Shrouded Destiny
Page 75
Jesus blinked for a second, clearly surprised Susan would make such a bold demand. Then he laughed loudly, throwing his head back. The others joined in the laughter, which continued a bit longer than sincere laughter would have.
"Angelino once came to me and asked me to do the same. What makes you think I will heed your warning when I would not heed his? Angelino is dead. Be careful lest you share the same fate,” he glowered menacingly.
Susan stood her ground without reacting. She locked her eyes on Jesus and kept her gaze deep and intense. The anti-Christ stopped laughing and met her gaze.
He is struggling to maintain eye contact with you, Mother. He is frightened.
"What are you afraid of, Jesus?” Susan asked.
"Afraid? Me? What would I have to fear from a little lady like you?” he sneered.
"Oh, you have nothing to fear from me, Jesus. That does not mean, however, you have nothing to fear. Why don't you end this now, before you are totally destroyed?"
Jesus chuckled with condescension. “Susan, you have not been out in the world much lately, have you? Your world is no more. It is my world now. There is nothing that remains of the old way, other than in the already fading memories of the people. Within a generation, the planet will not be recognizable to anyone living today."
He placed his hands behind his back and paced out in front of the table. “Face it, Susan,” his gaze again moved down to her protruding abdomen, “you speak with much bravado, but your cause is lost.” Then, with a voice dripping with menace, he added, “For the sake of your unborn child, I suggest you leave such matters to me and my colleagues."
Susan raised an amused eyebrow. “Why, Jesus, that sounds like a threat. Not very ‘Christian’ of you now, is it?"
Jesus straightened himself to his full height and came closer to Susan so they were standing face to face. He gazed downward at her with a hard glare. “You have become too much like Angelino. You try my patience."
Susan met his gaze without flinching. Then her face grew soft, almost pitying.
"What happened to you, Jesus? You were not always like this. I remember a sensitive, kind, almost frightened young man back in the mountains of Colorado. Now all I see before me is an evil, frightened creature."
For a split second, Susan thought she saw his face soften, but just as quickly it hardened again.
Jesus’ eyes blackened with evil. He hissed, “You are tempting forces of which you have no understanding, Susan. I give you this warning in gratitude for the kindnesses you showed me when I was first resurrected, but those kindnesses do not give you unlimited license."
"I am not toying with you, Jesus. My heart breaks to see what you've become. For so many centuries your name signified hope and salvation for mankind. Now, it means no more than that of a petty thug."
"Enough!” Jesus bellowed.
Susan's eyes filled with even deeper pity. Jesus’ rage intensified as he looked deeper into her eyes. He raised his hand to strike her. As it came forward, it seemed to hit a barrier in space, mere inches from her face. Jesus blinked with surprise quickly replaced by a raging anger. Again, he drew back his hand. He came forward, putting the entire weight of his body behind the blow. Susan stepped aside gracefully, allowing the blow to flow through empty air. Jesus, thrown forward by the momentum of his own blow, sprawled face down on the marble floor.
Susan turned rapidly to face him, her robe swirling majestically with her movement. Her face bore no expression. She watched as Jesus quickly rose to his feet and whirled to face her, anger darkening his countenance. Jesus hated being humiliated in front of his inner circle, especially by this tiny female. Yet, he did not hurl himself at her immediately. His first two failures to deliver his intended blow had taught him caution and not to underestimate her. What was unsettling was the complete lack of fear in her eyes. That would have to change.
"Try as you might, Jesus, you shall not lay a hand on me,” Susan said.
Jesus did not respond. He stood silently, regarding her as a lion would regard its prey. And just as the lion knew it was only a matter of time before his prey would succumb to his superior strength, Jesus had the patience to probe for and exploit her weaknesses. She had learned well from Angelino, but then Angelino had been no match for him in the end, had he?
Jesus paced back and forth, his eyes fixed on her. She remained in the same spot, her face soft and gentle, her eyes filled with compassion.
