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Counsel for the Defense

Page 22

by Leroy Scott



  The next morning Katherine, incited by the desperate need of action,was so bold as to request Mr. Manning to meet her at Old Hosie's. Shewas fortunate enough to get into the office without being observed.The old lawyer, in preparation for the conference, had drawn hiswrinkled, once green shade as far down as he dared without givingcause for suspicion, and before the window had placed a high-backedchair and thrown upon it a greenish, blackish, brownish veteran of afall overcoat--thus balking any glances that might rove lazily upwardto his office.

  Old Hosie raised his lean figure from his chair and shook her hand, atfirst silently. He, too, was dazed by the collapse of Bruce'sfortunes.

  "Things certainly do look bad," he said slowly. "I never suspectedthat his case would suddenly stand on its head like that."

  "Nor did I--though from the beginning I had an instinctive feelingthat it was too good, too easy, to be true."

  "And to think that after all we know the boy is right!" groaned theold man.

  "That's what makes the whole affair so tantalizing. We know he isright--we know my father is innocent--we know the danger the city isin--we know Mr. Blake's guilt--we know just what his plans are. Weknow everything! But we have not one jot of evidence that would bebelieved by the public. The irony of it! To think, for all ourknowledge, we can only look helplessly on and watch Mr. Blake succeedin everything."

  Old Hosie breathed an imprecation that must have made his ancestors,asleep behind the old Quaker meeting-house down in Buck Creek, gasp intheir grassy, cedar-shaded graves.

  "All the same," Katherine added desperately, "we've got to half killourselves trying between now and election day!"

  They subsided into silence. In nervous impatience Katherine awaitedthe appearance of the pseudo-investor in run-down farms. He seemed along time in coming, but the delay was all in her suspense, for as theCourt House clock was tolling the appointed hour Mr. Manning, _alias_Mr. Hartsell, walked into the office. He was, as Katherine had oncedescribed him to Old Hosie, a quiet, reserved man with thatconfidence-inspiring amplitude in the equatorial regions commonlyobservable in bank presidents and trusted officials of corporations.

  As he closed the door his subdued but confident dignity dropped fromhim and he warmly shook hands with Katherine, for this was their firstmeeting since their conference in New York six weeks before.

  "You must know how very, very terrible our situation is," Katherinerapidly began. "We've simply _got_ to do something!"

  "I certainly haven't done much so far," said Manning, with a ruefulsmile. "I'm sorry--but you don't know how tedious my role's been tome. To act the part of bait, and just lie around before the noses ofthe fish you're after, and not get a bite in two whole weeks--that'snot my idea of exciting fishing."

  "I know. But the plan looked a good one."

  "It looked first-class," conceded Manning. "And, perhaps----"

  "With election only four days off, we've simply got to do something!"Katherine repeated. "If nothing else, let's drop that plan, devise anew one, and stake our hopes on some wild chance."

  "Wait a minute," said Manning. "I wouldn't drop that plan just yet.I've gone two weeks without a bite, but--I'm not sure--remember I sayI'm not sure--but I think that at last I may possibly have a nibble."

  "A nibble you say?" cried Katherine, leaning eagerly forward.

  "At least, the cork bobbed under."


  "Last night."

  "Last night? Tell me about it!"

  "Well, of late I've been making my study of the water-works more andmore obvious, and I've half suspected that I've been watched, though Iwas too uncertain to risk raising any false hopes by sending you wordabout it. But yesterday afternoon Blind Charlie Peck--he's beengrowing friendly with me lately--yesterday Blind Charlie invited me tohave supper with him. The supper was in his private dining-room; justus two. I suspected that the old man was up to some game, and when Isaw the cocktails and whiskey and wine come on, I was pretty sure--foryou know, Miss West, when a crafty old politician of the Peck varietywants to steal a little information from a man, his regulation schemeis to get his man so drunk he doesn't know what he's talking about."

  "I know. Go on!"

  "I tried to beg off from the drinking. I told Mr. Peck I did notdrink. I liked it, I said, but I could not carry it. A glass or twowould put me under the table, so the only safe plan for me was toleave it entirely alone. But he pressed me--and I took one. And hepressed me again, and I took another--and another--and another--tillI'd had five or----"

  "But you should never have done it!" cried Katherine in alarm.

  Manning smiled at her reassuringly.

  "I'm no drinking man, but I'm so put together that I can swallow agallon and then sign the pledge with as steady a hand as the presidentof the W. C. T. U. But after the sixth drink I must have looked justabout right to Blind Charlie. He began to put cunning questions at me.Little by little all my secrets leaked out. The farm lands were only ablind. My real business in Westville was the water-works. There was achance that the city might sell them, and if I could get them I wasgoing to snap them up. In fact, I was going to make an offer to thecity in a very few days. I had been examining the system closely; itwasn't really in bad shape at all; it was worth a lot more than thepeople said; and I was ready, if I had to, to pay its full value toget it--even more. I had plenty of money behind me, for I wasrepresenting Mr. Seymour, the big New York capitalist."

