by Ron Chernow
Life of George Washington, The (Weems), 12
Lincoln, Abraham:
anxiety over Burnside’s fate, 320
anxious about Vicksburg, 279, 292
appearance of, 352, 477, 479
assassination of, 522–23, 526–29, 530, 531, 535–36, 538–39, 911
and assault on Fort Donelson, 181–82
background of, 352
besieged by job seekers, 640–41
in Black Hawk War, 353
and black recruits to army, 280–81, 284
black troops visited by, 416
blamed for loss at Fredericksburg, 231
Butler protected by, 372
Butler’s Fort Fisher plan and, 460–61
cabinet of, 296
California preservation bill signed by, 739
in campaign of 1856, 100
and capture of Atlanta, 442–43
and capture of Fort Henry, 174
Chattanooga important to, 314
in City Point strategy session, 483–84, 485–86
Colfax allegedly insulted by, 615
Colonel Dent’s opposition to, 133
depression of, 352
Douglas’s debates with, 103
draft riots quelled by, 298
dreams of, 522
and Early in Shenandoah, 444
and Early’s threat to Washington, 420
and Early’s torching of Chambersburg, 431
in election of 1860, 118, 119–20
in election of 1864, 404–5, 420, 439, 441, 452–53, 576
Emancipation Proclamation issued by, 223, 228, 242, 494, 661, 746
first inauguration of, 123
and Fort Stedman fighting, 478–79
and Frémont’s announcement of martial law in Missouri, 146
French interference in Mexico as concern of, 554–55
in front rank of presidents, xxii
funeral of, 530, 534
as furious at McClellan, 136, 193, 211, 218, 353
as furious at Meade, 295
generals ordered to action by, 169
gold standard favored by, 778–79
Grant made major general by, 186
Grant reinstated by, 193–94
Grant’s behavior at Shiloh investigated by, 211
Grant’s direct correspondence with, 292–93
on Grant’s drinking, 165, 293–94
Grant’s General Orders No. 11 rescinded by, 235
Grant’s meetings with, 341–44, 352, 353, 361, 414–15
Grant’s plan for taking Mobile vetoed by, 327
and Grant’s plan to invade Vicksburg, 247, 253
and Grant’s promotion to brigadier general, 142, 143
and Grant’s promotion to District of Southeast Missouri, 145–46
and Grant’s promotion to head of Army of the Potomac, 295, 296
Grant’s turning down invitation from, 347
Grant supported by, 251, 271, 292–93, 296–97, 344, 354, 374–75, 384, 386, 392, 409, 414–15, 438, 479–80
on Grant’s victory at Corinth, 226
Halleck as disappointment to, 220
importance of Kentucky recognized by, 153
impressed with Paducah proclamation, 155
invasion of Washington as concern of, 366, 431
invited to City Point, 477
Julia Grant’s meeting with, 351–52
lame-duck presidency as worry of, 441
and Lee’s surrender, 513
leniency toward South desired by, 485, 496
letters to editors from, 678
lieutenant general bill backed by, 330
McClellan fired by, 230–31
McClellan returned to command of armies of Virginia by, 220
McClernand put in charge of Vicksburg Campaign by, 236–37
and march to the sea, 449, 457–58
Mexican War opposed by, 468
militiamen called up by, 124, 125
news of Chancellorsville received by, 271
officers fired by, 357–58
opening of Mississippi River as objective of, 238
and peace talks, 465, 466, 467–68
and plan for black colonization, 661
plot to kidnap, 520
Pope put in charge of Army of Virginia by, 220
pressured to get rid of Grant, 217
