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Lovely Dreams

Page 8

by Danielle Stewart

  “I’m sorry,” he choked out under the weight of Tray’s arm on his throat. “I didn’t mean to push her down.”

  “You just meant to steal her bag?” Tray raised his fist and made contact with the man’s already mangled nose. He raised it again and this time made contact with the jaw. How many punches would it take to knock the man out? How many before someone would stop him?

  Blue lights appeared in the distance, and a crowd began to gather. But it was Lauren’s voice that pulled him back to reality. Her hand came to his arm as it rose for another strike, and he violently shook her off. Too hard. She backed up, her eyes wide and her expression more frightened than when she’d hit the ground earlier.

  “I’m sorry,” Tray edged out, standing up, sure the man wouldn’t make a move now. He grabbed her bag, dusted it off, and tried to hand it back to her. Lauren hesitated, eyeing him with concern. “Check for the ring,” he told her.

  That was enough to push her back into motion. She took the bag back and quickly rummaged around. Nodding to let him know it was there.

  “Are you hurt?” Tray asked, taking her palms into his hands then stepping back to see the rest of her. “Your knee is bleeding.”

  “It’s just a scrape,” she said, waving him off. “I’m fine. It wasn’t that bad.”

  “You hit the ground hard.”

  She looked at the man lying on the ground. “You hit him even harder.”

  Chapter 11


  * * *

  The police had taken their statements, given her a bandage for her knee, and sent them both on their way.

  “Whatever you do,” Tray said as they sat on a bench in front of the broken down carousel, “don’t challenge the cosmos to make this night any stranger.”

  “Have you been in a lot of fights?” Lauren asked, turning to see him full on. There had been something in his eyes. A wildness.

  “No. A few I guess. That wasn’t a fight.”

  “I know it wasn’t. He was laying on the ground.” She tried to keep the accusation out of her voice, but her mind was spinning, trying to replay everything but it seemed fuzzy.

  “He hurt you.” Tray looked into her eyes and then down at her bandaged knee.

  “I was all right.”

  “It could have been a lot worse. You’re lucky the strap on your bag broke. He yanked you to the ground. And if you had been alone, something even worse could have happened. He deserved what he got.”

  “The guy was half your size. You had him pinned there.”

  “What do you want me to say?” Tray’s face was tense. His shoulders stiff. She was striking a nerve. But there had been enough there. Something had shifted in him. She was sure of it.

  “I just want to know if that’s normal for you. Hitting people.” There was a distance between them now. Inches. But more than had been an hour earlier. It was noticeable. Huge.

  “Of course it’s not. I don’t go around hitting people. But some people deserve it. What exactly are you accusing me of? I’m not some monster. He robbed you. Pushed you down. He’s the bad guy in this, not me.”

  “I know, it’s just you had this look in your eye. You don’t have to explain anything to me. It’s just . . . I was worried.”

  “Worried about what? Ben at the bar seemed ready to throw down any time. You nervous around him?”

  “No, but when I reached for you. Maybe you didn’t know it was me. Maybe you didn’t mean to.”

  “Of course I didn’t know it was you. My adrenaline was pumping. I would never hurt you. Ever. I can’t believe you would even think that.”

  “I didn’t say that.” She drew in a deep breath. “It’s just—”

  “I’ve been called a playboy. Immature. A heart breaker. What you’re talking about, though. You’re way off base.” He shot to his feet. “I need to go for a walk. The car is right there. It’ll take you home.”

  “Tray, I wasn’t saying that. Don’t leave mad, please.”

  “Will you please go to the car so I can know you got back safely?”

  “What about the woods?”

  “Lauren.” His voice was so final she knew better than to try to convince him of anything. Maybe this chaos had gone on too long anyway. He was a man destined to leave. She was a woman broken down like a car on the side of the road. To hope for anything else was foolish.

