Book Read Free


Page 45

by Never , M.

  “Same for you?” I address his friend. He’s a bit broader. His hair is jet black and his brown eyes are sharper. But he’s just as sexy. A dark desire in designer jeans. Damn. He scrunches his nose, scanning the bottles on the shelves behind me.

  “No Crown?”

  “Nope. Seagram’s Seven or Canadian Club.” I offer up two middle-of-the-road whiskey alternatives.

  “Neither.” He curls his lip. “Jim Beam and Coke.”

  Blondie shoots him a sidelong look.

  “I don’t have much of a choice,” the dark-haired man defends his drink decision.

  We don’t carry much top shelf liquor. That’s not the kind of clientele we cater to. It’s more a Corona, piña colada, and rum runner kind of place.

  “Just promise me you’ll switch to gin and tonic after two,” Blondie pleads.

  “Fine,” Mr. Dark and Stormy reluctantly agrees. That’s when I notice their subtle exchange. The way their arms brush against each other and the proximity of their barstools. They’re practically sitting on top of each other. I find myself astoundingly disappointed. They definitely didn’t give off the gay vibe when they walked in, but it’s apparent now. At least to me. Bummer.

  I whip up the Jim Beam and Coke before I muddle the mint leaves, lime, and brown sugar, fill the highball glass with ice, and pour two parts white rum and one part coconut rum before topping the mix off with club soda. The mojito concoction is a signature drink at the Corkscrew. I must make a million over the summer. I drop their drinks in front of them as people start to slowly fill up the restaurant.

  “Do you have a late dinner rush or something?” Blondie asks as he takes a sip of his drink. I pick up on his surprise. The mojito always packs a bigger flavor punch than people expect.

  “Private party,” I divulge.

  “On a Sunday night?” Dark and Stormy questions.

  “Gotta fit it in when you can—”

  “And you’re both more than welcome to stay,” Janine butts in. I immediately read her thoughts. She’s making a power move to play hookup master. Too bad it won’t work, because she clearly missed the rainbow flag waving. “I’m the bride and what I say goes. So I insist.” My voluptuous friend asserts her authority. The tiny bit that she has.

  Blondie glances back at Dark and Stormy and smiles roguishly. They seem to communicate silently for a moment. It’s apparent these two are connected on more than just a platonic level.

  “As long as I can stick with Jim, I’m in.” Dark and Stormy swirls his glass.

  Blondie exhales, fluttering his pretty hazel eyes, yielding to his companion’s request. “Fine.”

  A slow, victorious smile spreads across the dark-haired man’s face. He’s wearing a black dress shirt that complements his brooding persona, but that smile. Wow. It brings out the devil in him. I may need to start fanning myself soon. Why is the world so cruel? Two of the most tempting men I have ever met are sitting across from me, and I don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell with either of them.

  Not even a shot at a meaningless one-night stand, which is all I’m looking for. Damn. Damn. Damn.

  “It’s settled then. Jennifer, pour these men another drink!” Janine orders.

  “You might regret this,” Blondie warns her as he takes a hefty gulp of his drink.

  “I regret nothing,” she proclaims haughtily as she takes a suggestive sip of her champagne. Oh shit, she’s opening the floodgates already. She’s just gunning to tie one on. I guess I can’t blame her. It is her bachelorette party, after all. “I’m Janine Montgomery, soon to be Janine Witt, and this is my beautiful, single BFF Jennifer Reeves.” She puts her hand out to Blondie first. I silently steam behind the bar. Did she have to emphasize the word single?

  “Shane Laughtner, and this is Chase Hammond.” He nods at his . . . friend?

  “Pleasure,” Janine purrs as she shakes hands with them casually. “Make yourselves at home . . .” She looks over Shane’s shoulder, suddenly distracted. “Please excuse me. My fiancé just walked in.” She hurries off, but not without delivering a you can thank me later, biotch look behind Shane and Chase’s back. I just roll my eyes as I’m left with the two untouchable hotties.

  Look but don’t touch totally sucks.

  “Since you’re staying, if you want to order something to eat, it’ll have to be now. The kitchen is closing.” I hand them each a menu, then finish prepping the bar for Shayna, who apparently decided to show up fashionably late and not let anyone know. Luckily, I only have to refill the ice bin and cut some more limes.