Rawlins promoted by, 297
and Reconstruction, 521, 548
on recruitment of black soldiers, 299
Richmond toured by, 495
Rosecrans insulted by, 305
second inauguration of, 475–76
as secretive, 353
with Seward after carriage accident, 512–13
shaken by Union defeat at Bull Run, 141
Sherman’s presenting Savannah to, 459
and Smith’s almost replacing of Butler, 423, 424
and Spotsylvania casualties, 398
temperance of, 251
and Thomas’s victory over Hood, 457
in trip to Washington, 122–23
troops reviewed by, 478–79, 483
in visit to Petersburg, 493–94
Washburne’s campaign biography of, 130
on Washburne’s discovery of Grant, 129, 165
as Whig, 9
Whitman’s praise of, xx
Wilmot Proviso supported by, 59
on Yates’s gubernatorial campaign, 130
Lincoln, Eddie, 481–82
Lincoln, Mary, 347, 351–52, 469, 477–78, 480–83, 484, 495, 519–20, 522, 523, 524, 528, 530
Lincoln, Robert, 468–69, 477, 478, 493, 520, 530, 545, 910
Lincoln, Tad, 414, 477–78, 493
Lincoln, Willie, 481–82
Lindell Hotel, 333
Lindsay, Jack, 22
line-item veto, 754
Little Bighorn, battle of, 833–35, 836, 855
Little Dorrit (Dickens), 96
Logan, John, 138, 287, 290, 348, 456, 584, 615, 896, 899, 903, 908, 938
Logan, Olive, 653
London, 698, 865–66, 898
Long, John Fenton, 185
Long Branch, N.J., xviii, 591, 651–52, 747, 773, 800, 805, 813, 819, 909, 913, 928, 929, 930
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 627
Longstreet, James, 638
in battle of the Wilderness, 380, 381
Burnside attacked by, 316, 317
complacency as concern of, 366–67
on Confederate advantage in Virginia campaign, 369
on Grant, 21–22, 24, 42, 54, 304, 511, 728
Grant lent money by, 98
and Grant’s death, 957
indictment against, 551
and Lee’s surrender, 504, 506, 511
menacing activity in Tennessee by, 332
in Mexican War, 51
and Othello production, 43
prisoners exchanged by, 474
and racial violence in New Orleans, 758–59, 761
St. Louis praised by, 29
at Second Manassas, 219
surrender vetoed by, 500
on third term for Grant, 895
Loo Choo (Ryukyu) Islands, 879, 881
Lookout Mountain, 314, 321, 322
Louisiana, 245, 587–88, 751, 757, 758–59, 789, 839, 844, 845, 858, 895
in election of 1876, 844, 845, 846–48
fears of government overthrow in, 761–63
political mayhem in, 791–95, 796, 843
secession of, 122, 192
Louisiana, USS, 461
Louisiana Seminary of Learning and Military Academy, 192
le, Ky., 63, 308, 331, 339, 799, 888
Love, Alfred H., 889
Lovejoy, Owen, 119
Lowe, Kate, 26
Lowell, James Russell, 627–28, 876
Lum, Anna, 297
Lum, William, 297
Lyman, Theodore, 341, 360, 380, 434, 479
Lynch, Isaac, 12
Lynch, John Roy, 817, 838
Lynchburg, Va., 418, 473, 475, 499, 501
Lyon, Nathaniel, 134
death of, 143
Lyons, James, 763
Lytton, Lord, 878, 884
MacArthur, Arthur, Jr., 324
MacArthur, Douglas, 324
McClellan, George B., 303, 392
abolition hated by, 223
in battle of Antietam, 227, 228, 271
Crimean War observed by, 138
in election of 1864, 328, 420, 441–42, 452, 453
Grant’s arrest ordered by, 189
Grant’s attempted restoration of, 358
Grant’s request for job from, 135–36
Halleck made military adviser to, 218
Halleck reprimanded by, 188, 190
lavish funding of, 192
Lee’s praise of, 367
Lincoln’s anger at, 136, 193, 211, 218, 353
Lincoln’s firing of, 230–31
in Mexican War, 50, 51
