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Second Skin Omnibus

Page 148

by M Damon Baker

  “Welcome, Empress, I am Thelmé, Queen Líann’s aide,” a middle-aged looking elven woman greeted me stiffly as we entered Líann’s suite. “The Queen has requested that your audience be private, so your escort can remain here.”

  “That is not what was agreed to,” Ella protested.

  “Yes, I know,” Thelmé conceded. “But it is her Majesty’s wish that the two of you not be disturbed.”

  “I’ll be fine, Ella,” I assured her. Between the Essence Blade behind my back, Retribution on my wrist, and the orbs at my disposal, I was sure that I could handle anything the bitchy queen might throw at me.

  “Very well, Empress,” Ella reluctantly agreed.

  Ella stayed behind as Thelmé led me through two more rooms, and right past the dining area where I thought our meeting was to take place. I was about to ask her where we were headed when she stopped a few paces away from a doorway.

  “Her Majesty has decided to conduct your affairs more casually than had originally been agreed to, Empress,” Thelmé explained. “I’ve been instructed to leave you here. She’s waiting for you inside.”

  With that, the overly formal woman departed, leaving me to enter the room on my own. It was an odd situation, defying all the rules of protocol that I’d been taught so far. So, it was with a strange sense of apprehension that I finally opened the door and entered the room where Líann was waiting for me.

  I had assumed that I would be greeted by the queen, or that she might be seated at a table waiting for me to arrive. Instead, the scene that unfolded was unlike anything I’d expected, and challenged all the preconceived notions I had of the elven monarch.

  Líann stood calmly off to the side of her chambers, holding a glass of wine in her hand, with a second empty glass and two bottles on the table beside her, one of which was already half empty. While she was still the same pale beauty I recognized from the night before, she wore a thick robe, belted at the waist instead of the more formal attire I was expecting.

  “Come, Empress,” she greeted me in an almost friendly voice. “Let us talk and share some wine.”

  I had to wonder if this was the same woman everyone had told me about as I slowly walked towards her. Or perhaps this was some sort of ploy, to lull me into a sense of ease before she transformed into her usual self. My expression must have given away too much, because as she filled my glass and handed it to me, a thin smile spread slowly over her lips as she began to speak.

  “Let me guess,” the Queen began after taking a sip from her glass. “You were expecting a more… chilly reception?”

  “Tell me how many of these you’ve heard,” Líann continued mirthlessly with another sip of wine. “Cold, heartless, The Ice Queen, frigid, and the ever-popular and oh-so original, bitch.”

  “So, you know your reputation,” I replied, when it seemed like there was nothing else that I could say.

  “I do,” she answered bluntly, draining her glass before refilling it again. “But tell me, Empress; was anyone able to tell you why I am that way?”

  “There was one theory, but why don’t you cut to the chase and tell me yourself?” I replied impatiently. I didn’t know what kind of game she was playing, but I wasn’t in the mood for it.

  “Assertive, I like that,” Líann purred after another sip. “Very well, I’ll tell you.”

  “I was born to be Queen, literally,” she began. “My father was nearing his last years when I was born, and my training to take his place began before I could even walk. My first memories are of being instructed in the customs of my father’s court and the various styles of dress. Everything after that was a constant barrage of etiquette, negotiation, diplomacy, and war—all the knowledge that a Queen would be required to know.”

  “But there was one bit of information that no one had to teach me,” she continued as she drained her cup again and casually dropped it onto the thick carpet as she advanced towards me. “It came to me unbidden, and I held it in my heart since it was the only thing I ever had that was truly my own. It was the knowledge that it was my destiny to find love with the most powerful person this land has ever known.”

  “Knowing my fate, I refused every advance that was made towards me. I denied the entreaties of Kings and Princes, secure in the knowledge that my real love, my true love was still to come. I never thought that person would be another woman, a human woman at that. But I have waited over a hundred years for you, Empress, and when you held my hand against the metal of your God-forged bow, I knew that it was you that I’d been waiting for.”

