Torn apart Tisha's Story

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by LeTasha S. Robinson

  Torn Apart

  Tisha’s Story

  Untold Truth Series Book 1

  LeTasha S. Robinson

  Copyright © 2018 by LeTasha S. Robinson

  All Rights Reserved

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical mean, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  For all of my Tisha out there who are fighting to be the best person they can regardless of how life started out.

  To all of my fellow authors who through their stories made me want to write my own.

  Thank You

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Spiraling out of Control

  Chapter 2

  Things Aren’t Changing

  Chapter 3

  The Negotiation

  Chapter 4

  The Meeting

  Chapter 5

  Out of the Box

  Chapter 6


  Chapter 7


  Chapter 8

  Unfinished Business

  Chapter 9

  The End or Is It?


  “I want you out and I want you out now!” Georgette screams as she raced through the apartment calling Tisha every name in the book.

  “Georgie, please, please just listen to me! It didn’t happen like that, George please.” Tisha’s pleas fell on deaf ears as Georgette continued her ranting and running through the apartment throwing random objects into a black trash bag. As Tisha sat on the worn dingy rug that had a faded red border, she quickly went through the events that led up to this very moment. She was home for break. She was a Junior at Busbee University majoring in Marketing. She was hoping to complete her degree and land a job that would eventually get her the money to move out of the private hell she had been living in.

  Since Tisha had gotten home from break she had been walking on eggshells. Never knowing what would set her sister off. Sometimes it seemed like you could look at Georgie and she would go off. No, Tisha knew she had to walk with precaution, so she had taken extra steps to make sure that she didn’t do anything to set her off. She had gotten up that morning, fixed breakfast for everyone and then cleaned up the apartment. Her niece and nephew had already left to go with their cousin and would be spending the night with them.

  So excited about the break that she was finally getting from babysitting them since she had been home. She hadn’t gotten a chance to spend any time with her friends. One of her friends had called and begged her to come out. After getting in from hanging with her friends Tisha’s came home and finished cleaning and went into her room to lay down and take a nap. What started off as a sweet dream would eventually end and turn into a nightmare. The nightmare that had her sprawled on the floor in the living room.

  Tisha was convinced more than ever that Georgette had an undiagnosed case of Bipolar Disorder. One minute she was ok and the next she was a raging bull full of accusations and physical abuse. To everyone else she was an outstanding sister and member of the community. So many had come to her and told her how grateful she should be that Georgette had taken her in when their Mother Ernestine had died. At first, she was grateful, but just like a chameleon, they can only hold their fake appearance so long before they have to return to their original color. When George showed her true colors, it seemed as though Tisha was always the recipient of the pain behind her rage.

  Tisha didn’t know much about her birth mother or who her father was. All her mother told her was that she got a call from the Department of Social Services saying that a baby was left in the hospital and asked would she be interested in taking her in. Her mother was a foster parent. She said that she went to the hospital, took one look at Tisha and fell in love with her.

  Even though her life started out rough, getting adopted by Ernestine was the best thing that had happened to her. Life with Ernestine was great, and she was constantly showing her love. Ernestine had one other daughter Georgette or Georgie as everyone in the family called her. One day when she was eight years old, she came home from school, ran into the house and found her mother in her favorite chair. She tried her best to wake her up and when she couldn’t she ran next door where Mrs. Davis called the ambulance. Her mother had died.

  Prior to Georgie’s arrival for the funeral, Tisha hadn’t seen her sister in over two years. When she did call, and Tisha would pick up the phone, it was always a rushed conversation. Georgie and her then boyfriend Fred came three days before the funeral. The day she came to the house she didn’t recognize her. Tisha stayed at the neighbor’s house until Georgie came in town. That night while everyone looked she put up a front. Crying, weeping, and almost fainting at times, but when everyone was gone the tears dried up and the drinking began. Tisha tried hard to make sure Georgie was happy but as she was going to bed she had overheard Georgette talking to Fred that she had called the DSS people to come and pick Tisha up after the funeral.

  As she laid in bed that night she prayed that her sister would want her. She had tried hard to do whatever Georgie asked of her that day however just as Georgie had planned the day after the funeral the case worker knocked on the door. Georgie already had Tisha’s bags packed and sent Tisha packing. Tisha sat in the back of the case worker’s car and cried the caseworker tried her best to reassure her that everything will be fine. For one-month Tisha’s lived in a group home and then Georgie came back in her life. Georgie was loving on her and started coming to see her on a weekly basis until she was granted temporary custody and she moved in with Georgie.

  The true reasons behind her actions would be uncovered by the hard-core truth when Tisha found out why her sister fought to get custody of her. Tisha only became Georgie’s sister when she realized that Ernestine had left Tisha everything and only left her a small life insurance policy. When she realized that, Tisha became her golden goose, she fought and won custody of Tisha and moved her away from the only life that she had ever known. That was 12 years ago. On that day it seemed as though life was headed downward.