  Reluctantly she walked toward the car. It was time to face the fact that anything she touched right now would fall apart. The best she could do was stay focused on what mattered. Kinross Inc. Helping Layla be successful. Tactfully getting out of whatever property deal Gloria had tried to arrange. It was all she could do right now.

  Reaching into her purse, she felt the soft suede of the ring box. It felt heavier by the second. She’d owned it for less than an hour and had already put it in jeopardy. It wasn’t hers. It shouldn’t be hers.

  “Can you drop me at the Kinross Inc. building, please?”

  The driver nodded as she sunk heavily into the back seat and watched the outline of Tray disappear into the darkness. What the hell had been in the woods? Had she overreacted to what had happened? Maybe he was just protecting her. The look in his eyes was completely normal given the situation.

  The questions would eat her alive if she let them. Instead she closed her eyes and leaned her head against the cool glass of the car window.

  When the driver slowed to a stop at the curb, her heart sank. This building had been the one place Lauren always felt some level of peace. It was devastating to see that was no longer the case. She’d felt no better here than anywhere else lately. The elevator ride up was quiet. The office had only a few stragglers, but Layla’s office light was still on.

  “I want every detail,” Layla said, ushering Lauren in and closing the door. “Was it amazing?”

  “For a while.”

  “Uh oh. Were his intentions less than honorable? Kenan and his brothers have been bugging me all day, wondering if they can go kick his ass. Waiting for any reason.”

  “There were enough punches thrown already.” Lauren flopped into the oversized leather seat in the corner of the office and hung her head.

  “What?” Layla grabbed for her phone. “I’m calling them. What did he do? You know what, you don’t even have to tell me. We already worked out a code word. I say decaf coffee and they hunt him down.”

  “Decaf coffee?”

  “Yes, it’s my hostage word. Wouldn’t you know for sure something was wrong if I ordered a decaf coffee?”

  “That’s pretty clever. But don’t call up the troops. It was a very complicated day, and I’m not sure Tray was completely at fault.”

  “What happened to your leg?” Layla’s brow creased with deep concern.

  Lauren’s heart was hurting too much to even think about her torn jeans and bandaged knee.

  Layla charged from the office and called out in the hallway. “Kenan. Kenan, get in here.” A moment later he was at her side, his hand reaching out to her cheek.

  “What’s the matter?” His worry, the urgency of it, was something Lauren coveted. What was it like to have someone more concerned for you than themselves? To love you so much they looked wounded at the idea you might be hurting.

  “Something happened to Lauren. Look at her leg. You need to call your brothers.”

  “Did he hurt you? Did Tray put his hands on you?” Kenan was down on a knee in front of her, his hand gently covering hers.

  “No,” Lauren countered quickly. “I was mugged at the park.”

  “Call your brothers,” Layla said frantically. “What did the guy look like?”

  “They arrested him already.”

  “The police caught him?” Layla asked, looking relieved, her hand flying up to her heart.

  “Tray caught him. And then proceeded to bash his face in.”

  “Oh,” Layla sat down in the chair next to her. “Are you all right?”

  “I am.”

  “Good. Well then I’m glad
Tray was there.”

  “He seemed disproportionately angry with the man. I don’t know how to explain it. The guy was down on the ground. The situation was under control. But if I wouldn’t have come along and stopped Tray, I don’t know what would have happened.”

  “Ah,” Kennan said knowingly. “Men seem strong until they realize how close they come to losing something. I’m sure he was just worried for you. It’s not easy to watch a wonderful woman be harmed and not lose your mind.”

  “I guess,” Lauren shrugged. “I may not have reacted very well either.”

  Layla rested a hand on her back. “You were probably in shock. I’m just glad you’re all right. What a terrible thing to happen. You have had a day.”

  “I also went to see Horace.” She hung her head. “I couldn’t put it off any longer.”

  Layla offered a breathy laugh. “Boy you really went for it. Were you trying to set a record for drama?”

