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Two Cowboys For Her: An MMF Romance

Page 8

by Ellie Rowe

  Now I get it.

  I turn back to Liam, who sees the look on my face as I realize their plan. He shoots me an evil grin, one that makes me so turned on that I reach behind me, grab Asher’s dick, and shove him all the way inside my ass in one fell swoop.

  I maintain eye contact with Liam this whole time, and his grin grows even wider. Suddenly, they both begin tearing into me at the same time, fucking me faster than I ever thought possible.

  “Holy- fuck- ye-eh-esss!” I scream.

  “You like that baby?”

  “Yesss oh my god don’t fucking stop!”

  From behind me, Asher wraps his hands around my throat, using his tight grip to make me bounce up and down even faster on Liam’s cock. The air in my lungs quickly begins to run out, but I barely notice because I’m getting fucked so hard by both of these men right now that I can’t even focus on anything else.

  “Fuuck, I love the sounds you make when you’re gasping for air as we fuck the living shit out of you,” Asher whispers in my ear from behind, tightening his grip on my neck even more.

  I grab his hands with mine- not trying to get them off- just resting them there while he continues to make me bounce on top of Liam at a pace of his choosing. All I can think about is how much I fucking love that he clearly loves having control of not only my pleasure- but Liam’s as well.

  Finally, he lets go of my neck, just as I’m about to cum.

  “Oh my god- oh my go- ohhhhh FUCK!” I scream, finally able to have a voice again.

  The three of us begin our orgasms at the exact same time, almost like we’re in sync with each other. They speed up just as they reach the height of it, and I can feel their cum exploding inside of me at the same time.

  Once we’ve finished, we all collapse into bed together, with me in the middle of them. My mind is completely blank and devoid of any thoughts as the three of us drift into a sex coma together.



  In all my life, I’ve never had a night like the one I had last night. I’m flooded with all kinds of emotions and happiness isn’t one of them. I mean, I’m not unhappy- I’m just not jumping for joy about what went down last night.

  Any way you look at it, Liam is still my sworn enemy. After everything that he did, I just can’t see how we can be “together” the way Samantha wants us to be. I know last night the both of us did what we did but we did it because Samantha asked. She really believes that all three of us should be together.

  I get out of bed and then notice Liam is awake. He gets out of bed too. I motion for us to go into the den area of the hotel room. Samantha is dead asleep but what I have to tell Liam, I don’t want her to hear.

  I grab my pants and put them on. I see Liam’s pants on the floor, so I scoop them up and then walk into the next room and throw them at him. He catches them and puts them on.

  “We need to talk,” I say.

  “I agree.”

  Liam goes to the kitchenette that’s part of the den and starts to make coffee.

  “Hey, we need to talk now- before she wakes up. There isn’t time for coffee.”

  “Sorry man, but that’s the way I roll. I don’t say or do anything until I have my caffeine.”


  “What are you saying?”


  “Whatever man.”

  Liam goes back to making coffee. It’s like he is taking his time loading the machine with a coffee pod and pouring in the water. It takes a few minutes, but the machine spits out his coffee. I have no choice but to watch the whole thing.

  Liam puts creamer in his coffee with some sugar and then goes to sit across from me on the sofa.

  “So, what do you want to talk about?”

  “Look man, what happened last night? It can’t happen again.”

  Liam blows on his coffee to cool it. He says nothing. Don’t tell me that he liked what we did last night? Satisfied that his coffee is cool enough, Liam takes a sip. I’m really bothered by his silence.

  “Come on. She’s going to wake up soon and I don’t want to have this conversation with her listening.”

  “And why is that?”

  I shift in the chair. Liam wants a confrontation. Well, if that’s what he wants, then that is what he is going to get.

  “I don’t like you.”

  “Oh, that. Can’t you rise above it? This is really important to Samantha.”

  “Look, I am obviously really into Samantha- but she’s gone too far. I don’t like you and therefore, I don’t want to have anything to do with you.”

  “Hey, the feeling is mutual.”

  “So, how are we going to convince Samantha that the only relationship for her is with one of us and not both.”

  “Well, with me of course. A relationship with just me.”

  “Man, you are full of it, aren’t you?”

  “I’m just stating the obvious.”

  “The obvious is that you are a prick. You don’t deserve her.”

  “Like you do?”

  I get up from my chair. I’m starting to get really anxious. Liam always irritates me. I don’t know what it is about him, but the guy really gets me going.

  “I believe that Samantha should choose the man that is good for her. And, in this case it is me. All you do is confuse her.”

  “Is that right?” Liam finishes his coffee and gets up to throw the cup away. He comes back to the sofa and sits down. He runs his fingers through his blonde hair.

  “Is it really because you hate me that you can’t screw me? Or is it something else?”

  “I don’t like what you are implying.”

  “Just asking.”

  “No, for your information. I’ve no problem being in a threesome. I just hate you. That’s the only issue.”

  “Okay man. I believe you,” Liam raises his hands.

  I go to the table by the kitchenette, and I get some hotel stationery and a pen.