  “Hmmm.” Shane inspects the single-page menu thoughtfully. “See something you like?” I ask sweetly. What’s the harm in flirting a little?

  “I see a lot of things I like,” he flirts back, peeking over the laminated edge.

  I pause. Was that flirtatious? Or was it just an interest in the food?

  “Lobster rolls, famous clam chowder fritters, corn dogs, lobster Reuben sandwich with Old Bay french fries, shrimp and crab nachos, chicken and waffle sliders, spinach and ricotta grilled cheese? This is a very eclectic menu.”

  I shrug modestly. “It appeals to a variety of palettes.”

  “That it does. It’s very surprising—”

  “Considering the place looks like a dive?” I put him on the spot.

  “That’s not what I meant . . . or wanted to imply,” Shane stammers. “It has a certain earthy charm.”

  “Earthy charm, huh? Is that the politically correct term for shithole?” I toy with him, leaning over the bar top haughtily.

  Shane squirms in his chair.

  I wink playfully. “It’s okay. The owner knows the place is in desperate need of a facelift. He’s working on it.”

  Chase laughs, the sound deep and smooth. Like black silk gliding over my skin. “I like her.”

  Shane breaks out in a slow, sinful smile. “I do, too.” Their simple exchange makes my scalp tingle. I’m not sure why. There’s something about them I can’t quite put my finger on. But in the short amount of time I’ve spent in their presence, I’m becoming fond of them. They have an unusual energy. An alluring energy.

  “So what will it be?” I ask.

  “Surprise us.” Shane hands over his menu.

  “You sure?” I accept the challenge.

  “Yes. Let’s see what this place has to offer.”

  I glance at Chase. He nods confidently. “We like surprises.” His statement sounds like a cryptic message.

  “Who doesn’t?” I turn on my heel and saunter into the kitchen, feeling the burn of four blazing eyes on my backside.

  I call out the order to Charli, our line chef, as I scoop two bowls of lobster bisque and grab a loaf of fresh bread with a side of whipped honey-poppy seed butter.

  I serve Shane and Chase their first course. “I hope you like seafood.”

  “Love it.” Shane inhales the warm, sweet scent of the bisque.

  “I’m not trying to brag, but I’ve been told that soup is better than sex. Enjoy.” I bat my eyelashes coquettishly.

  Both of their handsome faces light up. Chase sucks on his lower lip as if restraining a response. The gesture actually makes my inner thighs quiver. He flicks his dark eyes over at Shane enigmatically before tasting the soup. “Jesus, this is good.” Chase dives in for a bigger spoonful. I inwardly jump for joy.

  “Glad you like it.” I smile brightly, not masking my abundant satisfaction.

  I leave them to eat as I serve the wave of customers crowding the bar. It’s getting closer and closer to nine, and people are piling in for the party.

  I swiftly pick up Shane and Chase’s second course after I clear their soup bowls. “Shrimp and crab nachos, fish and chips, chicken and waffle sliders, and our very famous clam chowder fritters.” I name each dish as I place it in front of them. “I thought you’d appreciate a variety.”

  “We love variety,” Shane remarks as two twinkling hazel eyes stare back at me. Why do I get the impression they twist every word I
say into something sexual?

  “Good to know. Eat up.” I pertly tap the bar top.

  “We plan on it,” Chase affirms, with the same sexual undertone.

  I tilt my head, trying to decode his statement. I’m positive they’re together. I’ve watched all night as they touched and brushed and smiled at each other, clearly more than just friends. They’re discreet, but I’ve noticed their quiet gestures. What I can’t figure out is why they keep subtly coming on to me.

  Maybe it’s a secret game they play? Or some twisted entertainment? Fuck with the straight girl? See who she picks?

  “Jenn!” Jack slams his hand down on the bar energetically, snapping me out of my musings. “Shots! Shots, shots . . . shots, shots, shots!” he sings surrounded by six of his boys. I roll my eyes. I’ve known Jack as long as I’ve known Janine. I was there when they first hooked up, broke up, got back together, then broke up again. Oy, their relationship gave me whiplash for a while, but they eventually worked it out, and now, look at them. About to make it official. Walk the green mile together, and they couldn’t be happier. I’m still on the fence about a lifelong commitment, even if Jack and Janine make it look easy and, I reluctantly admit, appealing.

