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Lovely Dreams

Page 17

by Danielle Stewart

  Carmen’s smile returned. Slightly dimmer but still very genuine. “We should sit for coffee while you’re here and we can talk about what I do and what kind of person might be a good fit.”

  Lauren looked on in wonder. “You are taking all this much better than I did. Have you already gone through all the phases of anger, then pissed, then confused, then back to anger?”

  “I feel really lucky to have had as much time here as I did. Gloria isn’t wrong. It’s time for me to jump back into my life. I just want to make sure the right person takes over. I agree someone you come across at the shelters or safe houses that Gloria worked with would likely be the best transition.”

  “You should come,” Lauren said brightly. “What the hell do we know about what Verde Lago needs? The learning curve is going to be pretty extensive. We both have to sort out our schedules and figure out how all of this works, but you’d be welcome to tag along. Help us find your replacement. You’d be following Gloria’s instructions but at least you’d have some control over who takes over.”

  Carmen opened her mouth and then snapped it shut. Her eyes flew to Francine who replied with just a curious smile and a shrug.

  “You don’t want me tagging along on all of this. You don’t even know me.”

  “Gloria knew you. And she trusted you enough to run this place for all that time. That’s all I need to know. Actually there is a hell of a lot I need to know and I need to learn it fast. Can you think of a better teacher than someone who has seen this place from all different perspectives?”

  Tray grinned. “You’d be an invaluable asset.”

  “Where are you going first? I haven’t been anywhere in a while.” She smoothed her short, silky blond hair.

  “That’s the point,” Lauren said with a crooked smile. “We have no clue. We’ll be here the next couple of days. Listening. Learning. I’d imagine, getting sworn in with some sort of hazing ceremony.”

  Talia laughed. “You can’t even imagine.” The brightness in her mother’s eyes was so unfamiliar. Something she wished she could tie back to an old memory. Had she made her mother laugh like this before? Had she made her mother happy? Nothing came to mind.

  Tray draped an arm over Lauren’s shoulder. “Take some time to think it over. But remember you’re getting evicted either way; might as well hop on the next train leaving town.”

  True,” Carmen agreed. Her blue eyes were wild with the idea of it. They glinted with the hint of tears. “Well, let me show you around here. Have you been to the pool deck yet? We’ve found hydrotherapies to be incredibly soothing for some guests.”

  “Lead the way,” Lauren said, gesturing toward the door. She hung back for a second, until her mother was at her shoulder. Side by side for the first time in a long time. They were even in height. Even in the world now.

  “Sounds like you’re going to come on board,” Talia said, obviously trying not to look too eager or excited.

  “I want to honor Gloria in any way that I can. I was lucky to have her.” She dropped her head, flooded with her new reality. “I guess it wasn’t luck though right? We didn’t meet by accident.”

  “She was blessed to have you in her life. You changed her in ways you can’t imagine. I wasn’t right there, but I was proud even from a distance.”

  “I don’t know what I want for you and I,” Lauren admitted. “I’m not ready to just dive in headlong.”

  “That’s what makes you more like her than like me. And that’s a very good thing. I’m impulsive. Recklessly so at times. You’re better at this, so you set the pace. I’m all in. Wherever you are on this, I’ll meet you.”

  Lauren’s mind was fuzzy but her heart was lighter than it had been just hours ago. “I still have a lot of questions for you. Ones you might not want to answer.”

  “I owe you more than just facing some discomfort. There won’t be anything you could do or say that would make me run from this. If you’re angry I’ll be your punching bag. If you want to cry, I’ll bring the tissues. Need a hug? These arms are ready.”

  “Just promise me something,” Lauren said, her voice cracking with emotion.


  “The truth. No matter how hard it is to say, to admit, I just want the completely unfiltered version. There’s so much I don’t remember. Some revisions on history that might not be fair. Just level with me.”

  “I promise.”

  “You’ve done something really incredible here,” Lauren said, clinging to the little bit of compassion she’d mustered.

  “Built from the ashes of something terrible. I am so glad you are not the woman I was. Settle for nothing. Fight for everything. It seems as though you already have far better taste in men than I ever did.” She jutted her pointy chin toward Tray who was walking with his mother through a set of doors toward the pool area.

  “We just met.” Lauren waved her hand as though it all meant nothing. Circumstances had thrown them together. Emotions were running high. There was no way they could build on that type of foundation and have anything strong. She’d been spending the last few hours pounding that into her head. Tray was fun. He was great. But the intensity of her feelings for him had to be tied to the intensity of their circumstances.


  “You may have just met him but I’ve known him and his mother a long time. He’s a special man. And he’s about to step right into his own fate. Just like you are. I don’t think it would be bad for you two to take that step together.”

  “I guess we’ll have to wait and see what happens.” At just the right moment, Tray glanced over his shoulder and smiled at her. His ears must have been burning. Or maybe just like her, he felt compelled to steal glances any chance he got.

  “I’ve never seen him smile like that before. I’d give it a chance.”

  “Already giving motherly advice?”

