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The Cursed Sword (The Nine Worlds Trilogy Book 1)

Page 11

by Debbie Champion

  "Hey look there's a boat over here under these trees," called Matt from back where they had just come from. Alex hadn't noticed he had disappeared.

  "Cool problem solved," said Alex buttoning up his trousers and slipping his t-shirt back on.

  "Oh for gods sake," muttered Becca under her breath.

  They pushed their way through a large bush near the edge of the water where Matt was rustling around. Sure enough there was a small rowing boat tied up to a tree.

  "Ok, who can row?" asked Becca helping Matt pull away some branches, which were covering the boat. They all looked at each other blankly.

  "Don't look at me, I've never been in a boat before," said Alex holding out his hands.

  "Me neither," said Matt. "It can't be that hard though. Come on jump in, we should be able to squeeze in."

  Matt held the boat steady and the girls stepped in gingerly and sat on a small seat at the back of the boat. Alex got in next and sat on the seat in the middle and inserted an oar into the oar support. Pete crouched at the front and held out a hand to Matt who sat beside Alex and inserted the other oar. Matt pushed off the bank with the oar and the boat drifted into the lake.

  "Ok together now," said Matt dipping his oar into the water.

  Alex pulled on his oar too but pulled harder than Matt and they ended up going in a circle.

  "Guys we’re not getting anywhere," said Becca looking around. "Try pulling at the same time."

  "We are what's going on?" asked Alex frustrated.

  He could feel static electricity build up in his fingertips and he made a mental note to keep calm. Electricity and water did not mix.

  "Just one of you row," suggested Sasha.

  Matt and Alex looked at each other and shrugged. It was worth a go. Alex sat back and Matt grabbed both oars and started to row. At last they started to make progress and they slowly made their way across the lake towards the waterfall.

  "So how do we find this Grim then?" asked Pete peering towards the waterfall.

  Matt started to back paddle with the oars, the spray from the waterfall was starting to get them wet.

  "Listen what's that?" asked Sasha. The sound of a violin echoed across the lake. It was the most beautiful sound Alex had ever heard and he was mesmerised by it.

  "Look over there," said Becca pointing to the rocks on the left hand side of the waterfall.

  Alex looked over and could see a naked man with long flowing blonde hair half sitting in the water and half on the rocks playing a violin.

  "That must be him," whispered Becca excitedly gripping Sasha on the knee.

  The man was truly stunning. The most beautiful man she had ever seen with a strong jaw and chiseled cheekbones. He was even better looking than Alex she thought and that was saying something. He was completely engrossed in his music and did not see them. Sasha nudged Becca and mouthed "Oh my god." The girls giggled and the boys shifted around in their seats and glared at them. The boat wobbled alarmingly and the girls shrieked and clung onto the sides. The violin suddenly stopped and there was a loud splash. When they looked back the man had disappeared.

  "Damn it, where did he go?" asked Alex looking over the edge of the boat into the water.

  "Why hello my lovelies what brings you here?" asked Grim.

  He was resting his elbows on the back of the boat and talking to Sasha and Becca. They jumped and looked behind them making the boat wobble again.

  "Oh er hello. I don't suppose your name is Grim is it?" asked Sasha gazing into his eyes. They were a bright blue and glowed. He took her breath away and she blushed bright red.

  "Charming," he purred, looking at both of them appreciatively. "Yes I am he. It's been a long time since a human young lady graced my presence. Please let me play you a little something I have been working on," he said in a low voice.

  He slid under the water and the girls looked at each other and giggled again.

  "Really?" asked Alex moodily.

  "Shh look there he is," whispered Becca pointing to a rock near the edge of the waterfall.

  Grim pulled himself out of the water; he flicked his head so that the water from his hair fanned out around him showering droplets everywhere.

  "I am going to puke," Matt whispered to Alex grimacing. Alex growled in response and looked back at Becca and Sasha. They were practically drooling and their eyes were popping out of their heads.

  "I call this one 'Lovers on the Lake'," said Grim winking at the girls.

  They sighed, leant forward with their elbows on their knees and their hands on their chins and waited.

