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Judged by Him

Page 5

by Jaye Peaches

  “Would he show me some? I paint, myself, and sketch, too. Jason thinks I should have a career as an artist.”

  In their numerous conversations about her paintings, she’d told him she might consider giving up her current career if children entered their lives. She’d constructed a tantalising image of her painting in a workshop with children playing nearby.

  “You should, if you wish to. You can do anything you like. You’re lucky,” noted Maria.

  “True. These girls, did he show any interest in their lives?”

  Maria chortled. “No, señora. I told you, the girls were his pleasure vessels, like this yacht. They waited for him in the stateroom or on the sundeck. Always waiting for him to come and ....”

  “I understand. He fucked them and used them. Like he does me.”

  As if to read her mind, Maria stopped her massaging fingers and stroked the hair from Gemma face. “Oh, no, Señora Lucas. No, no. Not like you. Believe me. He is so different with you. In one day, I see the difference. ”

  “How is he different? Please, Maria, I don’t have a point of comparison. He doesn’t speak of his past, and I have never seen him have sex with another woman. He takes his marriage vows seriously. We both do. What was he like with them?” Gemma implored. “Did he watch them have enemas with you?”

  “Yes. But he would never have let them have an orgasm. He did other things with them. He loved to humiliate. You felt ashamed after this morning. You are privileged; he lets you enjoy yourself. Señora, he is between his worlds. The Dominant who wants to control you and use your body and the husband who must love you very much.”

  “How can you know that? All I felt this morning was the indignity. The orgasm forced, then he kept me waiting to relieve myself,” said Gemma in a huff, raising her head.

  “Not that long, señora.” Maria laughed. “I have seen him force them to stay at his feet, begging, crying for relief, and threatening punishments if they failed. You swore at him! Mother Mary, another girl would have been thrashed for such disrespect.”

  “I suppose. I do get angry with him sometimes. I shouldn’t show it.”

  “And still he lets you come. With his hands, not a toy—”

  “His hands.” Gemma smiled, resting her head back down. “Yes, I like his hands.” She giggled.

  Maria continued her massage. “See. You are different. He will come back here again, though. I think he needs to do this kind of play with you. Something to degrade you, yes?”

  Gemma sighed. Maria’s perceptions struck a chord.

  “Each morning, he reminds me I am his submissive. However he treated me the night before, as wife or his sex slave, I will be made to entertain his dominate nature. He has given me the freedom to orgasm at will. He hinted to me, though, he would seek pleasure from me in other ways. I’m finding out, aren’t I?” She buried her face in her arms.

  “I shouldn’t tell you this, señora.” Maria bent low and whispered in her ear, “Yesterday, while you bathed, he came and found me. He asked to know if you were all right. He told me if I ever thought you were too distressed or upset, I should find him and bring him to you. My sweet señora, he never, never asked me to do that before. If the other girls, the previous ones, struggled, he let them have a break or time to themselves. But he offered no sympathy or true concern. If they couldn’t cope, he would send them back and choose another. On his first cruise, when there were several men, he did that. Sent one girl packing because she kept asking for mercy.”

  Gemma reflected on Maria’s words and took comfort. She would hold them in her mind as she returned each morning for her massage, manicures, and other treatments her husband specified, such as waxing or plucking her eyebrows. Depending on their schedule and his need to work, Jason might be there, too. His eyes would fixate on Maria’s talented fingers and kneading palms as she worked over Gemma’s fine body. The oils would glimmer and shine, and Jason wouldn’t permit Gemma to be covered, ensuring he would have full view of her nudity.


  Maria concentrated on massaging the beautifully body under her fingertips. Her señora had gone silent, no doubt pondering their conversation. Maria suspected she had gone too far, but her señora had been persuasive and Maria had sympathy for the woman’s circumstances, especially her ignorance.

  An experienced masseur, of both the therapeutic and sensual kind, Maria had noticed the faint scars on the other woman’s buttocks but knew not to comment. A thin line like a white scratch, and small, puckered spots. The latter appeared to be scars from small puncture wounds. Not a needle—too big to be a needle. Something else. The skin had healed smoothly about them, and the marks were only truly visible at close quarters.

