Torn apart Tisha's Story

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Torn apart Tisha's Story Page 2

by LeTasha S. Robinson

  “Ms. Carter don’t forget you have an 11:00 a.m. appointment.”

  “Ok,” Tisha said as she entered her office.

  Closing the door to her office she leaned against the door and looks around. Walsh Interfacing Company was one of the top marketing firms that assisted companies with their marketing and directing their sales force for their product and or service. She still counts her blessings for being in the right place at the right time. Over 10 years ago she sat in the hospital room waiting on the doctor to call her back. She was just four months pregnant, but with the stress of everything, she felt in her heart that she had lost her baby. She didn’t feel the baby growing anymore. She sat in the hospital waiting room feeling alone and abandoned. Fighting the tears that were beginning to form in her eyes she quickly closed her eyes and mentally said, Tisha it will be ok.

  Her entire world had changed in a course of three days. Her sister had kicked her out and Ricky her boyfriend, had turned his back on her. Ricky wasn’t just her boyfriend he was her first everything, her first love, and her first lover. She had given Ricky the one thing that she felt was so valuable to her. Placing her hands on her stomach the pain of that day came flooding back just as if it had happened yesterday.

  Fifteen Years Ago

  Opening her eyes, she looks down at her swollen stomach and begins to rub it, still in disbelief of what had happened the night before. Everything that she was accustomed to could very well be over with. Praying that her sister was only having a moment she went back the next day to her sister’s house. Using her key to get in she was thankful that it still worked. Sleeping that night in the park with a blanket was rough. Feeling the warmth of the heat as she walked through the door she released a sigh of relief and leaned back on the door.

  Taking a step, she heard a noise from the back and immediately froze in fear. Praying that her sister was in a better mood, she looks up to where the noise was coming from. As she waited she sees her brother in law come from the back. Don looks at Tisha and tears formed in his eyes.


  “Don,” Going towards him, Don throws his hand up.

  “No, your sister cannot find you here.”

  “But Don,” Tisha looks in disbelief as Don stands only a few feet away from her acting as if she had the plague.

  “Now Tisha you know how your sister is. She is at work, but you can’t be here when she gets here.”

  “You know it isn’t true. Why are you treating me like this?” She stands and watches her father go back into the back room.

  Coming from the back he stands in front of her with a wad full of money. Looking in distress at Don as she looks between his face and the money he extended to her.

  “Take this.” He forced the money into her hand.

  “Where am I supposed to go?”

  “Tisha, now you know how your sister can be. I can’t let you stay here.”

  Tisha starts to protest, and Don waves his hand at her.

  “Tisha please, I am about to leave. Clean yourself up and get some of your clothes, but you need to be gone by the time I get back.”

  Walking towards the door, Don turns around and looks at Tisha one more time.

  “I remember the first time I laid eyes on you, I fell in love with you. I knew you weren’t my own daughter, but I loved you as such. I hate what your sister is doing, but…” Throwing his hands up as tears started to fall down his face. “I can’t get her to see the truth in this. I can’t believe this. Until the day that she sees the truth, you will always be my baby girl, but now from a distance. That is about $500 that is in your hands. I have been saving it to give to you.”

  He quickly walks towards the door.

  “If you need anything get in touch with Mr. Graves. He will get the message to me. I will try my best to help you as much as I can, but I can’t go against her and let you stay here. I know that you don’t understand, but in time you will.” Sighing, he cracks open the door. “Mr. Graves has an old car that he is trying to get rid of. Give him half of the money and tell him I will take care of the balance.” Opening the door fully, he looks back and states, “I will be gone for about an hour.” He walked out of the door and started to close it. “Tisha,” still in shocked at what had just happened Tisha stood immobile and unable to speak. “I love you.”

  Don closed the door behind him as Tisha fell to the floor throwing the money across the room. The silence of the apartment had enveloped her and the cramped three-bedroom, two-bathroom apartment no longer felt small, but huge. The silence left a deafening tone that she was all alone. While Don wasn’t her real father he had been in her life since she came to stay with Georgette. Don was the first-person Georgette convinced of her lie. Telling him how their mother had left Tisha by herself and she felt obligated to take care of her and not let her go in the system. Ironic how money could move someone to do right or make it seem as if they are doing right, but Don immediately took a liking to Tisha. Tisha became his daughter and even though Georgette made it a point to stress that it was her adopted sister, Don had no boundaries with letting people know that she was his child, blood or not.

  “What am I going to do now?”

  Standing up and going towards her room she is shocked by what she sees. Looking around at her room she sees that it had been ransacked. Many of her things had been ripped or torn. Going and taking a quick shower she goes and packed up the few things that remained in good condition. Picking the money off the floor she takes a long deep breath. Patting her stomach,

  “I guess it is just me, you and daddy now.”

  Tisha had thrown away the trash bag, packing everything in a duffle bag. She goes to the door. Taking one finally look around the apartment that she had lived almost her entire life in, a wave of emotions overflowed her. Quickly, looking at the clock she knew that she needed to make her way from the building soon. Closing the door behind her she stood in the hallway replaying the events that had happened last night. Seeing Ms. Wallace’s door, she knew that she wasn’t home, that she would be at work right now. Going towards the doors she picks up the key from underneath Ms. Wallace’s mat and enters her apartment.

