by Ron Chernow
Drewry’s Bluff, 396
Drexel, Anthony J., 774, 777, 913–14
Drexel, Joseph W., 948
Drexel, Morgan, 861
Driver, Randall, 843
due process, 614
Dyer, Alexander, 581
Dyer, David P., 802, 803, 808
dysentery, 246
Eads, James B., 170
Early, Jubal, 418–20, 431, 438, 444, 445–46, 476, 556
Eaton, John, 222, 228, 239, 244, 293, 300–301, 303–4, 439–40, 547, 656, 951–52
made superintendent of contrabands, 229, 281
Eckerson, Theodore J., 78
Eckert, Thomas T., 466–67, 526–27
Eckstein, David, 620
Edmunds, George F., 902
Edmunds, Newton, 835–36
education, 569, 588, 811–12, 873, 894–95
Egypt, 871–72
Elderkin, J. D., 42, 45, 46, 74
on Grant’s lack of womanizing, 78
on Grant’s slovenliness, 89
elections, Georgetown:
of 1830, 9
of 1832, 9
elections, Illinois, 1858, 103
elections, Louisiana, 791
elections, Mississippi, 816–17
elections, Ohio:
of 1863, 306
of 1869, 817
elections and campaigns, U.S., 554
of 1840, 25
of 1844, 39
of 1848, 51, 64
of 1852, 77
of 1856, 99–100, 107
of 1860, 118–21, 125
of 1862, 230
of 1864, 328, 404–5, 420, 439, 441–42, 452–53, 576
of 1866, 581
of 1868, see elections and campaigns, U.S., of 1868
of 1870, 703
of 1872, see elections and campaigns, U.S., of 1872
of 1874, 783–84
of 1876, 826–27, 838–39, 842, 843–50
of 1880, 890–91, 899–908
elections and campaigns, U.S., of 1868:
blacks and, 620–21
Deomocratic Convention in, 616–17
Grant nominated in, 607–8, 611–12, 614–15, 616
Grant’s isolation in, 618–19, 621–22
Grant’s victory in, 623
Jewish issue in, 620
Ku Klux Klan in, 588
elections and campaigns, U.S., of 1872, 642, 739–52
black voters in, 745–46
Grant’s renomination in, 739–40
Reconstruction in, 741, 744, 748–49, 752
Electoral Commission, 848–49
Elements of Military Art and Science (Halleck), 163
Elevator, 745
Eleventh Illinois Volunteer Infantry, 128
Eliot, Charles W., 732
Ellenton, S.C., 841–42
Ellison, Andrew, 87
Emancipation Proclamation, 223, 228, 230, 242–44, 281, 282, 293, 494, 532, 617, 661, 746
Emerson, John W., 105
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, xx, 58, 452, 551, 627
Enforcement Acts, 786–87
first, 703–4
second, 704
third, 706, 707, 708–10, 741
Erie Canal, 117
Erie Railroad, 672, 674
Essex, 171
Evans, Eliza F., 638
Evans, John S., 821
Evarts, William, 610, 611, 724, 727, 853
Ewell, Richard S., 379, 498, 499
Ewing, Thomas, 191–92
Fabens, Joseph W., 660, 695
Falkland Islands, 722
Farmville, Va., 496, 499
Farragut, David, 236, 351, 433, 577
Felt, Katherine, 893
Fenton, Reuben, 454, 735–36
Ferrero, Edward, 398, 429
Ferry, Thomas W., 779, 837
Fessenden, William Pitt, 567
Field, Cyrus, 780
Fifteenth Amendment, xxii, xxiii, 632, 634, 656, 744, 745, 749, 839, 848, 851, 856, 957
adoption of, 685–87
Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts Infantry, 473
Fillmore, Millard, 99
financial panic of 1837, 16, 17
First Reconstruction Act, 585–86, 587
Fish, Hamilton, 635, 643, 648–49, 688, 699, 709, 715, 716, 723–24, 734, 737, 747, 758, 762, 765, 766, 780, 782, 783, 784, 792, 823, 826, 848, 853, 855–56, 862
and Alabama affair, 683–84, 721, 722, 723, 727
Grant’s desire to see as president, 826
and Grant’s drinking, 749
and Motley’s firing, 697, 698
retirement considered by, 723–25