peace plank abandoned by, 442
in Peninsula Campaign, 218, 402, 408
procrastination by, 182, 193, 218, 403
put in charge of Army of the Potomac, 162
railroad surveyed by, 80–81
removed as general in chief, 194
returned to command of armies in Virginia, 220
Stanton’s annoyance with, 136, 169
at West Point, 25
McClellan, Hillyer & Moody, 104
McClernand, John A., 138, 171, 172
in assault on Fort Donelson, 179, 180, 181, 237
background of, 237
Bruinsburg landing of, 259
claim to capture forts at Vicksburg, 269–70
in clash at Champion’s Hill, 265
firing of, 272, 296
Grant accused of drinking by, 237
Grant’s desire for end of service of, 455
Grant’s disputes with, 237–39
Halleck’s insulting of, 357
river transport by, 250
rousing message to Grant from, 191
and Vicksburg Campaign, 236–37, 238, 241, 257, 259, 264, 265, 269–70, 272
McClure, Alexander K., 211
McCord, Louisa, 752
McCosh, James, 625
McCulloch, Hugh, 557
McDonald, John, 797–98, 799, 800, 801, 802, 806
McDowell, Irvin:
in First Manassas, 141
in Mexican War, 55–56
McEnery, John, 757–58, 793
Macfeely, Robert, 80
Mack brothers, 233, 234–35
McKinley, William, 940, 958
McKinstry, Justus, 145
McLean, James, 897
McLean, Wilmer, 505, 506, 511, 512
MacMahon, Patrice de, 869
McMillan, Charles, 272–73
McPherson, James Birdseye, 170, 186, 244, 300, 337, 347, 348
in clash at Champion’s Hill, 265
death of, 426
on defense of Shiloh, 196
Department and Army of the Tennessee commanded by, 347
on Grant’s overworking, 253
Union mine blown up by, 285
in Vicksburg Campaign, 248, 257, 263, 264, 265, 285, 287
McPherson, James M., 516, 644
Madison Barracks, 64–65
Magnolia, 245–46, 253
Magoffin, Beriah, 153
Magruder, J. B., 556
Mahan, Dennis Hart, 22–23, 768
malaria, 246, 278
Malvern Hill, 482, 483
Manassas, first battle of, see Bull Run, first battle of
Manassas, second battle of, see Bull Run, second battle of
Manchester, Great Britain, 864–65
Marble, A. P., 83
march to the sea, 443, 447–49, 455, 457–58, 670
black troops on, 450
fugitive slaves collected on, 470–71, 477
Marcy, William L., 640
Marine National Bank, 916, 921, 922, 923
Mariposa Grove, 739
Maritime Canal Company, 904–5
Marsh, Caleb P., 821
Marsh, Othniel, 831
Marshall, Charles, 507, 510
Marszalek, John F., 168
Martin, T. Jefferson, 858
Marx, Karl, 187
Maryland, 421, 751
in Union, 124, 153
Mary Martin, 466
Massachusetts, 743, 783
Matamoros, Mexico, 43, 45
Mathews, John, 525
Mattoon, Ill., 132, 134
Maximilian I of Mexico, 554, 557, 583
Maxwell, John, 434
Maysville Seminary, 16
Meade, C. E., 931
Meade, George Gordon, 341, 359, 360, 373, 428, 503, 504, 561, 627
Army of the Potomac commanded by, 271
in battle of Cold Harbor, 405, 421
in battle of Gettysburg, 295, 366
in battle of the Crater, 430
in battle of the Wilderness, 378, 379–80
in fighting at Petersburg, 413
in Grand Review, 539, 540
Grant’s meeting with, 345–47
Lee’s surrender and, 511
in Mexican War, 51
in move to Spotsylvania, 385, 387–88, 390–91
on origin of Grant’s style, 42
and plan for mine in Petersburg, 427
and pursuit of Lee, 292, 295, 345, 366, 494, 497–98, 499
Smith’s criticism of, 421
on tour of northern states, 577
measles, 78, 246
Medill, Joseph, 249, 410, 620, 731–32
Meigs, Montgomery, 169, 326, 668
