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Grant Page 149

by Ron Chernow

  Here: Portrait of Major General John A. McClernand, officer of the Federal Army. Library of Congress, Selected Civil War photographs 1861–1865, Prints and Photographs Division, LC-DIG-cwpb-06457

  Here: Portrait of Major General Henry W. Halleck, officer of the Federal Army, by J. A. Scholten.

  Here: G. W. C. Lee, Robert E. Lee, Walter Taylor. Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LC-DIG-cwpb-06233.

  Here: Lieutenant General Jas. Longstreet. Library of Congress, Liljenquist Family Collection of Civil War Photographs, Prints and Photographs Division, LC-DIG-ppmsca-38007.

  Here: Abraham Lincoln, head-and-shoulders portrait, traditionally called “last photograph of Lincoln from life,” by Alexander Gardner. 1865. Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LC-USZ62-12380.

  Here: Abraham Lincoln, U.S. president, looking at a photo album with his son Tad Lincoln, Feb. 9, 1864, by Anthony Berger. 1864. Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LC-DIG-ppmsca-19199.

  Here: Mrs. Abraham Lincoln, full-length portrait. Library of Congress, Brady-Handy Collection, Prints and Photographs Division, LC-USZ62-8341.

  Here: Andrew Johnson, full-length portrait, by Mathew B. Brady. Library of Congress, Brady-Handy Collection, Prints and Photographs Division, LC-B8184-10690.

  Here: Portrait of Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton, officer of the United States government. Library of Congress, Selected Civil War photographs 1861–1865, Prints and Photographs Division, LC-DIG-cwpb-06437.

  Here: President Grant at his cottage by the sea. 1872. Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LC-USZ62-90234.

  Here: Mrs. Ulysses S. Grant, full-length portrait, standing. Library of Congress, Brady-Handy Collection, Prints and Photographs Division, LC-USZ62-25791.

  Here: Engraving of General Grant’s children. From Harper’s Weekly, April 1885.

  Here: Hamilton Fish. Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LC-USZ62-37517.

  Here: Etching of A. T. Akerman, by Max Rosenthal. 1891. Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LC-USZ6-308.

  Here: Frederick Douglass, head-and-shoulders portrait, by George Francis Schreiber. 1870. Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LC-USZ62-15887.

  Here: Horace Greeley, 1811–1872. Library of Congress, Hoxie Collection, Prints and Photographs Division, LC-USZ62-47450.

  Here: Susan B. Anthony, by Mathew B. Brady. Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LC-USZ62-30742.

  Here: Charles Sumner. Library of Congress, Brady-Handy Collection, Prints and Photographs Division, LC-DIG-cwpbh-00477.

  Here: Roscoe Conkling, 1829–1888. Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LC-USZ62-79522.

  Here: General Grant and Li Hung-chang, viceroy of China, taken at Tientsin, Jan. 1879, by Shitai Liang. 1879. Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LC-DIG-ds-08332.

  Here: Going for a 3rd Term. Published by Hastings & Hannerty, St. Louis, Mo. 1880. Library of Congress, American cartoon print filing series, Prints and Photographs Division, LC-USZ62-90670.

  Here: Engraving of Ferdinand Ward, courtesy of Geoffrey C. Ward.

  Here: Samuel Langhorne Clemens, three-quarter-length portrait. Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LC-USZ62-112728.

  Here: General U. S. Grant writing his memoirs, Mount McGregor, June 27, 1885. 1885. Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LC-USZ62-7607.


  The page numbers in this index refer to the printed version of this book. The link provided will take you to the beginning of that print page. You may need to scroll forward from that location to find the corresponding reference on your e-reader.

  Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.

  abolitionism, 120, 139, 746

  absentee ballots, 452

  Adams, Charles Francis, Jr., 318, 360, 383, 399, 402, 413, 753

  Adams, Charles Francis, Sr., 679, 724, 726, 740

  Adams, Henry, 294, 556, 616, 624, 628, 678–81, 682, 873, 943

  Adams, John Quincy, 629

  Adams Express Company, 885

  Adas Israel synagogue, 836–37

  Aiken, S.C., 843

  Akerman, Amos T., 700, 704, 707–8, 710–11, 786–87, 823, 855

  Alabama, 122, 187, 218, 316, 327, 510, 538, 600, 601, 623, 702, 703, 706, 761, 785, 789

