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Wrapped in a Donovan

Page 16

by A. C. Arthur

  Wesley Boyer was an asshole and if there ever came a day when the two of them were face-to-face, Savian was sure he’d beat the hell out of him. It was that simple. His fists even clenched as he thought about it.

  “Close your eyes,” he told Jenise when he knew thoughts of doing physical harm to someone were about to overtake him.

  She did as he asked while standing beside him. Earlier tonight she’d been brimming with excitement and he’d enjoyed every second of watching her. Her smile had been so genuine and so bright. He never would have thought that anything bad had happened to her while she’d been in this state before, when it would have been so easy for her to fall headlong back into the bad memories. He’d really liked being with her and watching her enjoyment, so much so that he’d begun thinking of other things to do once they returned to Miami to keep her looking and feeling this way. That was as far ahead as Savian had ever thought about any woman before.

  He held tight to Jenise’s hand and led her slowly into the bedroom portion of the suite, determined to remain focused on the here and now for the duration of this trip. Once they were standing in front of the bed, he turned so that he was now facing her. His intention had been to tell her to open her eyes and then move out of the way so she could see the last thing he had planned for her tonight. But as he stood there, Savian found himself looking down at her. Lifting his hand he trailed a finger along the line of her jaw, down the side of her neck to where her pulse jumped at his touch. Before he could question what his intention was and if he should follow his gut or not, Savian was cupping her face in his hands, tilting her upward to receive his kiss.

  The tender touch of his lips against hers rocked something soul deep inside of him and it took every ounce of his strength not to actually shiver in response. He kissed her softly once more, loving the easy way that she moved into the embrace. Touching his tongue slowly to hers had them both sighing and sinking slowly into what was undoubtedly the sweetest kiss ever. He felt intoxicated as he opened his mouth wider, taking more of her and feeling warmth completely filling his body. It wasn’t the normal rise of desire he felt when he was around Jenise, but something much deeper and when she wrapped her arms around him Savian feared he was sinking and would eventually be unable to break free.

  Jolted by that sensation he pulled away from the kiss, covering his discomfort with a stilted chuckle. “I don’t think I was supposed to do that first,” he said.

  “What? Why?” she asked, her voice husky as she licked her tongue over her lips.

  He couldn’t speak, not at this moment, so he just moved out of the way and waited.

  “You…are…amazing,” she said slowly, the sound of her smile evident in her tone.

  “Not really,” he said. “It was just a phone call.”

  She was shaking her head as she moved around the bed touching one of the many sprigs of mistletoe that hung along the length of the leather headboard.

  “A phone call that you didn’t have to make,” she told him as she inhaled deeply. “And it’s fresh. Don’t you just love that scent? I’m never going to fall asleep here.”

  He’d moved from where he was standing trying like hell to stay focused and to stay on course. He hadn’t thought this through. How was he going to sleep in this bed with her all night when he’d never slept in a bed with a woman before? And why would he even put himself in this position? For once in his life, Savian did not have the answers and he couldn’t stand there and try to figure them out. He wouldn’t, not tonight.

  “I’m hoping you won’t focus too much on trying to sleep,” he told her as his hands slipped slowly around her waist.

  She turned immediately in his embrace. “I don’t think I will. Not if I’m wrapped in your arms all night.”

  He undid the belt at her waist and let it fall to the floor. She undid the buttons on his shirt. He grabbed the hem of her dress, pulling it up and over her head. She pushed the shirt from his arms and then removed his t-shirt. Palming her heavy breasts as they all but spilled over the black bra she wore, Savian groaned and then reached behind her to unhook said bra, watching in awe as it fell away leaving her totally free. And absolutely gorgeous. His hands were on her breasts again, kneading and squeezing them tightly.

  She unbuckled his belt, slipped the button free and unzipped his pants. Pushing them past his hips until they fell to the floor, she grabbed his burgeoning length in one hand and mimicked the motion of his hands on her breasts. He groaned loudly because the spikes of pleasure that shot up his spine felt like an explosion and he almost trembled again.

