by Ron Chernow
Bureau of Indian Affairs, 657, 737
Burke, Melancthon T., 114, 115, 119–20, 129
Burlington, N.J., 414, 444, 451, 453, 463, 523, 527, 534
Burma, 878
Burns, Robert, 181
Burnside, Ambrose, 320, 422, 561
in battle of Spotsylvania, 392
in battle of the Crater, 430
in battle of the Wilderness, 377–78
at Fredericksburg, 231, 366, 428
Grant’s attempted restoring of, 358
Knoxville captured by, 304
in Knoxville siege, 325, 326, 327
Longstreet’s attack on, 316, 317
mine explosion plan of, 426–28, 429
in pursuit of Lee, 400
put in charge of Army of the Potomac, 231
Burnsville, Tenn., 224
Burt, William L., 802
Butler, Benjamin, 262, 357, 371, 410, 416, 421, 439, 551, 580, 599, 635–36, 649, 765, 779–80, 858
almost replaced by Smith, 423–24
and annexation of Santo Domingo, 661
Appomattox River crossed by, 412
in battle of the Wilderness, 378
failure to move in Virginia, 396
firing of, 461–62
Fort Fisher plan of, 460–62
and Grant’s drinking, 422
Grant’s hope to oust, 372
Grant’s loss of faith in, 422–23
Halleck’s insulting of, 357
Johnson prosecuted by, 610
New Orleans ruled by, 372
Virginia plan of, 372–73
Butterfield, Daniel, 546, 674, 675, 677
Cadwallader, Rawlins, 274
Cadwallader, Sylvanus, 57, 273–75, 303, 383–84, 6708
Cairo, Ill., 147–48, 149, 151, 156, 159, 160–61, 163, 164, 166, 168–69, 170, 190, 237, 250, 300, 306–7, 896
Caldwell, Albert G., 871, 872
California, 58, 88, 144, 168, 294, 621, 739
admitted as free state, 68
Gold Rush in, 70, 71, 73, 75, 78, 149
Cambridge, Duke of, 866
Cameron, James D., 825, 840, 845, 846, 847, 894, 896, 899, 900, 903, 908
Cameron, Simon, 164, 307, 717, 825, 842
Camp, Elijah, 77, 90, 91
Camp, Walter, 69, 90–91
Campbell, Benjamin H., 165
Campbell, Edwina, 871
Campbell, John A., 465
Campbell, Lewis D., 582
Camp Jackson, 134
Camp Salubrity, 39
Camp Yates, 132
Canada, 683, 684, 697, 721, 722
Canby, Edward R. S., 357, 568
Cantacuzène, Princess Julia Dent Grant (granddaughter), 954
Cape Fear River, 460, 472
Cape Girardeau, 146, 161
Caribbean, 660–67, 694, 715, 716, 722
Carnegie, Andrew, 946, 947
carpetbaggers, 567–68, 655, 784, 848
Casey, Emma Dent, 482
Casey, James F., 757
Castigator, 8
Catholic Church, 108, 812, 873
Catton, Bruce, 274, 290, 407
Cavinaugh, Maggie, 120
Cazneau, William L., 660, 661, 695
Cedar Creek, battle of, 445–46
Cemetery Hill, 429
Centennial Exhibition, 828–29, 932
Century Magazine, xviii, 928, 929–30, 932, 934, 935, 936
Cerro Gordo, 52, 53
Chaffee, Jerome B., 915, 924
Chamberlain, Daniel H., 840, 842, 845
Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence, 505–6, 515, 540
Chambersburg, Pa., 431, 472
Champion’s Hill, 264–66
Chancellorsville, battle of, 271, 295, 366, 369, 378
Chandler, William E., 912
Chandler, Zachariah, 68, 464, 713–14, 717, 733, 821, 831–32, 838, 844, 847
Chapin, William, 676
Chapultepec, Mexico, 55–56
Charles L. Webster and Company, 934, 937
Charleston, S.C., 118, 121, 123, 124, 472–73, 521, 564
Charleston Mercury, 470, 600
Charles Town, W.Va., 443–44
Chase, George K., 815–16
Chase, Kate, 481
Chase, Salmon P., 122, 151, 250, 284, 439, 630, 740
death of, 764
as judge in Johnson impeachment trial, 610
Chattanooga, battle of, xxx, 304, 305, 320–27, 327, 363, 929
