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Counsel for the Defense

Page 25

by Leroy Scott



  Katherine took up the receiver in tremulous hands.

  "Hello! Is this Mr. Blake?"

  "Yes," came a familiar voice over the wire. "Is this Miss West?"

  "Yes. What is it?"

  "I have a matter which I wish to discuss with you immediately."

  "I am engaged for this evening," she returned, as calmly as she could."If to-morrow you still desire to see me, I can possibly arrange itthen."

  "I must see you to-night--at once!" he insisted. "It is a matter ofthe utmost importance. Not so much to me as to you," he addedmeaningly.

  "If it is so important, then suppose you come here," she replied.

  "I cannot possibly do so. I am bound here by a number of affairs. Ihave anticipated that you would come, and have sent my car for you. Itwill be there in two minutes."

  Katherine put her hand over the mouthpiece, and repeated Blake'srequest to Old Hosie and Billy Harper.

  "What shall I do?" she asked.

  "Tell him to go to!" said Billy promptly. "You've got him where youwant him. Don't pay any more attention to him."

  "I'd like to know what he's up to," mused Old Hosie.

  "And so would I," agreed Katherine, thoughtfully. "I can't do anythingmore here; he can't hurt me; so I guess I'll go."

  She removed her hand from the mouthpiece and leaned toward it.

  "Where are you, Mr. Blake?"

  "At my home."

  "Very well. I am coming."

  She stood up.

  "Will you come with me?" she asked Old Hosie.

  "Of course," said the old lawyer with alacrity. And then he chuckled."I'd like to see how the Senator looks to-night!"

  "I'll just take these proofs along," she said, thrusting them insideher coat.

  The next instant she and Old Hosie were hurrying down the stairway. Asthey came into the street the Westville Brass Band blew the last notesof "Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean," out of cornets and trombones;the great crowd, intoxicated with enthusiasm, responded withpalm-blistering applause; and then the candidate for president of thecity council arose to make his oratorical contribution. He had got nofurther than his first period when Blake's automobile glided up beforethe _Express_ office, and at once Katherine and Old Hosie stepped intothe tonneau.

  They sped away from this maelstrom of excitement into the quietresidential streets, Katherine wondering what Blake desired to see herabout, and wondering if there could possibly be some flaw in her planthat she had overlooked, and if after all Blake still had some weaponin reserve with which he could defeat her. Five minutes later theywere at Blake's door. They were instantly admitted, and Katherine wasinformed that Blake awaited her in his library.

  She had had no idea in what state of mind she would find Blake, butshe had at least expected to find him alone. But instead, when sheentered the library with Old Hosie, a small assembly rose to greether. There was Blake, Blind Charlie Peck, Manning, and back in ashadowy corner a rather rotund gentleman, whom she had observed inWestville the last few days, and whom she knew to be Mr. Brown of theNational Electric & Water Company.

  Blake's face was pale and set, and his dark eyes gleamed with anunusual brilliance. But in his compressed features Katherine couldread nothing of what was in his mind.

  "Good evening," he said with cold politeness.

  "Will you please sit down, Miss West. And you also, Mr.Hollingsworth."

  Katherine thanked him with a nod, and seated herself. She found herchair so placed that she was the centre of the gaze of the littleassembly.

  "I take it for granted, Miss West," Blake began steadily, formally,"that you are aware of the reason for my requesting you to come here."

  "On the other hand, I must confess myself entirely ignorant,"Katherine quietly returned.

  "Pardon me if I am forced to believe otherwise. But nevertheless, Iwill explain. It has come to me that you are now engaged in gettingout an issue of the _Express_, in which you charge that Mr. Peck andmyself are secretly in collusion to defraud the city. Is thatcorrect?"

  "Entirely so," said Katherine.

  She felt full command of herself, yet every instant she was strainingto peer ahead and discover, before it fell, the suspectedcounter-stroke.

  "Before going further," Blake continued, "I will say that Mr. Peck andI, though personal and political enemies, must join forces againstsuch a libel directed at us both. This will explain Mr. Peck'spresence in my house for the first time in his life. Now, to resumeour business. What you are about to publish is a libel. It is for yoursake, chiefly, that I have asked you here."

  "For my sake?"

  "For your sake. To warn you, if you are not already aware of it, ofthe danger you are plunging into headlong. But surely you areacquainted with our libel laws."

  "I am."

  His face, aside from its cold, set look, was still without expression;his voice was low-pitched and steady.

  "Then of course you understand your risk," he continued. "You have hada mild illustration of the working of the law in the case of Mr.Bruce. But the case against him was not really pressed. The courtmight not deal so leniently with you. I believe you get my meaning?"

  "Perfectly," said Katherine.

  There was a silence. Katherine was determined not to speak first, butto force Blake to take the lead.

  "Well?" said he.

  "I was waiting to hear what else you had to say," she replied.

  "Well, you are aware that what you purpose printing is a mostdangerous libel?"

  "I am aware that you seem to think it so."