  His hands moved down her torso, loving the feel of her soft pliant skin as he did. She wore opaque tights that he would have never thought of as sexy before, but seeing them covering her voluptuous ass and thighs right now was driving him mad with desire. He pushed them down, hating that he’d have to remove those sexy as hell boots to get them completely off. She released her hold on his erection and leaned into him for support as he unzipped each boot and removed them. Her panties went next, the wisp of black silk that he knew he’d remember for all the days of his life, and then she was naked.

  Totally. Completely. Naked.

  And beautiful.

  Every curve, each rise and swell of her body was sexier than he could have ever imagined a woman being and for the life of him he didn’t know how he was going to wait another second without being buried deep inside of her. Oh, he thought with a slow smile spreading across his face, he didn’t have to wait.

  Jenise was already moving, lowering herself until she could untie the laces of his shoes and slip them off his feet. She finished taking his pants off and then reached up to grab the ban of his boxer briefs. Her movements were slow here as she stared at his now free arousal, a look of pure delight on her face. That look had Savian touching her cheek softly, whispering her name because she now filled his mind so completely.

  “Get on the bed,” he told her. “Lay back and open for me.”

  Her heated gaze met his and held as she moved slowly to do what he requested. The comforter on this bed was a dark burgundy and Jenise’s lighter toned skin was enticing against it. She lay on her back and spread her legs wide until he could see the moist lips of her center unfolding for him. The sight had him clenching his teeth, his mouth watering with desire. He was moving immediately, touching his hands to the soft skin of her thighs as he went in closer, mouth already open, tongue extended to taste.

  She was like heaven, and sunshine, and bliss all rolled into one as he licked along the hood of her clit. Her hands went immediately to the back of his head, guiding and holding him where she wanted him to be. He stayed right there, enjoying the jolt of her body beneath him as he flicked his tongue quickly over that hardened nub again and again. Slipping a finger inside of her, feeling her warmth immediately suck him inside had Savian moaning right along with her. He worked his finger in and out of her as his tongue continued to stroke over her clit. Her grip had tightened on his head as her hips began to thrust upward, pumping his face. When she shivered and tensed beneath him, Savian sighed loudly and rose above her to position himself.

  The first stroke of his rigid erection into her pulsating center was soul-shattering. He’d braced himself with his palms flat on the bed, the muscles in his arms tensing, and he held completely still. His eyes were closed as he stayed there, just like that for endless moments.

  “Look at me, Savian,” he heard her whisper. “Open your eyes and look at me, please.”

  He did so slowly and was immediately captured by the welcoming and accepting look she was giving him. She held his gaze as she began to move beneath him, pumping slowly, pulling his length in and out of her. He was dazed and confused and totally captured, until all he could do was match her movements. A slow and steady rhythm built between them and before he knew what he was doing Savian was lowering himself over her until her breasts rubbed against his chest and her legs wrapped around his waist. Her arms were tight around him, as his arms framed
her head. He stared down at her as he continued to move inside her, unable or unwilling—he wasn’t quite sure which—to take his eyes off her.

  On and on, slow and sweet, they continued to move, until he’d had no choice but to kiss her again, to stroke his tongue over hers the way his dick was stroking along the walls of her sweet pussy. As the kiss deepened her hold on him tightened, until he could feel her clenching and throbbing around him. Knowing that she was yet again finding her release with him, pushed Savian over the edge and he followed her with quick thrusts of his hips until his own release poured inside of her, his lips still on hers.


  He’d smiled at her so many times tonight. He’d listened to the baggage from her past and hadn’t reprimanded or judged her. He’d thought of everything he possibly could to make her happy. And he’d stayed on top of her as they’d made love, his gaze had been locked on hers, his lips kissing her tenderly. Jenise was in deep.