  Alabama, CSS, 682–84, 697, 721, 722–27, 749, 856, 869, 880, 889

  Alaska, 661

  Alcatraz Island, 170, 883

  alcoholism, xxiii

  Whig opposition to, 10

  See also Grant, Ulysses S., drinking by

  Alcorn, James, 655

  Alcott, Louisa May, 750

  Alexander II, Czar, 875–76

  Allen, Robert, 89

  Alvord, Benjamin, 80

  Robert Buchanan warned about Grant’s drinking by, 84

  Amelia Court House, 494, 496, 498

  American Colonization Society, 663

  American (Know-Nothing) Party, 99, 108

  American System, 9

  American Telegraph Company, 526

  Ames, Adelbert A., 655, 684, 709–10, 745, 753, 785, 788, 789–90, 813–14, 815–16, 817

  Ames, Blanche, 89, 842

  Ames, Jesse, 790

  Ames, Oakes, 753

  Ammen, Daniel, 375, 440, 578, 649, 863

  Ammen, David, 8

  Ammen, Jacob, 198

  Ampudia, Pedro de, 43, 47, 48

  Anderson, Robert, 521

  Anderson, Thomas M., 85, 86

  Andrews, Byron, 893

  Anna, Ill., 132

  Anthony, Susan B., 749, 750, 751, 764

  Antietam, battle of, 227–28, 271, 369, 522

  Antrobus, John, 341

  Appomattox Campaign, 486

  Appomattox Courthouse, xix–xx, 62, 98, 495, 505–12, 520, 521, 527, 551, 552, 564, 593

  Grant’s article on, 929

  Appomattox River, 396, 412, 413, 488, 493

  Appomattox Station, 499, 501, 504, 510

  Arizona, 58, 659, 892, 904

  Arizona, Department of, 626

  Arkansas, 124, 245, 291, 538, 789, 791

  Arkell, W. J., 948

  Army and Navy Journal, 595

  Army Corps of Engineers, 367

  Army of Georgia, 539

  Army of Invasion, 49

  Army of Northern Virginia, 365–66, 368, 395, 399, 401, 457, 498–501, 552

  food shortages of, 370–71

  surrender of, 502, 512, 514, 515

  unraveling of, 469, 515

  Army of Observation, 38, 40, 45

  Army of the Cumberland, 226, 304, 308, 313, 326

  Army of the James, 371, 374, 397, 410

  Army of the Mississippi, 213, 219

  Army of the Ohio, 213, 308

  in battle of Shiloh, 205, 206

  Longstreet’s attack on, 316

  Army of the Potomac, xxi, 86, 162, 194, 321, 326, 344, 372, 488, 539

  Burnside put in charge of, 231

  cavalry of, 361

  disbanding of, 561

  Grant’s visit to, 344–47

  Hooker put in charge of, 231

  Meade put in charge of, 271

  replenishing of, 418

  in winter quarters, 359–61

  Army of the Tennessee, 196, 213, 267, 308, 326, 457, 539, 811, 887

  in battle of Shiloh, 207

  disbanding of, 561

  Army of Virginia, 220

  Arnold, Benedict, 21

  Arnold, George M., 937

  Arnold, Matthew, 866, 953

  Around the World in Eighty Days (Verne), 862

, Chester, 736, 903, 906, 911–12, 918, 920, 932, 938–39, 956

  Arthur, Prince, 647

  Ashley, James M., 691–92

  Astor, John Jacob, III, 908

  Astor, William B., 561, 599

  Astor, William Waldorf, 912–13

  Astor House, 454

  Atlanta, Ga., 330, 436, 447

  evacuation of, 442

  Sherman’s march on, 349, 357, 424–26, 442–43, 448

  Atlantic and Great Western Railroad, 874

  Atzerodt, George A., 527, 528, 539

  Augur, Christoper C., 844

  Avery, William O., 803

  Babcock, Annie, 804

  Babcock, Orville, 466, 504, 507, 542, 545, 558, 564, 588, 599, 636, 637, 646, 669, 716, 726, 736, 795, 823, 850