  Grim started to play the violin and the most beautiful music Alex had ever heard echoed across the lake. He was completely entranced for the entire song. By the end of it they were all leaning forward with their elbows on their knees cupping their chins with their hands with dreamy looks on their faces The final note echoed between the mountains and then all was still except for the sound of the waterfall splashing into the lake.

  Grim opened his eyes, placed the violin in his lap and looked directly at the girls.

  "Did you like that my beauties?" he asked softly.

  "Oh my god yes, that was the most beautiful music I have ever heard," gushed Sasha. Grim slipped under the water and emerged behind the boat again.

  "I am so pleased you liked it, I made that up just for you two." He smiled seductively and reached into the boat to stroke a strand of Sasha's hair. He then ran his hand down Becca's arm.

  "How about I do another one, then perhaps you could do something for me?" he asked, raising his eyebrows suggestively.

  "Er excuse me," said Alex cutting in loudly and glaring at Grim. "We are a bit pushed for time, so if it's all the same to you we'll have to listen to another song another time. Becca perhaps you could explain to Grim why we are here," he said looking at Becca. Alex figured Grim would be far more receptive if one of the girls asked him.

  "Becca what a lovely name," Grim crooned. "Please go ahead how can I help you?" he asked smiling. His teeth were perfect and Becca wanted to lean forward and kiss his red lips. She shook her head. "Ah right, well you see we have a bit of a predicament," she stuttered shyly. She was finding it hard to form words whilst he was gazing into her eyes.

  "We need to find the sword of Tyrfing so Alex here can close a breach to Hel but Dvalin, the dwarf won't tell us where it is unless we help him unlock a door to a great treasure which is protected by a charm and we think if you created a piece of new music that might be the key to unlocking the door," she said breathlessly.

  "My, my now that is a predicament. What happens if my music doesn't work then?" asked Grim smiling lazily and playing with a strand of Becca's hair.

  "It will be the end of the world as we know it," said Sasha. "Hel will be free to roam the Nine Worlds and will release all of the spirits and whatever else she has locked up down there."

  "Hmm yes that could be a bit of a problem. Ok here's the deal. I'll create a piece of music for you to unlock your door, but there is a price. I can only write music for others in return for a lamb.”

  “What? Are you serious? A lamb, why?” asked Alex surprised.

  "Yes a lamb. Those are my normal terms, though typically people come and ask me to teach them how to play music, not create music," he said lying on his back and floating. "The second part of the deal is that the young ladies will stay here with me whilst you boys fetch it for me," he said looking at Alex slyly.

  "We are in the middle of nowhere, where do we get a lamb from? I doubt there is a sheep shop anywhere near here and we are running out of time."

  Alex's eyes felt itchy and he guessed arcs of electricity were gathering. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

  "Look we really need help here. We have been going around in circles and not getting anywhere. Is there anything else we can get you or do for you which is actually possible quickly?" he asked.

  "Well I am sure the young ladies here have plenty they can give me," said Grim grinning.

  "No," shouted Alex and Matt at the same time. " Leave them out of this," said Alex.

  "A lamb it is then," smirked Grim.

  "Ok any top tips on where we could get it?” asked Alex pushing his hand through his hair and making it stand on end.

  "There are farms along the valley, they would be your best bet."

  "We didn't see anything for miles, what are we meant to do row the whole length of the river, seriously? We just about rowed across this lake, we'll never get anywhere," asked Alex exasperated.

  "And do not suggest a portal, we are not going there again. I would rather walk," said Matt worried.

  Twice was already enough for him. There was something about dropping into a black abyss, which made him feel not quite in control of his life.

  "Well I could lend you Gorvir, she would be faster than your boat but you'll get a bit wet," said Grim.

  "Gor...who?"asked Alex.

  "Gorvir, my pet," said Grim grinning.

  "Oh right, cool, ok. Where is she then?" asked Alex looking around.

  "Right now she is under your boat. I am standing on her," said Grim.

  "What?" Sasha squealed and looked over the edge of the boat making it rock.