  “Did that go okay?” Kennan asked, stepping back and pouring Lauren a glass of water.

  “I preferred the mugging,” Lauren admitted. “Here, Gloria left me her ruby ring. It belongs with you. I want you to have it.”

  Layla stepped back quickly. “No way. That belongs to you. She wanted you to have it.”

  “It should stay in her family. You know how important it was to her. She never took it off. It must be something that’s been passed down through the Kinross family.”

  “And you are my family. Trust me, Gloria left me plenty of wonderful things along with loads of responsibility. I am at capacity. That ring is for you.”

  “Where would I even wear something so beautiful? You’ll have so many opportunities to dress up and show it off. I’ll keep it in a drawer.”

  “Wear it on your next date with Tray,” Layla said, trying to lighten the mood.

  “There won’t be another one of those.”

  Kenan clapped his hands together as though he’d just been struck with a great idea. “Come out to dinner with us tonight. You’ve had a tough day. You shouldn’t be alone.”

  “I won’t be alone. I’m going to the bar to see Ben. He makes the best patty melt in the world. That’s all I want right now. Can you do me a favor?”

  “Anything,” Layla said, and clearly meant it.

  “Keep the ring a while for me. I don’t have a safe place to keep it. I already had it stolen once today.”

  Kenan nodded. “We’ll put it in the safe here. Tell Ben we said hi, and he better be at dinner on Sunday.”

  Lauren stood and then paused at the door. “There’s one more thing I want to ask you. Do you know anything about a property Gloria owns in Northern Italy?”

  Layla tapped her chin thoughtfully. “She had multiple properties in Italy. I think we settled all the details on them though. Some have been sold, others kept. I know she used to vacation there occasionally.”

  “I’m asking about a specific one. In Northern Italy. A place more private maybe?”

  “Oh yes. She did have a spot she didn’t talk about much. She’d go on her own. Sometimes as much as three times a year. It’s probably some villa or resort or something. You know how much she loved to travel.”

  “Have you ever been there?”

  “No. When she went, she made it sound like a place she wanted to go to be alone. I don’t remember her ever planning to go ahead of time. It was always out of the blue. She’d even cancel meetings she really shouldn’t have. I thought maybe when things piled up she went out there to decompress. I didn’t ask too many questions. There was just a vibe she gave off about that place. Maybe there was a man there she was trying to keep a secret. Why do you ask?”

  Lauren fidgeted nervously, bouncing from one foot to the other. “She’s trying to leave the property to me.”

  “Lauren that’s wonderful. It must have been a very special place to her. I knew there would be something in the will that would be a sincere thank you from her.”

  “Trying?” Kenan asked, picking up on her wording. “You said she’s trying to leave it to you? Is there a problem with the paperwork?”

  “She’s only a part owner. Apparently I need to pass some kind of test by meeting the other two owners. It’s complicated, and I’m in not really ready for complicated right now. All I want to do is go eat. Sleep. Come back here tomorrow and look at the sample menus for the Uptown location.”

  “Or you could take a couple of days off.” Layla softened her expression. “If that place in Italy really was somewhere that Gloria went to take a breath, maybe her leaving it to you was some kind of message. We need you desperately here. You are part of the big picture. But we can make it a couple of days without you.”

  “What about—”

  “Don’t decide now,” Kenan cut in. “Sleep on it.”

  Lauren handed over the ring and gathered her things. Kenan knit his brows together and blocked her exit for a second.

  “You’re positive this guy doesn’t need a visit from your own personal gang of Irish brothers? Just say the word.”

  Lauren pulled him in for a hug. “Tray is a good guy. It’s not his fault he came into the hot mess of my life right now. Luckily he’s able to walk right back out. I’m sure he’ll be on a plane out of here in no time. I’m sorry I didn’t do anything to help him seriously consider the job offer.”