The Council members, who had not budged since Susan entered the chamber, began to whisper among themselves. Mathias was puzzled by the confrontation. What had happened to Susan? Of course, he had noticed she never really took to Jesus after that first meeting in the mountains. She had never been a true believer and he never could understand why. Wasn't it obvious who Jesus was? Everyone else could see it. Why couldn't she and that blasphemer Angelino see it? What manner of evil possessed her soul?
As if reading his mind, Susan turned to him and said, “Armand, have you not seen the truth yet? Do you not know who it is that you follow?"
Mathias smiled as if not being able to believe she could ask such a question. “Why, I follow Jesus, the Son of God, of course,” he answered.
"You have it half right, Armand. This man is Jesus, yes, but he is not the Son of God."
Mathias chuckled. “What are you talking about, Susan? Of course he's the Son of God. Tell her, Jesus."
Jesus did not reply.
Mathias stopped smiling. “Why don't you tell her? Tell her you are the Son of God."
Jesus kept his gaze fixed on Susan, but said nothing.
"You see, Armand. He can't tell you that.” She turned to Jesus. “Can you, Jesus?” Then she turned back toward Mathias, who was blinking, uncomprehending.
"This is no ‘Son of God,’ Armand, haven't you figured that out yet? You have been following the anti-Christ."
Mathias laughed uncertainly. “Susan, don't be silly."
"Ask him, Armand. He cannot even speak it to lie to you about it. He has used you. They have all used you, Armand.” She looked at him with sympathy.
Mathias sat unable to move, unbelieving. All the members of the Council stiffened and remained silent. Jesus stopped pacing. Time stood still as the wheels within the Mathias’ mind churned madly. Finally, through a fog of confusion, he found the voice to ask, “Jesus, are you the Son of God?"
Jesus glared at him. “How can you ask me that, Armand? Have I not given you everything you ever dreamed of? Power. Influence. Respect. Everything you have ever wanted I put into the palm of your hand. And for that, what have I asked? Simply for you to believe in me and follow me. Look at what we are building together, Armand! Our Golden Age is here! Do not lose your resolve now, just at the moment when all you have dreamed of is about to become ours ... yours."
Mathias shook his head sadly. “You do not answer me."
Jesus ignored the question yet again. He extended his hand toward Mathias.
"Armand,” he pleaded. “Don't listen to her. You know what a bitter and unhappy woman she is. She does not care about you. You have been my friend from the first moment I opened my eyes. You are my best friend."
Jesus’ eyes grew moist with tears.
Susan smiled and shook her head.
"Jesus,” she said, “That was a pretty good performance.” Then she said to Mathias, “Armand, search your heart. What does it tell you? Look at the death and destruction upon which Jesus is building your Golden Age. Have you once seen him cry for those who have died? Have you once seen him express a word of regret for those children who have been left alone to starve or die? Is this the work of a God of love?"
"Silence!” Jesus barked loudly. “This is none of your concern."
"But, I saw him come to life with my own eyes,” Mathias protested. “I was there."
"You saw a body come to life, Armand,” Susan said kindly. “The rest ... you saw what you wanted to see. You needed to see the Jesus you knew and he became that for you, just as he becomes the Jesus everyone
who encounters him wants him to be. The anti-Christ can become whoever he wants to become, but beneath the facades he creates, he is still the beast. He has no soul, Armand. Look at him."
Mathias forced himself to confront the gaze of Jesus. He saw only cold blackness behind his eyes. He felt sick.
"Armand.” Jesus again held out his hand to him, advancing slowly toward him.
"Stay away from me!” Mathias screamed in horror, the full realization finally penetrating his mind. He scrambled backward until he was pinned against the wall.
Jesus had taken this as far as he was willing to go. He stood over a trembling Armand Mathias and with a voice cold as steel, “Armand, I don't have time for this nonsense. Get up and take your seat at the table."
Mathias became petrified amidst his trembling, unable to respond, looking up at Jesus like a frightened child.
"I said get up!” Jesus commanded. He drew back to strike him. Mathias covered himself defensively, but the blow never came.
