by Ron Chernow
in battle of Spotsylvania, 389, 392, 393, 394
in battle of the Wilderness, 379, 380, 382
in fighting at Petersburg, 412
in Mexican War, 51
Hanovertown, Va., 399, 401
Hardee, William J., 138
Ironton threatened by, 143
Hardie, James A., 28
Hardscrabble, 94–95, 99, 105, 463, 797
Harlan, James, 209, 498
Harney, William H., 813
Harpers Ferry, Va., 108, 418, 443, 532
Harper’s Weekly, 597, 640, 760, 767, 777, 788, 795
Harris, Clara, 523
Harris, Thomas A., 140
Harrisburg, Pa., 356, 888
Harrison, Benjamin, 902
Harrison, Carter, 886
Harrison, William Henry, 25
Hartford Courant, 694
Hatch, Davis, 695–96
Hatch, Joseph T., 758
Hatch, Lieutenant Colonel, 465–66
Hatcher’s Run, 488
Hatter, John, 520
Hawaii, 661
Hawkins, Albert, 642
Hawkins, Louise, 798
Hawley, Joseph R., 694, 705
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 340
Hay, John, 257, 340, 679, 734
on Halleck, 162, 163
Hayes, Lucy, 853
Hayes, Rutherford B., 501, 547, 625, 696, 712, 733, 743, 748, 781, 817, 823, 884, 888–89, 890, 892, 903, 956
in election of 1876, 827–28, 838–39, 844, 846–47, 848, 849
in move into White House, 852, 853
troops removed from South by, 853–54
Haynes’ Bluff, 247, 268, 274–75, 280
Hazlitt, Robert, 48
Henderson, John B., 609, 802, 803
Hendricks, Thomas, 956
Henrietta (former slave), 884–85
Henry Clay, 256
Herndon, William, 480
Herold, David, 539
Hershberger, Henry, 27
Heth, Henry, 395
Hewitt, Abram S., 846, 851
Hewitt, James, 63
Hill, A. P., 379, 380
Hill, C. H., 767
Hillyer, William S., 105, 148, 222, 670
in assault on Fort Donelson, 180
in battle of Shiloh, 200, 201
Grant’s actions at Shiloh defended by, 212
in pledge not to drink, 150
Hitchcock, Henry, 534–35
Hoar, Ebenezer Rockwood, 627–28, 634, 636, 679, 687–88, 699–700, 701, 702, 730
Hoar, George F., 690, 717, 808
Hodges, Henry C., 80, 81, 85
Hogan, John, 580
Holden, William W., 701, 704
Holly Springs, Miss., 231, 239–40, 245
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 207, 627, 628
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr., 394, 397, 400, 402, 420
Holmes, Theophilus, 286
Holy Land, 871, 872
Home Guard, Kentucky, 153
Homer, 871
Homestead Act, 644
Hong Kong, 879
Honoré, Henry H., Jr., 915
Hood, John Bell, 425–26, 447, 448, 455–57, 459
Hooker, Joseph, 353, 561
arrival in Chattanooga of, 315
in battle of Chancellorsville, 271, 366, 378
in battle of Chattanooga, 321, 322
drinking by, 238
in Mexican War, 51, 321
put in charge of Army of the Potomac, 231
Hornets’ Nest, 203
Hoskins, Charles, 47
House of Representatives, U.S., 467, 920
Appropriations Committee of, 130
Commerce Committee of, 130
Commitee on Banking and Currency of, 678
Democratic control of, 783–85
Johnson impeachment resolution in, 609
Judiciary Committee of, 590, 598, 787
Military Affairs Committee of, 71, 130
retirement bill in, 938
Hovey, A. P., 265
Howard, Oliver Otis, 310–11, 562, 583–84
and Rawlins’s death, 668
Howe, Julia Ward, 715, 750
Howe, Samuel Gridley, 715, 718
Howe, Timothy, 692
Howells, William Dean, 11, 679, 886, 888, 934, 953
Huckleberry Finn (Twain), 934, 936
Hudson, Peter, 389
Hudson’s Bay Company, 76
Hugo, Victor, 31, 869, 881
Humphreys, Andrew, 345, 491
Hunt, Lewis Cass, 84, 85, 86