  Santo Domingo treaty worked out by, 663–64, 665, 691, 692, 695–96

  and whiskey scandal, 798, 799, 800–801, 803–9, 821

  Badeau, Adam, 348, 351, 355, 364–65, 378, 398, 402, 416, 423–24, 439, 446, 447, 454, 462, 468, 481, 482, 524, 535, 536–37, 545, 548, 558, 562, 564, 577, 581, 583, 594, 595, 602, 606, 608, 609, 618, 623, 624, 631, 636, 648, 652, 656, 680, 682, 685, 697, 698, 726, 852–53, 862, 864, 866, 867, 873, 877, 892, 904, 911, 912, 920, 922, 941, 942–43

  as Grant’s editor, 932, 933, 943–45, 947

  and talk of Grant’s third term, 896, 897

  Báez, Buenaventura, 660, 663, 664, 691, 693, 695, 712, 739

  Bailey, G. Bartlett, 17

  Bailey, George, 17

  Bailey, Mrs., 17, 19, 39

  Baja California, 58

  Baker, Eugene M., 659

  Balling, Ole Peter Hansen, 449

  Baltimore, Md., 118, 123, 356, 409, 418, 419, 420, 743–44, 750

  Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, 525, 868

  banks, failures of, 683–84, 776–77, 926

  Banks, Nathaniel:

  on arming black troops, 284

  division diverted to, 300

  Halleck’s insulting of, 357

  Mobile as aim of, 257

  Port Hudson captured by, 291

  Red River campaign of, 357, 373

  Texas occupied by, 357

  and Vicksburg Campaign, 248, 261–62, 279

  Barker, B. Fordyce, 929

  Barnard, William D. W., 801

  Barnes, George W. “Bill,” 642, 863

  Barnes, Joseph, 578, 579

  Bartholdi, Frédéric, 870

  Bassett, Ebenezer D., 642

  Bates, Edward, 220, 615

  Baton Rouge, La., 217, 263

  Beauregard, Pierre Gustave Toutant:

  attack on Pittsburg Landing desired by, 197

  in battle of Shiloh, 200, 204, 205, 206

  Corinth evacuated by, 216

  Fort Sumter ordered shelled by, 123

  Johnston succeeded by, 203

  in march to Kentucky, 169

  in Mexican War, 50, 51

  and Sherman’s march to the sea, 458

  Shiloh attack planned by, 198

  trenches laid by, 396–97

  Beck, James B., 705

  Beckwith, Samuel, 151, 252, 289, 290, 383, 406, 442–43, 453–54, 456–57, 522–23, 526–28

  Beecher, Henry Ward, 16, 749, 750

  Belgium, 868

  Belknap, Amanda “Puss,” 823–24

  Belknap, Carrie, 821

  Belknap, William W., 669–70, 769–70, 781, 784, 791

  action against Sitting Bull taken by, 832, 833

  and Indian Ring, 820–25

  Bell, Alexander Graham, 829

  Bell, John, 118

  Bell, Philip A., 745

  Bellows, Henry W., 464

  Belmont, August, 744

  Belmont, battle of, 156–60, 168, 200, 237

  Bendell, Herman, 659

  Ben-Hur (Wallace), 202

  Benicia Barracks, 75

  Benjamin, Calvin, 55

  Benjamin, Judah, 470

  Bennett, James Gordon, 328

  Benton, Thomas Hart, 120, 192

  Berlin, 874–75

  Bermuda Hundred, 397, 412

  Bethel, Ohio, 25–26, 28, 61–63, 68, 72

  Big Black River, 260, 266, 285

  Bigelow, John, 698

  Bill of Rights, 573

  Bismarck, Otto von, 874–75

  Black, Jeremiah S., 824

  Black Codes, 562–63, 571

  Black Fort, 47

  Black Hawk War, 237, 353

  Black Hills, 770, 829–30, 831, 832–33

  gold in, 830, 835–36

  blacks, xxii, 567, 877

  citizenship of, 511, 570, 573, 588, 614, 685

  considered for Confederate army, 450, 470

  education of, 569, 588, 894–95

  and election of 1868, 620–21

  Grant adulated by, 299–300, 620–21, 632–33

  Grant aided in Vicksburg Campaign by, 247

  and Grant’s death, 957

  at Grant’s second inauguration, 755

  at Lincoln’s funeral, 530

  at Lincoln’s second inauguration, 475

  in militia, 222

  named to federal positions, 641, 749, 855

  as postal workers, 629

  prisoner exchanges and, 373, 450–51

  Reconstruction violence against, 568, 571–72, 573, 574–76, 583, 584, 586, 613–14, 621, 701–2, 705, 758–60, 761–62, 763, 786, 788, 789–92, 795, 813–16, 839–43

  rights in southern constitutions, 614

  Sheridan’s columns joined by, 476

  in Union army, 244, 280–81, 282–85, 298–99, 303–4, 332, 373, 398, 415–16, 428, 429–30, 441, 450, 475, 530, 561, 565, 642

  voting rights of, xxii, xxiii, 511, 513, 549, 553–54, 568–69, 585, 590, 592, 600–601, 610, 616, 632, 655–56, 685–87, 815