  "Good! Good!" cried Katharine breathlessly. "How did he seem to takeit?"

  "I could see that he was stirred up, and I guessed that he wasthinking big thoughts."

  "But did he say anything?"

  "Not a word. Except that it was interesting."

  "Ah!" It was an exclamation of disappointment. Then she instantlyadded: "But of course he could not say anything until after he hadtalked it over with Mr. Blake. He'll do that this morning--if he didnot do it last night. You may be approached by them to-day."

  She stood up excitedly, and her brown eyes glowed. "After all,something may come of the plan!"

  "It's at least an opening," said Manning.

  "Yes. And let's use it for all it's worth. Don't you think it would bebest for you to go right back to your hotel, and keep yourself insight, so Mr. Peck won't have to lose a second in case he wants totalk to you again?"

  "That's what I had in mind."

  "And all day I'll be either in my office, or at home, or at Mrs.Sherman's. And the minute anything develops, send word to Mr.Hollingsworth and he'll send word to me."

  "I'll not waste a minute," he assured her.

  All day she waited with suppressed excitement for good news fromManning. But the only news was that there was no news. And so on thesecond day. And so on the third. Her hopes, that had flared so high,sunk by slow degrees to mere embers among the ashes. It appeared thatthe nibble, which had seemed but the preliminary to swallowing thebait, was after all no more than a nibble; that the fish had merelynosed the worm and swum away. In the meantime, while eaten up by thesuspense of this inaction, she was witness to activity of the moststrenuous variety. Never had she seen a man spring up into favour asdid Harrison Blake. His campaign meetings were resumed the very nightof Bruce's conviction; the city crowded to them; the Blake MarchingClub tramped the streets till midnight, with flaming torches, rousingthe enthusiasm of the people with their shouts and campaign songs; andwherever Blake appeared upon the platform he was greeted by an uproar,and even when he appeared by daylight, when men's spirits are moresedate, his progress through the streets was a series of miniatureovations.

  As for Bruce, Katherine saw his power and position crumble so swiftlythat she could hardly see them disappear. The structure of atremendous future had stood one moment imposingly before her eyes.Presto, and it was no more! The sentiment he had roused in favour ofpublic ownership, and against the regime of Blake, was as a thing thathad never been. With him in jail, his candidacy was but the a
shes thatare left by a conflagration--though, to be sure, since the ballotswere already printed, it was too late to remove his name. He was athing to be cursed at, jeered at. He had suddenly become a littlelower than nobody, a little less than nothing.

  And as for his paper, when Katherine looked at it it made her sick atheart. Within a day it lost a third in size. Advertisers no longerdared, perhaps no longer cared, to give it patronage. Its news andeditorial character collapsed. This last she could hardly understand,for Billy Harper was in charge, and Bruce had often praised him to heras a marvel of a newspaper man. But one evening, when she was cominghome late from Elsie Sherman's and hurrying through the crowd of MainStreet, Billy Harper lurched against her. The next day, with a littleadroit inquiry, she learned that Harper, freed from Bruce'srestraining influence, and depressed by the general situation, wasdrinking constantly. It required no prophetic vision for Katherine tosee that, if things continued as they now were going, on the day Brucecame out of jail he would find the _Express_, which he had lifted topower and a promise of prosperity, had sunk into a disrepute and adecay from which even so great an energy as his could not restore it.

  Since there was so little she could do elsewhere, Katherine was at theShermans' several times a day, trying in unobtrusive ways to aid thenurse and Doctor Sherman's sister. Miss Sherman was a spare, silentwoman of close upon forty, with rather sharp, determined features.Despite her unloveliness, Katherine respected her deeply, for in otherdays Elsie had told her sister-in-law's story. Miss Sherman and herbrother were orphans. To her had been given certain plain virtues, tohim all the graces of mind and body. She was a country school-teacher,and it had been her hard work, her determination, her penny-countingeconomy, that had saved her talented brother from her early hardshipsand sent him through college. She had made him what he was; andbeneath her stern exterior she loved him with that intense devotion alonely, ingrowing woman feels for the object on which she has spenther life's thought and effort.

  Whenever Katherine entered the sick chamber--they had moved Elsie'sbed into the sitting-room because of its greater convenience andbetter air--her heart would stand still as she saw how white andwasted was her friend. At such a time she would recall with a chokingkeenness all of Elsie's virtues, each virtue increased andpurified--her simplicity, her purity, her loyalty.