  After Georgette gained custody she immediately tried to get a hold of everything that their mother had left Tisha. When she learned that her mother had out smarted her by putting a clauses in the will that limited how much would be given to the guardian of Tisha until she turned twenty-five. Then and only then Tisha would get the lump sum of the life insurance policy which was $250,000. Georgette was furious and constantly threatened Tisha with how she was going to call DSS to come and get me. However after she was placed as her legal guardian the monthly check helped soothed some of her worries.

  Georgette told everyone how her mother died suddenly and left her little sister alone and because she was so young she had to become a foster parent to be able to get assistance for her. People poured out support for her. One person raised money for her to be able to move in to a bigger place. She had so many people believing that lie. Too often Georgie, and her friends would make her feel like a charity case that should be thankful for anything that came her way. Immediately, she was brought out her thoughts of the past when a ball of clothes hit her in the face.

  “You slut, after all I have done for you. You are leaving my house now.” Tisha was too startled to brace herself as the forceful slap caused her to fall backward. Touching her face, Tisha could still feel the sting of where Georgette’s hand landed. Reaching out, Tisha tries to grab her sister’s hand, but Georgette quickly draws back.

  “Don’t you dare try to touch me. Who would sit there and sleep with my husband. Your brother-in-law? I gave you every
thing.” Immediately she goes over to the mantelpiece and throws the candle holder at Tisha. As she quickly dodges the candle holder, Georgette stops and reaches up and grabs something else to throw in the bag.

  “Everything!” Georgette puts her hand on a glass angel. Turning around, she threw it at Tisha. Tisha ducked as the angel barely missed her head.

  “Georg...” Tisha sobbed as Georgette walked over to her.

  Georgette drags Tisha to the door. Being pulled from the living room, Tisha grabs hold of the worn leather couch, but with the rage that was running through Georgette’s veins, she was able to pull her from it. Pulling her to the door Tisha tried to grab a hold of anything she could, even the lamp, which caused it to fall to the floor and break. She could see as she was being drug through the doorway into the hallway, that the dinner she had put on before laying down and taking a nap was now burning. She wondered then if that was a sign that everything she knew and had come to love was now at a place where it could not be salvaged. Opening the door, she throws a sobbing Tisha out into the hallway and dropped a half full bag beside her. She then looked down at Tisha as Tisha looked up at her with tears in her eyes.


  Georgette stepped back into her doorway and put her right hand on the door.

  “As of July 26, 2000, I have no sister! She officially died to me on this day.”

  Slamming the door, Georgette disappeared, leaving a sobbing Tisha in the hallway. Pulling herself towards the door, Tisha started to knock on the door.

  “George, please, open up. George, please! I have nowhere to go! God please help me!” Suddenly she hears a crash at the door and then it was silence. Tisha continues to weep at the door as she hears a door opening behind her. Quickly spinning around, she sees Ms. Wallace’s door opening.

  Tisha scrambles to try to get up, thinking that Ms. Wallace had heard everything and was going to take her in for the night or until she could at least find somewhere else to stay.

  “I’m sorry…” Tisha stutters out as she grabs the bag and turns toward Ms. Wallace and starts walking to her door when Ms. Wallace started to shake her head back and forth.

  “No, no, no, no!” Waving her hands at Tisha as Tisha takes a step forward.

  Not understanding, Tisha stops in her tracks and began to look at Ms. Wallace.

  “Excuse me, Ms. Wallace?”

  Shaking her finger violently at Tisha,

  “You should be ashamed of yourself.” Realizing that who she thought would be her savior was quickly turning into her condemner.

  “Ms. Wallace, you don’t understand.”

  Ms. Wallace came towards Tisha and slaps her so hard that it makes her hit the wall.

  “Look at you! Who would do such a thing? I can’t believe that you would do such a thing like that to your sister. After all she has done for you. May God have mercy on your soul for if it was left to me I would let you suffer!” Clearing her throat, she spits on Tisha and goes back to her apartment and closes the door.

  Tisha wiped the spit off her face, and curls in a ball in the middle of the hallway and starts to rock herself back and forth as she continues to sob. She hears the door to the apartment building open. She stops crying and starts to get off the floor when a police officer comes up the steps.

  “We got a call about a disturbance. Ma’am are you alright?”

  “No…” The door came open and she sees her sister standing in the doorway.

  “I called! I want her out of this building.”

  “Ma’am what seems to be the problem? This young lady doesn’t seem to be in a place to be able to go anywhere.”

  “She has to leave here. I filed an eviction notice on her.”

  The officers turn and look at each other for a brief second speaking only a language that they could understand.

  “John can you go check on that?”

  “Yes. Ma’am what is the name of the person you filed on?”

  “Tisha Davidson, this little tramp is getting out of my house now.”

