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A Fiery Duchess for the Dashing Duke: A Steamy Historical Regency Romance Novel

Page 11

by Scarlett Osborne

  “Is there a catch to this?” she managed to ask.

  “Catch? Of course there is,” Thomas declared indifferently as he locked eyes with her. “You will tend to all the cleaning in the manor, most of it anyway.”

  He smiled as he finished his words, Mary Ann also gave an uneasy smile but didn’t say a word. She knew offers like this was almost impossible to come by. Mary Ann stared down at the cup in her hands before she began to weigh her options. On one hand, she was jobless and working as a scullery maid there would mean she would not only have a stable meal daily, she would also have a shelter over her head.

  Anything but where I live ought to be good, and I would get to see Thomas more often, she thought. How outrageous that thought was her motivation when she’d been on her own for so long. But she didn’t bother to question it. Mary Ann was used to jumping in head first and she wouldn’t stop now.

  She knew life was as hard it could be for her in the countryside. There was no means for a stable meal to give her relief. The times she managed to get food, they were just scraps that only gave her enough energy to look for more. As if that was enough, she had lost count of how many times the cold and rain had eaten and battered her to the bones in her dilapidated house. She knew being a scullery maid for the Duke might mean she would have to leave the countryside but on a second thought she didn’t seem to care.

  “I totally understand if you don’t want to work for His Grace, but I can assure you that all your demands would be met if you agree,” Thomas’ words brought her out of deep thought.

  She noticed he was now sitting closer to her with his hands on hers. The warmth of his palm was soothing, making her gaze at him. Thomas was not smiling. He had the same concerned look he had when she was telling him about her state.

  Does he really care about me? The thought crossed her mind as she looked intently at him.

  “I will take the job,” she managed to say placing her free hand on that of Thomas.

  “You will?” he asked as if trying to be certain of what he heard.

  “Yes, Thomas, I will take the job,” she told him again.

  Thomas’ face that was without smile turned from a soft grin to a joyous outburst. He moved closer and Mary Ann felt the warmth of his body from the short distance between them. She clasped her hands together tightly as he came closer.

  Her breathing became hard as she parted her lips as she thought he would slide his hands under her to take off her clothes in just one swipe. He did move closer and series of sensual thoughts clouded her mind. She wanted him to take her off the seat with his hand holding on to her behind while the other was undoing her dress. Another part of her wanted him to carry her off to his quarters and lay her down gently before kissing her slowly and gently.

  The thoughts kept coming, the latter making her more aroused than the former, all creating more heat from her private spot. Just as she held on to these thoughts, Thomas made his move. With his folded torso, he rose from where he sat and kissed her cheek softly. As if that wasn’t enough to stop her from breathing, he placed another that was as gentle and warm as the first on her other cheek. Mary Ann closed her eyes and, in an instant, she felt all the muscles in her tighten, or was it soften? She couldn’t tell. But this she knew, her breasts felt warmer against her ribs and she could see her already hard nipples making a round shape from her dress. Her cheeks are still warm from the kiss and when Thomas decided to pull away, she didn’t want him to, but she was transfixed on the seat. It was when Thomas sat that she felt her body heat up. Her lips gently parted ways allowing her wetness to seep from between them. The cup had since been taken from her when Thomas leaned away, she held her portal tightly closed as if to stop the flow. Her breath had also become heavy and she partially opened her mouth to be able to suck in the needed amount of air.

  Just as this feeling overwhelmed her, something struck her.

  “What about the Duke?” she suddenly asked.

  “The Duke?” Thomas repeated. “You do not have to worry about that. I will inform the Duke and I am certain of his approval.”

  Although Mary Ann had been assured time and time again, she still had her doubts. Her hopes were already high on this even though she didn’t plan for it to be so high. The last thing she wanted was to have it dashed. It has happened before, and the pain still lingered on.

  “I believe you,” she uttered unconvincingly.

  Thomas got a wind of this, and drew back.

  “You do not believe me, do you?” Thomas inquired, the smile vanishing off his face as if it was never there. As if he hadn’t ignited Mary Ann from inside.

  “I do, I do,” she replied now fiddling with her fingers.

  “Wait here for a moment,” he announced, standing to his feet.

  Before, Mary Ann could protest what was going on, he had walked out of the room. She heard a rapid thump on the floor which gave an impression that he was running. The moment she no longer heard his footsteps, her mind went back to the peck on the cheek given by Thomas and how she felt. She touched her breast then her hardened nipples before looking around to be sure she was alone. Just as she did, her eyes caught another painting of the middle-aged man and his family. It felt awfully familiar but she wasn’t sure if that was due to the fact that she had seen different paintings of the man around the house or not.