"Leave him alone, Jesus,” Susan commanded. Jesus stopped his arm in mid-strike and turned toward Susan, not entirely certain why her command should make him stop.
"Your evil must be ended, Jesus."
He advanced toward her slowly. “And might you, little lady, be the one to stop me?"
"If I must."
"I would not be too feisty if I were you, Ms. Morgan. You have more than just yourself to consider in your condition."
Susan froze at that. Did she have the right to endanger the Christ child in her womb? Could she jeopardize the promise of the future it represented for this confrontation?
Mother, it is okay. Do what you must do.
"I have warned you, Susan. It is time to end this.” He extended his arms toward Susan. Beams of energy shot from them, engulfing her in a maelstrom of fury. She fell to her knees. A thousands knives of pain penetrated her body in a thousand different places. She winced in horrible, blinding pain.
Jesus drew back the energy beams. Susan gasped to catch her breath. Her body felt numb. She shook her head to clear it. She glared up at Jesus who smiled smugly down at her. Then she brought herself, with some effort, to her feet and straightened up to her full five-foot-five inch height. She met Jesus’ gaze defiantly. Then, her thoughts went to the child within her. She explored within her mind for the child's presence. She fought back panic as she sensed nothing. Jesus detected her fear.
"Perhaps now you understand the danger you have placed your child in."
Finally, the presence returned. Do not fear, Mother. I am well.
Should I withdraw?
No, Mother.
Susan again shook her head to clear it. Her eyes regained their focus and she once again met Jesus’ hard, cold gaze with a soft expression. “Was that your best shot?” she smiled sweetly.
Jesus bowed his head ever so slightly at her and smiled, a gesture of respect. Then his face grew hard once again and he shot the energy at Susan once more, his face contorted into a mask of pure evil hatred. “No, that was not my best shot, Susan."
The energy bolts encircled Susan again. Her nerve endings inflamed with searing pain. She screamed out in agony as she once again collapsed to her knees. This time Jesus did not relent as easily. With a lurch of his body, he intensified the energy burst. Susan, writhing in agony, barely managed to retain consciousness. She screamed out without shame.
After an eternity, the devastating pain subsided. Susan lay semi-conscious on the cold marble floor. The Council members grinned with delight. Mathias looked on with growing horror.
Jesus walked over slowly toward Susan, casually, as if he had all the time in the world to dispatch his prey. Susan's head cleared just as he arrived next to her. He looked down to her with contempt. “Foolish woman. I warned you that you were dealing with forces you could not comprehend. It was a stupid mistake. Unfortunately, it will be the last mistake you will ever make."
He extended his arms toward Susan, just as her mind cleared enough to comprehend his action. What is power, Susan? The worlds of Raji echoed through her mind. The bolts of energy shot out from Jesus’ fingers. Instinctively, she extended her own hands and energy shot out from them, countering that of Jesus. Jesus’ eyes grew wide with surprise at Susan's resistance. He tightened his face with angry resolve and intensified his energy. Susan's protective barrier increased with equal intensity. Jesus pressed harder and harder but could not breach Susan's protective shield. Finally, he had no choice but to stop as he felt himself grow weak from the strain. Susan scrambled back to her feet, keeping her eyes focused on Jesus. Warrenger and the rest of the Council murmured among themselves, clearly taken off-guard by Susan's apparent parity of power.
Jesus continued to glare at her as he began pacing back and forth once again. He looked over toward Warrenger, who nodded as if having received a hidden signal. Then, he quickly whirled back in Susan's direction and in an apparent attempt to catch her off guard, shot his beams of energy at her again. This time she was prepared. She extended her right hand and seemed to effortlessly deflect the beam off her outstretched palm.