  Señora Gemma had been the victim of a serious crime and suffered traumatic flashbacks. A syndrome of some kind. The information had been provided in a lengthy e-mail from the señor before she and Enrique joined the crew. Maria’s English wasn’t sophisticated enough to understand the medical aspects. All they had been told was strictly no blood or handcuffs. If she became unresponsive to words, extremely pale, or panic stricken, the señor was to be informed immediately.

  Maria didn’t regret her exposé of Señor Lucas’s past. It had settled Señora Lucas into the right frame of mind. Maria had learnt from previous cruises the señor liked watching her massage other women. She was expected to make Gemma aroused and drive her wild so she wriggled and squirmed under her hands. The señor had made the stipulation in a private e-mail.

  When Maria reported to the señor what happened to Señora Lucas during the massage, he gave a small nod.

  “Good. Keep at it. Don’t touch her. She has to come to me. This has to be her choice. You’re doing her a favour, Maria. Don’t feel guilty. In any case, you’re pleasing me and, if all goes well, Enrique will be able to witness you in action. You will be well rewarded by him.”

  Maria remained at Señor Lucas’ feet. She felt a stab of sympathy for the señora. Nevertheless, Maria suspected the señora would succumb and discover things she hadn’t dared to before the cruise.

  “May I speak freely, Señor Lucas?”

  Her heart told her to speak. She saw a vulnerability in the other woman.

  “Yes,” replied Señor Lucas, arching one eyebrow.

  “Her self-esteem, the señora’s belief in her abilities, is not good. For a submissive, she needs greater confidence in herself. I hope I haven’t spoken disrespectfully,” she added quickly.

  “Don’t worry, Maria. I’m well aware of my wife’s weaknesses. She has suffered terrible traumas at the hands of others. She is still healing. You must trust me. I love her deeply and will not let her be harmed.” He reached down and briefly touched her hair. “I’m not the same man I was before, am I?”

  “No, Señor Lucas. You are not.”

  Chapter 7. Hair Braids

  Jason and Gemma dined on a traditional Spanish dish in the ornate dining salon. The location permitted Captain McKenzie to join them.

  “Oh, that bites somewhat,” muttered Gemma after the first mouthful of ice cream flavoured with chocolate and chilli.

  The conversation virtually excluded her. Jason keenly asked about the latest news on the chartering business. His yacht had been continuously chartered for the past three years. For long leases and short, big guest parties and smaller ones. The money earned had covered the costs of the crew, fuel, and other expenses easily. The crew had changed numerous times over that period—not uncommon—but personnel issues had been minor. The yacht had been refitted twice since Jason’s ownership, one a major session in dry dock for engine maintenance and the second a minor sprucing up of the decor. They discussed the popular cruises, the best ports and harbours, and the difficulties of customs bureaucracy.

  Gemma liked the man’s Scottish accent. A soft variation, which was easy to understand and follow. A good-looking man, almost an equivalent to Jason in stature and sexual appeal. She knew he was gay, and she found the thought liberating. She couldn’t be a
ccused of flirting with a homosexual.

  “We’re going to Ceuta? A Spanish territory?”

  “Yes, Mrs Lucas. A mainly Spanish population; however, you will be in Africa, a stone’s throw from Tangiers,” said Captain McKenzie.

  “You will let us know when we pass the Rock?” asked Jason.

  “Of course, sir. Not long. I need to relieve Ludo. Thank you for sharing your lunch with me.” Captain McKenzie rose and retreated.

  Gemma wandered into the main salon. Jason followed with a glass of wine. Sublime rolled and pitched through the rougher sea as it steered towards the Straits of Gibraltar. She explored a cupboard by the big screen TV and found packs of playing cards and a chessboard.

  “Let’s play chess,” suggested Jason, and she groaned.