  “No,” she said, her mouth turned up in a smile. “Just friendly advice from a woman who has waited her whole life for someone to look at her like that.”

  Chapter 24


  * * *

  It had been slightly awkward when his mother asked about their sleeping arrangements. Would he and Lauren like one room or two? He was relieved that she’d plucked up the courage to get them a room together. All he wanted to do was pull back the sheets and dive into bed with her. Scoop her into his arms and anchor them both to something stable.

  Now that they were laying in the dark, her skin cool against his, the familiar feeling filled him. “You invited Carmen to travel with us? I thought you weren’t spontaneous”

  Her hand tickled its way up his back. “I thought you were?”

  “I guess maybe we’re both changing.”

  “I was just looking at Carmen thinking how hard it must be to have this complete blank slate in front of you. Not knowing what you’ll do next. It reminded me of the day I met Gloria in the bus station. Something just came over me.”

  “I think it’s a great idea. She’s a lovely girl and certainly knows her stuff. Have you thought more about when we’ll be able to do any of this?”

  “I called Layla,” Lauren said sounding upbeat. “I told her about my mother and how we’re going to try to work some things out. That Gloria had left me something in her will that would require some of my time. I obviously couldn’t give her all the details but she completely understood. She knew how Gloria had parts of her life she kept to herself. She was excited for me.”

  “I thought she would be.”

  “But she thought I better ask you something else?”

  “What’s that?” He propped himself up on one elbow and braced himself. Things with Lauren were so easy even though what they’d been through was complicated. He’d been holding his breath, hoping there would be no more curve balls for a while.

  “She still wants you to take the job. COO of Kinross Inc. They’ve done some more research on you and your company. I think you should consider it.”

  “Wait,” h
e leaned down and kissed her neck gently. “Would that make me your boss? That I could get down with. Late nights in the office. You bending over my desk.”

  “I’d still report in to Layla and you’d be nothing more to me than an occasional good time when the mood struck me.”

  “Oh is that all I am to you?” He leaned back, pretending to be wounded. “Here I was holding out hope that maybe we had something real.”

  He could hear her gulp back something she wanted to say.

  “What?” He asked, moving his face in close to hers. “What is it.”

  “This shouldn’t be something real. Not this soon. Not with this much going on. It’s illogical.”


  “But I really want you to take the job. I want you in Boston. In the office. I want you around. Mostly because I can’t imagine going back to the way things were before you showed up. It’s absolutely impractical for me to even say any of this.”

  “I’ve learned a lot about myself and my family since I met you. I’ve walked around thinking I’ve got it all figured out. That I understood my mother and myself. Only to find out I don’t know shit.”

  “I think I tried to tell you that when we met.”

  “You did. Because you’re good for me.”

  “Well then what better way to keep me around than come work at Kinross? You’d love what they are doing. I wasn’t exaggerating when I said the strategy is revolutionary. Doesn’t that sound like something you’d want to be a part of?”

  “As opposed to climbing mountains and riding trains through Europe, hopping off wherever I feel like?”

  “Yes. As opposed to all that.”

  “We have a lot of work ahead of us trying to keep Gloria’s legacy alive here at Verde Lago. I’d sell my company and come be the number two person at Kinross Inc?” The light from the moon streamed in and he watched ribbons of it cut across her face. Her smile it’s own beam.

  “Yes, but you’d be the number one in my life.”

  “How much does that pay?”

  “Don’t you remember? You’re already a very wealthy man. You don’t need more money. But you do need more of what I have to give.”

  “Oh yeah? Tell me more about this?” He leaned in and kissed his way down her neck, then planted his lips on hers. “Tell me more about what you have to offer. About what should make me want to move to Boston and travel the world and do all this work I’ve never wanted to do before?”

  “I’m full of wisdom. Gloria just poured it all in me like a glass of fruit punch. I could be your life coach as you transition away from being a nomad and into normal human life.”

  “Normal? Are we going to pretend you’re normal?”

  “You haven’t even begun to hear my advice yet. I’ve got some real gems in here.” She tapped her temple with her index finger and he kissed the spot gently.

  “Let me hear some,” he sighed, pretending to be annoyed by it all. What he actually wanted to say was, talk. Keep talking until we lose our voices. Keep kissing me until our lips are numb. Stay in this bed with me until they drag us out of here.

  Lauren cleared her throat and made her voice very serious. “A cat never purrs as loud as when it sleeps on a book you’re trying to read.”

  “That’s the kind of stuff I’m signing up for? Riveting. Earth shattering. You should write a book.”

  “And if I did, a cat would purr very loudly on it.”

  He tickled her until she begged for mercy. “Fine, I’ll give you some real advice. Something that could help you decide. Gloria used to say to me it’s important to surround yourself with the best people. They contribute to everything you do by just being there. Little parts of them become parts of all you do. I’d like if you were there.”

  He hummed out his approval at the sentiment. “I’d like to be there too.

  “She also used to say you don’t really know someone until you’ve made them mad. Think of how well we know each other already.”