  The water was very clear and she could see a long, thick scaly body stretched right under the boat. Alex peered over the side too and sighed. His visions of galloping to the nearest farm on a horse quickly disappearing.

  "What is that?" he asked pointing under the boat.

  "That is Gorvir, one of the daughters of Jormungand, she helps me travel between waterfalls. Quite handy really and she keeps the Volva's in check when they get a bit frisky. Hang on I'll have a word with her." Grim dipped below the surface and Alex turned to the girls.

  "Is this guy for real?" he asked.

  They shrugged their shoulders and leant over the boat to look for Grim. After a few minutes his head broke the surface and next to him appeared what looked like a cross between a dragon and a snake. Gorvir was huge, droplets of water cascaded from her scales, which were a deep blue colour. She had dark purple horns circling her head and yellow eyes. She opened her mouth wide and revealed two huge fangs. Everyone in the boat reared back in panic and it rocked alarmingly.

  "Don't worry," said Grim steadying the boat with his muscular arms. "She's just a bit sleepy I woke her up, she's yawning."

  "Crikey I thought we were dinner then," said Pete pushing Alex and Matt back onto their seats.

  "She's good to go and is happy to help," said Grim cheerily stroking Gorvir's head.

  "Ok so how does this work then?" asked Alex eyeing up the dragon snake suspiciously.

  "Well this is where you will get a bit wet which is why I suggested that the young ladies stay with me. We don't want them getting chilly," said Grim winking at the girls. They were both staring at him with big grins plastered on their faces.

  "There is no way they are staying here with you alone," said Alex glaring at Grim.

  "Hey you and Matt go. I'll keep an eye on things here," said Pete. "I can't swim very well anyway, and there is no way I'm getting in the water with that thing," he said pointing at Gorvir.

  "You would do well not to insult her boy," said Grim menacingly.

  "Alex, we'll be fine, you go. It will be quicker that way," said Becca quickly before Pete said anything else insulting. "Nothing will happen, we'll just wait here and we'll have Pete. Honestly it will be fine," she said.

  "Ok let's do this. Matt are you with me?" asked Alex patting Matt on the back. Matt grinned.

  "I get to ride a snake along a river, too right I am up for this....hang on though, it is safe isn't it?" he asked Grim. "Does she need to eat first?"

  Grim chuckled. "No she's good. You'll have to slip into the water and hold onto her and she'll pull you along."

  Alex dipped his hand into the water and shivered, the water was icy cold. "We'll get hyperthermia you must be kidding," he said.

  "If I am not mistaken you are the new demi god all the Volva's are excited about. You can command the water around you to be warm. Gorvir may be a little uncomfortable as she likes the cold but you two will be fine," explained Grim.

  "Hang on. Sorry but I have no idea how to do that. Are you saying I just tell the water to be warm and it will just happen?" asked Alex. "Awesome."

  Grim sighed and rolled his eyes. "It's a bit more than that, you need to feel as one with the water and think of it as being warm. Give it a try."

  Alex shrugged and dipped his hand into the water again. It was icy and his fingers soon became numb. He was trying to concentrate but didn't really have a clue what he was meant to do.

  "Come on, try harder than that, just believe the water is warm," said Grim impatiently.

  "It's not working this is ridiculous," said Alex. He took his hand out of the water and shook it to get some feeling back into his fingers. They were completely numb.

  "Ok let's do this the hard way," said Grim moving swiftly to Alex's side of the boat.

  He reached up and grabbed Alex by the arms and threw him into the water. Alex fell head first into the icy lake. He felt as though pins and needles were piercing his entire body. He kicked his legs and broke the surface gasping for air.

  "Come on show us what you've got or you'll die from the cold really soon," said Grim swimming out of his reach.

  Alex trod water and pictured himself in a warm bubble. Gradually he started to feel his legs again. It was either starting to work or his bladder had released he thought to himself. The warmth spread slowly up his body and fanned out around him.

  "There you go, that's it." Grim said smiling. "Your turn," he said to Matt grabbing him quickly by the back of his shirt and pulling him into the water.