Chattanooga, Tenn., 305, 306, 311, 312–16, 317, 319, 331, 421
Rosecrans’s plan to abandon, 309–10
as vital point of rebellion, 316
Chesnut, Mary, 87, 344, 437
Chetlain, Augustus, 85, 118, 119, 126, 128, 132, 216, 432
in battle of Shiloh, 203
in charge of black troops, 332
on Grant’s appearance, 130
on Grant’s office while on adjutant general’s staff, 131
Chicago, Ill., 118–19, 184, 423, 424, 441–42, 577, 580, 615, 620, 625, 626, 770, 799, 804–5, 861, 886–88, 897, 899–900, 903–4
Chicago Inter-Ocean, 893
Chicago Times, 273, 705
Chicago Tribune, 164, 184, 249, 410, 731–32
Chickamauga, battle of, 24–25, 304–5, 306, 316, 317, 324, 363
Chickasaw Bayou, 239, 240–41, 258
Child, Lydia Maria, 745
Childs, George W., 651, 747, 774, 844, 862, 913–14, 928–29, 933, 936
China, 877, 878–80, 890, 897, 908
Chipman, N. P., 584
cholera, 11, 71, 73–74
Church, Albert E., 28, 29
Churchill, John, 598
Churubusco, Mexico, 53, 894
Cincinnati, Ohio, 28, 349, 560, 580, 620, 861
Cincinnati (horse), 375, 377, 415, 479, 504
Cincinatti Commercial, 212, 250
Cincinatti Gazette, 209
citizenship, 511, 570, 573, 588, 614, 685
City of Tokio, 881
City Point, 385, 397, 413–14, 417, 434, 436, 439, 445, 447, 449, 454, 463–64, 466, 469, 473–74, 477, 482–84, 491, 494, 512, 515, 524, 534
civil rights, xxii, 734, 858
Civil Rights Act (1866), 568–69, 570–71
Civil Rights Act (1875), 795
Civil Rights Act (1964), 795
Civil Service Commission, 731, 827
civil service reform, 730–33, 741, 855, 912
Civil War, U.S., 21
black justice as important in, xxii
brutality of, 206–7
casualties of, 159, 177, 201, 202–3, 204, 208, 211, 216, 226, 227, 240–41, 265–66, 267, 269, 278, 283, 290, 384, 385, 394–95, 402, 404–5, 406–7, 408–9, 423, 425, 426, 445, 453, 455, 516, 875
cost of, 488
eastern theater of, xxvi, xxvii
and foreign involvement, 228, 232, 300
Grant’s overarching strategy in, 356
peace talks in, 465–68
southern advantages in, 516–17
start of, 123
as war of attrition, 207
as war to end slavery, 228
as war to preserve Union, 132, 139
western theater of, xxiv, xxv
Claflin, Tennessee, 749
Clarendon, Lord, 683, 697
Clark, David, 768, 769, 770
Clark, Jonathan, 88
Clay, Clement, 553
Clay, Henry, 9, 39, 71, 192
Clemens, Samuel, see Twain, Mark
Cleveland, Grover, 932, 938, 939, 956
Cleveland Leader, 810
s, Henry, 748
Clymer, Hiester, 821
Cobb, Howell, 453
Coker, Simon, 842
Cold Harbor, battle of, 401–10, 413, 421, 422, 430, 436
casualties of, 404–5, 406–7, 408–9
Cole, C. C., 811
Colfax, La., 759–60
Colfax, Schuyler, 398, 632, 688, 714, 724, 743, 753
chosen as Grant’s running mate, 615–16
General Orders No. 11 denounced by, 620
sworn in, 630
Collins, E. A., 25, 138
Colorado, 58, 904
Colored Orphan Asylum, 298
Columbia, 76
Columbia, S.C., 470, 471, 472–73
Columbia Barracks, 75–77
Columbus, Ky., 154, 155, 156–58, 160, 187
Columbus, Ohio, 136
Columbus Insurance Company, 16
Comly, James M., 884
Compromise of 1850, 68
Comstock, Cyrus, 339–40, 343, 371, 373, 398, 545, 547, 548, 563, 564, 568, 586, 618, 636
Comstock Lode, 874, 915
Confederate States of America, 516–17
fear of famine in, 464
foreign diplomacy of, 228
formation of, 122
formation of military of, 123–24
population of, 355
shrinking of, 356
Congress, Confederate, 135
