Captive of a Fairytale Barbarian

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Captive of a Fairytale Barbarian Page 44

by Elizabeth Gannon

  She quickly removed her clothing, and then stood before him naked. His eyes drank in her skin and curves.

  Tandy wasn’t really one to think of herself as a sexual spectacle, but Tzadok sure seemed to find her body fascinating.

  His eyes traveled over her, locking on the dewy evidence of her desire which she was helpless to hide from him.

  He swallowed, tearing his eyes off of her glistening folds and tight breasts. His vocabulary in both his own language and hers had apparently failed him completely, so instead he smiled at her in genuine lust and pleasure.

  She understood the meaning and blushed, then did a curtsy for him, accepting the praise.

  The action was all the invite he needed, and he stalked forward to grab her. “This color.” He ran his fingertip along the edge of her nipple. “This is the color green I was speaking of.”

  She looked down at her own body, then up at his face.

  “That is the exact shade you should use for your book, in a perfect world. I told you I was right.”

  She had no reply to that, because his hands on her breast created a passion in her that was fierce as physical agony. She needed him. It boiled below the surface of her very being, and if she didn’t have him soon, she was going to explode.

  He pulled her against him, kissing her desperately. “You are… the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in this world.” He told her, his hand reaching down to caress her rear as she ground her hips against the coarse fabric covering the hardness of his erection. “I do not deserve you.”

  “Try.” She gasped, wishing that his pants were off but also oddly loving the feel of his clothes against her most sensitive skin. It was an exquisite torture, and she moved against him more forcefully.

  He chuckled in amusement and stepped towards her. “You are mine.” He told her softly, his lips sealing over her ear lobe.

  “I’m yours.” She agreed. “And you’re mine.”

  He moved his leg so that he could have a clearer view of her body as she thrust against him, his hand guiding her movements. “I like this…” He decided, reaching down to test the weight of her breast in his palm. “I like it when My Prize shows me how much she wants me.”

  “Why are you talking?” She gasped, pointing at his clothing with her free hand. “Pants.” She nodded. “Pants. Now.”

  “You are a remarkably persuasive speaker, has anyone ever told you this?” He immediately started to fumble with his clothes. “Even with your…”

  “Talking.” She shook her head and helped him pull his pants down. She looked at the erect evidence of his overwhelming attraction to her, then met his eyes. “We don’t need to talk.” She shook her head. “It’s time for…”

  He smiled, instantly supplying the profane foreign word she’d promised last time.

  She nodded. “That’s within my skill set.” She promised.

  He moved his hand down her body, allowing her to thrust against his palm. “Show me.” He growled in her ear, voice dark with desire.

  She obliged, her eyes locked with his as she moved against his hand, hesitantly at first but then more powerfully as she grew more confident. His fingers slid inside her and she let out a soft cry, continuing to thrust, bracing her arm on his shoulder for support.

  His large hand closed over her breast, squeezing her flesh. His fingers plucked at her stiffened nipple and she hissed in pleasure and pain. He seemed to like the sound and repeated the process.

  “Do you like that?” He whispered softly, his face inches from hers.

  She met his eyes, the sensation intimate. “Y-y-yes.” She somehow got out, her entire focus on what she was doing with her hips.

  He pinched her flesh again and she bit her lower lip to keep from moaning.

  “You like the bite as well as the kiss, don’t you, Prize? It excites you.” He paused to hear her reply, but when none was forthcoming, he asked again. “You don’t have to be embarrassed about anything with me. Tell me, please.”

  She nodded, blushing again. “Yes.” She admitted. “But… but just a little…”

  “You make me harder than I ever thought possible, do you know that?” He took her hand and wrapped it around his body. “Feel.”

  Her fingers moved around the thick length of his impressive erection, not even being able to close around his circumference.

  The sensation was just too much, and she jammed her hips forward against his palm violently, pulsing around his fingers and crying out in pleasure. He pinched her nipple at precisely the right moment, harder than before, causing her to gasp as the sensation added an extra bit of intensity to the orgasm.