  For the first time since she was pecked, she touched her cheeks and just like that went into another daydream where all her thoughts and fantasy seemed to work out just fine.

  “James,” Thomas’ whispered, as he gently rocked his butler to consciousness.

  He looked around befuddled for a couple of seconds before he was jolted one more time into reality.

  “Your Grace,” he stuttered rising from where he slept, “pardon me please—”

  He wiped his face with the back of his palm, yawning while Thomas stared at him. He knew James was yet to fully wake up but he couldn’t wait for that. He needed him fast.

  “Are you awake now?” Thomas asked the obvious to which James nodded his response.

  “Is it over?” he inquired from Thomas as he straightened his cloth.

  “I come bearing good news,” he began intentionally ignoring his question, “We are about to have a new scullery maid to add to the ones we have back at home but she needs reassurance from the Duke,” he pointed out.

  James stared still confused, then his eyes widened.

  “I will have to go as the Duke again, won’t I?” he asked and without waiting for response, he walked toward the clothes he had handpicked for Thomas; the real Duke.

  Good choice, my friend, good choice, Thomas thought as he watched James get into the Duke’s clothes.

  “Perfect. Now, Mary Ann will journey back with us,” Thomas stated as he helped adjust his cloth. He knew it was unusual for him to be so involved in the hiring of a maid but it had everything to do with Mary Ann and nothing to do with her new position.

  “I know that the Duke’s involvement is not usually necessary in a situation like this, however she is a bit skeptical and I would like to ease her mind.”

  “Understood,” James muttered as he walked toward the entrance.

  When he got to the door, he turned to look at Thomas who sighed exasperatedly before getting the door for James.

  “Here you go, Your Grace,” he told him as he walked out of the room.

  James began his journey to where Mary Ann was, slowly and somewhat majestic.

  “Don’t you think we should walk fast to meet her?” Thomas suggested impatiently.

  James turned to look at him now fully into the act.

  “That would make it look suspicious,” he replied as he looked indifferently at Thomas.

  “Good point,” Thomas agreed.

  He knew he would never hurry to meet anyone, not a noble and definitely not a commoner. Moreover, rushing back to Mary Ann might make him sweaty and she would suspect something was off. They walked for about two minutes before Thomas walked
ahead to get the door for him. As he did, his eyes met with Mary Ann who patted her mouth with the handkerchief. She rose to her feet after this and faced the entrance from which the Duke appeared.

  “Mary Ann,” the Duke called softly.

  “Your Grace,” Mary Ann stuttered as she curtsied to the approaching Duke.

  “Rise,” he ordered and she obeyed.

  Thomas could notice how she shivered at first and then collected herself. It was one of the things that he liked about her. She could be tender and strong at the same time, something one did not see every day. She exchanged a look with him before training her eyes on the Duke. She had a smile that lit her eyes up and as usual she was tucking her hair behind her ear.

  She had started biting her lower lips softly, an action that Thomas found very sensual. The kiss he had given her wasn’t planned, an action he blamed himself for doing but without regret. He would have loved to kiss her lips and grab her from behind while at it, but he did not know how she would react. Even the peck sent chills all over his body and he had to walked away so she would not see his erection.

  You need to get a hold of yourself around her, he kept telling himself. But each time, he found himself losing his senses when with her. The way she spoke and smiled at him. Walking around the house had made him realize how much they talked comfortably with each other.

  “I learned Thomas has told you of the request,” The Duke started speaking slowly so his words could be picked out clearly.

  “Yes,” she replied, “yes, Your Grace,” she corrected herself quickly and curtsied too.

  Thomas at this point was scared James might destroy everything they’ve worked to build.

  “And has His Grace mentioned all you stand to gain?” James blurted, mistakenly referring to Thomas as his Grace.

  Thomas’ eyes doubled in size with his jaw almost ajar in surprise and anger. He stared at James who didn’t bother to stare back at him. James last words would have made Mary Ann suspect something.

  What is going to happen now?

  He caught the confused look on Mary Ann before she replied.

  “No, Your Grace” she replied calmly.

  “I told my butler to do that,” he faced Thomas this time and immediately, he joined the act.

  “Pardon me, Your Grace,” Thomas bowed and apologize.

  He didn’t reply to this. Instead, he turned back to Mary Ann.

  “I have to do everything myself,” he uttered as he walked toward the painting on the wall with Thomas and Mary Ann following him.

  “As a member of my staff, you will be entitled to food, clothes, salary and anything else you might need,” James told her still staring at the painting on the wall.

  “So, what say you?” he turned to look at Mary Ann this time.

