing Grant’: Whitman’s General.”
147. USGA Newsletter, April 1964.
148. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 241.
149. Sarna, When General Grant Expelled the Jews, 135.
150. Waugh, U. S. Grant, 252.
151. USGH. “Interview with John Singleton Mosby.”
152. “Longstreet’s Reminiscences.” The New York Times, July 24, 1885.
153. Achenbach, “U.S. Grant Was the Great Hero of the Civil War but Lost Favor with Historians.”
154. Ross, The General’s Wife, 313.
155. Ward. “General Grant as I Knew Him.”
156. “Chat in Public Resorts.” New York Tribune, August 2, 1885.
157. Paine, Mark Twain’s Notebook, 185.
158. GPL. S2 B12 F22. “Mark Twain.” Letter from Samuel Clemens to Henry Ward Beecher, September 11, 1885.
159. Ibid.
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