Congress, U.S.:
Enforcement Acts passed by, 703–4
Indian genocide pursued by, 657–58
Johnson’s angry message to, 598–99
Justice Department created by, 700–701
pay raise given to, 753–54
and Reconstruction, 549, 612
Congressional Reconstruction, 581, 589–90, 596, 598
Conkling, Roscoe, 714, 717, 720, 733, 734–36, 747, 764, 779, 826, 853, 894, 896, 899, 900–901, 902, 903, 905, 908, 909, 912, 922
Consolidated Virginia Mining Company, 868, 885
Constantinople, 872
Constitution, U.S., 122
Constitutional Union Party, 118
“contrabands,” 441
work done by, 229, 280
Contreras, Mexico, 53
Convention of Colored Citizens, 745
Cook, James, 840
Cooke, Jay, 748, 776–77
Cooper, James Fenimore, 23
Cooper Institute, 599, 750
Copperheads, 237, 245, 896
Corbin, Abel Rathbone, 547, 624, 673–74, 675–76, 678, 768, 868, 898
Corbin, David T., 841
Corbin, Virginia Paine (Jennie) Grant, 7, 77, 673, 674, 675, 676, 768, 889, 898
Corinth, battle of, 225–26
Corinth, Miss., 195
Grant put in charge of, 218–19
Grant’s family in, 222
Halleck’s defense of, 214–15, 216
taken by Union, 216–17
Corpus Christi, Tex., 41, 42–43
Cortés, Hernán, 50
cotton, 229, 230, 683
trade in, 232–34
Coushatta, La., 760, 793
Covington, Ky., 91–93, 109, 135–36, 222, 349–50, 548, 560, 591, 630–31, 638, 673, 767
Cowles, Edwin, 810
Cox, Jacob Dolson, 603, 604, 628–29, 634, 660, 663, 664, 699, 730, 737
cracker line, 314, 315, 421
Cramer, Michael John, 243, 591, 638, 686, 717, 875
Crane, James L., 139, 142
Crater, battle of the, 429–31, 435, 438, 439
Crazy Horse, 833
Crédit Mobilier scandal, 743, 752–53, 754
Creswell, John A. J., 629, 634, 635, 780, 782, 855
“Crime Against Kansas, The,” 100
Crimean War, 138
Crook, George, 80, 83–84, 378, 832, 836
Crook, William, 478, 493, 652
Crosby, Peter, 788, 789
Crump’s Landing, 196, 197, 202
Cuba, 665–66, 695, 715, 744, 893
Cullom, Shelby M., 743, 886
Culpeper Court House, 351, 359, 362, 376, 377
Cumberland Gap, 167, 331
Cumberland River, 147, 154, 166, 167, 176, 178, 183, 187, 191
Curtis, George William, 731, 732, 733
Curtis, Samuel R., 225
Cushing, Caleb, 765, 766
Custer, George Armstrong, 498, 512, 541, 579, 770
in battle with Sioux, 833–35
Custer, Libbie, 512
Da Costa, Jacob Mendez, 929
Dakota Territory, 835–36, 919
Dan (slave), 101
Dana, Charles A., 190, 232, 293, 309, 313, 318, 386, 400, 405, 417, 435
on battle of Chickamauga, 304, 306
on battle of Spotsylvania, 394
Cuban insurgency supported by, 666
Grant criticized by, 420
Grant monitored by, 251–53, 255, 256, 259, 261, 265, 273, 274–75, 276–77, 290–91
Grant’s campaign biography by, 617
on Meade, 345
and protecting Grant after Lincoln assassination, 527
on savagery of Milliken’s Bend, 283
on Sherman’s feud with Stanton, 541
on storming of Missionary Ridge, 324, 325
Dana, Richard Henry, Jr., 341
Danville, Va., 494, 496, 499
Danville Railroad, 418
Davis, David, 353, 447
Davis, Garrett, 705
Davis, Henry Winter, 629
Davis, Jefferson, 9, 263, 269, 371, 434, 447, 448, 469, 471, 488, 496, 579, 684, 766
arming of slaves considered by, 453
black soldiers threatened by, 283, 373
Bragg’s army expanded by, 304
capture of, 538
and capture of Atlanta, 442
depressed at loss of Vicksburg, 292
as fugitive, 514, 535, 538
