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Family Matters

Page 29

by Tymber Dalton

  Her green eyes grew wide and moist. “You won’t do this for me? For Thomas?”

  Damn her, she knew exactly what effect that sad look had on him. “I’m terrified of the things. Especially now. You know that.”

  Nevvie remained silent, just stared at him.

  After a long moment he sighed and closed his eyes. “All right. For you.”

  She squealed and kissed him. “Thank you!”

  “I’m guessing you want this to be a surprise for our boy?”


  “I’ll be honest, I don’t like the idea of the two of you on a bike. Not after what happened.”

  “Yeah, well, I don’t like the idea of leaving you alone or out of my sight for two minutes.”


  Tyler didn’t even try to offer his opinion on the purchase. He stood by and docilely followed Nevvie and the salesman around the dealership. Her plan? To get two bikes. He didn’t like it or understand her rationale, but after all she’d been through and everything she did for them, he couldn’t deny her this.

  Even though the thought scared the crap out of him.

  She picked out gear for him. He tried not to think about a similar situation years ago, when it was just him and Thomas, as his sweet boy helped him with a helmet for the first time. Even then he didn’t like riding, but he’d felt safe riding with his lover even if scared witless at the same time.

  There were perks to being a rich and famous writer. Being able to afford private riding lessons was one of them. They spent the afternoon in a back parking lot learning how to ride. At the end of the first four-hour session, Tyler had to admit it wasn’t nearly as terrifying as he feared it would be.

  He still didn’t enjoy it.

  Nevvie, however, looked alive, rejuvenated. There was no way in hell he could deny his sweet angel this joy, not after she’d pulled them back from the brink of hell.

  She’d brought her bike gear. He added his new gear to hers in the trunk. Once inside the car he looked at her. “And when do we spring this surprise on our boy?”

  “After we get our motorcycle licenses.”

  * * * *

  They used dance classes as an excuse to get out of the house without Thomas. Despite his fear, Tyler passed the class, as did Nevvie, and easily got their licenses. Riding the bikes to Pete and Eddie’s house to hide them was the scariest twenty minutes of Tyler’s life. He breathed a huge sigh of relief when they shut them off in the driveway. He pulled his helmet off with trembling fingers.

  “Love, please don’t expect me to do this a lot. I seriously doubt I could ride on the interstate.

  She shook her hair out and smiled. The smile he’d die and kill for. The smile he’d lop off his own arm for. The same smile that twisted his heart around her finger. “Just until he’s steady on the bike again. And he might not be able to ride with me as a passenger, but maybe he can ride alone, so I can still ride with him on the second bike.

  Pete walked outside, shaking his head. “You guys are crazy.”

  “This will help him, Pete. You know it will,” Nevvie insisted.

  Pete and Eddie had a huge house with a triple garage. The door to the smaller garage bay where a golf cart could be parked slid up and Eddie walked out.

  He frowned. “Jesus, I thought you were kidding. I hoped you were kidding.”

  “Guys, please. I want to do this for Tommy.”

  Eddie helped her walk hers into the garage while Pete helped Tyler with his. “I hope you two know what you’re doing,” Pete grumped.

  “I don’t,” Tyler groused. “She’s talked me into this insanity.”

  “Why the fuck you let her do this to you, asshole?”

  Tyler pointed at Nevvie. She smiled.

  Pete shook his head. “Fuckin’ pussy whipped. That’s what you are.”

  Eddie drove them to the dealership to pick up Nevvie’s car. Tyler knew from the tense set of his friend’s shoulders that he was far from happy about this. Tyler sympathized.

  Neither was he.

  When Mikey turned six months old, they’d been licensed for two months and practiced at least once a week. Thomas had regained most of the strength in his bad leg and his fine motor skills had nearly returned to normal. Normal enough Nevvie would trust him on a bike. She didn’t like lying to Tommy about what they were doing but she wanted this to be a surprise for him, hopefully capping off their nightmare for good, the last piece to complete his recovery.

