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Second Skin Omnibus

Page 166

by M Damon Baker

  Although the Garrison troops themselves would be remaining behind, the place was still bustling with activity, all in an effort to help make the Army ready to march off to war. I stopped at the forge, hoping to speak with the smiths, but all three of them were so busy hammering away and making last-minute preparations that I only gave them a quick wave before leaving them to their work. As I walked around, I spoke with a few soldiers, offering them my personal thanks and appreciation for their efforts before Hollyn came running up to me.

  She said nothing, but the bright smile on her face and her beaming expression spoke volumes about her happiness that morning. Then, she simply extended her hand towards me, and I saw the shining band of gold around her finger.

  “When?!” I asked her in astonishment.

  “Last night,” she told me, still radiant with joy. “Although it’s not official yet. He said we had to wait for you to do the honors or else you might skin him alive.”

  “He’s right about that,” I laughed at what she’d said, then let her lead me back to Evans.

  “I wasn’t sure you had it in you,” I joked with Evans when we finally found him amongst the bustling activity.

  “Quite honestly, neither did I,” he confessed with surprising candor. “I thought I was destined for a more solitary life; in truth, I’d become quite comfortable with that, but things changed when I came here and met Hollyn. I don’t think I could ever go back to the way I was, and I’m not the only one, Empress. I’ve seen the same sort of change come over most of those I brought with me.”

  What Evans had left unsaid, but had quite clearly implied, was that he knew it was my influence that had brought about that change. My Sintári nature was constantly at work, affecting the people around me in many different ways—something I already knew all too well.

  “Hollyn seems quite anxious to have me formalize your union,” I diverted. “When do you think you might have the time, First Marshal?”

  “There is never a better time than the present, I like to say,” he replied as he wrapped his arm around Hollyn’s waist. “And if you don’t mind, Hollyn, I’d like it if the Empress would bless our union right here.”

  “You are the woman I love, but this,” he gestured at all the activity going on around us, “is who I am.”

  Hollyn was a bit overcome by his rather romantic words, and simply nodded back at him, consenting to his wishes. To be honest, I found the First Marshal’s sentiments somewhat poetic, and he surprised me by revealing a side of himself that I’d never seen before. As I moved towards them, Karina quickly arranged my detail on either side of the couple, forming an honor guard around them. The bustling sounds of activity about us quickly dwindled to almost nothing as it became apparent to all what was going on in their midst.

  “I have a great many duties as Empress,” I said to them as I took their joined hands in mine. “But I find this to be among my most honored, especially today.”

  Then, I proceeded with the simple blessing that sealed their union.

  “On this day, I am truly honored to pronounce you husband and wife. May the rest of your days be spent together in happiness.”

  The couples I’d married responded in many different ways once I’d sealed them together—some kissed afterwards, while others simply exchanged a loving smile. Evans chose to embrace Hollyn in a tight hug while she buried her face against his broad chest. It was one of the more poignant demonstrations of affection I’d ever seen, especially considering the complete lack of regard Evans had shown in offering his affection so openly in front his troops—an act the old Evans I’d once known would have never considered. The crashing sound of applause from the soldiers that had gathered around to witness their union only served to underscore that point.

  “The decision is up to you, of course,” I spoke to them once they parted and the ovation died down. “But we will be gone for many months once the Army departs. I just want to let you know that I have no objection to Hollyn accompanying us when we leave.”

  “Thank you, Empress,” Evans replied. “The road will not only be difficult, but dangerous as well. Although there is much we will need to discuss before we make that decision, I appreciate your words.”

  “Let me save you those many words, husband. I’ll be joining you,” Hollyn simply declared.

  Apparently the First Marshal hadn’t just got married, I mused as I felt my brow arch, He’d received a demotion as well.

  “I’ll leave you two to sort it out,” I offered with a knowing glance at Hollyn.

  “Thank you, Empress,” she replied without hesitation. “But I believe that the matter is settled.”

  I left Evans to sort out just what he’d gotten himself into as we departed back to the Palace again. Tási surprised me when I returned. Unbeknownst to me, she’d scheduled her own meeting with Líann, to personally brief her on the enhanced security arrangements that had been made for her.

  “How did that go?” I asked curiously.

  “Well,” Tási replied with a surprising smile. “I went over everything with her, and then we talked for a while.”

  “You what?” I responded in astonishment.

  “We talked, Dreya,” she stared back at me with a curious expression. “You were right when you said the two of us had a lot in common.”

  “What did you discuss with her?” I inquired, even though I was unsure that I wanted to know.

  “We came to terms with each other,” Tási sighed. “I doubt we’ll ever be friends—there’s too much rivalry between us. But we’re certainly not enemies anymore.”

  Considering the powerful, and practically opposite emotions they invoked in me, it wasn’t much of a surprise to know that the two of them would never be close. Still, it was a relief to find out that they’d at least resolved their conflict in some way.