  “I’m writing her a note that this will never happen again.”

  “Hey, I want in on that. Sign it from me too.”

  “Sure, I do the work and you want in. Typical.”

  “What is your problem man? I’ll write my own note.”

  “That’s just stupid.”

  “Stupid is as stupid does.”


  “Never mind. Just write the damn note.”

  I write the note telling Samantha that there will no longer be any threesomes. I sign it and then I pass it to Liam to sign. He takes the pen for me and scribbles his signature.

  “And now we both leave,” I say.

  “Okay, but I’m leaving because I’m needed on the ranch. Not because you say.”

  “I don’t care why you are doing it. Just get out of here.”

  “I’ll leave when you leave.”


  I go quietly to the bedroom and get the rest of my clothes and shoes. Liam does the same.

  “I don’t know what she sees in you,” I say, shaking my head.

  We both leave the hotel room and I have a sinking feeling in my gut that leaving Samantha a note was not the best thing to do, but I can’t stand being around Liam for much longer. And I don’t want him alone with Samantha- so this is the best I can do right now.

  I close the door and leave the building.

  Liam is already gone. I guess he doesn’t have a conscience. No surprise there.

  I walk towards the lobby and wonder if I should go back. I stop and think about it for a while. No, it will be best if she reads the note alone. I don’t have the heart to see disappointment on her face. Hurting Samantha is the last thing I ever want to do.



  After a long day, I like to sit outside on my deck and have a beer. I can’t believe everything that has happened today. Samantha is full of surprises, but even though I am trying to keep my mind on Samantha, visions of Asher keep popping inside my head.

��s not cold out but I want a fire to peer into. I do my best thinking looking deep into a fire. I get some wood and arrange it so that the fire will start easily. The logs crackle as the fire spreads among the logs.

  I open my beer and sit back on my lounge chair. The sky is filled with stars tonight. I close my eyes and go over the images in my mind from my session with Samantha and Asher.

  Tonight has really shaken up my sexual beliefs. I never thought I would ever be with a man. But there I was with Asher, and I’m scared to admit it- but I think I enjoyed it.

  I try to rebuild Samantha’s naked body in my mind. She has a great body. Those long legs and perfect champagne glass breasts. It’s enough to get me hard again.

  “Fuck yeah- nothings changed, just a minor lapse in judgement,” I mutter to myself.

  But try as I might to keep Samantha’s body in my imagination, I keep thinking of Asher and his cock.

  First of all, I can’t believe how big it is. The thing hangs down practically to his knees. I have never seen a cock that long.

  Why did I even notice Asher’s cock? This isn’t good. I am not gay. I’ve never had a gay thought in my life. I’ve always been after one woman or another.

  I worship a woman’s body. I am a slave to pleasing the women I have sex with. So how come all I can think of right now is Asher’s body?

  I love the way Asher’s cock gets so big when he is aroused. I wonder what Asher thought of my cock. Does he feel the same way that I feel? That’s the thing when you are involved with someone of the same sex. You start to compare your body to his. Does it match up?

  I think about my body. My cock is almost as big as his, and definitely thicker. I’m taller than him, so that’s good, isn’t it?

  Overall, I think I have a body that holds its own. Asher’s body is very muscular and defined. I can’t help but get a tingle when I think of Asher and his body.

  The man has an almost perfect body. Maybe he could be a little taller- it’s a little weird being taller than him.

  All my life I have been straight. I’ve never thought of a man. I can see how I fell into the sex act while we were doing our threesome. But here I am unable to stop thinking about Asher. Does this mean that I’m gay?

  “No way. No fucking way,” I try to convince myself.

  The thing is, when I’m with Samantha and Asher, I feel like our threesome is exactly right. But then after- I feel as if it was wrong.

  “Because it is wrong,” I tell myself.

  But in the back of my mind I’m still not so sure.

  I think about how I’ve had all these feelings of anger and hate toward Asher, and I start to wonder if these feelings have been fueled by something else all along.

  I don’t have these types of feelings for any other man. I’ve seen plenty of nude men at the gym, but their bodies don’t excite me. There is just something about Asher that I can’t get out of my mind. His body turns me on. He even excites me with his sexy attitude.


  I’ve got to stop thinking about this. I can’t be gay, and I can’t be falling for another man- especially if that man is Asher. Samantha is just going to have to stop all of this.

  Here I am alone and thinking about Asher. This is ridiculous, I am a straight man. Sure, I find Asher interesting but that doesn’t mean I have any feelings for him.

  Okay, so he’s got an amazing cock. I’m allowed to admire another man’s cock without being gay. I’ve never seen a cock like his before. Not that I’ve seen a lot of cocks. See, if I were gay, I’d know a lot more cocks, wouldn’t I?

  Samantha has to choose between us, simple as that. It really bothers me that she has initiated this threesome. Why can’t she just pick one of us? Isn't it greedy that she wants us both?

  Asher and I really need to put Samantha in her place. I can understand that we are both sexy and attractive men and Samantha has a hard time choosing which one of us she likes more. But I have to protest when she requires me to have sex with the other guy she’s attracted to.