  “It was clear he didn’t want the job,” Layla said with a wave of her hand. “And if he can’t take a little hot mess then he wouldn’t make it around here anyway.”

  “Good point.”

  Layla pulled her in for a hug and whispered into her ear, “Really consider it, okay? Take a rest.”

  Lauren nodded weakly. What would time off get her? Too much time to rehash everything she’d screwed up that day. More time to wonder who these other property owners were and what they wanted from her. More time to feel. Feel everything. That was not what she wanted.

  The cab ride to the bar was enough quiet time to last her for a while. She could already hear those two strangers, the other owners, appraising her.

  Why would Gloria leave this property to an assistant? Does she have a degree? Do we even know her family? Just a common woman?

  “Where’s the truck?” Ben asked, tossing a rag onto his shoulder and leaning on the bar to get a better look at her.

  “What truck?”

  “The one that ran you over. You look like hell.”


  “You look beautiful,” he corrected. “Like a beautiful woman who got run over by a truck.”

  “How are you still single? I just don’t get it.”

  “No woman can handle this much man. Now, come on, tell me what’s going on. Prince Charming turn back into a pumpkin?”

  “You do know that’s not at all how the story goes, right?”

  He popped the top off a beer and handed it over. “Talk.”

  “Well, Prince Charming was actually pretty great. He didn’t turn into a pumpkin, I ran him off. That’s what I do. I’m destined to be alone the rest of my life.”

  “No you’re not. You’ll find the right guy.”

  “What if I’ve already found him and then scared him off? I’m strange. You know that.”

  “You’re quirky. It’s cute. Trust me, if a man lets anything about you run him off he’s the wrong guy. You’re not going to die alone.”

  “Thanks.” She took a long drag off her beer and closed her eyes. “Can you make me a patty melt? Pretty please?”

  “Sure. You staying until closing? I’ll give you a ride.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. I have so much to tell you.”

  “How in the world did we somehow become besties? It’s bizarre, don’t you think?”

  “You don’t have to be my friend if you don’t want to. Don’t let how pathetic I am at the moment make you feel obligated.”

  “It’s a very good thing you aren’t my type or this would be uncomfortable.”

  “I’m not your type?” She pretended to be hur
t. Ben was the easiest thing in her life. Blindly loyal. Brutally honest with his advice.

  “You know you’re strange, right?”

  “I thought I was quirky and endearing.”

  “Oh, yeah, I forgot.” He laughed as he slid a beer in the direction of a man at the end of the bar. Crinkling up her nose she pouted until he came over and whispered so no one else could hear. “I’m glad you’re my friend. You come in here any time you want and talk until you’re blue in the face.”

  “Thanks, Ben,” she whispered back, covering his hand with hers.

  “Just do me a favor and every once in a while bring a hot friend in here too. One of those leggy blondes who work in your office.”


  He disappeared into the kitchen, and she pretended to watch the muted television as she quickly drank her beer. It would take a bottle of tequila to really make her forget about this day. But a couple of beers, a special patty melt, and a friend to listen to her wild tale would have to do.

  There was no reason Tray should have texted. No reason he’d reach out at all. That didn’t stop her from checking her phone.

  Nothing. No messages.

  Whatever their time together had meant, it was over now. Lately things kept changing, ending and disappearing, yet no matter how often it happened, Lauren was still crushed by it. When you never get all the way up, it’s easy to get knocked back down.

  Chapter 12


  * * *

  He should have showered. That would have gotten the smell of her perfume off his neck. Yet there he was, pacing around his hotel room. Wondering what the hell had happened. What had come over him? The whole day had been some bizarre dream. One that continued to haunt him. There was no earthly reason to be thinking about Lauren right now. His life was waiting for him anywhere but here. He could hop a flight and be in the Swiss mountains by tomorrow. Miles and miles away from the woman he had no business worrying about.

  One phone call and he could be out of there. But it was his ringing phone that sent him jogging to the desk where he’d laid it down.


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