  Thomas was now behind her, giving him a chance to communicate with James without her knowing. He exchanged looks with James who nodded lightly at him and he gave him an approving smile. Mary Ann didn’t respond at first. She moved her body erratically and Thomas watched. From where he stood, her defect didn’t show. Not that it did anything to dampen her beauty and rough elegance. The dress she had on did a lot in bringing out her curvy body. He could make out her body from just staring at it and that was enough to give him an erection.

  It was as if she was carved slowly and flawlessly by the gods. The way she moved was as if she was dancing to the rhythm of the ocean; calm, pleasing and attracting. Her body and movement exuded sexuality in ways he didn’t think possible and all he could do was stare.

  “It would be an honor, Your Grace,” she finally replied with a curtsy.

  There was silent jubilation behind her but she couldn’t tell. When she finally looked back, Thomas smiled at her and she seemed more relaxed after this.

  “That is good to hear,” the Duke commented, “you should know this means you would have to leave here and follow us back to Solorett Manor.”

  Mary Ann nodded and curtsied.

  “I am with you,” she told him.

  “That is perfect. All you have to do now is go back to inform your family and friends about this and get your things prepared for the journey.”

  James had already uttered this before he saw Thomas signaling to him. Thomas gave a silent sigh and covered his face. He had been trying to get his attention to warn him from mentioning her family but it was too late. He walked closer to look at Mary Ann. She still had a mild smile on but it looked forced.

  I hope this doesn’t change a thing.

  Chapter 15

  One could hear the thumping of her heart just over the gritting of her teeth. She fiddled with the hem of her dress as she tried to stand upright, just enough for her to avoid eye contact with the Duke. She could feel the breeze finding its way there but it did nothing to stop the heat. The stream of sweat that had first covered the pores on her face was now trickling down to her chin and dropping to the ground, some hitting her dress. Even though she did not act like that at first, she had decided to agree to work with the Duke and if it meant leaving the countryside, there was nothing to miss – except the inn keeper.

  While it made her realize how alone she had been all this time, she decided not to dwell on that. Instead, she laughed.

  “I am ready to go anytime you are, Your Grace,” Mary Ann replied much later.

  “You are?” the Duke questioned surprised by her response.

  “Yes, I do not have any relatives, Your Grace,” she bowed her head as she explained.

  “And friends?”

  “I do not have any of those either. I only have a helper that might miss me but he will be happy that that I found a job, no less,” she stated.

  “Run along and get yourself prepared then, as we leave tomorrow,” the Duke declared.

  Thomas and Mary Ann curtsied as the Duke motioned to the door. The Duke ordered Thomas to escort her home before getting things prepared for their journey the next day.

  “Thank you, thank you!!” she kept repeating to Thomas when the Duke was long gone.

  Thomas only smiled as he watched her calmly. She drew closer and wished to hug him but she didn’t. Instead, she wrapped her hand around her other arm.

  “It is my pleasure,” Thomas answered just as she walked toward the door.

  She already felt better and more at ease as they got out of the house. The breeze hit her face, making her close her eyes tightly before slowly opening it. There was silence between them as they continued walking, but there was no awkwardness. The wind blew her hair and Thomas was there to help her tuck it in before she could. This made them smile at each other but still, no one started a conversation. Mary Ann looked up in the sky just as she used to do when she was alone in her dilapidated home.

  The sky was beautiful and the stars filled up the sky with most of them shining bright. There was a full moon but a dark cloud had covered much of it. Still, it could still be seen.

  “This sky is beautiful tonight.” Thomas finally broke the silence.

  When Mary Ann looked in his direction, she noticed that his eyes were upward, staring at the sky just as she was doing a moment ago.

  “Yes, it is,” she responded.

  “It reminds me of when I was young and my mother would tell me stories while gazing at the sky,” Thomas pointed out.

  It was the first time he would be making any comment about himself or his life outside being a butler to the Duke. Mary Ann moved closer and stared attentively hoping he would share more about his life, just as she had conveniently done with him.

  “Where is she now?” Mary Ann asked after a long silence between the two of them.

  “You will get to see her one day, since we will be heading back to town together,” he told her.

  It wasn’t the answer she had wanted, but it pretty much covered all she needed to know, about his mother, that is.

  “You are not in the custom of sharing things about yourself,” Mary Ann stated as they walked through a pathway that was lit by the now-clea
r moon.

  “There isn’t much to know about me,” he chuckled nervously as he used the back of his palm to wipe non-existence sweat off his face.

  “Well then, tell me about yourself,” she insisted as they got closer to her abode.

  “I will,” Thomas gave him finally, wiping his face one more time.

  “That’s good. I am waiting,” Mary Ann pushed.

  At first, she was curious, but now, she was very concerned about Thomas. She had seen the open, free and jovial part of him but this that she was seeing was strange. He was intentionally not telling her a thing about himself.


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