  “Georgie, please, what did I do? I’m sorry.”

  “Ma’am we need you to calm down. Mike, I will be right back.”

  The officer descended the stairs leaving the other officer and them standing in the doorway. As she looked up to her sister she could see the pure hatred that she had for her in her eyes. Hearing the door open again all eyes fell to the stairwell waiting for the officer to come back up. Seeing the officer come back up and immediately motioning for the other officer to come she knew she would not be able to stay the night there.

  The two officers finished talking to each other and walked back over to them.

  “Excuse me ma’am, are you Tisha Davidson?”

  “Yes I am.”

  “Ma’am we have an eviction notice against you. It is showing we have been out here two times already at failed attempts to serve you this notice.”

  “I was away at school. I wasn’t here. Georgie please tell me you didn’t do this to me?”

  “Is that all, officers?”

  The officers looking back and forth between each other at a loss for words for what they were seeing.

  “Yes, ma’am we will handle it from here.”

  “Thank you.” With that Georgette closes the door leaving Tisha in the hallway with the two officers.

  “Look I don’t know what is going on, but with this eviction notice you have seven days to get out. But from the looks of things I wouldn’t wait on those seven days.”

  “Do you have someone we could call for you?”

  “No, I will find some place tonight. Thank you.”

  “Ma’am it won’t be a problem we can call someone and there are a couple of shelters down the road.”

  “No, I will be ok. I just need to let her calm down. Thank you.”

  Officer Mike looks at Tisha with a frantic look on his face.

  “Ma’am, we don’t advise you to come back here.”

  Shaking her head violently Tisha looks at the officers.

  “It is ok. I know my sister. She has her moments. I just need to stay low until tomorrow. I will be ok.” Getting up, she picks up her bag and begins to walk down the long hallway as she leans on the wall and rubs her stomach.

  “Lord what am I going to do now, pregnant and nowhere to go.” Letting the tears roll down her face. She stands up and starts to drag the bag down the hallway. Getting to the steps she starts to hear the bag tear apart. A sob escapes from her mouth as she throws the bag over her shoulder

  “Ma’am please let us help you.”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  Buckling from the weight of the bag she stumbles down the first couple of steps grabbing ahold of the railing.

  “I am ok.” Tisha continues to walk down the steps as the officers’ stands watching her from the top of the stairwell. Finally getting to the bottom of the steps she turns around, gives them a reassuring smile and walks through the building doors that lead to the outside.

  As she closes the door, she leans back and closes her eyes.

  “God, what have I done to deserve this? Please show me where to go. I don’t know where to go or who to turn to.”

  Chapter One

  Spiraling out of Control

  15 years later

  Tisha gets off the elevator to her office. Having gone downstairs to the ground floor bakery that was in the skyscraper, you would have thought she was a little kid savoring a victory as she walked and tasted some of her orange-cranberry walnut muffin. She loved those muffins and so did several others in the building so as she grabbed the last one and heard collective sighs behind her, as she quickly made her purchases and walked to the elevator doors. She could feel the glares, but she pitied them because she knew what they were missing.

  Emerging from the elevator with her box in tow, she could feel the eyes of envy as she walked to her office. Smiling, she walks towards Beverly, her secretary’s desk, before going back into her office. She had started working for Walsh Int
erfacing Company immediately after graduating. She quickly made her way up the ranks and it showed when on her six-year anniversary she was surprised with making junior executive and has now become one of the youngest Vice President’s within the company. Everyone who worked with her knew that she had worked hard to gain that position.

  “Good Morning Beverly, do I have any messages?” She asked as she casually walked past Beverly’s desk.

  “Yes Ms. Carter you have a Mr. Graves coming to see you. He said it is of urgent importance and that he would be here in the next ten to fifteen minutes.” Hearing the news stopped her in her tracks. Mr. Graves was coming outside of their normal meeting time. It set off an alarm within her. Frantic Tisha looks around as a rush of emotions goes across her face. Stuttering Tisha turns around,

  “Did he say what the nature of his visit was?”

  Beverly looking up from her computer

  “No ma’am he didn’t.”

  Laughing slightly Tisha looks at Beverly with her wavy red locks that framed her face. she always wore them with a barrette that pulled them away from her face, but some of them always seemed to fall from the barrette. Almost 50-years-old, but no one would ever know it by looking at Beverly. She kept herself physically fit.

  As she shook herself out of her thoughts, Tisha takes a deep breath

  “Beverly you don’t have to call me ma’am.” Playfully mocking her, Beverly threw her hands back.

  “Hey what can I say? You can take the girl out of the country, but you can’t take the county out of the girl. It’s called country roots!” Both women begin to laugh, having forgotten that they were in an office.

  “Ok, well Beverly when Mr. Graves gets in show him to my office.”


  Beverly turns back around and faces the computer screen once again. Beverly turns back around quickly before Tisha goes into the office,


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