  Going straight to her refrigerator she opens it and finds exactly what she was looking for.


  She found the jug of water. Making a mental note of how much water was in the jug she began to pour a little of it out, she spits into the water several times and shakes it up and adds enough water to where it was. Laughing at herself she places the water back into the refrigerator.

  “Yep let’s see how you like that special H2O.”

  Exiting her apartment, she sees one of her baby pictures on one of the tables. Her sister and Mr. Wallace had been friends for years. She had spent countless hours at her house. Picking up the picture she slips it into her duffel bag. Making her way to the door she quickly leaves Ms. Wallace’s apartment and exits the apartment building. She was going to the only place that she knew without a shadow of a doubt was where someone loved her, her fiancé. After Ricky found out that she was pregnant, he proposed to her. Looking down at the band with the small stone that was on her finger, she contemplated going there, but knew she had no other choice. Going to Ricky’s house meant dealing with his nosey mother.

  Ms. Denise was a piece of work. Her eagerness to know everything so that she could be the first to tell everyone made it hard to be able to talk to Ricky at his house. She was always in the door lurking or asking questions. However, she would have to endure his mother because she had no other place to turn.

  Chapter 2

  Things Aren’t Changing

  3 Days Later

  Arriving on his doorsteps that first morning was awkward. She had always been a welcomed guest in his home. His mother treated her as if she was her daughter, but when she arrived that morning it was different.

  After the third knock, Tisha came face-to-face with Denise, Ricky’s mother.

  “Hi, Mrs. Jenkins, is Ricky hom
e?” Turning around without speaking to her, Denise lets the screen door close on her and goes into the house. The house door remained opened. Standing there Tisha debates whether she should go into the door when Ricky comes out.

  “Hey, Ricky can I come in?” Tisha stands on the outside of the screen waiting on Ricky’s response.

  Looking around he opens the screen door.

  “Hey Tisha, what are you doing here?”

  Stunned by his nonchalant attitude, Tisha stutters out

  “Ricky, I need a place to stay, just until school starts back.”

  “I don’t know about that. I mean we are cramped in here.” Ricky quickly looks around as he hears his sister sucking her teeth. “Why aren’t you at your sister’s anyway?”

  “Ricky, you know how my sister is. She is tripping right now and has thrown me out. I can’t go back. Ricky, please.”

  Taking a deep breath, he opens the door all the way up and lets her come in. I can’t promise you that you will be able to stay here long. My mom’s ain’t feeling you right now.”


  Going to the front door he closes it and comes back to Tisha. “Your sister called here last night looking for me but ended up talking to my mother. Your sister said you had been sleeping with her husband and if I knew any better, I had better get a paternity test.”

  Feeling the sharp pains run through her chest, Tisha began to grasp for air. “ she didn’t?” Looking at Ricky she sees Ricky looking at her, “and your mother believed it?” Not hearing a response from Ricky her eyes filled with tears, “What about you Ricky, do you believe it?”

  Sighing, “I don’t know what to believe. I mean why would your sister make something like that up?”

  “Ricky, you know how my sister is. I have confided in you the most. You have been there when she flips on me and after a year and a half you should know me by now.” Looking at Ricky with rage in her eyes, Tisha turns to go back out of the house.

  “I don’t know. Your sister is on some other type of stuff. My mom ain’t feeling you staying here, but you can stay here a couple of nights, but after that you got to bounce.”

  “Just like that Ricky?”

  “You act like this is my house. I am taking a chance by saying what I am saying.” Going to the front door of the house Ricky opens it and steps in. Stepping in he turns and looks at Tisha, “Are you coming in or not.”

  Taking a deep breath, she walks towards the door, knowing in her heart she was stepping into another hell. Three days later she stood in the house having another argument with Ricky. She felt unwanted in this house and she knew she needed to leave but didn’t know where to go. Ricky’s family had been very cold towards her. Since she had been staying at Ricky’s house, Denise tried to ensure that she wasn’t around Tisha and Denise had forbidden her husband to even glance at Tisha.

  Being forced to eat dinner in Ricky’s bedroom and to only come out of Ricky’s room when Denise’s husband was gone was making her more and more depressed by the day. Then to make matters worse, Ricky and she had made love the first night and immediately after finishing he got out of bed. He walked away from her and acted as though he had gotten a disease. He was barely talking or contacting her. For the last couple of days, the wall that was on the side of Ricky’s bed saw more of her tears than anyone else. Sleeping with her back towards the door, she silently cried every day. Knowing the argument that she had heard that morning she would have to leave soon.

  “She got to get the Hell out of my house!” Denise screamed at Ricky.

  “But ma where she going to go?”

  “That isn’t my problem she should have thought about that before sleeping around with Don. Now I just got married two years ago. She needs to leave. I don’t have time to be watching him and her too, now by the time I get home her and her little duffel bag better be out of my house.”

  Sighing, “Yes ma’am.”