  "Dude that was not cool," said Matt spluttering and shaking the water from his eyes. "Oh it's like a bath in here...nice," said Matt swimming closer to Alex.

  Gorvir had slipped under the surface and emerged directly underneath them.

  "Right grab a horn on each side and let her pull you," said Grim moving back to the boat. It had started to drift away.

  Gorvir broke the surface of the water and Alex grabbed hold of one of the purple horns behind her head and clung on tightly. Matt grabbed another horn on the other side and Gorvir surged forward towards the mouth of the river. Alex looked back at the boat and saw the three of them wave. He would have waved back but he was terrified of letting go. As Gorvir took them around the bend he saw Grim pulling himself into the boat. He was really glad Pete had stayed behind; there was no way he trusted Grim with the girls.

  Gorvir was weaving from side to side, her powerful body pushing them quickly through the water. Alex just about managed to keep his head above the water. He was concentrating hard on keeping them warm and began to experiment with the temperature. When it got too warm Gorvir started to slow down so he tried to keep it tepid. Alex started to relax and looked around trying to find signs of a farm.

  After several miles Matt pointed to the left bank. "Look there's smoke behind those trees," he spluttered through a mouth full of water. Alex looked over and could see the smoke; it was worth investigating he thought to himself.

  "How do we stop this thing?" he shouted to Matt.

  "No idea," shouted Matt back laughing. He was really beginning to enjoy the ride.

  "Whoa Gorvir, whoa there girl," shouted Alex pulling back on her horn as hard as he could. Matt started to laugh hysterically. "She's not a horse you moron."

  It did the trick though and Gorvir immediately slowed down and drifted to a stop near the bank.

  "Stay there, good girl," said Alex patting her on the head. Gorvir reared up into the air and hissed angrily. Alex swore under his breath and quickly swam to the shore trying to get out of her reach as quickly as possible. He scrambled up the muddy bank on his hands and knees.

  "Yeah,real cool man, patronise the thirty foot serpent," said Matt staggering up the bank. When he reached the top he flopped onto his back and looked up at the sky. />
  "No one at home is ever going to believe the day we are having. They'll think we’re on drugs," he said grinning.

  "Yeah I know what you mean. I keep thinking I'm going to wake up and discover it's all a dream, no make that a nightmare," said Alex flopping down next to Matt.

  "Ha, then you'll have to start all over again with Becca. You guys seem to be getting pretty close," said Matt winking at Alex.

  "Speak for yourself, I saw you holding Sasha's hand down those stairs," said Alex laughing.

  "I was being a gentleman. Anyway we'll both be out of luck unless we get a move on and get back to them. I think they were both a bit taken with Grim," said Matt grumpily. "I bet he is on steroids, no one has arms that muscly or a six pack that good," he said standing up.

  He reached out a hand to Alex and pulled him to his feet. Alex squeezed the bottom of his shirt and looked around. They had passed the copse of trees where he had seen the smoke and they headed back in that direction. Alex looked towards the river. Gorvir was trailing them slowly.

  When they reached the edge of the copse they could see a large house through the trees.

  "The chimney is smoking so there must be someone at home," said Matt hiding behind a tree. "Now what? Do you have a plan, because I don't?" he asked.

  "Well it looks like a farmhouse, look there are barns over there. Let's get closer and listen for any animals," said Alex peering through the trees.

  They moved closer using the trees as cover. Alex stopped on the edge of the copse and held up his hand to stop Matt. "There, listen," he whispered.

  Matt stopped and strained his ears. He could hear the sound of an animal bleating. He looked at Alex and gave him a thumbs up. They looked around to make sure there were no people around and then hurried out of the trees and ran to the side of the barn where the sound of the bleating was coming from.

  "I don't know about this Alex. We can't steal a sheep, that's just wrong, my mum will kill me if she finds out," said Matt looking worried.

  "I know but Grim said it had to be a lamb. He was quite particular about it," said Alex rubbing his hand through his hair. "I was thinking we steal it but then send the owner the money when all of this is done and then everyone's happy," he said.


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