  As she kept coming towards me, she untied the belt around her waist and let the front of her robe hang open. The soft white of her skin stood out against the dark green of the garment, and the subtle curves of her body beckoned to me as she drew closer and her pale blue eyes gazed into mine.

  “Now that I’ve found you, I’m going to make you mine,” Líann continued provocatively as she shrugged her shoulders slightly to let her robe fall open wide, exposing even more of her flawless body. “I’m going to give you all the fire I’ve been saving up over these many decades and make you forget all about your little halfling lover.”

  That was the wrong thing for her to say.

  “You need to know a few things about me first, bitch,” I snapped at her angrily as I shoved her backwards and pinned her against the wall with my hand across her chest.

  Her face twisted into a mask of sheer terror, and as I glared at her, I realized that the world around me had shifted green with my outrage. I held the flaring light on Líann for a few seconds longer before reining it in and speaking to her again.

  “I’m not some dog in heat that will come begging just because you flash a bit of skin, Líann, and I’m definitely not something to be owned; I will never be yours,” I practically spat at her. “There is absolutely nothing a heartless piece of shit like you can do to take Tási’s place. Nothing.”

  “So, whatever you thought was going to happen here tonight, it isn’t,” I shoved her as I let her go and walked away.

  I stopped before I walked out the door and left her with one final thought.

  “Something I heard about you seems most accurate to me now. It’s funny that it’s one you didn’t mention yourself; the only good things about you are on the outside, Líann.”

  Thelmé was obviously shocked to see me leave so quickly, and I ignored her flustered questioning as I briskly walked out of Líann’s suite.

  “Is everything alright, Dreya?” Ella asked, so full of concern for me that she addressed me familiarly.

  “I’m fine, although I doubt that bitch can say the same,” I replied sharply.

  “Do we need to call up more guards? Will there be any repercussions?” She followed up immediately.

  “I hope not, but that will be up to her,” I sighed. “Although, you might want to take some precautions, just in case.”

  With a few whispers, Ella sent off one of the guards to do just that, and rushed me back to my private quarters. As soon as I was inside, I hurried to Bane’s room, and was relieved to see that he was already there. I immediately snuggled up to him and wrapped the blankets we had left there around me as I closed my eyes and listened to the rhythm of his heartbeat.

  You are troubled, Sintári

  ‘Not anymore.’

  It is harder to protect you if I do not know the dangers we face.

  “What the fuck happened with the bitch queen?” Tási burst in at the perfect moment, obviously having been informed by Ella that something had indeed gone very wrong during our meeting.

  “She intended to take your place, Tási,” I replied calmly. “Do you think I should let her?”

  “What?” Tási responded in shock. “She... You… What happened?”

  “I kind of lost it a little, to be honest,” I smiled at her. “I also discovered that the two of you have something in common. Neither of you like it very much when my eyes flare.”

  “No… You didn’t!” Tási replied questioning
ly. “On purpose?”

  “Actually, no,” I assured her. “Totally happened on its own.”

  “Wow,” she said as she joined me under the covers. “Tell me more.”

  Yes, do tell us more, Bane added. Like if I can eat her now.

  ‘Eww. Gross, Bane.’

  Apologies, Sintári, do go on.

  I told them the whole story of my brief meeting with the elven queen, leaving nothing out. I trusted both of them completely, and there was no reason for me to hold back.

  “She really pulled the whole ‘you are my destiny’ bit on you?” Tási scoffed when I finished the tale.

  “It worked for you,” I reminded her.

  “That was after!” She protested, quite accurately.

  “Minor detail,” I rebuffed her flippantly.

  “I hate you sometimes,” Tási responded in frustration, although the faint smile she couldn’t quite hide told me she knew I was only toying with her.