Grant ordered to California by, 81
Grant’s resignation accepted by, 87
Johnston criticized by, 291
Lee as military adviser to, 368
Leonidas Polk convinced to join army by, 153–54
as loyal to Johnston, 187
and peace talks, 465, 467
made president of Confederacy, 122
plantation of, 282
proclamation against Butler of, 372
Richmond abandoned by, 491–92
sympathetic message to Grant on cancer, 937
Vicksburg protected by, 245
Davis, Jefferson C., 145
Davis, Joseph, 282
Davis, Varina, 958
Dawson, Noble E., 939, 947, 948
Declaration of Independence, 292
DeKlyne, T. W., 759
Delano, Columbus, 730, 780, 798, 819, 830
Delaware, 124, 452
De Loche, 217–18
Democratic Convention:
of 1860, 118
of 1864, 441–42
of 1868, 616–17
of 1872, 743–44
Democratic Party, 532, 845–46
Grant considered tool of Radicals by, 619–20
Grant’s identification of with white supremacist South, 614
Jesse Grant’s defense of, 8–9
Kansas-Nebraska Act and, 90
resurgence of, 890, 892
Denmark, 638, 875
Dennison, William, 136
Dent, Ellen Bray Wrenshall, 35, 37, 98
Dent, Emma, 30, 31, 32, 36, 40, 43, 61
on Grant and slavery, 101
on Grant’s drinking, 97
nt, Fred, 20, 22, 29, 300, 444
Mexican War injury of, 54
Dent, Frederick F., 34–35, 37, 64, 93, 101, 104, 107, 110, 115, 414, 527, 545, 636, 941
in attempt to dissuade Julia from moving to Illinois, 120
at celebration of Grant, 333
as Confederate, 127, 133–34, 185, 548
death of, 768
debts of, 639
desire for Julia to live with, 93
disliked by Grant family, 62
furious at Grant, 185
Grant and Julia asked to move into main house by, 98–99
Grant’s invitation to, 451
Grant’s letter on war to, 127
and Grant’s money problems, 91
and Grant’s proposal to Julia, 39–40, 61
Grant’s suspicions of, 78
Grant’s visit to, 132, 133–34
Grant’s wartime visit to, 168
invited to live in White House, 639
Julia given land by, 93
in move to Grant household, 548
stroke of, 618
typhoid fever of, 332
Dent, John, 36, 133, 451
Dent, Lewis, 89, 93, 655–56
Dent, Nellie, 30, 32, 40
Dent family:
slaves of, 31, 32, 34, 36, 62, 101
White Haven home of, see White Haven
Department of North Carolina, 472
Department of the Mississippi, formation of, 194
Department of the Missouri, 162
Department of the Ohio, 162
Department of the Tennessee, 226
Depression of 1857, 102
Derby, Earl of, 867
Detroit, Mich., 64, 65–66, 68
Dick, Franklin A., 225
Dickens, Charles, 96, 130, 191, 772
Dickinson, Anna, 749
Dinwiddie Court House, 489
Disraeli, Benjamin, 866
District of Cairo, 166
District of Southeast Missouri, 145–46
District of West Tennessee, 187, 219
Dodge, Grenville M., 315–16, 348, 912
Dombey and Son (Dickens), 96
Doolittle, James R., 244, 330, 336, 744
Dostie, Anthony, 575
Douglas, John H., 930, 931, 936, 940, 948
Douglas, Robert, 636
Douglas, Stephen, 120, 125, 577, 636, 747
in election of 1860, 118, 119, 120, 125
Lincoln’s debates with, 103
Douglass, Frederick, 475–76, 564, 642, 706, 714, 734, 828, 858
Grant praised by, xxii, 230, 746
Johnson’s insulting of, 550
Johnson’s meeting with, 568–69
Lee disdained by, 554
Republican Party supported by, 746
as secretary on Santo Domingo commission, 715–16, 718–19
Downing, George T., 568–69, 641–42, 745
Dred Scott decision, 100–101, 106, 371, 617