  They set the board up on an outside table. Off the starboard side, the coast appeared as a distant blur. The sun drifted in and out of the clouds, while a breeze blew across. Sitting opposite her husband, Gemma tried hard to put up a good fight and managed to take a couple of his key pieces, but she lost decisively. She always did.

  The king toppled over with a flick of Jason’s finger. “You really are quite a bad chess player, Gemma. No foresight whatsoever,” he admonished with a sigh.


  “Hell, no.” He frowned.

  “What about cribbage? There’s a peg board,” she tried again.

  “Go on, fetch it, and the cards.”

  Gemma showed off her shuffling skills and cut the deck with one hand. “Your box,” she said after cutting the pack and losing.

  “You mean crib. You always say box.”

  “That’s what we called it in our family.” She shrugged. “Anyway you’ve got the advantage,” she pointed out, slapping down two cards on his crib pile.

  “Tetchy, aren’t we?”

  The game progressed at a leisurely pace, and Gemma matched Jason in skill and fortune.

  “Fifteen, two, four, and six. Run for three and a pair. That makes eleven.” She pegged her red pin up the board, leaving Jason’s farther behind.

  “Two pairs for a four,” he growled. His luck ran out. “Crib. Bloody hell, a zero. You have been mean with your cards!”

  The hands after that one fell in Gemma’s favour, and she won by a whole side of the cribbage board.

  “Yes. Yes!” she gloated. “Again?”

  Gemma hummed a tune under her breath. She couldn’t hide from her husband the pleasure of playing at a game she had a chance of winning. The next one went to him, a close finish, with both of them within a few points of the final hole. A decider was required, and she won easily again.

  “Well done, babe. You are definitely the mistress of the box.”

  Gemma tidied away the cribbage board and returned with a backgammon set.

  “Fancy beating me at this?” she asked.

  “I can try. I’ve not played backgammon before,” he admitted.

  “What! I don’t believe that. It’s so popular.” She opened the box and removed the counters. “Do you mean I get to train you?” The idea gave her a thrill, a little buzz.

  “A lesson from my sub.” He peered at the instruction sheet, tapping his finger on his chin. “Sure, why not.”

  The instructions reminded her how to set the board up. Then she discarded the sheet. She had a good memory of how to play the backgammon. She carefully explained the rules and took the first roll of the die.

  The game progressed surprisingly quickly, and she won while Jason laboured to move his pieces around to his home board. She had thrown plenty of doubles to help her counters and a number of useful blots.

  They set up the board again, and Jason leant forward, fingers poised as he concentrated. She attempted to distract him, filled with an irresistible urge to tease him. When she bent over to pick up the instruction sheet, which had blown off the table, her breasts bounced, revealing her cleavage. He replied to her enticement with a soft snort, almost a chuckle. A close game and he won as they both bore off their counters.

  Jason won the deciding match. Gemma frowned. How had he picked up the game so quickly?

  He leant back in his chair. “Can’t think why I never learnt to play backgammon. Never owned a board.”

  Esteban appeared behind him. “The captain reports we are about to pass the Rock and the Straits.”

  “Thank you, Esteban. Could you bring coffee to the flybridge? We’ll take in the scenery from up there.” Jason stood and held out his hand.

  Gemma allowed his warm fingers to wrap about hers. Their little play of board games had been enjoyable and confirmed Jason was a quick learner. She perhaps would reward him with a present. She hoped the opportunity would arise in the coming weeks to make a purchase.

  “Let us go to the sundeck to see the scenery.” He led her away.


  “I want to swim,” stated Gemma as they moved away from the Spanish coast towards Africa.

  Jason put down the binoculars. “That should be, may I go for a swim, and no, you may not. You can go below and take off your clothes. Wait for me in my stateroom in a suitable pose, something that will please me. I have expectations.”

  He changed the inflection in his voice—easy to do—as if he triggered an internal switch. Her backgammon buddy and tour guide had gone; her master had returned.

  Gemma hesitated long enough for him to fold his arms across his chest and give her a hard blue stare. Why did she risk annoying him? The wind caught the hem of her dress, and her firm breasts lifted as she inhaled.