  “Usual?” I line up six shot glasses.

  “Of course,” Jack scoffs. “Nice hair by the way,” he tosses in.

  “Thanks.” I grin as I fill each glass with tequila.

  “New haircut?” Shane asks as he watches me pour.

  “Yup,” Jack answers for me. “She’s had her hair down to her ass for as long as I can remember.” He passes the glasses around. I play with my layered bangs self-consciously, once again brushing them out of my eyes. “It was Janine’s idea.”

  “I like it,” Shane compliments.

  “Me too,” Chase adds.

  “Me three.” Jack clinks glasses with the guys around him, before shooting the tequila. “Especially the pink.” He wipes his mouth on his sleeve.

  “Really?” I ask surprised.

  “Yeah.” He pushes the glass toward me, indicating a refill. “Janine told me to tell you that.” He chuckles.

  “Of course, she did.” I pour him a second shot.

  “I wouldn’t have said anything if I didn’t like it, no matter what Janine told me to do.” He tips his head back confidently and swallows the amber liquid in one gulp. “One more.” He slams the shot glass down.

  “I know. You never say anything you don’t mean.”

  “I keep it real, baby.” He winks. Jack reminds me of an overgrown frat boy. A laid back, care free preppy, sporting a plaid shirt and backward baseball cap. I can’t do anything but laugh and fill his glass once again. Jack is as real as they come. What you see is what you get, which is refreshing. I know too many selfish, self-serving, unreliable people. Hell, I was raised by two of the most selfish, self-serving, unreliable people on the planet.

  “You’d better slow down, or they’re going to be carrying you outta here.” I watch him bank another ounce and a half of tequila straight.

  “It’s a party! That’s what’s supposed to happen!” He flashes a no-holds-barred smile.

  “If you say so.” I swipe the shot glass away.

  “I do. Get my two new friends here a drink on me.” He nods his head at Shane and Chase, who have been quietly listening to our exchange. “Janine said she invited them to stay.” There’s a gleam in Jack’s eyes. I know right then and there my sneaky BFF is up to no good. She’s stooped so low as to recruit her fiancé to meddle in my romantic affairs. “So let’s show them a good time, huh?” He winks again, conspiratorially this time.

  “We never say no to a good time,” Chase immediately offers.

  “That’s what I like to hear, brother.” Jack slaps Chase on the back. “No one will show you a better time than this chick right here.” Jack thumbs at me suggestively.

  What the fuck! Shut up! I want to crawl under the bar and die. He’s making me sound like a floozy.

  “She’s been taking pretty good care of us so far,” Shane discloses, a hint of sexual innuendo in his tone.

  “No complaints,” Chase tacks on, leaning forward dominantly.

  I swallow the thick lump in my throat. I’m a ball of confusion at the moment. Are they gay? Are they bi? I know I’m straight. Am I imagining things altogether?

  I have no idea what to make of the odd couple sitting across from me. All I do know is that they’re gorgeous, and I would gladly take either home.

  Maybe I am a floozy. I bite my lip.

  “I’m here!” Shayna rushes in grabbing everyone’s attention. The bubbly blonde darts behind the bar and stashes her bag underneath the cabinet. “I’m sorry I’m late. Holy crap! What did you do to your hair?”

  “I cut it,” I state the obvious. “And what I did to my hair isn’t important. Where were you?”

  “I got caught up.” She giggles uncontrollably, and I automatically know what that laugh means.

  “What’s his name?” I sigh as I glance at the clock. One minute to nine. Could she cut it any closer?

  “What makes you ask that?” She fixes the cocktail napkins and clears away two empty plates sitting in front of Shane and Chase.

  “Because I’ve known you way too long, and there’s only one thing that turns you into a tardy, tittering tramp.”

  “That was quite a word combo,” Chase cuts in.

  “I like to read,” I respond rapidly.

  “And nag.” Shayna escapes into the kitchen before she can be further ridiculed.

  “I don’t nag! I manage! I’m the manager! That’s my job!” I yell at a ghostly swinging door.