Hunt, Ward, 764
Hunter, David, 223, 319, 397, 411, 418, 433
Hunter, Robert M. T., 465, 468
Huntington, Collis P., 710, 912
Hurlbut, Mary E., see Rawlins, Mary E. Hurlbut (Emma)
Huxley, Thomas, 866
Iliad (Homer), 31
Illinois, 100, 106, 120, 130, 132, 135, 143, 145, 166, 184, 349, 452, 559, 783, 885, 900
election of 1858 in, 103
in election of 1862, 230, 237
Illinois Central Railroad, 113
Illinois Colonization Society, 661
Independent, 442
Independent Order of Good Templars, 893
India, 877–78, 880
Indiana, 103, 106, 622, 703
Indiana, 862, 863–64
Indianapolis Daily Journal, 249
Indian Ring, 657, 819–25
industry, heavy, 781
inflation bill, 779–82, 825
Ingalls, Rufus, 22, 23, 76, 361, 696
on Grant facing court-martial, 85–86
Innocents Abroad, The (Twain), 871
Internal Revenue, first commissioner of, 634
international fair, 828–29
Iowa, 109, 117, 121–22, 208, 327, 812
ironclads, 170
Ironton, Mo., 143, 144, 147
Irving, Washington, 23
Island Number Ten, 207
Ismail the Magnificent, 871
isthmus canal, 75, 662, 690, 785, 883, 904–5
Italy, 105, 871
Itasca, 113
Iuka, battle of, 223–25
Jackson, Andrew, 120, 439, 629, 747
Jesse Grant’s defense of, 8–9
veto of charter of Second Bank of United States, 8–9
Whig denunciations of, 9
Jackson, Claiborne Fox, 134
Jackson, Miss., 254, 260, 263–64
burning of, 264
Grant’s march to, 262–63
Joseph Johnston’s evacuation from, 298
Jackson, Stonewall, 258, 516
death of, 271, 355, 399
at Second Manassas, 219
at West Point, 24
Jackson, William H., 217–18
Jacobs, George, 837
Jalapa, Mexico, 53
James, Henry, 679, 772, 774, 953
James River, 357, 371, 372, 385, 396, 401, 406, 411–12, 413, 416, 419, 434, 438, 458, 482, 485, 487, 492, 495, 513
James River Canal, 411, 473, 476
J. & W. Seligman, 861
Japan, 877, 879–81, 890, 897, 908
Jay Cooke & Company, 77
Jeff Davis (pony), 388, 394, 415
Jeff Davis Guards, 563
Jefferson, Thomas, 3, 120, 646
in front rank of presidents, xxii
Jefferson Barracks, 28, 29, 30, 35, 81, 91, 97, 104
Jefferson City, Mo., 145
Jerusalem, 872
Jetersville, Va., 496
Jewell, Marshall, 762, 782
, 785, 787–88, 826
Jewish Record, 956
Jews, 233–36, 301, 659
and election of 1868, 620
exiled by Grant, 233–36, 301, 620, 642, 643, 836
named to federal positions, 641, 642–43, 749, 855
pogroms against, 643
Jim Crow, 562–63, 815
Jo Daviess County, Ill., 327, 349
Jo Daviess Guards, 126–27, 128
John (slave), 101
Johnson, Andrew, 284, 621, 626, 628, 645, 649, 688, 690, 713, 714, 724, 742, 796, 906
acquittal of, 611–12, 613
amnesty proclamation of, 550
assassination plot against, 527, 539
in attempt to control military through Sherman, 607, 609
in attempt to send Grant to Mexico, 582–83
background of, 531–32
chosen as Lincoln’s vice presidential candidate, 409
civil rights bill vetoed by, 571
defiant message to Congress of, 598–99
as drunk at Lincoln’s second inauguration, 475–76, 531
and election of 1868, 616–17
end of presidency of, 629–30
Fourteenth Amendment opposed by, 573, 581, 583–84
Freedmen’s Bureau bill vetoed by, 569–70
at Grand Review, 540
and Grant’s inauguration, 629
Grant’s optimism about, 532–33
Grant’s relationship with, 548–49, 565, 571, 576–81, 582–83, 591, 597–99, 602–7, 613
and Grant’s report from southern states, 565–66