  * * * *

  Thomas didn’t know what was going on. He knew Nevvie was up to something, but between his normal denseness and his new BDA status, he wasn’t sure exactly what. He gladly watched the boys while Nevvie and Tyler went out dance class, but he wouldn’t deny the slight ache he felt seeing them leave together each time. The weirdest thing, they always wore jeans and sneakers, something Thomas didn’t comment on but thought very strange.

  On yet another early Saturday afternoon, Nevvie and Tyler kissed him good-bye and headed off to class. Adam sat in the middle of the living room floor with a pile of blocks in front of him. Mikey was asleep on a blanket next to him but would be awake in a little while.

  “Hey, buddy. You want to go out for lunch?”

  “McD’s, Poppa?” The precocious two year-old already had quite a vocabulary.

  “Yeah, hit the playground for a while.”

  Adam threw his arms in the air and grinned. “Pwaygwound!”

  “Can you go get your clothes ready?”

  “Gotta go pee pee.”

  He laughed. “Okay, go do that first.” Thomas remembered his mom’s good-natured ribbing that she thought Thomas would be ten before she got him potty trained. Fortunately, Adam took after Tyler, smart as a whip, and wasn’t too far from being in big-boy underwear all the time.

  Adam clambered to his feet and toddled down the hall. Thomas winced as his son wobbled going around the corner, but then he heard him in the bathroom a moment later and went to supervise.

  Actually, there were days Adam walked a damn sight better than he did, come to think of it. Not too many bad pain days anymore, but sometimes they were enough to put him on his ass. At least the strength had fully returned in his hands and arms. Thank God for the CAD software at work, because hand-drawing blueprints was still iffy on some days.

  Twenty minutes later he had the boys loaded in the Ridgeline and they headed to the restaurant. When they finished there an hour later, Adam pointed down the road. “Unca Pete and Unca Eddie! Pwease, Poppa?”

  Adam spent enough time there he knew the way by heart. “You want to drop by and see Pete and Eddie?”

  Adam nodded, his big blue eyes sweeping away any possibility of Thomas refusing his son.

  Just like Tyler.

  Thomas smiled. “All right, buddy. We’ll drop by and see if they’re home.”

  “Yay! Wanna pway wif Tom-Tom!”

  Thomas didn’t know who would be happier—his son or the yellow Labrador retriever.

  * * * *

  Nevvie followed Tyler into a parking lot and pulled alongside him. “What’s wrong?”

  He pulled his helmet off. “Love, I’m completely shattered. Can we call it a day?” The traffic had been unusually heavy and his nerves were shot.

  “All right. Let’s go get the car.”

  * * * *

  Thomas blinked when he drove up Pete and Eddie’s street. The small garage bay door stood open and there were two cars parked in the driveway. One was Eddie’s Mercedes.

  The other…

  Something cold welled up inside him as he pulled in behind Eddie’s Mercedes and stared at the Lexus. There was no mistake. He knew Tyler’s license plate.

  Thomas wondered why Nev and Ty would visit their friends and not mention it. They were supposed to be at dance class all the way over in Town and Country, not up here just minutes from home.

  Their class wasn’t supposed to end for another hour.

  By the time Thomas climbed out of the truck,
Eddie had raced out of the house and looked shocked.

  No, not shocked.


  Eddie had the world’s worst poker face.

  Thomas struggled to keep his voice even. “Hey, Eddie. Where’s my evil geniuses?”

  “Hi, Tommy. What are you doing here?” The large man’s voice sounded far too high and stressed to be anything but one second from freaking out.

  “I decided to take the boys out for lunch. The question is, what are Nev and Ty doing here? They’re supposed to be at dance class.”

  “Well, I, uh—”

  Pete stepped out of the front door. “Tommy. Hey, man.”

  “Hey yourself. Where’s my other halves?”

  “Look, Tommy—”

  The sound of motorcycles stood out in stark contrast in the quiet neighborhood. As the two bikes rolled down the street toward the house, Thomas felt something inside him curl up into a tight, hard ball.

  They pulled into the driveway. The sudden silence as both bikes shut off nearly deafened him. Two Harleys, like the one he’d wrecked.