  Several times Elsie came back from the brink of the Great Abyss, overwhich she so faintly hovered, and smiled at Katherine and spoke a fewwords--but only a few, for Doctor West allowed no more. Each time sheasked, with fluttering trepidation, if any word had come from herhusband; and each time at Katherine's choking negative she would tryto smile bravely and hide her disappointment.

  On one of the last days of this period--it was the Sunday beforeelection--Doctor West had said that either the end or a turn for thebetter must be close at hand. Katherine had been sitting long watchingElsie's pale face and faintly rising bosom, when Elsie slowly openedher eyes. Elsie pressed her friend's hand with a barely perceptiblepressure and smiled with the faintest shadow of a smile.

  "You here again, Katherine?" she breathed.

  "Yes, dear."

  "Just the same dear Katherine!"

  "Don't speak, Elsie."

  She was silent a space. Then the wistful look Katherine had seen sooften came into the patient's soft gray eyes, and she knew whatElsie's words were going to be before they passed her lips.

  "Have you heard anything--from him?"

  Katherine slowly shook her head.

  Elsie turned her face away for a moment. A sigh fluttered out. Thenshe looked back.

  "But you are still trying to find him?"

  "We have done, and are doing, everything, dear."

  "I'm sure," sighed Elsie, "that he would come if he only knew."

  "Yes--if he only knew."

  "And you will keep on--trying--to get him word?"

  "Yes, dear."

  "Then perhaps--he may come yet."

  "Perhaps," said Katherine, with hopeful lips. But in her heart therewas no hope.

  Elsie closed her eyes, and did not speak again. Presently Katherinewent out into the level, red-gold sunlight of the waning Novemberafternoon. The church bells, resting between their morning duty andthat of the night, all were silent; over the city there lay a hush--itwas as if the town were gathering strength for its final spasm ofcampaign activity on the morrow. There was nothing in that Sabbathcalm to disturb the emotion of Elsie's bedside, and Katherine walkedslowly homeward beneath the barren maples, in that fearful, tremulous,yearning mood in which she had left the bedside of her friend.

  In this same mood she reached home and entered the empty sitting-room.She was slowly drawing off her gloves when she perceived, upon thecentre-table, a special delivery letter addressed to herself. Shepicked it up in moderate curiosity. The envelope was plain, theaddress was typewritten, there was nothing to suggest the identity ofthe sender. In the same moderate curiosity she unfolded the inclosure.Then her curiosity became excitement, for the letter bore thesignature of Mr. Seymour.

  "I have to-day received a letter from Mr. Harrison Blake ofWestville," Mr. Seymour wrote her, "of which the following is thetext: 'We have just learned that there is in our city a Mr. Hartsellwho represents himself to be an agent of yours instructed to purchasethe water-works of Westville. Before entering into any negotiationswith him the city naturally desires to be assured by you that he is arepresentative of your firm. As haste is necessary in this matter, werequest you to reply at once and by special delivery."

  "Ah, I understand the delay now!" Katherine exclaimed. "Before makinga deal with Mr. Manning, Mr. Blake and Mr. Peck wanted to be suretheir man was what he said he was!"

  "And now, Miss West," Mr. Seymour wrote on, "since you have kept me inthe dark as to the details of your plan, and as I have never heard ofsaid Hartsell, I have not known just how to reply to your Mr. Blake.So I have had recourse to the vague brevity of a busy man, and havesent the following by the same mail that brings this to you: 'Replyingto your inquiry of the 3rd inst. I beg to inform you that I have arepresentative in Westville fully authorized to act for me in thematter of the water-works.' I hope this reply is all right. Also thereis a second hope, which is strong even if I try to keep it subdued;and that is that you will have to buy the water-works in for me."

  From that instant Katherine's mind was all upon her scheme. She wascertain that Mr. Seymour's reply was already in the hands of Blake andPeck, and that they were even then planning, or perhaps had alreadyplanned, what action they should take. At once she called Old Hosie upby telephone.

  "I think it looks as though the 'nibble' were going to develop into abite, and quick," she said rapidly. "Get into communication with Mr.Manning and tell him to make no final arrangement with those partiestill he sees me. I want to know what they offer."

  It was an hour later, and the early night had already fallen, whenthere was a ring at the West door, and Old Hosie entered, alone.Katharine quickly led the old lawyer into the parlour.

  "Well?" she whispered.

  "Manning has just accepted an invitation for an automobile ride thisevening from Charlie Peck."

  Katherine suddenly gripped his hand.

  "That may be a bite!"

  The old man nodded with suppressed excitement.

  "They were to set out at six. It's five minutes to six now."