  While she had explained the rules of backgammon, he had listened attentively and given her a smile of appreciation. Since he had beaten her at that game, he had wanted her beneath him, playing another.

  He beheld her gorgeous figure attired in a skimpy summer dress, braless, hair flowing in the breeze. Her skin slowly tanning even after one day and her green eyes dazzling. Jason formulated plans for her delightful mammary glands. In the evening, off the coast of Africa, he would surprise her.

  As they’d sailed past the Rock, his own hardness had become rock-like. Standing behind her, as she had leant over the railing watching the waves below, he had wanted to lift her dress and penetrate her flesh there and then. However, he had promised to show her the best sights, and he had to wait for them to pass Gibraltar.

  With the sightseeing opportunity over and the afternoon drawing to a close, for the first time since they had boarded Sublime, he intended to play with her fully.

  He moved a fraction towards her, and her seconds of hesitation were over. She left and headed down to the stateroom.


  Gemma hovered in her bathroom, nervously fingering her hair and staring at her reflection in the mirror when Maria arrived and touched her arm.

  “Can I help prepare you?” she murmured

  “My hair.... I should bind it back for him.” Gemma picked up a brush.

  “May I braid it?” Maria suggested.


  Gemma waited patiently for her hair to be plaited and tied back. She allowed Maria to lead her back into the stateroom and undress her Naked, Gemma took her position by an armchair and knelt, head bowed and legs slightly parted.

  “He will be so pleased with you, señora. You’re so beautiful. Let him enjoy you and find his pleasure in you. Forget everything and be his.” Maria’s words calmed her, and she settled herself to wait for him.

  When Jason and Enrique joined them, Enrique offered to undress him, too, but Jason declined. “I don’t require you this time, Enrique. When Sublime comes to dock at the Marina, knock on the door, don’t enter.”

  Maria and Enrique withdrew.

  Jason tugged her braid. “This is pretty. I like it,” he commented, continuing to circle Gemma. “Did Maria do it for you?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “She can do it every day. Kneel on the bed. Face the windows. You can watch us arrive in Ceuta.”

  He fit snugly behind her. His erection pressed
into her lower back. She started to bend forward to offer herself to him.

  “I didn’t ask you do that,” he said quietly. “Lean back and keep your knees apart.”

  Taking her neck with his hand, fingers pressed under her chin, he drew her to his chest. His other hand found her sex, and with slow, circular movements, he began to stimulate her clitoris. Faster and faster his fingers worked, seeking out the small organ and exposing it to his invigorating touch.

  She moaned, and he kissed her shoulder, nibbling on her skin. He drove her, steered her towards an inevitable climax. Jason had given Gemma the freedom to orgasm as she wished, but she had no control over his desire to force her to come for him. A victim of her own voracious sex drive, she needed only minutes of stimulation to bring her close to completion.

  “Tell me when you start coming,” he whispered into her ear.

  She twisted and writhed against his firm body; muscles stretched and flexed, as she warmed up. As she tilted, he eased her farther, arching her back over his leg. Shifting his restraining arm, he pinned her down, pushing on her chest. Throughout, the tips of his fingers continued to excite her sex.

  Gemma paid no heed to the view out of the window, the dimming sky and the lights of Ceuta growing closer and brighter.

  “I’m coming.” Her voice trembled.

  A small rhythmic spasm began at the tip of her clitoris, and she concentrated on the actions of his hand to help her deliver her climax. As she came, Jason removed his fingers, raised his palm, and slapped her straight on her excited sex organ. His other hand smothered her cries as he spanked her. Teasing, sharp smacks, delivered with no relief between blows.

  Gemma disappeared into the throes of one of the most painful and exquisite climaxes of her life. Direct pain drove her nervous system wild with confused sensations. She had thought, with the first blow, he had scuppered her climax, effectively denying her the lasting sensation that made those orgasms so special and rewarding. Instead, it rippled on and on. As she started to shake violently, he stopped the blows and released her mouth. She moaned and twisted around onto her belly. Jason stroked her back as she struggled to determine the end of her orgasm.


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