and Santo Domingo treaty, 660, 663–65, 666, 692, 694, 696, 715
and whiskey scandal, 805–6, 808
Fish, James D., 915, 918, 922, 924, 939, 950
Fish, Nicholas, 697
Fishback, George W., 93, 108–9, 799
Fisher’s Hill, 445
Fisk, James, Jr., 672–79, 807
Five Forks, 488, 490
Fletcher, Thomas C., 800
Florida, 122, 471, 563, 601, 703, 839
in election of 1876, 844, 845, 846–47
Floyd, John B., 121, 177
in Fort Donelson, 179, 182
Foner, Eric, 856
Foot, Solomon, 423
Foote, Andrew Hull, 166–67
in assault on Fort Donelson, 178, 179, 180, 188, 200
in assault on Fort Henry, 169–70, 172
and plan to capture Fort Henry, 168–69
Ford, John T., 529
Ford’s Theatre, 522, 523, 524, 525, 528, 530, 531
Forney, John, 597, 692
Forrest, Nathan Bedford, 239, 621, 707
and assault on Fort Donelson, 178, 182
Fort Pillow massacre of, 373
in Ku Klux Klan, 588
as president of National Union Convention, 576
raids by, 218, 258
Fort Darling, 396
Fort Donelson, 167–69, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176–86, 188, 189, 190, 195, 196, 198, 200, 206, 213, 286, 377, 671, 700, 938, 942, 951
Fort Fisher, 460–62, 465
Fort Heiman, 172
Fort Henry, 167–74, 176, 186, 190–91, 195
Fort Hindman, 241
Fort Humboldt, 81, 82–84, 86, 87, 88
Fort Laramie, Treaty of, 829, 830, 831
Fort Leavenworth, 618, 904
Fort Monroe, 371, 423, 431, 535
Fort Peck, 820
Fort Pillow massacre, 373, 575, 576
Fort Stedman, 478–79
Fort Stevens, 420
Fort Still, 821
Fort Sumter, 123, 124, 125, 521, 522
Fort Vancouver, 76, 79, 81
Fourteenth Amendment, xxii, 573, 583–84, 585, 614, 685, 744, 759, 848, 856
Fourth Infantry Regiment, 28–29, 30, 63, 81
in cholera epidemic, 74
in Mexican War, 43, 47, 57
in move to Sackets Harbor, 68
in move to West Coast, 72–76
Fourth Military District, 655
Fox, Gustavus, 254, 431, 449
France, 228, 357, 465, 555, 557, 869–71, 873
Franco-Prussian War, 869–70
Franklin, battle of, 455
Franklin, Benjamin, 829
Franklin, William B., 22, 302–3, 421
Franz Joseph I, emperor of Austria-Hungary, 876
Frazier, Willis, 843
Fredericksburg, battle of, 231, 366, 369, 428
Frederick the Great, 23, 432
men’s Bureau, 475, 562, 565, 569, 588, 768
Free-Soilers, 100, 107, 118
free trade, 741
Frelinghuysen, Frederick T., 698, 912
Frémont, Jessie, 146
Frémont, John C., 144, 155, 162, 192, 358, 561
in battle against Price, 156
on Cairo, 148
in election of 1856, 99, 100
and election of 1864, 439, 442
emancipation order of, 223
and Grant’s promotion to District of Southeast Missouri, 145–46
and Grant’s protection of Paducah, 154
martial law declared in Missouri by, 146
plan to dissect Confederacy, 147
French and Indian War, 4
Fry, James B., 27, 729, 923
Fugitive Slave Act, 229, 372
Fuller, J. F. C., 407
Galena, Ill., xviii, 25, 45, 92–93, 102, 109, 113–14, 116, 119, 120, 135, 143, 149, 150, 151, 156, 349, 362, 409, 559–60, 592, 618–19, 621–23, 853, 861, 885–86, 896, 904
divided over Civil War, 125
militia volunteers raised in, 126–27, 128, 134
Galena City Council, 349
Galena Gazette, 129, 560
Galena Wide Awakes, 119, 120, 125
Gallatin, Albert, 3
Galt House, 306–8
Galveston, Tex., 462, 894–95, 913
Gambetta, Léon, 870
Garfield, James, 336, 638, 705, 731, 736, 753, 778, 781, 842, 847, 908, 931