  “Thank you, Tási,” was all I could say. “That means a lot to me.”

  “I know,” she replied. “It’s kinda weird, but it made me feel better too once we made our peace.”

  I found that thought both comforting and understandable. Harboring the sort of resentments that they had for each other must have been quite a strain on each of them, so letting go of those tensions must have been an equally great relief. I considered going to see Líann after my conversation with Tási, just to have her perspective as well, but my final meeting with her was scheduled for the following evening, the last night before my departure with the Army. I thought that would be soon enough.

  With so much going on, the time in between flashed by, and before I knew it, I was heading for Líann’s suite the following day. Considering the long separation ahead of us, I intended to actually have a real conversation with her this time before things went where I knew they inevitably would. My darkness simply craved her too much for me to have any doubts about that.

  When I entered her room, Líann was seated at a small table, waiting for me. She smiled at me, and I returned the gesture as I noticed that she was wearing her forest green robe once again.

  “Interesting choice,” I commented on her outfit as I sat down across from her.

  “I thought it fitting,” she purred at me. “I’m wearing it the same way I did the first night you came to see me.”

  Meaning with nothing underneath, I realized, and I had to stop myself from acting on the impulses that immediately rose up inside me. Líann seemed disappointed when I didn’t react more strongly, but I wanted to talk to her before things went where she clearly wanted them to go.

  “Tási told me about the conversation you had,” I redirected her. “Tell me your thoughts on it.”

  “She is far more formidable than I gave her credit for,” Líann conceded. “We reached an understanding; the terms of which are not your concern. All you need to know is that there will be no friction between us.”

  Good enough for me, I thought.

  We talked briefly about other matters before I simply couldn’t wait any longer. Finally giving in to my darker side, I
picked Líann up and threw her down roughly on her bed. I shed my clothes, leaving only my thin undergarments in place before pulling open Líann’s robe and straddling her.

  I stopped to admire her for a moment as she lay beneath me, and the soft curves of her pale body beckoned to me strongly as the dark green fabric of the robe she lay upon accented Líann’s every subtle contour.

  Part of me wanted to be with her in the same way I usually was with Tási—I wanted to share my passion with her, to love her in a gentler way than the rough and frequently abusive manner that she desired. While I could do that if I truly wanted to, it wasn’t what she needed from me, and would have left her feeling unfulfilled. Not only that, while sharing my passion with her would certainly have been pleasurable, I knew that it would have left me with a hollow feeling as well. Our connection required… no, it demanded that I show Líann my darkness. It wasn’t only her destiny to experience it from me; it was my fate to give it to her as well. So, I ignited the fire in my eyes, and stared down at her.

  “I will be gone for some time, Líann,” I menaced her. “You’ll need something rather powerful to help you remember that I still own you while I’m away.”

  And powerful it was. Over the next hour, I let my darkness have her almost completely, only drawing it in when it sought to truly hurt her. Even so, by the time I’d unleashed all Líann could take, she was almost covered in bruises. While most of those were of her own making as she’d struggled against me, I’d left my own marks on her where I’d bitten down on her soft flesh and sucked forcefully on her breasts.

  It pained me to see her that way, but she only basked in her lingering ecstasy. I’d asked her about it more than once, and she’d answered me the same way every time—it was part of what she needed from me, and if I held back too much, it would leave her feeling unfulfilled. I didn’t just have to accept her word on the matter; it was a truth I’d already known.

  Normally, I’d leave her with a soft kiss or other small gesture before leaving her lying there to recover from the intense experience, but with my departure the next morning and the long separation to follow, I laid my head across her chest instead and wrapped my arm around her waist, letting my hand settle on the soft curve where the slight flare of her hip began.

  We laid together peacefully for a while, something we’d never done before, while I listened to her heartbeat and my head gently rose and fell with Líann’s every breath. She surprised me a little when I felt her hand come to rest on mine, and even more when she whispered to me.

  “Dreya,” she said softly, “I think I want to become more.”

  “I’m not sure I understand what you’re asking,” I replied. She rarely called me by name, preferring to remind herself of my dominance by always referring to me as ‘Empress,’ and her use of it then was almost startling.

  “I’m not sure I do either,” Líann said. “But I feel the need to experience your other sides, not just your darkness. You’ve shown me softness, and to be honest, at first it did nothing for me, but something’s changed, and I’ve come to look forward to feeling it as well. As I am right now.”

  I sat up and looked at her and couldn’t help but wince as I took in the marks across her body.

  “Pay them no mind,” Líann offered when she saw my response. “They are mine—I earned them.”

  “I’m not trying to take Tási’s place, or anyone else’s,” she quickly drew me back to her request. “But something has changed inside me. While I will always be your darkness, I think I’m becoming something else as well.”