  “Great point. You really do have some insightful wisdom in that beautiful head.”

  “There is something that’s been on my mind. The day in the park. The surprise you had in the woods, what was it? I’ve been dying to know.”

  “What do you think it was?”

  “A bottle of champagne? A picnic under the stars?”

  “No. It wasn’t in the woods, it was down a path that came out of the woods. Down by the water. I had a sailboat chartered. I thought maybe you could teach me a thing or two. Tie some fancy knots. Hoist the main mast and all that.”

  “You don’t hoist a mast.”

  “I’d have known that if we made it to the boat. I was hoping to see you looking all windswept and in charge.”

  “Oh, that would have been amazing. I’m sorry it didn’t work out. If I had gone with you we wouldn’t have been there to get my purse stolen.”

  “It’s probably better we didn’t make it.”


  “Because if I’d have seen you out there under the stars doing something with such mastery and precision I’d have made love to you right there. And then we might have just sailed south. Kept going. Lived from one port to another. And we wouldn’t be here right now. I wouldn’t be moving to Boston to take a big fancy grown up job where I have to actually work all the time.”

  “You’ll come to Boston and take the job?”

  “If you promise me something.”

  She leaned up to her elbow and moved her face in close. “I’m not playing boss and secretary with you at work. Get that image right out of your head.”

  “First of all, that image is a permanent fixture in my head and one I have no intention of letting go. And second, that’s not what I was going to ask.”

  “Don’t mess this moment up. Seriously, you’re doing pretty well. Don’t screw it up.”

  “Your confidence in me is comforting. I was only going to ask that you promise me, for every bit of roots I put down, you’ll test out those new wings of yours. I think we’re dangerously different from each other. But that will be what makes us amazing together. I’ll put on that suit and tie every day and you—”

  “Take it off of you every night?” She purred with pleasure and threw one leg over him. “I can handle that.”

  “You have no idea what you’ll need to handle from me.”

  She placed her hands on his cheeks and held his face still. The smile sinking away from her lips. “What if I drive you crazy and all of this is just us being caught up in the moment? I’ll worry and plan and you’ll feel trapped.”

  “You’re the expert on this peopling thing. But I’d imagine when you feel scared and start bugging me; I’ll try to make you feel better. And if I have that restless look in my eye, then fuel up my jet and run away for a couple days with me.”

  “You’re oversimplifying things I think.”

  “And you’re overthinking them.”

  “Fair.” She snuggled into him and rested her head on his shoulder. “What should we do then?”

  “Sleep. Just like this. All night. Even hours after my arm falls asleep and your giant puffy hair starts to tickle my nose. Then we’ll deal with tomorrow, tomorrow. It’ll be worth it.”

  “Puffy hair?”

  “Fluffy? Is that better?”

  “I’m buying you a thesaurus and manual on how to compliment a woman. I’m not sure how you’ve made it this far without being on an episode of Girlfriends Turned Deadly.”

  “Luck I guess.”

  She pressed her ear to his chest and tapped her finger along with his heartbeat. “We’re really going to do this?” She morphed the question into an affirmation. “We’re really going to do this.”

  “We are.”


  They stepped off the jet way and into the sunny morning. The skyline in Boston was just as she’d left it and Lauren was hopeful that this break from her usual routine hadn’t thrown her world off its axis.

  “I can’t believe I’m here.” C
armen’s voice was punctuated by an excited squeal. I’ve never been to the United States. I grew up in the smallest little town in Canada and then went with Gloria to a few spots in Europe but never here. This is amazing.”

  Carmen hadn’t opened up much about her past, preferring to stay focused on the task at hand. She was determined to find a proper replacement for herself. Any discussion about what had brought her to Verde Lago or any chatter about what she might do after the perfect candidate was found always resulted in a changing of the subject. There was no yesterday for her. No talk of the future. Just the job she needed to do. Lauren admired her for that. It took willpower to not get sucked into conversations you didn’t want to have.

  “There they are,” Layla called, tugging Kenan by the arm and dragging him over toward them.

  “You didn’t need to come pick us up.” Lauren pulled Layla in for a tight hug. It was like plugging into a socket, charging up with the electricity of a familiar face.

  “You bagged us this big fish, of course we wanted to come get you.” She pointed at Tray as though he couldn’t hear her talking. “Before he changes his mind and decides he doesn’t want the job.”

  “I’m not going to change my mind,” he assured her, draping an arm over Lauren’s shoulder. “The benefits package is too tempting to turn down.”

  “And you must be Carmen?” Layla smiled brightly and tipped her head to the side. “I’ve heard you were a good friend of my aunt Gloria. She had wonderful taste in friends so it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Thank you.” Carmen blushed and did some version of a curtsy she looked instantly mortified by. “I’m sorry. I’m just nervous. She talked about you all endlessly and I feel like I know you.”

  Kenan extended his hand to Carmen. “Hopefully she had good things to say about us all.”

  “Very,” Carmen reported. “Right up until the very end. It wasn’t always coherent but she was thinking of you all until her last breath.”


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