assassination of, 909–11
in election of 1880, 901, 902, 903–4, 905–7
Garfield, Lucretia, 909–10, 911
Garland, John, 46, 47
Garrison, William Lloyd, 9, 16, 473, 553, 565, 632, 742, 745–46
Garrison Station, 570
General Grant National Memorial, 958
General Orders No. 3, 568
General Orders No. 11, 233–36, 301, 620, 642, 643, 836
General Orders No. 44, 572
General Orders No. 48, 706
George III, king of England, 9
Georgetown, Ohio, 7–9, 10, 14, 16, 18, 25
Georgia, 122, 314, 325, 326, 356, 357, 374, 424, 438, 443, 447, 448, 450, 459, 460, 471, 488, 491, 492, 564, 568, 588, 601, 687, 690, 700, 703, 751, 840, 895
German immigrants, 31, 107–8
Germanna Ford, 377–78
Getty, George W., 380
Gettysburg, battle of, 292, 294–95, 366, 369, 412, 505, 522, 725
Pickett’s Charge in, 25, 295, 392, 407
Gettysburg Address, 292
Gibbon, John, 499, 521
Gilded Age, 637, 644, 729, 735, 774, 821, 887, 913, 919
Gilder, Richard Watson, 934, 935
Girard College, 20
Gladstone, William, 683, 687, 725–26, 866, 941
Godkin, E. L., 741, 761–62, 764, 835, 892
gold, 672, 673–78, 755, 776, 807, 913
in Black Hills, 830, 835–36
Golden Gate, 75
Gold Rush, 70, 71, 73, 75, 78
Goldsboro, N.C., 472, 477, 483, 536
gold standard, 778–79, 782–83
Goode, Simon S., 136, 137
Gordon, John B., 382, 384
Gore, John H., 60
Gorgas, Josiah, 292
Gough, John B., 69
Gould, Jay, 672–79, 710, 807, 874, 912, 913
Governors Island, 71
Grace, William R., 955
Grand Gulf, 257, 258–59, 261–62, 280
Grand Junction, Tenn., 226–27, 230, 952
Grand Review, 539–42
Grant, Clara Rachel, 7, 476
Grant, Elizabeth Chapman, 914–15
Grant, Ellen (Nellie), 93, 97, 106, 294, 374, 444, 632, 652, 653, 756, 771–75, 867–68, 919–20, 925
Grant, Fannie Josephine Chaffee, 913
Grant, Frederick Dent, 106, 463, 652, 653, 729, 768, 772, 773–74, 804, 872, 877, 897, 900, 905, 911, 914, 915–16, 930, 937, 942, 944, 947
birth of, 67
Cadwallader urged to write memoirs by, 274
childhood illness of, 68
debt of, 925
education of, 102–3, 105
on father’s reading, 96
and General Orders No. 11, 236
on Grant’s mental state, 114
and Grant’s move to California, 70
injury of, 266
Jesse’s scolding of, 234
marriage of, 770–71
naming of, 67, 72
in racist incident, 768–70
in trip to Washington, 340, 341, 343
typhoid fever of, 102
in Vicksburg Campaign, 255, 258, 261, 263, 266, 277, 332
West Point entered by, 558, 570
Grant, Hannah Simpson, 591, 639, 768
absent from inauguration, 630–31
concerned about Grant in Mexico, 52
death of, 919
as Democrat, 8
emotional reserve of, 6, 7, 10, 19, 26
and Grant’s army resignation, 92
on Grant’s generosity, 96
on Grant’s love for horses, 13
Grant’s wartime visit to, 349–50
Julia disliked by, 103
Julia’s canceled visit to, 106
marriage of, 6
in move to Bethel, 25
and naming of son, 3
on Orvil, 898
refusal to attend Grant’s wedding, 62
religion of, 6, 7, 349
slavery opposed by, 62, 103
and son’s fame, 560
as welcoming to Julia, 63
wine sent to Grant by, 318
Grant, Ida Marie Honoré, 770–71, 914
Grant, Jesse Root, Jr. (son), 102, 106, 116–17, 277, 303, 350, 524, 525, 545, 558, 652, 751, 771, 801, 809, 850, 862, 864–65, 866–67, 873, 883, 914–15, 925, 942, 950
Grant, Jesse Root, Sr. (father), 301, 591, 639, 898
appearance of, 4, 16
