Captive of a Fairytale Barbarian

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Captive of a Fairytale Barbarian Page 24

by Elizabeth Gannon

  He set about removing her boots and tossing them aside, then he started working on her belt. His large hands had difficulty with the catch and he fumbled with it for a moment, muttering the most colorful Wastelandi curses she’d ever heard.

  “… it has a second-person subject…to… to…” She found herself helping him with the belt, as if in a daze. “…to make clear that it’s a command…” She unclasped the belt for him. “The hook is on the back, for future reference.” She explained calmly, then went back to correcting her earlier statement. “…and not simply a statement or…”

  He yanked off her pants and cast them aside.

  “But I suppose the meaning was…” She trailed off, feeling utterly exposed before him. His gaze locked onto the thin fabric covering her aching core. “I’m still…” She swallowed. “I’m… still frightened.” She admitted softly, her voice trembling. “I’m sorry.”

  “I know.” He said softly, then reached for her panties. “It’ll be okay. You don’t have to be frightened. I won’t hurt you.”

  She scooted away from him on the table. “I don’t think that’s a…” She met his eyes, looking for some kind of reassurance.

  And she found it. His typically furious gaze was filled with pure passion at the moment. Lit from within by something so beautiful...

  What a truly captivating man.

  Lovely and terrifying, at the same time.

  “You can trust me, Tandrea.” He assured her softly. His gruff voice made her nipples bead even tighter against the fabric of her remaining clothes, desperate to be touched. “I’d rather die in anguish than harm you.”

  She swallowed, feeling her body grow warmer and damper as his hand touched her skin. He was surprisingly gentle, considering his size and strength.

  It wasn’t really a conscious decision—at least she didn’t think it was—but she stopped moving, allowing him to reach for her underwear and slide them from her body.

  She watched the garment fall to the floor, in both numb shock and unremitting joy.

  She sat on the table, now completely nude from the waist down. And The Wasteland Butcher’s eyes were scanning her body like he was searching for lost treasure.

  He took a step back, then leaned forward in front of her, putting his face closer to her body.

  She instinctively closed her legs modestly, feeling exposed and scared.

  “Please don’t.” He said softly. The Adithian word “please” sounded strange in his accent, but he’d used it anyway to show that he was pleading, not commanding.

  It was the “please” that did it.

  She obediently spread her legs for him again, feeling more wanton and desired than she ever had in her entire life.

  His eyes drank her in, seemingly memorizing every inch of her body, like it were a landscape he intended to settle.

  “I am a scary man.” His voice was deep with lust. “I know this.” He shook his head. “But you don’t ever have to be afraid. You never need to hide from me. Not your body, or anything else.”

  “Good to know.” She gasped, trying to scoot away again. His touch was just too intense. She felt like she was going to lose her mind. “Why… why did I have to be naked for…”

  He began softly kissing her foot. “Because you’re mine.” His hand came down on her knee so that he had greater access to her leg. “I won’t hurt you. Not ever.”

  “Okay…” She swallowed. “That’s… that’s a relief. You’ve said it before, but I’m glad we had this talk. It’s…”

  He moved to start kissing her inner thigh. “When I take you? It won’t be quick or soft…” He kissed her again, his tongue moving over her skin like an exclamation mark for his desire. “…it will be hard. Probably rougher than I intend…”

  She didn’t think that sounded so bad, actually.

  “…and it will last for hours. Because I want you so much that it’s making me fucking crazy. But for now? Now, I want to show you that I can be gentle…” His hand shifted to her foot again, using it to move her leg wider. “…that no matter what, your pleasure is my main duty as your (weird word)…”

  Tandy let out a ragged breath, her toes curling from the sensation and the fact he was so close to her center. “I think… I think I should…” She said weakly. “…I should leave.”

  “Do you?” He looked up at her, his eyes almost amused. “If you want to go, you are free to leave.”