  "There is no thinking about it; it _is_ libel!" he returned. For thefirst time there was a little sharpness in his voice. "And now, whatare you going to do?"

  "What do you want me to do?"

  "Suppress the paper."

  "Is that advice, or a wish, or a command?"

  "Suppose I say all three."

  Her eyes did not leave his pale, intent face. She was instantly morecertain that he had some weapon in reserve. But still she failed toguess what it might be.

  "Well, what are you going to do?" he repeated.

  "I am going to print the paper," said Katherine.

  An instant of stupefied silence followed her quiet answer.

  "You are, are you?" cried Blind Charlie, springing up. "Well, letme----"

  "Sit down, Peck!" Blake ordered sharply

  "Come, give me a chance at her!"

  "Sit down! I'm handling this!" Blake cried with sudden harshness.

  "Well, then, show her where she's at!" grumbled Blind Charlie,subsiding into his chair.

  Blake turned back to Katherine. His face was again impassive.

  "And so it is your intention to commit this monstrous libel?" heasked in his former composed tone.

  "Perhaps it is not libel," said Katherine.

  "You mean that you think you have proofs?"

  "No. That is not my meaning."

  "What then do you mean?"

  "I mean that I _have_ proofs."

  "Ah, at last we are coming to the crux of the matter. Since you haveproofs for your statements, you think there is no libel?"

  "I believe that is sound law," said Katherine.

  "It is sound enough law," he said. He leaned toward her, and there wasnow the glint of triumph in his eyes. "But suppose the proofs were notsound?"

  Katherine started.

  "The proofs not sound?"

  "Yes. I suppose your article is based upon testimony?"

  "Of course."

  His next words were spoken slowly, that each might sink deeply in.

  "Well, suppose your witnesses had found they were mistaken and hadrepudiated their testimony? What then?"

  She sank back in her chair. At last the expected blow had fallen. Shesat dazed, thinking wildly. Had they got to Doctor Sherman since shehad seen him, and forced him to recant? Had Manning, offered the worldby them in this crisis, somehow sold her out? She sea
rched thelatter's face with consternation. But he wore a rather stolid lookthat told her nothing.

  Blake read the effect of his words in her white face and dismayedmanner.

  "Suppose they have repudiated their statements? What then?" hecrushingly persisted.

  She caught desperately at her courage and her vanishing triumph.

  "But they have not repudiated."

  "You think not? You shall see!"

  He turned to Blind Charlie. "Tell him to step in."

  Blind Charlie moved quickly to a side door. Katherine leaned forwardand stared after him, breathless, her heart stilled. She expected thefollowing moment to see the slender figure of Doctor Sherman enter theroom, and hear his pallid lips deny he had ever made the confession ofa few hours before.

  Blind Charlie opened the door.

  "They're ready for you," he called.

  It was all Katherine could do to keep from springing up and lettingout a sob of relief. For it was not Doctor Sherman who entered. It wasthe broad and sumptuous presence of Elijah Stone, detective. Hecrossed and stood before Blake.

  "Mr. Stone," said Blake, sharply, "I want you to answer a fewquestions for the benefit of Miss West. First of all, you wereemployed by Miss West on a piece of detective work, were you not?"

  "I was," said Mr. Stone, avoiding Katherine's eye.

  "And the nature of your employment was to try to discover evidence ofan alleged conspiracy against the city on my part?"

  "It was."

  "And you made to her certain reports?"

  "I did."

  "Let me inform you that she has used those reports as the basis of alibellous story which she is about to print. Now answer me, did yougive her any real evidence that would stand the test of a court room?"

  Mr. Stone gazed at the ceiling.

  "My statements to her were mere surmises," he said with the glibnessof a rehearsed answer. "Nothing but conjecture--no evidence at all."

  "What is your present belief concerning these conjectures?"

  "I have since discovered that my conjectures were all mistakes."

  "That will do, Mr. Stone!"

  Blake turned quickly upon Katherine. "Well, now what have you got tosay?" he demanded.

  She could have laughed in her joy.

  "First of all," she called to the withdrawing detective, "I have thisto say to you, Mr. Stone. When you sold out to these people, I hopeyou made them pay you well."

  The detective flushed, but he had no chance to reply.

  "This is no time for levity, Miss West!" Blake said sharply. "Now yousee your predicament. Now you see what sort of testimony your libel isbuilt upon."

  "But my libel is not built upon that testimony."

  "Not built----" He now first observed that Katherine was smiling."What do you mean?"

  "Just what I said. That my story is not based on Mr. Stone'stestimony."

  There were exclamations from Mr. Brown and Blind Charlie.

  "Eh--what?" said Blake. "But you hired Stone as a detective?"

  "And he was eminently successful in carrying out the purpose for whichI hired him. That purpose was to be watched, and bought off, by you."

  Blake sank back and stared at her.

  "Then your story is based----"

  "Partly on the testimony of Doctor Sherman," she said.

  Blake came slowly up to his feet.

  "Doctor Sherman?" he breathed.

  "Yes, of Doctor Sherman."

  Blind Charlie moved quickly forward.