  With Tyler on one. Tyler was terrified of bikes, rarely rode with him…before. The bike was something Tommy had in common with Nevvie. Something special they did together.

  He turned from them and started for his open truck door. Adam squealed with delight when he recognized Nevvie and Tyler as they removed their helmets. “Momma! Daddy!”

  “Tommy, please wait!” Nevvie ran up and stood in the doorway so he couldn’t close his door.

  He wouldn’t look at her. “What do you want me to say?” He tugged at his shirt, where the silver collar lay against his throat.


  He knew he had no right to be angry. But this was their special thing to do together, even if he couldn’t do it anymore. How long had they lied to him?

  Thomas let her take his arm and lead him from the truck to the bikes. Tyler kept his mouth shut and Thomas shot a glare his way. Tyler looked sheepish and uncomfortable.


  “Tommy,” Nevvie said, “please hear me out. I did this for you.”

  He snorted with disgust. “For me? If you haven’t noticed—”

  “Shut up.”

  Pete and Eddie got the boys out of the truck and looked on from a safe distance.

  Nevvie continued. “You’re a lot better than you were. I want us to be able to ride again. I know sometimes you have bad days. I needed to get licensed and I made Tyler go with me.”

  Now Thomas was confused. “Tyler hates bikes. He’s always hated them.”

  “Still do, love,” he snarked.

  “Hush, Tyler,” Nevvie said. She returned her attention to Thomas. “I made him take classes and get his license. Because I knew if you had a bad day, I might not be able to carry you. I needed him to be able to ride a bike in case he had to come get us with the car, so you could switch. Or he could ride the other bike with us, with me as your passenger, and if we needed help, he could carry you.”

  Thomas glared but felt the nasty, tight knot in his gut start to loosen.

  Nevvie seemed to sense his hesitation and quickly continued. “I want us to ride again. You said you’d want another bike. I miss that, I want it back.” Then she played dirty, turning her beautiful green eyes on him. “I want it back, for us, Master,” she whispered, low enough Pete and Eddie couldn’t hear, but Tyler did.

  “Bloody hell,” he muttered. “She’s blasted lethal.”

  What little anger remained in Thomas dissolved. He looked up at the sky, trying to blink away tears before she could see them. He enveloped her in a long, strong hug, buried his face in her hair. Then he reached out to Tyler, pulled him in and kissed him.

  “I love you guys, I really do. Can I ask one simple question?”

  Nevvie nodded.

  “Why the heck didn’t you just get a trike? That would have been easy. Poor Ty wouldn’t have had to go through, what, a few months of terror?”

  Nevvie’s jaw dropped in shock. Tyler swore. “Bloody hell!”

  Thomas smiled. He finally had one up on them. “You didn’t think of that, did you?”

  “No,” she finally admitted. “I didn’t. I just wanted to get bikes like what we had. It’s what we talked about.”

  He pulled Tyler in and kissed him, long and deep. “Skid mark in your drawers?”

  “You have no idea, love. Please tell me I don’t have to drive one of those things again.”

  Tommy chuckled. “No, buddy. I won’t make you do that.”

  “You’re not mad?” Nevvie asked.

  Tommy shook his head and kissed her. “No, sugar. Not now that I know what y’all are doin’. How about we go to the dealership tomorrow and see about trading one of those in on a trike?”

  Tyler sighed with relief. “Thank the gods!”

  Pete and Eddie sensed the positive turn in their conversation. Eddie piped up, “Want to stay and watch the game and then have dinner with us? I was going to grill chicken. I’ve got plenty.”

  Thomas draped his arms around Nevvie and Tyler’s shoulders. “That sounds really good.”

  * * * *

  Three days later, Tyler happily stayed home with the boys while Nevvie and Thomas took off on the new trike. It wasn’t exactly the same, but Nevvie didn’t bother trying to hold back her happy tears as she wrapped her arms around Thomas. They rode over to St. Pete for lunch at a beachside restaurant. As they sat on the shaded patio, he reached across the table and grabbed her hand.

  “You okay?”