  She met his gaze. “I don’t think you’re going to let me go through that door.”

  “I think you’re right.” He teased, a glimmer of dark passion in his eyes. “But you’re welcome to try.”

  If it didn’t mean leaving the attention of his mouth, she might have. Just to experience what he’d do to stop her. The prospect sounded exciting.

  He looked down at her and moved his face closer to her urgent heat. “Or I can prove to you that I’m not someone you have to fear. And give you a reason to stay.”

  She licked her lips, uncertain. Her body was most definitely certain about the right course of action. It had been certain since the moment she met him. Her desire for him had never been in question and it had certainly never been stronger than it was right now.

  She wanted to feel every inch of that man. Hammering into her, all night long. She wanted the rough and passionate time he promised. For once in her damn life, she wanted to drive someone crazy in a good way. Wanted to feel how much he wanted her…

  It was just her mind that was second-guessing that. Reminding her that having sex with one of the most deadly men in the world was probably a bad idea. Particularly when you were in his employ. And hundreds of miles away from anyone who could possibly help you, should things go wrong. Being with him was very, very dangerous.

  Which… now that she thought about it… was something she should have told herself before letting him spread her legs open as far as he wanted.

  As if to prove her point, he moved his fingertips through the small patch of dark green hair at the junction of her thighs.

  Tandy gasped, trying to move on the table but finding that he was holding her ankle in place, preventing her from going too far.

  Then she realized that she was just being silly. Tandy was not some blushing wallflower. She was an independent professional woman. You did not go into interpretation and protocol if you wanted the easy life. The linguistic arts and translational services was a profession fraught with dangers! Everyone knew that!

  So if she wanted to let a barbarian warlord go down on her, that was her business and no one else’s. Besides… it would be much needed field research for her study. It make perfect logical sense to take matters to their natural conclusion, just to see what would happen to the unexpected emotions if she acted on them.

  And from a purely physical standpoint, if his mouth wasn’t on her body immediately, she was going to start screaming obscenities in fifty-two languages!

  She nodded weakly. “Okay.” She swallowed. “You… I will stay a few more minutes and let you…”

  His mouth immediately moved to her damp heat and she let out an astonished cry, not expecting it to feel that incredible. She tried to fall back, away from the dazzling pleasure, but he continued to hold her leg in place, ignoring her weak struggles.

  She gasped again, his tongue doing miraculous things she’d never even read about before.

  She ran her hands through his hair, more in an effort to hold onto something than from a desire to increase his pleasure. He didn’t appear to care about the distinction, letting out a low growl of possessive desire, staking his claim to her intimate flesh.

  She moved beneath him, rolling her hips, trying to get him to touch her where she wanted.

  “I know, Tandrea.” He assured her confidently, his warm breath an exquisite torture on her glistening body. “I know how you like to be touched.”

  She had no idea how he could possibly know that, but she didn’t argue. She trusted him completely to correctly predict where she needed his attenti
on the most.

  He spread her flesh as wide as possible so that his tongue and lips had greater access, using his fingers to gently caress the overlooked areas.

  She could do nothing but let out small gasps and whimpers, surrendering herself to him completely. For some reason, the sensation just made it even more exciting. She was powerless, but he’d do anything she asked and she knew it. Tandy wasn’t someone who ever felt powerful in her life, but at the moment, she actually did. If she asked him to stop, he would. If she told him to beg, she was certain he’d do it immediately. Tandy’s body was his total focus in life right now, she knew that as well, which somehow made it feel even more incredible.

  Her hips continued to move of their own accord, chasing the wicked sensation his mouth offered. Her body had been anxious for him for so long, it was like it had planned it all out in advance with him, conspiring against her.

  A moment later, he was true to his word and kissed her in exactly the right spot, which caused her entire body to convulse desperately. The climax hit her hard as a physical blow, sending her vision swimming and making her body feel like it was breaking apart. One hand clawed desperately at the rough wood of the table she was splayed out on, undoubtedly leaving deep fingernail scratches in its ancient surface, while her other hand grabbed a fistful of his hair and held his face where she wanted him.