Grant visited in War Department by, 597
Grant welcomed to Nashville by, 310
at Hamlet, 348
Hispaniola annexation as aim of, 661
impeachment of, 598, 609–12, 645
made military governor of Tennessee, 532
made president, 527, 528, 531
in meeting with black leaders, 568–69
in meeting with Grant on Tenure of Office Act, 602–3, 604–6
National Union Convention welcomed by, 576–77
pledge not to interfere with Congress on Reconstruction, 612
prosecution of Lee favored by, 550–53
racism of, 532, 550
Reconstruction plan revealed by, 550
replacing Grant as war secretary considered by, 603
Sheridan reprimanded by, 589
and Sherman’s surrender terms to Joseph Johnston, 534
slaves of, 531
southern violence against blacks ignored by, 613, 621
southern whites allowed to recapture land by, 562
Stanton’s ouster desired by, 586, 593–95, 599
and Stanton’s restoration as war secretary, 603–5
and talks of action against Mexico, 555, 582
Third Reconstruction Act vetoed by, 590
on tour of northern states, 577–79, 581
and trial of Lincoln conspirators, 539
as vindictive toward Confederates, 496, 531, 532, 548, 549–50
Johnson, Benjamin, 210
Johnson, Edward, 393
Johnson, Eliza McCardle, 531, 547
Johnson, Robert Underwood, 929–30, 934
Johnson, Samuel, 31
Johnson-Clarendon Convention, 683
Johnston, Albert Sidney, 937
in battle of Shiloh, 200, 202–3, 214
and capture of Fort Henry, 174
death of, 202–3
in Fort Donelson assault, 167, 186, 198
giant force consolidated by, 195
in Mexican War, 51
ordered to attack Pittsburg Landing, 197
Pemberton blamed for Vicksburg by, 291
Shiloh attack planned by, 198
southern denunciation of, 187
and Vicksburg siege, 270, 273, 278–79, 285
Johnston, Joseph, 348, 417, 431, 478, 493, 510, 956
appointed to oversee Confederate forces in Carolinas, 472
indictment against, 551
Jackson evacuated by, 298
Lee’s hope of converging army with, 494
in Mexican War, 51
Sherman’s pursuit of, 349, 374, 396, 425, 488, 494, 521–22, 529, 533
Sherman’s surrender terms offered to, 533–36
and Vicksburg Campaign, 263, 264, 268
Joint Committee on Reconstruction, 567–68, 570
Jomini, Antoine-Henri, 22
Jones, Charles H., 529
Jones, Jesse A., on Grant’s drinking, 97–98
Jones, John, 370–71, 437, 470, 473, 495
Jones, J. Russell, 186, 328, 341, 886
Jones, William, 101, 106
Joyce, John A., 799, 800, 801
J. S. Morgan & Co., 862
Juárez, Benito, 554, 582–83
Julia (slave), 101
Julius Caesar, 23, 947
Justice Department, U.S.:
creation of, xxiii, 700–701
Ku Klux Klan fought by, 701–3, 707–11
Kangaroo (horse), 275
Kansas-Nebraska Act, 90, 99
Kearny, Stephen, 29
Keckley, Elizabeth, 481
Keegan, John, xxi
Keene, Laura, 522
Kelley, William, 609–10
Kellogg, William Pitt, 757, 758, 760, 761, 762–63, 791, 792–93, 795
Kelly, Officer, 652
Kemble, Fanny, 772
Kent, Robert T., 827
Kentucky, 3, 5, 16, 64, 103, 109, 122, 146, 187, 192, 207, 422–23, 455, 701, 751
Confederate invasion of, 153–55
as pivotal in Civil War, 153
runaway slaves from, 8, 16
in Union, 124
Keyes, E. D., 350
Kinkead, John H., 885
Kirkham, Ralph W., 91
Kittoe, Edward, 150, 307, 311, 333, 515
Knights of the White Camellia, 701
Know-Nothing (American) Party, 99, 108
Knox, Kilburn, 520
Knoxville, Tenn., 304, 316, 317, 320, 325, 326, 331