in attempt to borrow money from Julia, 234
as braggart, xvii, 4, 6, 12–13, 25
cotton-trading permit sought by, 234, 235
death of, 767–68
as Democrat, 8–9
drinking by, 10
elected mayor of Bethel, 25
on father’s poverty, 4–5
Fred scolded by, 234
Grant allowed to run Galena store by, 109–10
Grant asked for help by, 161–62
Grant lent money by, 91
Grant offered employment in store by, 92–93
Grant overpowered by, 12–13, 17, 67
Grant pressured to quit army by, 42, 51, 53
Grant pushed into West Point by, 17–18
on Grant’s abolitionism, 243
Grant’s actions at Shiloh defended by, 212–13
Grant’s asking for loan from, 99
Grant’s farm funded by, 93
Grant’s letter on rejoining military to, 127–28
Grant’s letter published by, 49
on Grant’s love of horses, 13–14
Grant’s resignation from army opposed by, 87, 92
and Grant’s run for presidency, 608, 615
Grant’s scalding letter to, 234
Grant’s wartime visit to, 349–50
on Hannah’s concern for Grant, 52
happy with Lincoln’s nomination, 119
health problems of, 5–6, 109
hounded by office seekers, 630
at inauguration, 630
insurance work of, 16
John Brown known to, 5, 108
journalism of, 8
Julia as viewed by, 116
Julia’s canceled visit to, 106
made postmaster of Covington, 548, 638
marriage of, 6
and naming of son, 3
political ambition of, 9
reading learned by, 5
refusal to attend Grant’s wedding, 62
refusal to fund Grant’s hardware business, 109
religious views of, 6, 7, 25
secession denounced by, 122
slavery opposed by, 5, 8, 9, 25, 39, 62
and son’s fame, 548, 560
on Stanton’s rudeness, 604
as striver, 4, 6, 9
tannery work of, xviii, 4, 5–6, 7–8, 15, 25, 92, 109–10, 114
Texas annexation opposed by, 39
wealth of, 109
as welcoming to Julia, 63
Grant, Julia Dent, 603, 944
ambitious for Grant, 95, 143, 160, 161, 608, 614
ambivalent attitude toward slavery of, 120
apparition of Grant seen by, 160–61
appearance of, 33
celebrity status of, 301
childhood of, 31–32
Civil War opposed by, 125
and collapse of Grant & Ward, 925–26
courtship of Grant and, 32–34, 36–37, 39–40
death and burial of, 958
Democratic roots of, 120
East and Midwest toured by, 558–60
on European trip, 863–77
eye infection of, 350
and father’s death, 768
General Orders No. 11 denounced by, 236
given use of slaves, 101, 106, 243
Grant doted on by, 95–96
Grant joined in City Point by, 436, 463–64, 473–74
and Grant’s death, 955
and Grant’s drinking, 70, 86, 87, 97, 166, 211, 244, 277, 464, 546, 619
at Grant’s first inauguration, 633
Grant’s first meeting with, 29–30, 31
and Grant’s move to California, 70, 72
Grant soothed in presidency by, 652–53
on Grant’s political enemies, 720
and Grant’s promotion to brigadier general, 143
at Grant’s second inauguration, 754, 756
and Grant’s sixty-third birthday, 947
Grant’s teasing of, 32–33, 96
and Grant’s throat and tongue cancer, xviii, 930, 931–32, 934, 936, 937, 942
Grant suggested to visit father by, 109
Grant’s worry for the future of, 930, 932
Grant urged to visit Richmond by, 515
Grant visited in Cairo by, 160–61
Grant visited in Paducah by, 155–56
and growing poverty, 106
in Hardscrabbble, 94–95
Henrietta’s meeting with, 884–85
on honeymoon, 62–63
on Indian Ring, 823–24
insulted by Mary Grant, 116