  It was utterly terrifying in its intensity. Like the world had winked out of existence for a moment and she’d been somewhere else. Somewhere… so much nicer than this often dreary existence.

  She gasped for breath, falling onto her back and trying to regain her sanity.

  He kissed the inside of her thigh one final time, then looked up at her, sucking her moisture from his lips. “Now… am I still terrifying? Or have we found common ground, Prize?”

  “Actually,” she breathed, amazed she was capable of speaking at all, “if anything? I’m more afraid of you now.” She ran a hand through her hair in an attempt to get her composure back. “I’m not a… That was just…” She was at a loss for words as she sat back up. “How do you make me feel this? I don’t understand…”

  “Tandrea?” He met her eyes. “It’ll be okay. Everything you’re feeling? I’m feeling it too.”

  “Oh.” She considered that, her usually quick mind feeling sluggish. “Well… probably not ‘everything’ at this particular moment, given the physical differences between the male and fema...” She shook her head. “I’m just going to shut up now.”

  His eyes remained on her exposed body, blatantly relishing her flesh. “You are just so beautiful.” He confided softly, reverently tracing his fingertip up her thigh. “I’ve never seen anything in my life as beautiful as you.” He looked up at her. “I had a silent debate with myself about what you’d look like unclothed. I am not ashamed. It’s been the dominant thought in my head for weeks now.”

  “Oh...” She wasn’t sure how to respond to that. There was probably a really funny or sexy thing she could have said, but she was still coming down from the intensity of the orgasm. Frankly, spelling her own name would have been a difficulty at the moment. “How’d you do?”

  His gaze refocused on her liquid heat. “I really like green.” He told her matter-of-factly. “A lot.”

  “Oh.” Again, had she had time to prepare, she could have come up with something utterly charming to say. She was sure of it. Protocol was her field… but she wasn’t entirely certain of what one said to the barbarian warlord who’d just... well… done that. They hadn’t covered that in the Galland League of Diplomacy and Interpretation. “That’s... nice.” She finally got out, because it formed an actual sentence. Kinda. But under the circumstances, it was an incredible linguistic achievement. Possibly the most impressive speech even given, all things considered.

  He moved his head to stare at something else.

  She followed his gaze and noticed that she was still wearing her top. “Oh.” She quickly reached up to unzip her coat and yank the cups of her bra down for him, exposing her breasts to his view as quickly as physically possible. “Sorry.” She apologized for some reason. Like he had an absolute right to see her body if he wanted. Which… she kinda agreed with, somehow. Like it was wrong to hide herself from him or something.

  His reaction was immediate, his hands shooting out to cup her tight flesh.

  She gasped again, letting out a curse in Nellith, reserved for miraculous religious experiences.

  His fingers closed over her taunt nipples, plucking and pinching at them like he was experimenting to see how their color would change the more excited he got her. “What does that mean?” He asked her calmly, like his hands weren’t doing what they were doing.

  “It means…” she gasped, “my breasts are…”

  “The words, Tandrea.” He lowered his face to her nipples, gently tasting them. “I know what this means.”

  “It means…” She swallowed, trying to remember. “It’s like a prayer… but… profane.”

  “You’re swearing in another language while I’m touching you?” He summarized.

  She nodded. “Kinda...”

  “I like that.” He decided, running his hand up her leg to touch her folds again. “I want to hear every dirty word inside your innocent head.”

  Her body arched again and her breath caught in her throat.

  “Tell me.” He kissed her neck. “Do it now.”

  She couldn’t take it. It was simply too huge a sensation to even come close to dealing with.

  “Give me a dirty word for what I’m doing to you, Prize.” He demanded again, stepping between her legs. He made no effort to hide the hardness of his arousal, which was pressed inches from where it was so urgently wanted.