  She eagerly nodded, another unbidden round of tears falling. She laughed, trying to dry her face with her napkin. “I swear, Tommy, I’m okay. Really.” She looked at him. “Are you okay?”

  His broad, beaming grin almost set her off on another crying jag. Normal. It really felt like they were back to normal.

  “I’m real good, baby girl.” He leaned in close and dropped his voice. “Can I assume Mistress has some plans for me later?” He waggled his eyebrows at her, sending her into a laughing jag punctuated by another round of happy tears.

  “You bet your sweet ass I do.”

  Later that night, after the kids were in bed, Nevvie wrapped her arms around Tom as he stood in the kitchen.

  “Go get your ass in bed and prepare to be fucked.” She felt his cock immediately harden against her through his shorts. Thank God she was back on the Pill and they didn’t need condoms anymore.

  He kissed her. “You know what that does to me when you talk like that.”

  She gently swatted his ass. “Then go do what I tell you and wait for us.”

  He grinned and walked to the bedroom.

  Tyler emerged from his study. “I believe I heard the magic words.”


  “Prepare to be fucked.”

  She ground her hips against him, realized he was also hard. “You sure did.”

  “Then let’s not keep our sweet boy waiting.”

  When they reached the bedroom, Thomas was already in bed, naked, his stiff cock at attention. The sight of him laying there sent a flood of moisture to her sex.

  “Is this what you had in mind?” he asked.

  She grinned and quickly undressed. “You’d better believe it.” She resisted the urge to throw herself at the bed, not wanting to hurt him. Instead, she knelt over him and teased him, sliding her slick cleft along his cock and drawing a moan from him.

  Tyler cupped one of her breasts and drew her nipple between his lips. He flicked it with his tongue, refusing to relinquish his captured prize until he’d teased it to a hard peak. He released it with an audible pop. “I want to fuck your brains out, love.” He looked at Thomas. “And perhaps your brains, too.”

  Thomas grinned. “How much energy you got saved up, buddy?”

  Tyler arched an eyebrow. “Who said I needed energy?”

  Nevvie laughed. “Oooh, someone’s getting a toy up their ass.” She swung off Thomas while Tyler reached for the bedside table, retriev
ed the butt plug from the drawer and a bottle of lube.

  Thomas rolled over, laughing, and wiggled his hips at them. “I know, I know. Assume the position.”

  Tyler growled and swatted Tom’s ass. “Damn straight. Now hold still.”

  Nevvie reached under Thomas and stroked his cock. Tyler slid the butt plug home, then swatted Tom’s ass again. Thomas didn’t want to move, continued to flex his hips in time with Nevvie’s hand stroking his shaft.

  “Don’t get him off yet. Let him suffer for a while. He got to hog your attention this afternoon. He has to pay the price.”

  When Nevvie released Thomas, he groaned. “Oh, man! Don’t stop!”

  “On your back, and turn around,” Tyler ordered. “You need to earn your reward, little slave boy.”

  Nevvie read the writing on the wall. Once Thomas had repositioned himself, she straddled him, his face between her legs, while Tyler knelt behind her.

  Tyler stroked her back before grabbing her hips. “Don’t make our boy come, sweetheart. Keep him on the edge.” He sank his cock balls deep inside her as she felt Tom’s lips and tongue swipe at her swollen clit.

  She dropped her head to Tom’s hip. She wrapped her fingers around his cock and closed her eyes. “How about I just lie here and enjoy it?”

  Tyler chuckled. He leaned over and trailed kissed down her spine. “That’s fine with me, love. Ah! Thomas, did I say you could play with my balls?”

  Below her, Nevvie felt Thomas laughing. He mumbled something that sounded like, “Sorry, Master.”

  “Sneaky thing, trying to make me come faster. Not that it didn’t feel good, but I want to take my time and enjoy this.”

  Nevvie closed her eyes and sighed. “That makes two of us.” Tom’s skilled tongue gently traced her clit, alternating between long, sweet strokes and gentle flicks. Her fingers tightened around his cock, which felt even more rigid than before. She hoped that meant he would be giving her a good hard fucking when Tyler finished.


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