  I finish my beer but I’m not ready to go to bed. The fire is going strong. Maybe tonight will be a two-beer night. I have a lot to think about. I’m so confused about the feelings I had during our threesome, and I’m really disturbed that I can’t stop thinking about Asher’s cock.

  Usually after a session, all I can think about is a woman’s body. But tonight, I can barely remember Samantha’s body- and she has a fine ass body. I’ve never been so turned on by a woman. Maybe that’s why I’m willing to do anything- because she is just so fine.

  Whatever the reason, I better get it straight in my mind.

  “And soon,” I tell myself out loud.



  I feel the sun on my naked back. I roll over and I discover that I’m alone in the bed. What happened to Asher and Liam? I’m confused. Where could they be? Maybe they got up to get us some breakfast?

  I get up from the bed. I’m a little sore after last night’s session but it is a good sore. I look around the room for a note and I find one. I read it and immediately I’m upset. What gives them the right to leave me alone?

  Why didn’t they at least wake me? I could have gone home and slept in my own bed. I read the note again. I don’t deserve to be treated like this.

  Last night we had the most amazing session. I actually felt the earth move. I have never had this kind of sexual experience before. I feel that we all connected.

  It’s clear to me that Asher and Liam are attracted to each other. They have way too much passion in their anger. It’s obvious to me that underneath that anger there are feelings of love and attraction.

  Our threesome was so amazing but waking up alone and getting this note makes me feel like I’m the only one that truly realizes that something incredibly special is happening to us three.

  Honestly, I’m really surprised that two smart men like Asher and Liam have not figured out that they are attracted to each other. It is so very obvious. Why am I the only one to see it?

  I got so turned on watching Asher and Liam together. And then when they gave me attention, I thought my heart was going to explode. I have never felt that much pleasure during a sexual encounter like I did last night with Asher and Liam.

  I pick up my clothes that are still on the floor from last night. I look for my purse to find my keys. I’m glad when I find them tucked into a purse pocket. It’s time for me to go home. I close things up and head for my car.

  I unlock the car door and get in. I look for my smartphone so that I can call Gabriella. I have to dig deep but I finally find it. I connect my smartphone to the car’s Bluetooth, and I wait for Gabriella to answer the phone. She finally does on the fifth ring.

  “What took you so long to answer?” I ask.

  “I was picking up a candle that I broke.”

  “Ouch, don’t step on it.”

  Gabriella laughs.

  “That’s what took me so long, Sam. I was trying to pick up all the pieces.”

  I start the car and drive slowly down the country road until I get to the interstate.

  “You’re never going to believe it, but after a hot and heavy threesome last night, I woke up alone.”

  “You woke up alone? Are those boys crazy or what?”

  “They’re nuts. They left me a stupid fucking note. I don’t think they enjoyed the threesome.”

  “Were they not into it?”

  “No, they were totally into it last night. But I think they’re fighting their attraction to each other.”

  A truck cuts in front of me. I honk at him, and the truck driver gives me the finger. I stop myself from giving him the finger back. I don’t want a road rage experience.

  “Do you think they’ve have ever had gay feelings?”

  “Gabriella, why does it have to be all about being gay? Why can’t it just be about the feelings that you are having. Why do you have to put a label on it?”

  “That’s cool and all that you have
the idea that people shouldn’t put labels on their sex life but it’s unrealistic. Do you really think Asher and Liam will think this way?”

  “I don’t know Gabriella, last night was pretty hot. I don’t understand how they don’t appreciate what happened. Maybe I have to have an awfully long talk with them.”

  “Sam, when have you ever known a man to change his mind after a good talking to?”

  “Well, just about never.”

  “That’s right. Men are pretty stuck in their tiny one brain cell minds.”

  “Don’t be mean Gabriella.”

  “It’s not that I mean to be mean. I’m just being realistic.”

  I’m getting close to my exit, so I switch lanes. It’s starting to rain so I put on the windshield wipers.

  “So, what am I going to do Gabriella? If I can’t have a long talk with them, what’s left to do?”

  “I think you should just ignore what happened and go on like there’s nothing going on between the three of you.”

  “So that takes me back to having to pick one of them.”

  “Not necessarily. You say they really got into the threesome last night?”

  “They went super crazy. It was so extremely hot.”

  “So, you’re telling me the sex was great.”

  “I’ve never had better.”

  “And the guys were really into it?”

  “They were totally into it. It was amazing to be a part of.”

  “Then, it’s going to happen again. Have you ever known a man to walk away from great sex?”

  “No, I have not.”

  “So just don’t talk about it and pretend that it never happened. Just give them time to sort it out on their own. Mark my words, they’ll miss the threesome experience.”

  “I guess I’ll just keep dating them like I have been and act like nothing has happened.”

  “That’ll work.”

  I tell Gabriella that she’s right, and I end the phone call. A few minutes later, I’m back home. I don’t see my father, and I’m relieved to be alone. I take a long bubble bath so that I can figure things out.


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