  There was no doubt in her mind now and probably no turning back. Shockingly, she wasn’t interested in turning back at all. As she lay wrapped in Savian’s arms, her head resting on his chest, eyes closed as she listened to his steady breathing, she decided that this was where she wanted to be. Savian Donovan had been another curve ball in her life and damn if she wasn’t going to take her grandfather’s advice once again, and this time catch that ball. The smile that spread across her face was slow and genuine as she let the scent of the mistletoe and the magic of this moment lull her into the first stages of sleep.

  It was there, right on the precipice of reality and deep slumber when she heard it.

  “Please, don’t let me fall in love with her,” Savian whispered into the silence of the room. “Please. Please. Please.”

  Chapter 11

  Miami, one week later.

  “Al wants to pay her the money. He wants her out of our lives for good this time,” Reginald told Bruce as they sat in the private back room of their favorite cigar bar.

  “That’s his guilt talking,” Bruce said. “You know he’s never gotten over the fact that she has those pictures of him and he can’t remember if he slept with her or not.”

  “She threatened to tell Darla that they had slept together. Those pictures of him lying naked in his bed were her proof,” Reginald replied. “But, like I’ve said before, I think it might be time for us to take some real action this time.”

  When his younger brother sighed, Reginald took a drag on his favored Don Arturo Destino Al Siglo, exhaling the smoke in slow, measured puffs.

  “This has been going on for far too long, Bruce. For more than thirty years now we’ve all be living under this secret, praying it would never come to light. I’m tired of this charade. I need peace,” he told his brother honestly.

  Savian and Parker were both suspicious, coming to him with their questions and doubts. Reginald hated the look in his sons’ eyes as of late. He hated the lie that he knew they were beginning to suspect.

  “Aren’t you tired of lying to your family?” he pressed.

  Bruce sat back in his chair, his cigar sitting lame in the ashtray as he stared across the room. “Dion and Sean are asking questions.”

  Reginald nodded. “So are Savian and Parker.”

  “That email has got everyone up in arms. Henry called me last night to say he thinks Trent might be investigating the message,” Bruce added.

  Reginald shook his head then. He knew his nephew well even though Trent had grown up across the country from him. He was a no nonsense, find the answers type of guy. If there was something Trent wanted to know, he found out. And if what he found out wasn’t what he wanted to hear, then there would be hell to pay. The Senior Donovans had always teased Henry that he’d managed to have a son that was just like their brother Bernard. In his prime, Bernard had been the Donovan brother not to be messed with. He had a short temper and a low tolerance for bullshit and if someone were crazy enough to cross him, well, they’d better find a good place to hide.

  Roslyn Ausby had hidden, and she’d done it well, for more than fifteen years since they’d given in to her payment demands the first time. Now, she was back, and Reginald didn’t know what had gotten into her, but the woman was on a mission. Thinking back on it now, he figured this had always been her mission in the first place—to get as much of the Donovan money as she could. Reginald didn’t want to pay her again.

  “I don’t think we should pay her either, but I’m not sure how else we can handle this without causing a scandal,” Bruce was saying.

  “We’re stronger now,” Reginald replied. “We’ve all put our blood, sweat and tears into building this name. I think we can counter whatever she does. But we have to face it head on, we can’t keep hiding from it. That’s making us too vulnerable.”

  Bruce nodded in agreement. “Bernard said he had a plan.”

  Reginald shook his head. “Bernard’s plans are dangerous. Remember he was the one that wanted to go shake some sense into her from the start.”

  “He was also the one that slept with her in a hotel without knowing who the hell she was,” Bruce spat.

  “Yeah, he did do that,” Reginald admitted. “She was good, that Roslyn. She had a plan and she carried it out, trapping our brothers in a snare that could potentially destroy them.”

  “That could now destroy us all,” Bruce added.

  “Not if we don’t let it,” Reginald told him. “We’ve got to get ahead of this thing.”