  I turn to Shane and Chase, who are both staring me down.

  “What are you lookin’ at?”

  “Nothing,” they both grumble under their breaths with what I think is a hint of amusement.

  I lean on the edge of the bar and examine both of them thoroughly.

  “What?” Shane questions.

  “Nothing,” I respond wily, sizing them up. “I’m just trying to figure you two out.”

  “Come out from behind that bar, and you can analyze us all you want.” Chase pops the last fritter into his mouth, goading me.

  Shayna emerges from the kitchen, and I smile. “My shift just happens to be over.”

  “Yes, be gone with you,” she shoos me away. “I can handle it from here.”

  “You should have been handling it an hour ago. I still need to set up the floor, and everyone is practically here.”

  “Moving a few tables and hooking up your iPod hardly sounds like setup,” she sneers.

  “I have to light candles, too.” I stick my tongue out at her as I leave the bar.

  “You two seem very close,” Shane observes.

  “Yeah, we’re like one big fat fucking family here.” I smile obnoxiously at her. He and Chase both chuckle. “I’ll be right back.”

  “Good, because this barstool has your name on it.” Chase reaches over and pulls an empty stool between him and Shane.


  “Keep it warm for me.” I can’t control my response.

  “We will.” They both devour me with their eyes. My whole body boils, from the tip of my scalp to the points of my toes. I walk away tingling all over. With four attentive eyes on me, I shuffle the tables against the windows to create more room for a dance floor. Dimming the lights, I turn on the LCD hurricane candles and then hook up my iPod to the sound system. I made a special playlist just for Jack and Janine. Knowing the two of them for so long, I know the hundreds of soundtracks that define their relationship. I even know which song was playing when they had sex for the first time. Yeah. Tonight is going to be fun. I press play, and Promiscuous by Timberland and Nelly Furtado pumps through the speakers. I see Janine spin around and pick me out of the crowd. “Jennifer Reeves! No, you didn’t!” she screams across the room.

  Oh yes, I did. I teasingly wave as Jack grabs her and grinds his hips against hers. Let the party begin.

  I move slowly across the weathered floor to the seat that has been kept warm for me. I sit down between the two beguiling strangers who welcome me eagerly.

  “What are you drinking?” Chase asks.

  I take a deep breath, their expensive cologne and body heat cocooning me in confliction, temptation, and desire. I need something strong. Something with a kick that will inflate my nerves.

  “A shot of Fireball with a Jack and Coke chaser.”

  “Oh?” They both look at me intrigued.

  “Don’t take me for a whiskey girl? I’m full of surprises.”

  “So we’re discovering.” Shane leans in a little closer. All my tendons immediately tighten. “I’ll tell you something else,” he murmurs in my ear. “We’re full of surprises, too.”

  I turn my head so we’re eye to eye. “I’m also discovering that.”

  Once Shane pulls away, Chase hands me a shot glass. “One Fireball with a Jack and Coke chaser.”

  “Thank you.” I slam the shot, the hot and spicy liquor singeing my throat as it slides down. I chase the sensation with a sip of the cold cocktail. Christ, I needed this. “Shayna, can I have another one?” I wave the glass at her. She pours the amber liquid up to the rim, a small bit spilling on my fingers as I bring the tiny glass to my lips. Like two thirsting animals, they both watch as I swallow the shot down and then lick the sticky remnants off my hand.

  With dilated pupils, they engage me in conversation.

  “How long have you worked here?” Shane starts.

  “Years and years.” I suck down a large gulp of Jack and Coke. “I don’t remember a time I didn’t work here.” I laugh nostalgically. “I’m like a staple.”


  “Not really,” I disagree, plainly. “Why are the two of you visiting Newhaven Beach? Business or pleasure?” My turn to pop off a question.

  Shane and Chase share a communicative look. “Tonight?” Chase answers. “Pleasure.” He’s so close his breath tickles the back of my neck, causing goose bumps to erupt.

  “Good to know.” I meet his searing brown gaze and fall blindly into an abyss of seduction.

  I sip more of my drink to cool off and calm down. Jesus, these two men are intoxicating. “How was the food?” I attempt some small, safe conversation.


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