  “Now son I know you think that is your baby and we will have that baby tested and if it is we will do what we got to do. I know a good lawyer and we will take the baby from her. She isn’t fit to raise any seed of mine. I don’t even want her to have visitation rights. No, that tramp doesn’t deserve kids. Now let me get to work. I love you, but that hussy needs to be out of my house today. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes ma’am.” Sighing Ricky watches his mother walk out of the house. Sitting in the arm chair he silently contemplated on how to go and tell Tisha that she must go knowing that she didn’t have anywhere to go. Hearing the door open to his bedroom, he knew Tisha had already heard everything.

  “I will only be an hour. Let me take a shower and I will be on my way.” Tisha says as she goes and put her duffel bag by the door.

  “I’m sorry,” Ricky says as he continues to look at the floor.

  Turning around and looking at him.

  “Ricky just tell me one thing; do you believe it?”

  Looking up at her, Ricky turns around.

  “At one time I didn’t, but why would your sister make something like that up?” Walking towards her, “I don’t know what is going on, but I know I can’t help raise this baby.”

  Starting to cry, Tisha stands up,

  “Ricky please don’t tell me you believe that?” looking at him with a look of desperation. Ricky grabbing her hand and facing her towards the door

  “Man, it’s all over town you know this is a small town. Everyone is looking at me and whispering stuff. If it is…”

  Tisha shaking her head no,

  “If, Ricky? Man…………….” Snatching her hand out of his hand and putting one hand on her hip and one hand on his shoulder. “It wasn’t if when you were messing with me, it wasn’t if for you then. Ricky you were my first how can you say that?” Tears are streaming rapidly down her face and she tries to comprehend everything that is happening around her.

  Ricky clears his throat and start to walk to the door as he stops in mid stride,

  “Well like they say anyone can fake their first time and I think it’s time for you to bounce. I wouldn’t want my mother to catch you in here,” Walking towards the door Rick opens the door and stood beside it.

  Looking at Ricky she knew it was no need to argue he had decided to leave her just like everyone else. Going towards the corner where she had just laid her stuff she reached for it and then stopped.

  “After I refresh myself I will leave then.”

  Turning back around as she headed to the bathroom. Taking a quick shower, she hurried and put her clothes on making a mental note of what to do. Walking out of the bathroom she was alone. Ricky was nowhere to be found. Gathering her things, she walks out of the door. In a course of one week everything that had ever meant anything to her was gone. The only thing that she had was her education. Laughing she remembers her mother pulling her aside one day and telling her

  “Get all the education you can get baby because people can take your things, but they can’t ever take what is inside of your head. Even with the people who have Alzheimer’s, they still live off the memories that are up here,” pointing to her head. “So, get it and hold on to it.” After all these years, her mother was still right. She knew if her mother was alive, she would have a place to go. Exiting Ricky’s house, she sees one of the neighbors on their doorsteps looking and shaking their head at her,

  “Who would do such a thing?”

  Hanging her head down, she starts to walk to the sign that said she was now leaving Deerville. Walking away from that house was the worst feeling Tisha had ever had. She felt as if a common whore and that the world was against her. Reaching the sign that told her she had now made it to the end of town limits, tears continued to flow as she sat her bag down and started rubbing her stomach.

  “Well baby, it is just you and me now,” as she looks down at her stomach. Letting out a soft whimper she buries her head into her hands as she falls to the ground and started to cry. As cars whizzed past her, but no one could see her tears in the ra

  Three days later she sat in the hospital waiting room. Staring off into space when destiny interrupted her.

  “Excuse me ma’am can I sit here?” Looking up Tisha finds an older white man who looked to be in his forties.

  “Sure, no problem,” clearing her items out of the seat.

  “Thank you. How long have you been here?” The white man asks as he sits down.

  “A little over two hours,” Tisha looks at him and does a slight grin.

  “Wow that is a long time, well I hope you get seen soon.” Turning around to her and extending his hand, “I am Paul, Paul Carson”

  “Hi I am Tisha, Tisha Carter.” Turning back around staring off into space he could tell she was stressed out about something but did not want to push the obvious.

  “Well let’s take our mind off our problems let us look at these magazines. I love to look at ads.” Laughing and looking at him Tisha realized he was serious. “Ok, let’s look at these ads.” Picking up a magazine he turns to a page, “Look at this ad. What does it say to you?” Paul shows her an ad for a new computer where a young male had the new piece of computer and a group of boys set in the back looking at the male holding the new computer. The caption read, The Envy of All.

  Studying the ad Tisha clears her throat

  “It’s a strong print ad, but if I was just flipping through the magazine I would never had guess this print ad was for this.”

  Paul looking at her, “Go on.”

  Sitting up, “Well Mr. Carson,” interrupting her, “You can call me Paul.”

  “Ok Paul I never would have thought the ad was for the computer. The computer is such a small object on the entire picture. Normally with advertising you would think that the focus should be one of the main focal points of an ad. Look at the clothing of the actors they are very bright and distracting from the main component. If I had created this ad I would have made everything black and white and made the computer colorful. Making the focal point the computer.” Looking at her, Paul starts to shake his head.

  “Ok what about this TV commercial?” This went on for another 30 minutes.


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