  He watched her silently until her vision cleared slightly, then he removed his fingers and slipped them into his mouth so that he could taste her.

  “I belong to you.” She whispered, gasping for breath.

  “I belong to you too.” He agreed.

  “How do you do this to me?” She wondered aloud, her voice a whisper. “I don’t understand.”

  “I’ll show you.” He kissed her, his mouth plundering hers as his hips moved against her hand.

  Tandy was panting now, anxious to get the man inside her. She needed him so desperately. He was so… steady. In a world of terrifying things, Tzadok was the strongest and steadiest thing she’d ever seen.

  She’d spent her whole life terrified. She liked the sense of danger but also complete safety he offered. The feeling of total power, knowing that she could do anything she wanted.

  She backed up until she was pressed up against the raised stone platform, her knees weak. Her movements were frantic now, clawing at his flesh in an effort to... take him. She needed him and this whole thing was taking too fucking long!

  “It’s okay…” He whispered, grabbing her wrists and holding them still behind her back. “I know…”

  She was breathing hard, her face flushed with a mad desire she’d never felt before in her life. He had her completely trapped, far from anyone else. His gaze moving over her helpless and exposed body.

  He met her eyes, the same passionate lust evident in his gaze that she knew must undoubtedly be apparent in her own. “Turn around, Tandrea.”

  She instantly did as she was told, bending over the ancient stone. The rock was cold against her burning skin and hard nipples, causing her to let out a low gasping sound.

  He entered her from behind with one steady move, filling her body to the point of pain. She moaned in pleasure and the unexpected intensity of the sensation. It was more than just pleasure, it was… spiritual, somehow. A feeling which reached her very soul.

  She began to move her hips against him frantically, trying to get more of the pleasure. Wanting it more than she wanted oxygen.

  His hands clasped her body tighter, pressing her against him and effortlessly stopping her movements. The action also pushed his huge body into her further however, and she sucked in a breath in surprise and desire. He held her still with his iron grip and overpowering strength, controlling her body.

  He shook his head, apparently unhappy with the rapid pace she was setting.

  She nodded in understanding, then shrugged sheepishly. “Sorry.” She whispered. “I just...” She trailed off. “I really want (profane foreign word).”

  He kissed her cheek tenderly, then began to move. He started out slow and gentle, obviously terrified of hurting her, but then he became rougher. As he’d warned, his body was soon pounding into her harder than she would ever have thought pleasurable, but it was beyond all of her expectations.

  He was close to climaxing on multiple occasions, she could tell, but each time he somehow managed to control himself.

  Tandy had no such restraint and had orgasmed several times already, screaming as each wave took her. Which seemed impossible, but which he had accomplished effortlessly. He didn’t bother stopping, continuing to pound into her each time she peaked, like a man on a mission.

  She weakly rested her cheek against the stone, making soft cries with each o
f his thrusts, wishing he’d take her harder. She needed him to, but she was unsure how’d she’d survive another climax.

  He put one hand on her hip and one hand on her shoulder, holding her tight and keeping her in place. Tandy could do little more than curl her toes and claw at the stone as he hammered into her. He was otherwise in complete confident control of her body, and she found the loss of control hugely erotic for some reason.

  He slammed into her, his movements now much harder than before, exactly as she’d wanted. Like he was taking all of his unexpressed frustration and anger with the world, and channeling it into her eager body. The sensation was… intense.

  If you were going to “experiment”… you might as well try something fun, right?

  Tzadok grabbed her right arm and twisted it around behind her back, holding it in place because he seemed to sense she was getting off on the feeling. The action made her even more helpless and at his mercy, and brought with it greater excitement.

  Tandy didn’t really believe in stepping aside and letting someone else make decisions for her, but in the present circumstances, she was finding it most enjoyable.