  Without a word Katherine crossed swiftly and opened the door an inch,and stood tensely waiting beside it. Presently, through the calm ofthe Sabbath evening, there started up very near the sudden buzzing ofa cranked-up car. Then swiftly the buzzing faded away into thedistance.

  Katherine turned.

  "It's Mr. Blake's car. They'll all be at The Sycamores in half anhour. It's a bite, certain! Get hold of Mr. Manning as soon as hecomes back, and bring him here. The house will be darkened, but thefront door will be unlocked. Come right in. Come as late as youplease. You'll find me waiting here in the parlour."

  The hours that followed were trying
ones for Katherine. She sat aboutwith her aunt till toward ten o'clock. Then her father returned fromhis last call, and soon thereafter they all went to their rooms.Katherine remained upstairs till she thought her father and aunt weresettled, then slipped down to the parlour, set the front door ajar,and sat waiting in the darkness. She heard the Court House clock withjudicial slowness count off eleven o'clock--then after a long, longspace, count off twelve. A few minutes later she heard Blake's carreturn, and after a time she heard the city clock strike one.

  It was close upon two when soft steps sounded upon the porch and thefront door opened. She silently shook hands with her two vaguevisitors.

  "We didn't think it safe to come any sooner," explained Old Hosie in awhisper.

  "You've been with them out at The Sycamores?" Katherine eagerlyinquired of Manning.

  "Yes. For a four hours' session."


  "Well, so far it looks O. K."

  In a low voice he detailed to Katherine how they had at first fencedwith one another; how at length he had told them that he had a formalproposal to the city to buy the water-works all drawn up and that onthe morrow he was going to present it--and that, furthermore, hewould, if necessary, increase the sum he offered in that proposal tothe full value of the plant. Blake and Peck, after a slow approach tothe subject, in which they admitted that they also planned to buy thesystem, had suggested that, inasmuch as he was only an agent and therewould be no profit in the purchase to him personally, he abandon hispurpose. If he would do this they would make it richly worth hiswhile. He had replied that this was such a different plan from thatwhich he had been considering that he must have time to think it overand would give them his answer to-morrow. On which understanding thethree had parted.

  "I suppose it would hardly be practicable," said Katherine when he hadfinished, "to have a number of witnesses concealed at your place ofmeeting and overhear your conversation?"

  "No, it would be mighty difficult to pull that off."

  "And what's more," she commented, "Mr. Blake would deny whatever theysaid, and with his present popularity his words would carry moreweight than that of any half dozen witnesses we might get. At thebest, our charges would drag on for months, perhaps years, in thecourts, with in the end the majority of the people believing in him.With the election so near, we must have instantaneous results. Wemust use a means of exposing him that will instantly convince all thepeople."

  "That's the way I see it," agreed Manning.

  "When did they offer to pay you, in case you agreed to sell out tothem?"

  "On the day they got control of the water-works. Naturally they didn'twant to pay me before, for fear I might break faith with them and buyin the system for Mr. Seymour."

  "Can't you make them put their proposition in the form of anagreement, to be signed by all three of you?" asked Katherine.

  "But mebbe they won't consent to that," put in Old Hosie.

  "Mr. Manning will know how to bring them around. He can say, forexample, that, unless he has such a written agreement, they will be ina position to drop him when once they've got what they want. He cansay that unless they consent to sign some such agreement he will go onwith his original plan. I think they'll sign."

  "And if they do?" queried Old Hosie.

  "If they do," said Katherine, "we'll have documentary evidence to showWestville that those two great political enemies, Mr. Blake and Mr.Peck, are secretly business associates--their business being aconspiracy to wreck the water-works and defraud the city. I think sucha document would interest Westville."

  "I should say it would!" exclaimed Old Hosie.

  They whispered on, excitedly, hopefully; and when the two men haddeparted and Katherine had gone up to her room to try to snatch a fewhours' sleep, she continued to dwell eagerly upon the plan that seemedso near of consummation. She tossed about her bed, and heard the CourtHouse clock sound three, and then four. Then the heat of herexcitement began to pass away, and cold doubts began to creep into hermind. Perhaps Blake and Peck would refuse to sign. And even if theydid sign, she began to see this prospective success as a thing oflesser magnitude. The agreement would prove the alliance between Blakeand Peck, and would make clear that a conspiracy existed. It was good,but it was not enough. It fell short by more than half. It would notclear her father, though his innocence might be inferred, and it wouldnot prove Blake's responsibility for the epidemic.

  As she lay there staring wide-eyed into the gloom of the night,listening to the town clock count off the hours of her last day, sherealized that what she needed most of all, far more than Manning'sdocument even should he get it, was the testimony which she believedwas sealed behind the lips of Doctor Sherman, whose presentwhereabouts God only knew.


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