  in Washington, D.C., 654

  White House access of, 684–85

  see also Fifteenth Amendment; Fourteenth Amendment; Thirteenth Amendment

  Blaine, James G., 688, 705, 753, 783, 827, 892, 900, 901, 908, 932

  Blair, Francis P., Jr., 134, 617, 619–20

  Blair, Francis P., Sr., 465

  Blair, Montgomery, 617

  and Grant’s promotion to District of Southeast Missouri, 145–46

  Bleeding Kansas, 100

  Blight, David W., 620

  Bliss, William W. S., 81

  Block, L., 301

  Bloody Angle, 394

  Blow, Henry T., 225

  Blow, Taylor, 101, 107

  Board of Indian Commissioners, 657

  Boggs, Harry, 104, 105, 106, 350

  Grant cursed at by, 144–45

  Boggs, Julia, 103

  Boggs, Louisa, 62, 93, 107, 294, 350

  on Dent’s anger at Grant, 134

  on Grant’s administrative skills, 104

  on Grant’s drinking, 105

  Bolles, Charles, 526

  Bombay, India, 877–78

  Bond, Hugh Lennox, 628

  bonds, Treasury, 777

  Bonner, Robert, 678

  Bonneville, Benjamin L. E., 72, 73

  Booth, Edwin, 341, 347, 365, 416, 447, 602

  Booth, John Wilkes, 365, 513, 520, 525–26, 528, 530, 539, 602

  Borie, Adolph E., 628, 634, 635, 877, 883

  Boston Daily Advertiser, 563, 566

  Boutwell, George, 632, 634–35, 674, 675, 677–78, 687, 692, 714, 776, 779, 899, 900

  Bowen, John, 286, 287

  Bowers, Theodore, 222, 430, 433–34, 436, 509, 570

  Bowman House, 264

  Bradley, Joseph P., 689, 848

  Brady, Mathew, 3
50–51, 410

  Bragg, Braxton, 304, 316, 317, 405

  in Mexican War, 51

  pushed into Georgia, 325

  Sheridan’s pursuit of, 325

  Brand, Robert, 125

  Brandy Station, 344–47

  Brazil, 722, 744, 829, 932

  Breckinridge, John C., 118, 119, 371, 491

  Brent, Thomas Lee, 76

  Brinton, John H., 147, 177, 190

  Bristow, Benjamin Helm, 701, 711, 751, 753, 764, 766, 782, 787–88, 819, 825, 855, 951

  and election of 1880, 826

  and whiskey scandal, 798–99, 800, 801, 802, 805, 806–8

  British-American Joint High Commission, 722–23, 724, 725–26

  Brooks, Noah, 292, 342, 386, 439, 513, 523

  Brooks, Preston, 100

  Bross, William, 164–65

  Brough, John, 306

  Brown, B. Gratz, 741, 744

  Brown, John, 5, 100, 108, 532

  Brown, John Milton, 815

  Brown, Owen, 5

  Browne, E. B. M., 956

  Browning, Orville Hickman, 580, 595, 596–97, 603–4, 622, 649, 809, 823

  Browning, Robert, 866

  Brown’s Ferry, 314, 315, 320

  Bruce, Blanche K., 877

  Bruinsburg, Miss., 259–60, 261

  Bryant, Javan, 707

  Bryant, William Cullen, 100–101, 792

  Bryce, James, xxii

  Buchanan, James, 179, 307, 713, 714

  election of, 99–100, 107

  in secession crisis, 121

  Buchanan, Robert C., 88, 613

  Grant harassed by, 30, 81, 85–86

  strictness of, 83–84

  warned about Grant’s drinking, 84

  Buckner, Simon Bolivar, 184, 951, 956

  Fort Donelson defended by, 179, 182, 183, 286

  Grant’s expenses vouched for by, 91, 179

  in Mexican War, 57

  at West Point, 24

  Buell, Don Carlos, 187, 214, 358

  in approach to Nashville, 188

  in battle of Shiloh, 203, 205, 206, 209

  in charge of Department of the Ohio, 162

  in eastern Tennessee fighting, 221

  Grant’s army merged with army of, 195, 196, 197, 203

  on Grant’s drinking, 97

  Halleck’s dispute with, 169

  western army under control of, 218

  Buena Vista, battle of, 51, 159

  Bull Run, first battle of (First Manassas), 141, 142, 192, 198, 655

  Bull Run, second battle of (Second Manassas), 219, 220, 227, 366, 369

  Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, 66


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