  She shifted, trying to move her body so that he would be at her entrance. Yes, he still had his pants on, but she’d deal with that when he got there.

  “No, no,” he grabbed her hips and held them to the table so that she couldn’t move, “none of that.” If his goal was to cool her passions, holding her down like that was the opposite of what he should have done. “You heard me.” He met her gaze. “Give me a filthy word for what you want.” He ran his thumb over her lips, gently pressing it inside her mouth until she found herself sucking on it seductively. Her eyes locked with him, silently letting him imagine what other parts of his she could taste if he ordered it.

  It was shocking in its lewdness. She was deeply proud of herself for instinctively going for it. If she could somehow add that achievement to her diploma, at the moment, she absolutely would have. She had no idea she’d be so good at this. And with no real study on it! There was no telling what she’d be able to do once she’d had more practice. But she’d always found that the topics you enjoyed were the easiest to learn, obviously.

  “The most profane word to ever cross your perfect little lips…” He continued, his voice almost harsh with barely restrained desire now, eyes blazing.

  It didn’t even cross her mind to object. Her brain and body were finally back on the same page and her training snapped into action.

  Lostian. They had more dirty words for fucking than anybody.

  She breathed the most horrible phrase she could think of, the most vulgar and demeaning in a language full to bursting with vulgar and demeaning expressions. To say nothing of its guttural pronunciation, which was not at all pleasant to the ears. It sounded… savage. Rough and cheap.

  It was perfect. Just saying it was exciting, dirty, and wrong.

  He arched an eyebrow, his attention returning to her breasts. “Which means?”

  She quickly wrapped her legs around him tightly, locking him in place, his solid length pressed against her so that he couldn’t escape. “In your tongue?” She grabbed his head and roughly pulled him closer to kiss him. “It means something like, ‘fuck me like your free whore.’”

  His eyebrows shot up in shock and a grin of genuine mirth crossed his face. “Ha!”

  She tightened her legs around him even further. “�
�Free’ meaning ‘without cost,’ not free meaning ‘unbound.’” She explained in the same breathy voice. “Because a whore offering intercourse for nothing would logically receive an even harder fucking.” She ran her hands through his hair. “Sorry for that translational ambiguity.”

  He kissed her, reaching down to the button of his pants. “That’s my new favorite word…”

  “Technically, it’s a phrase.” She corrected, moving her own hands to help him. “One no one should use. It’s horrible.”

  “Well, I like it. I feel like it should replace ‘hello’ as our standard greeting…”

  “You use that phrase as a greeting with anyone but me,” she started in warning, “and I will…”

  The sound of horses outside drew her attention. “Someone’s outside.” She mumbled against his head as he kissed her neck.

  “They’ll go away.” He assured her distractedly.

  She shook her head. “It could be Kobb.”

  “Who?” His mouth closed over her earlobe.

  “Your uncle!” She pushed him away. “Come on, have some sense of propriety.”

  He let out an irritated sound. “He’ll open the door and then leave again! Come on! What’s the worst that could happen!?! We’re all adults!”

  She quickly retrieved her clothes and started to get dressed again. “I would prefer not to put on a show, thanks.”

  “This is the problem with the ‘civilized’,” he complained, “you turn everything into a drama.”

  Tandy just made a face at him.

  “I’ll tell him to leave.” Tzadok offered. “He will understand, if I explain it to him carefully.” He turned his head to yell at the closed door. “Fuck off, old man! I’M BUSY!”

  She shrugged her snowsuit back on.

  “Oooh…” He watched her rapidly disappearing nudity and made a helpless sound. “But… but… dirty foreign word! Come on!”

  She shook her head. “It’s no longer the time. Permission is rescinded.”

  He shook his head darkly. “You’re cruel.” He pointed at her. “You’re deliberately torturing me. You want to drive your Desire Score higher today, don’t you?”


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