Jesus glanced out of the corner of his eye at Warrenger. Warrenger extended his arms and added the force of his own destructive energy to Jesus'. Susan felt the additional force against her palm. Her arm gave just a bit, but she marshaled her energy and pushed back, containing and deflecting the combined forces of Warrenger and the anti-Christ. The two energies mixed were more than double the force of one. Susan managed to hold them at bay. Although it was requiring immense physical energy and intense spiritual focus, she kept her face expressionless, even managing the barest hint of a smile at the corners of her mouth. She locked her gaze upon the eyes of the anti-Christ. He was startled to see her eyes devoid of any thought of defeat. In fact, they seemed to mock him. Jesus let out a roar of rage and multiplied his power. De Charny rose and lent his malevolent energy to that of Jesus and Warrenger.
Susan began to struggle against the combined force. She brought up her left hand to assist the right. She grimaced as she began to feel herself weakening, even though she was holding her own against the power of the three.
Jesus smiled. “I see you are not quite as smug now."
Susan's eyes flared and she straightened herself. With a thrust of power from within, she shot her psychic energy outward in one powerful push. Jesus, Warrenger, and de Charny were thrown backward onto the floor.
Jesus shook his head to clear it and raised himself to one knee. He looked up at Susan. “Why do you prolong this, Susan? You have great powers, yes. But you cannot prevail. Surely, you must see this. I defeated Angelino and his Knights and he was more powerful than you could ever hope to be. You cannot win."
To the surprise of all of them, Susan laughed loudly. Confused by this incongruous reaction, Jesus looked at her with a befuddled expression.
"Jesus, I think it is time to disabuse you of the notion you defeated Angelino,” she said lightly.
"Susan, even Angelino cannot come back from the dead."
"Why not? You did, did you not?"
That silenced Jesus for a moment. He considered the point, before finally responding. “What is it you are trying to say, Susan?"
"You played into Angelino's hands, Jesus. You not only did not destroy him and the others, but you gave them what they needed to complete their mission. The bomb you dropped on Israel did not kill them; it transformed them into a higher spiritual form. I have seen Angelino and the others, Jesus, and they glow now with the power of pure spirit. The child who grows within me was planted there by the Knights of the Ascension. The child I carry is the Christ child, who shall vanquish you from this plane forever.
"The only way you could have prevailed, Jesus, was to have prevented the advent of the Christ child. You have failed in that attempt. The Christ child lives."
Susan had never seen Jesus genuinely shocked before. He seemed paralyzed, unable to react. The Council members were similarly bewildered. It was finally Gerard de Charny who
spoke up.
"Mademoiselle Morgan, you are deluded. Look around you. All of your precious institutions are gone. Your cities lie in ruins. We have taken power and we have done so with the support and sanction of the people of the world. Yet you tell us we should fear the child you carry. A mere child. Your visions of a Christ are clearly the chaotic ramblings of a woman who grieves for her friends but does not retain the capacity to see things as they truly are. I pity you, in a way, young lady. Those like you, who resist our will, cannot succeed, and furthermore are doomed to misery as you watch the world you knew transformed into something better before your eyes.
"There have always been people like you ... people who resist the unstoppable march of progress. The belief in a ‘Christ’ has been a quaint concept that has served us well over the centuries. There is no place for such fairy tales any longer. Their purpose has been served. It is time for the world to grow up and accept its true Master ... the Lord who stands before you.” De Charny stood arrogantly, smirking as if he had just explained how the earth circles the sun to a slow child.
"Your Master is the embodiment of all that is evil,” Susan responded. “You point to your new order, which is nothing but the enslavement of mankind, and crow how it is ‘progress.’ You think your power is greater than even the power of God. You mock me and tell me I am dealing with powers which I do not understand. You arrogantly disavow the very soul of Mankind which manifests as The Christ. You do all of this not even suspecting the depth of your own ignorance. You operate oblivious to the most immutable of universal laws ... that you must reap what you sow. The law does not say you might reap, but that you will reap what you sow. You have no choice in the matter.
"Even if you should be successful in destroying me and the Christ child, you cannot escape that judgment ... it is as certain as the very life which flows through the soul of mankind. Evil always bears the fruits upon which it must ultimately feast."
Jesus glowered at her and simply said, “We shall see, Susan Morgan. We shall see how this power you boast of ... this power of God...” he sneered the name of the deity, “combats the power of this Council."