  He held onto her arm tighter and she squeezed her eyes shut against the overwhelming rush of emotions.

  She loved what they were doing.

  And she loved him even more.

  She began to say things to him in every language she knew, even though he wouldn’t understand them. Professions of her deep love and vulgar words of submission as he took her ruthlessly.

  He recognized that she was close to another orgasm and moved his hand to turn her head so that she was looking back at him and he could watch. The knowledge that he wanted to see and the forceful thrust of his body at precisely the right time pushed her over the edge and a final shattering climax ripped through her, the most intense yet. Like every emotion her body was capable of feeling hit her all at once in a wave. All she could do was let out a sobbing cry, too exhausted to even think straight at this point. It was almost painful it was so extreme and a tear of love and happiness traced down her face. She whispered something to him, not even she was sure what.

  Tzadok reacted to her pleasure like she’d struck him though, his lust was now a raging fire. It was all about his pleasure for the first time and he devoted himself to it. His intense face contorted in a grimace of pure lust, which made Tandy’s heart beat faster than ever. His beautiful features were alive in a darkly sexual way, his hands settling over her tight breasts. He thrust several more times before he exploded, his hard body tensing until it felt as hard as the stone beneath her. He let out a possessive growl and his grip on her tightened as he lost himself in her.

  It was… incredible. The most amazing thing Tandy had ever witnessed, her head still swimming from her own climax.

  His body slid out of hers and he collapsed onto the platform beside her. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” He asked, sounding exhausted.

  She shook her head. “Not in any way I wouldn’t welcome again.” She told him truthfully. “I think our experiment was a success.”

  He looked down at her in complete adoration. “I love you so much.” He breathed, like he was overwhelmed by the feeling.

  “I… love you too.” She admitted, the words feeling good once she’d finally gotten them out. “It’s not like… a result of some unknown Wasteland phenomena, is it?” She shook her head, already knowing the answer. “I love you… because I love you.”

  He nodded. “Yes.”

  “Huh.” She processed that, turning over so that she could lay against his chest. “I’m still going to need my books though.” She shrugged. “Sorry.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two:

  Very Expressive Eyebrows

  By the time they finally returned to the River People camp, Tzadok was feeling anxious. Their arrival couldn’t have possibly come fast enough for him. Not that he didn’t love time alone with the Keeper of His Heart, obviously, just that he didn’t like being out on their own for too long. Too many enemies were dedicated to stealing her from him now.

  And Tzadok would murder them all before they ever got the chance.

  Now that she had finally shared her body with him—brief event as it was, given the situation—he was more dedicated than ever to getting her back to his village and safety. And, obviously, being able to dedicate the time and energy to her body which she deserved.

  Unfortunately, that meant that they’d now have to make the journey towards the pass to The Great Nothing again, which he wasn’t looking forward to. But it wasn’t like he had a lot of choices. Despite what he told Tandy, he wasn’t 100% certain that The Wasteland’s newest clan would uphold their end of the bargain. And he wasn’t about to tell them where Kobb was camped, since then there would be no one to help should the situation deteriorate.

  No, the best course of action was to return for Kobb himself, then make for the pass with full strength.

  He believed that the… Canyon People? He wasn’t sure what to call them. In any case, he believed that they were honorable, but believing something and wagering the lives of his Heart AND his uncle on it, were two different things.

  He was choosing to believe the Canyon People’s leader that the pass was clear, but that didn’t mean he liked the fact that they knew where he was going.

  He didn’t have many options though.

  He could head west, but he did not trust Tandy’s people. And he knew there was nothing but death in the mountains. It would also take him very close to the Coastal People’s camp and their lands, which was the last place he wanted to be.

  So, Tzadok was being pursued, trapped with the plateau to his left, Galland to his right, and the Coastal People in front of him. Of his very few options, the pass looked like his best.

  Still, it was not a good situation.

  He made sure that Tandy was settled in their cabin, before making his way to his uncle’s semi-collapsed hut to inform the man of all that had happened.