rations running low in, 326–27
siege broken in, 326–27
Kountz, William J., 163–65, 166, 237
McClernand aided by, 250
Ku Klux Klan, xxii–xxiii, 588, 613, 662, 686, 704, 745, 749, 782, 795, 845, 857
and election of 1868, 621, 623
Grant vs., xxii–xxiii, 702–3, 704, 705–10, 711, 712, 856, 957
prosecution of, 701–2, 707–8, 709–10
Ku Klux Klan Act, 706, 707, 708–10, 741, 786
Kung, Prince, 879–80
labor unions, 644
Lafayette Park, 560
Lagow, Clark B., 148, 318
in pledge not to drink, 150
La Grange, Tenn., 229, 258
Lancaster, 253
Lane, S. E., Mrs., 702–3
Law, Evander M., 366, 405
Lawler, Michael, 266
Ledlie, James H., 428, 429, 430
Lee, Henry “Light-Horse Harry,” 367
Lee, Mary Custis, 367
Lee, Robert E., 313, 348, 396, 431, 459, 590, 862, 906, 937
advantages in Virginia campaign of, 369
background of, 367
in battle of Antietam, 227, 228, 369
in battle of Chancellorsville, 271, 295, 366, 369, 378
in battle of Cold Harbor, 402, 405, 406–7
in battle of Fredericksburg, 231, 366, 369, 428
in battle of Gettysburg, 292, 294–95, 366, 369, 407
in battle of Spotsylvania, 388, 389, 393�
in battle of the Wilderness, 377, 378, 379, 380–81, 384
black soldiers considered by, 450
Brown’s raid ended by, 108
casualty rate in armies of, xxi
converging with Johnston as hope of, 494
death of, 656
decision to fight for Confederacy, 123
on desertion, 469
desire to bring South back into Union, 514
in fighting at Petersburg, 412, 413
Fort Stedman overrun by, 478
Grant as viewed by, 367, 517
Grant’s attacks foreseen by, 374, 375, 377–78, 387, 392
Grant’s opinion of, 517–18, 573
Grant’s pursuit of, 349, 351, 356, 365–66, 398–401, 403, 407–8, 434, 436–37, 459, 473, 496–99
Grant’s surrender terms to, 5, 499–503, 504, 508–10, 529, 536
Grant visited in White House by, 656
guerrilla idea squelched by, 503–4, 512
health problems of, 370
indictment against, 551
and issue of prisoner exchange of black soldiers, 450–51
McClellan praised by, 367
as man of narrow focus, 369–70
Meade respected by, 345
Meade’s pursuit of, 366
in Mexican War, 51, 52, 53, 56, 58
offered command of Union army, 368
in Peninsula Campaign, 402
personality of, 367–68
Petersburg abandoned by, 488, 491
possible treason prosecution of, 550–54
poverty of, 514
as president of Washington College, 553
promised leniency by Grant, 521, 548, 551–52
promoted to brevet colonel, 56
promoted to brevet major, 52
at Second Manassas, 219, 227, 366, 369
shattering the myth of, 294–95
and Sheridan’s crossing of James River, 485
Sherman’s criticism of, 471
slavery condoned by, 368
southern veneration of, 219
as South’s premier military man, 198
Spotsylvania fortifications built by, 387
strategy of, 518
stretched lines of, 417, 447
supplied by Petersburg, 410–11, 417
surrender of, xix–xx, 98, 504–13, 514–15, 519, 520, 521, 533, 536
West Point oath violated by, 21
Lee, Samuel Phillips, 416
Leet, George K., 736–37
Leo XIII, Pope, 873
Leopold II, king of Belgium, 868
Lesseps, Ferdinand de, 904
Lewis and Clark expedition, 29
Lexington, Ky., 331
Liberal Republicans, 743–45, 761–62, 782, 791, 805, 809, 827, 854
Liberator, 9, 473, 565
Liberia, 642, 661, 663
Library of Congress, 353
lieutenant general bill, 329–30, 335–36