  “You have no idea what you’re asking for,” I replied, unsettled by what she’d told me, but also thinking of what it would mean for her to experience what I did with Venna. The passive acceptance of my most gentle and loving tendrils seemed like it would be pure hell for Líann, who craved only struggle and domination.

  “Tell me,” she said, finally sitting up and leaning against the headboard. “Not who they are—I know you won’t reveal them to me. But what are they to you? What are the other paths you walk with them?”

  “You are my darkness, Líann,” I told her when I could see no harm in answering her question. “I think of the others as my passion, my soul, and I guess what you might call my humility.”

  “I need you to show me all of them,” Líann replied, in an unusually assertive manner.

  “Most of them are quite opposite of what you require, Líann,” I tried to dissuade her from the strange compulsion she’d developed. “I’m almost certain that it would be uncomfortable for you to feel those emotions from me.”

  “No. I know why you might say that, but you’re wrong,” she responded firmly. “I don’t know what’s changed. I have no words to explain what is happening to me—maybe it’s normal. The Sintári have been gone for too long, and we know almost nothing about these things, but I’m not the same as I was when I first came to you.”

  “I’m not sure what to think about what you’re telling me, Líann,” I replied honestly. “It goes directly against what little I know about myself. If I wasn’t leaving in the morning, I might say that we could experiment with this a little, but I don’t think that’s wise under the circumstances.”

  “Promise me that we can try when you return,” she implored.

  “We can try,” I offered her. “But if I sense anything wrong, it ends. I won’t risk harming you. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes,” she smiled in relief. “Don’t worry, nothing bad will happen. I’m sure of it.”

  That makes one of us, I thought.

  She surprised me yet again by pulling me into a gentle kiss, laced with a passion that she’d never shown me before. Usually, her kisses were more of a contest, or sometimes a nearly desperate thing. But this was a soft, tender kiss, filled with only love and affection. To say that I was stunned by her display of gentle warmth would be an understatement.

  “I can do this,” she whispered as our lips finally parted.

  “I… I think I believe you.”

  It was all I could bring myself to say—Líann’s kiss had literally taken my breath away.

  I stood up to get dressed and leave while Líann just sat still and watched me. Just before I turned to go, she caught my eye, and she said her farewell.

  “I won’t be seeing you off tomorrow morning,” she purred in her most seductive voice. “I want your last image of me to be like this.”

  As she spoke to me, Líann simply lay there, reclining against the headboard, completely naked and absolutely amazing, despite the bruises that adorned her body. She let me stare at her for a long moment before she shifted slightly towards me just to let me take her in more fully. As always, she stirred something inside me, and I was sorely tempted to take her again. Sorely. But I knew she’d reached her limit, as did she. Her display was not meant to entice me back right then; it was intended to spur my return to her once the war had been won.

  “You will have time to prepare yourself before we see each other again,” I told her as I tore my eyes from her body and met her gaze. “Be ready for me. What I’m going to give you will be quite different from anything you’ve ever experienced before.”

  She’d tried to unsettle me with her coy words and blatant display, and Líann hadn’t failed in that effort. But I saw the shiver that ran through her at my response, and I knew that I’d at least returned the favor.

  But that was very little comfort to me as I returned back to my rooms. Líann’s apparent compulsion to experience all of my Sintári needs was inexplicable to me. From just the little I knew, it should be an almost impossible thing—the Sintári drew people to them specifically to tend to one particular need that they shared. The relationship was symbiotic, with each of them fulfilling a specific requirement of the other.

  From what I understood, the ability to link with a Sintári was rare among the other races, and those with that ability found themselves drawn to their Sintári. Not to just any Sintári—only theirs. The link was not only
rare, but it was also specific to a certain Sintári and their partner. These relationships were deeply personal and were not entered into at random. It was only because of the deep connection we had with the world around us that we took multiple partners. Our requirements dictated that practice, as without an outlet for each of our individual needs, they would eventually overwhelm us.

  So, when Líann expressed her desire to experience more than what she’d been sent to me for, apparently driven by some change within her, I was unable to comprehend it. It simply shouldn’t be happening, but if the firm conviction of her words hadn’t convinced me, the gentle passion of her kiss certainly had—whatever she was experiencing was real.

  I needed to know just what the fuck was going on, so when I was back in the privacy of my own rooms, I made a desperate plea for help.

  “Nentai,” I called out to the empty air in a near panic. “I need you. Please come to me. Something is very wrong, and I don’t understand!”

  “Need?” I heard her call from behind me. “My, I don’t think I’ve heard you use that word before.”

  “What’s happening with Líann?” I whipped around and asked her.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she replied calmly. “Why don’t you explain.”

  “I thought you were always watching me?” I snapped. I imagined that she was toying with me, and I couldn’t help my irritated response.

  “No,” she replied with a smirk. “Believe it or not, I do have other matters to attend to. And just so you know, I don’t peek in on your private moments either. In fact, I have made it so that no one can. The device I use to watch over you will not allow it.”


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