  He pushed aside the cloth which was acting as a door, and strode inside. “Uncle, I…”

  Tzadok trailed off, staring in sheer horror at the gruesome nightmare before him.

  Kobb was standing next to the table and the girl was on her knees… and it sure wasn’t to pray. His uncle’s cock was shoved down her throat as far as it would go, while she made greedy moans of pure hunger.

  Kobb let out a startled sound at seeing Tzadok arrive. “Fuck!” He grabbed for the girl, who didn’t seem to care that Tzadok was in the room at all. “Don’t you knock!?!”

  Tzadok was too horrified to even reply to that. All he was able to get out was a tiny squeak of disgust and terror, shielding his eyes and turning around in hopes that it would somehow erase the scene from his mind. He recognized that it would be burned into his memory forever though, as if etched into his brain with a red-hot brand. That was a scar which would never fade.

  The Saltmen didn’t really have hang-ups about sex or nudity. It was simply a part of life. But this… this was… the worst thing he had ever seen. And Tzadok’s life had not exactly been filled with scenes of pretty ducklings swimming in a tranquil pond.

  The girl started yelling at Kobb in her own language, her words coming rapidly in anger, gesturing at Tzadok.

  “I know!” Kobb defended in Wastelandi. “I didn’t tell him to barge in! I raised him better than that!”

  Violet said something else, looking upset. She made an indignant face, retrieved Kobb’s robe from the floor to cover herself, then stormed off to sulk in the corner.

  “Thank you, Vi!” His uncle called after her, pulling his breeches back up. “Sorry about this. Love you!” He glared at Tzadok. “You scared her.”

  Tzadok was still too amazed to think of a coherent reply to that. “Being cornered by a hundred starving bears wouldn’t scare that woman.” He finally got out. “She’s… mean. Like ‘Noxii’ mean, only smaller and in a different language.”

  Kobb sighed in admiration. “Not when she doesn’t want to
be. She puts on a show, but I think mostly she’s just afraid. Chox makes some souls like a fresh caught fish, placed on the hot ground. It flops around desperately, trying to find its place. Restlessly yearning for a home where it can find contentment.”

  “Uh-huh.” Tzadok wasn’t impressed by water metaphors. “We live in the fucking desert, Uncle. There’s no place for a fish to find contentment here. It needs to go home. Now.”

  “I watched her take a bath this morning.” Kobb volunteered randomly. “You ever watch a woman bathe? I never had before. But it was possibly the best moment of my life.” He nodded. “If Tandy ever gives you the opportunity, I highly suggest taking it. It’s… it’s beyond sexual. It’s simply too beautiful for that. It’s more… spiritual. Gentle and shockingly intimate. It touched me down to the soul. Like some delicate dance or something…”

  “I really don’t want to hear this.” Tzadok told him.

  “Sorry.” Kobb looked at the woman dreamily. “There’s a trust there though. Her, wet from the bath and completely naked…”

  “Still don’t want to hear this.” Tzadok reminded him. “In the least. Literally, anything else would be preferred to this topic.”

  “Well, in addition to being my nephew, you’re also my best friend,” Kobb explained, “so I’m afraid that I might overshare at times.”

  “Please try not to.” Tzadok all but begged. “She… she doesn’t even speak your language. She… she hates everyone. And she stabbed you… like… a month ago.”

  “A month and a half.”

  “She tries to kill you six weeks ago, and now she’s doing… that?” He pointed to the scene. “And seems thrilled to try?”

  At the other end of the room, Violet said something in her own language.

  “My woman has a great many gifts and hidden talents which she shares only with me.” Kobb agreed. “Be it battle or… other things. If you had gotten home an hour ago, you could have taken part in our five hour religious debate. We were discussing Maritimus the Martyr and whether or not he could beat Chox in a brawl.”

  “I have no idea what that is.” Tzadok deadpanned.


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