  "What's that?" he cried.

  "It's not true!" burst from Blake's lips. "Doctor Sherman is inCanada!"

  "When I saw him two hours ago he was at his wife's bedside."

  "It's not true!" Blake huskily repeated.

  "And I might add, Mr. Blake," Katherine pursued, "that he made a fullstatement of everything--everything!--and that he gave me a signedconfession."

  Blake stared at her blankly. A sickly pallor was creeping over hisface.

  Katherine stood up.

  "And I might furthermore add, gentlemen," she went on, now alsoaddressing Blind Charlie, "that I know all about the water-works deal,and the secret agreement among you."

  "Hold on! You're going too far!" the old politician cried savagely."You've got no evidence against me!"

  "I could hardly help having it, since I was present at yourproceedings."


  "Personally and by proxy. I am the agent of Mr. Seymour of New York.Mr. Hartsell here, otherwise Mr. Manning, has represented me, and hasturned over to me the agreement you signed to-day."

  They whirled about upon Manning, who continued unperturbed in hischair.

  "What she says is straight, gentlemen," he said. "I have only beenacting for Miss West."

  A horrible curse fell from the thick, loose lips of Blind CharliePeck. Blake, his sickly pallor deepening, stared from Manning toKatherine.

  "It isn't so! It can't be so!" he breathed wildly.

  "If you want to see just what I've got, here it is," said Katherine,and she tossed the bundle of proofs upon the desk.

  Blake seized the sheets in feverish hands. Blind Charlie stepped tohis side, and Mr. Brown slipped forward out of his corner and peeredover their shoulders. First they saw the two facsimiles, then theireyes swept in the leading points of Billy Harper's fiery story. Then alow cry escaped from Blake. He had come upon Billy Harper's greatpage-wide headline:


  At that Blake collapsed into his chair and gazed with ashen face atthe black, accusing letters. This relentless summary of the situationappalled them all into a moment's silence.

  Blind Charlie was the first to speak.

  "That paper must never come out!" he shouted.

  Blake raised his gray-hued face.

  "How are you going to stop it?"

  "Here's how," cried Peck, his one eye ablaze with fierce energy. "Thatcrowd at the Square is still all for you, Blake. Don't let the girlout of the house! I'll rush to the Square, rouse the mob properly, andthey'll raid the office, rip up the presses, plates, paper, everydamned thing!"

  "No--no--I'll not stand for that!" Blake burst out.

  But Blind Charlie had already started quickly away. Not so quickly,however, but that the very sufficient hand of Manning was about hiswrist before he reached the door.

  "I guess we won't be doing that to-night, Mr. Peck," Manning saidquietly.

  The old politician stood shaking with rage and erupting profanity. Butpresently this subsided, and he stood, as did the others, gazing downat Blake. Blake sat in his chair, silent, motionless, with scarcely abreath, his eyes fixed on the headline. His look was as ghastly as adead man's, a look of utter ruin, of ruin so terrible and completethat his dazed mind could hardly comprehend it.

  There was a space of profound silence in the room. But after a timeBlind Charlie's face grew malignantly, revengefully jocose.

  "Well, Blake," said he, "I guess this won't hurt me much after all. Iguess I haven't much reputation to lose. But as for you, who startedthis business--you the pure, moral, high-minded reformer----"

  He interrupted himself by raising a hand.


  Faintly, from the direction of the Square, came the dim roar ofcheering, and then the outburst of the band. Blind Charlie, with acynical laugh, clapped a hand upon Blake's shoulder.

  "Don't you hear 'em, Blake? Brace up! The people still are for you!"

  Blake did not reply. The old man bent down, his face now wholly hard.

  "And anyhow, Blake, I'm getting this satisfaction out of the business.I've had it in for you for a dozen years, and now you're going to getit good and plenty! Good night and to hell with you!"

  Blake did not look up. Manning slipped an arm through the old man's.

  "I'll go along with you for a little while," said Manning quietly."Just to see that you don't start any trouble."

  As the pair were going
out Mr. Brown, who had thus far not said asingle word, bent his fatherly figure over Blake.

  "Of course, you realize, Mr. Blake, that our relations are necessarilyat an end," he said in a low voice.

  "Of course," Blake said dully.

  "I'm very sorry we cannot help you, but of course you realize wecannot afford to be involved in a mess like this. Good night." And hefollowed the others out, Old Hosie behind him.

  For a space Katherine stood alone, gazing down upon Blake's bowed andsilent figure. Now that it was all over, now that his allies had alldeserted him, to see this man whom she had known as so proud, sostrong, so admired, with such a boundless future--who had once beenher own ideal of a great man--who had once declared himself herlover--to see this man now brought so low, stirred in her a strangeemotion, in which there was something of pity, something of sympathy,and a tugging remembrance of the love he long ago had offered.

  But the noise of the front door closing upon the men recalled her toherself, and very softly, so as not to disturb him, she started away.Her hand was on the knob, when there sounded a dry and husky voicefrom behind her.

  "Wait, Katherine! Wait!"


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