  “I’m going to make sure Ella’s taken all the right measures,” Tási added as she got up to leave. “Líann didn’t come alone, she brought enough troops to cause a great deal of harm if she wanted to.”

  “It’s a wise precaution, but I doubt that she’ll do anything so rash.” I replied. “Lashing out like that would be an emotional response, and I don’t think she has that in her.”

  Tási nodded in acknowledgment, but still left to make sure that our own forces were put in place to counter any moves Líann might make. She had brought an escort of fifty soldiers just for herself, and combined with the similar number that each of the other monarchs had traveled with, the large force had insured their safety as they crossed the dangerous roads to my Realm. But now those same soldiers represented a potential threat, and Tási was determined to ensure that whatever Líann might do, she would be ready to counter it at a moment’s notice.

  Tási had more than enough of our own soldiers to call upon to deal with the threat, and even so, I truly doubted Líann would attempt anything. She was a cold-blooded creature, calculating and emotionless. There was nothing to be gained in launching an attack, and I knew in my heart that she wouldn’t do so.

  So, while Tási made her preparations, I took advantage of the rare moment, and relaxed with Bane in the cool evening air. We’d left the glass doors open, only closing the beautiful Khelduin gates, and let the fresh air flood into the room. The low flames of the fireplace across from us kept things comfortable, and Bane lay his broad head next to me as I curled up beside him.

  ‘This is how it should always be, Bane,’ I sent to him. ‘You, me, maybe even Tási,’ I joked. ‘Resting here together at the end of the day.’

  I agree, Sintári, but you know better than that. What should be often isn’t, and your path is not an easy one.

  ‘You could learn to lie to me a little, Bane,’ I sent back with a little irritation. ‘You know, just to let me be happy for a few minutes.’

  I will try to remember that, Sintári.

  I must have fallen asleep quickly after that, because the next thing I knew, Aiva was shaking me awake. Tási was snoring softly beside me as I opened my eyes, and Aiva stepped back to give me some room to get up.

  “Nothing went amiss during the night, Empress,” she reported as I strapped on my weapons. “The Commander’s precautions remain in place, but we’ve detected no sign of any aggressive action from the Queen’s soldiers.”

  “I’m sure she was up late,” I said as I glanced at Tási sleeping peacefully. “If there’s no reason to wake her, I’d rather let her rest.”

  Aiva simply nodded and we left Tási and Bane sleeping together as she led me off to breakfast. Surprisingly, Venna was waiting for me in the antechamber when I sat down for my morning meal.

  “Good morning, Chief Minister,” I offered cautiously. “I assume that you’re here on business?”

  “Unfortunately, yes, I am,” she replied almost hesitantly. “Tási made sure that I was informed that your meeting with Queen Líann did not go well. Badly enough in fact that she felt the need to take military precautions.”

  “We can discuss the details of that later,” I cut in.

  “Of course,” Venna responded, realizing immediately that the subject was delicate, and not to be revealed in front of anyone else.

  “Although she has made no aggressive moves, Líann has reacted to whatever transpired,” Venna informed me, “Or, I should say, there has been a reaction on her behalf.”

  “What do you mean by that?” I asked curiously.

  “I have received a request for a follow-up meeting. Several of them actually,” Venna explained. “Normally, such requests would bear Líann’s seal and carry her authority, but none of these did. They were only signed by her aide, Thelmé, and each one was worded more urgently than the last.”

  “If that bitch can’t even be bothered to press her ring into a blob of wax,” I replied harshly, “I’m certainly not going to rush down to meet with her again.”

  “Etiquette would agree with you,” Venna replied with obvious restraint. “A request like this from an underling should be ignored, but based on your reaction, I think you need to fill me in on just what transpired between you.”

  “Aiva,” I called to the lieutenant, “Can you give us the room, please?”

  “Of course, Empress,” she replied before leading the guards out of the room.

  Once we were alone, I vented some of the anger that Venna’s news had stirred up in me.