  “What are you saying?” Bruce asked as he looked over to Reginald.

  “I’m saying we should be the ones to break the news. Tell our families and hell, maybe even make a public announcement. If we take away her ammunition she has no choice but to slink her conniving ass back under the rock where she came from.”

  He’d been thinking about this for the last few weeks, ever since Savian had stood in his house and called him a liar. His son had stared him down like the man Reginald had raised him to be and confronted him with the confidence of a Donovan. And Reginald hadn’t known what to do. The last thing he wanted was to stare into Savian’s eyes and lie to him. But he’d been doing that all their lives. Lying to all of his children and most painfully, to his wife. He didn’t want to do any of that anymore.

  “That’s what I think we should do,” he reiterated. “We should come out and tell the truth.”

  Bruce picked up his cigar then. He smoked Don Arturo as well, but preferred the Siglo de Amistad. He took a deep puff and released the smoke slowly before saying. “The problem with telling the truth, Reggie, is that we—you and I—don’t even really know that for ourselves. Actually, none of us do, thanks to Roslyn’s manipulating ways.”

  He was right, Reginald thought contemplatively. They didn’t know who the father of Roslyn’s baby was. Hell, they didn’t even know for certain if the child actually existed. But if it did, and if they called Roslyn’s bluff…he took another puff of cigar and sat back in his chair. Bruce did the same.


  Dion was the last one to enter Savian’s office, closing and locking the door behind him. Savian, Parker, Regan and Sean—who hadn’t gone away to visit Tate’s family as planned—were already there, each of them waiting until Dion came in and pulled another guest chair closer to Savian’s desk.

  “Trent traced that license plate from the SUV that Jaydon climbed into at Morelli’s house,” Dion began immediately.

  He was wearing black slacks today and as it was nearing five o’clock, he’d already taken off his suit jacket and his tie was loose around his neck.

  “So who is it registered to?” Savian asked first.

  He’d thought when Dion had sent the text message telling all of them to meet in Savian’s office ten minutes ago, that he’d found out something about what their fathers were hiding. While this information was valuable too, Savian couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed.

  “That’s the kicker,” Dion told them. “The Yukon XL Denali registered in the state of New York belongs to Dane He
nry Ausby.”

  After this statement Dion stared at each one of them with raised brows.

  “You know how Trent is,” Dion continued. “He took that name and proceeded to dig even further, but the only thing he came up with was a birth certificate for Dane Ausby. His mother is listed as Roslyn Ausby.”

  “You’re looking at us as if we should know who that is,” Regan said, with a frown. “But I don’t think I’ve ever heard that name before.”

  “I have,” Sean spoke up. “At the Mother’s Day cook-out. Dad and Uncle Reggie had walked away from the rest of the family, going to stand closer to the dock. I was playing with Briana and that huge pink ball mom bought for her. The ball rolled down the hill bouncing close to where they were standing and when I went to retrieve it, I heard them saying the name ‘Roslyn’. Both of them said it.”

  Dion nodded. “And the moment Trent gave me this news I remembered you telling me that a few days after the cook-out when we were discussing what the Seniors might be hiding.”

  “Wait a minute,” Savian said, shaking his head because things were clicking into place, but he didn’t like the picture it was creating. No, he certainly did not like how all this was playing out.

  “You’re saying that the SUV that Jaydon was riding in belonged to a man that may be connected to whatever is going on between our fathers? So our fathers are somehow connected to Morelli’s murder?”

  “And if that’s true,” Parker added. “Then the idea to expose those fake pictures of Adriana and I also has something to do with our parents?”

  “No way,” Regan said. “There’s no way our fathers would let your name be dragged through the mud, or you be charged with murder. Not to mention the hit the company has taken with these last months of negative publicity. I don’t believe that.”

  “Morelli said somebody was going to bring us to our knees,” Savian recalled as he sat back into his chair heavily. “He said he couldn’t wait to see it happen as if he knew it was coming.”


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