Memoirs (Sherman), 168
Memphis, Tenn, 159, 188, 233, 238, 239
Grant honored in, 300–301
Grant’s enforcement of laws in, 218
Grant’s moves to, 217–18, 244
racial strife in, 571–72, 573, 586, 590
Union occupation of, 217
Memphis Appeal, 895
Memphis Avalanche, 572
Mencken, H. L., 585–86
merchant marine, 712
Merrill, Lewis, 704
Methodist Episcopal Church, 6, 7
Metropolitan Methodist Episcopal Church, 649
Mexican Southern Railroad, 913
Mexican War, 24, 38–59, 83, 315, 316, 345, 347, 367, 392, 507
American casualties in, 56, 206
Lincoln’s opposition to, 468
as political war, 49
start of, 39–40, 41, 43–44
treaty ending, 58
Mexico, 893–94, 897, 908, 912, 913
European pretensions in, 300, 357, 465, 554–55, 582
U.S. occupation of, 56–57
Mexico, Mo., 141–42
Mexico (soldier), 137, 140
Mexico City, 46, 49–50, 53, 56, 57
Scott’s march on, 53–54
Military Division of the Mississippi, 308, 309, 347
Military History of Ulysses S. Grant (Badeau), 637, 944
militia, 132
Lincoln’s call for, 124, 125
Militia Act, 222
Horace, 789
Milliken’s Bend, 251, 257, 283
Milwaukee, Wis., 799
Minnesota, 121–22
miscegenation, 452
Missionary Ridge, 305, 314, 316, 317, 319–21, 322–23, 324–25, 341
Mississippi, 122, 221, 223, 224, 240, 291, 298, 563, 571, 621, 655–56, 684, 686, 702, 703, 707, 788–90, 791, 792, 813, 842–43, 858
Grant considering sending troops to, 814–15
troops sent to, 843
Mississippi Central Railroad, 227, 239, 254
Mississippi River, 63, 140, 145, 147, 154, 157, 161, 187, 195, 207, 217, 238, 241, 245, 247, 248, 251, 253, 254, 255, 257
commerce on, 130, 282, 291, 299
Vicksburg as last Confederate fortress on, 236
Mississippi Valley, 187, 194, 207, 222, 226, 229, 281
Missouri, 30–31, 100, 134, 140–47, 156, 159, 409, 495, 703, 751, 783, 798
emancipation announced in, 146
martial law declared in, 146
in Union, 124, 130, 153
Missouri Compromise, 90, 100
Missouri Democrat, 572
“Mistakes of Grant, The” (Rosecrans), 309
Mobile, Ala., 300, 327, 330, 357, 447, 519, 895
Mobile Bay, 357, 433
Mobile Register, 895
Mobile Tribune, 575
Moccasin Bend, 314
Molino del Rey, Mexico, 54–55, 894
Monocacy Junction, 433
Monocacy River, 419
monopolies, 778
Monroe, John, 574
Monroe Doctrine, 555, 904
Montana Territory, 659, 691, 834
Monterrey, Mexico, 46, 47–48, 49, 51
Montgomery, Ala., 122, 330
Montgomery, Louis, 286
Moody, Dwight, 811
Moran, Benjamin, 726
Morgan, Michael R., 86, 336–37, 434, 510
Morrill, Lot, 694, 823, 825
Morrill Act, 644
Morris, Isaac N., 350
Morris, Thomas, 17, 25
Morton, Oliver P., 713, 714, 717, 723–24, 733, 779–80, 827, 857
Mosby, John Singleton, 358–59, 524, 529, 554, 746–47, 794, 845, 879, 957
Motley, John Lothrop, 326, 495, 682, 684, 697–98, 721
Mount McGregor, 96, 948–49, 950, 955
Mule Shoe, 389, 390, 393, 394
Murphy, Robert C., 240
Murphy, Thomas, 735–36
Naboth’s Vineyard speech (Sumner), 713
Nagasaki, Japan, 880
Napoleon I, emperor of the French, 23, 52, 163, 294, 376, 432, 447, 870, 882
Napoleon III, emperor of the French, 554–55, 556, 582, 869–70
Nash, Christopher Columbus, 758, 759
Nashville, Tenn., 167, 176, 182, 306, 309–10, 330–33, 335, 348, 349, 359, 455, 456
Grant’s taking of, 187–88, 189, 263, 532
Nast, Thomas, 576, 615, 623, 726, 741, 742, 748, 812, 850, 883