  “That fucking bitch said she was going to make me hers,” I spewed as my rage only intensified with the memories of Líann’s words. “She thought she could own me! She dared to claim Tási’s place in my heart!”

  “She did what?” Venna inquired in shock.

  “She tried to seduce me,” I fumed. “The fucking whore thought she could own me just by baring her flesh.”

  “Líann?” Venna asked incredulously. “Queen Líann tried to seduce you?”

  “Yes, the damn Ice Queen apparently has a thing for me,” I replied angrily.

  “She’s never expressed an interest in anyone before, Dreya,” Venna responded in amazement. “And she has been courted by every elven King and Prince in Arrika.”

  “Well then she can go fuck one of them instead!” I screamed back at her.

  The air was thick with my anger, and Venna didn’t reply to my last shout of rage. We sat there, just staring into space as Venna considered what I’d told her, and I stewed in my venom.

  “I will have Quin reply to Thelmé’s request, and offer to meet with Líann on your behalf,” Venna finally offered. “That should send the right message to her.”

  Quin was a young dwarf who served as one of Venna’s junior aides. Having such a low-ranking official respond to Líann’s request for a meeting would certainly mirror the lack of regard I had for the Ice Queen.

  “Do it,” I replied harshly. “And I don’t want to hear about any other messages that are made on her behalf. You have my leave to handle them in any way that you feel is appropriate. That useless hag will get nothing from me until she comes crawling on her knees.”

  “As you say, Empress,” Venna responded formally.

  “You think I’m being too harsh?” I asked as I picked up on her tone.

  “Honestly, I don’t know,” Venna admitted. “Your response is well within the protocols for such things, but I have a soft spot for her. Despite Líann’s reputation, I always felt that there was something more to her than just the cold, emotionless woman she seemed to be. You’ve awakened many things in many people, Dreya. Perhaps you’ve done the same for her.”

  “Well, when she finishes waking up and can press her dainty little finger into some melted wax, maybe we’ll find out if you’re right about that,” I snapped at her.

  “I’ll see to your wishes.” Venna said as she rose to leave.

  She was obviously troubled by the developments, and even more so by my reaction to them, but at that moment, I didn’t give a damn. L
íann had already sworn her fealty to me, and I was going to hold her to that oath, regardless of her feelings—or lack of them.

  Aiva and the guards returned when Venna left, and I picked at my breakfast for a while before heading to my office without eating much of anything. The heated conversation and the memories of my anger had spoiled my appetite, and I sought the distraction of my work instead.

  Fortunately, I was able to find the diversion I sought in the never-ending stack of papers on my desk. The endless series of reports from around my Realm kept me informed of the developments that I used to watch over personally, but that my duties as ruler, and then Empress, kept me from reviewing first-hand.

  Ilvain was still building more housing, as were the dwarves. With our new alliance, we anticipated that an increase in population would follow, so they were busy creating the necessary structures.

  Evans’ report on our military was encouraging as well. The Garrison was fully manned, and his new recruits would allow him to assign more personnel to the newly designated Imperial Fortress and the Palace guard. Among Evans’ reports was his request to require all soldiers to swear allegiance to the Empire. Since they came to us from various Realms, he thought it would be prudent that we ensure that they understood where their new loyalties lie. It seemed like a reasonable thing, so I approved his request before moving on to the next pile of papers.

  The mining and agricultural updates were promising. The veins of ore were still rich, and the harvests were plentiful, in no small part due to the Dryad’s influence. I had visited her little territory a few times, even spoke with her on one occasion, and she seemed to be doing well in her home. Even the hunters continued to have success taking game outside the walls, allowing our ranchers to focus on growing their herds, rather than culling them.

  By the time I finished shuffling through all the papers, it was late in the afternoon, and my appetite had returned. Aiva offered to fetch some lunch for me when she overheard my stomach growl, and I gratefully accepted.


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