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Heaven Sent.

Page 10

by Heather Mar-Gerrison

  “There are going to be hundreds of heartbroken fans – all wanting the two of you to get together in real life.” She said with a laugh, “Have you seen what your fans have come up for your joint name?”

  I rolled my eyes, “Go on.” I said, “What?”

  “Jayrard.” Sheila and Jason said together.

  “Nice.” I nodded, looking to Jason, who looked back at me with an amused expression, “It’s kind of classy, isn’t it?” I added with a laugh.

  Jason grinned, “I think I can live with it.” He said, “I’m comfortable with that name – but only because I got the first half.”

  We laughed together, “Could have been worse – they could have come up with Gayson!” I said with a laugh.

  Sheila was being told to wrap it up in her ear and I, for one, was glad the interview was all over. I’d had enough of this interrogation – and I was damned sure Sheila had been told to ask some awkward questions to trip us up. Well, no way. Not until Jason was ready.

  He’d told me in confidence that his parents had thrown a wobbler about him playing the part of a guy that was gay. To find that he was actually gay in real life was going to put him under enormous pressure.


  We got back to the green room. “God, that was intense.” I flopped down onto the sofa.

  Jason sat down next to me and put his head on my shoulder, “I know.” He said, “I thought she was going to ask us about our sleeping arrangements next.” He chuckled, threading his fingers through mine.

  My phone buzzed on the table. I looked at Jason and then, as he nodded, leaned forward and picked it up, “Gina?” I murmured, “What the hell does she want?” It was too late for any sort of reconciliation. I’d slept with Jay – and for me there was no going back…

  Jason frowned at me, “I thought you guys were over.”

  I nodded, “We are.” I assured him, squeezing his hand.

  I opened the message and swore, “Oh, fuck.”


  I looked up at him. I wasn’t all that bothered about being outed to the media. The sooner I came out, the less stressed I was going to be about it. I wanted to tell the world that I’d found my happy ever after, thanks very much. Keeping it in was my biggest problem. I was already sure everyone could see it oozing out of me all over the place.

  The waiting on tenterhooks was what had me on edge.

  For Jason, though – it was going to completely ruin his home-life – not that he really had one. Well, not like the relationship I had with my parents anyway. My parents just wanted me to be happy – with whomever that person was (unless it was Gina…)

  “She got into an argument with her new beau…”

  He blinked, “And?” He asked, looking completely mystified.

  “And he was apparently intimidated by her previous relationship. He wanted to know why she’d stopped dating a movie star to be with him.”

  Jason’s eyes widened, “Oh, Christ.” He said, his face going pale, “She told him about us, didn’t she?”

  I nodded, biting my lip. “And it looks like he went straight to the nearest reporter – we’ve been officially ‘friend of a friend’ outed to all of the tabloids in London…”

  Jason threw his head back against the headrest of the sofa and closed his eyes, “Fuck.” He muttered, “My dad is actually going to kill me.”

  “No, he isn’t.” I said, “Because we can totally deny this. No one really knows anything… It’s all YouTube crap. They have absolutely nothing on us.”

  He looked at me, his massive blue eyes bright, “Not until they offer one of the hotel staff more money than they can turn down – anyone can be bought, Gerard. They all knew I’d gone with you. Someone will get really inventive with the truth and before you know it, there’ll be fake ex-lovers crawling out of the woodwork, saying we’re into threesomes and BDSM and all sorts of shit. I should never have slept at yours…”

  I sighed. I’d ruined his life… “I guess they could…” I murmured. Frankly, I thought it was pretty unlikely but I couldn’t blame Jason for having a meltdown about it.

  “Or the taxi driver. He could totally vouch that we came out of the house together.”

  I nodded, biting my lip, “I’m really sorry, Jay.” I said, “We’ve just got to keep on denying it.”

  He looked at me, his beautiful face desperate, “Do you really want to do that?” he asked, “Is it easier for you if we lie and deny our relationship?”

  I shrugged, “It makes no difference to me whatsoever,” I assured him, “I’d happily come out and tell everyone that I’m in love with you – but I won’t do that because I know you have more to lose than I do. I’m just worried about you, baby.”

  He shook his head, “Don’t be.” he said, “My father’s bigotry is his own problem. I’m not living my life in the shadows. It took me a while to accept what I’ve known since I was twelve – but now I’ve met the love of my life – I don’t ever want to deny what I am again. I’m gay and I’m pretty comfortable with that. I’m in love with you and I’m very proud to have found the one person I want to spend the rest of my life with.”

  I beamed at him, “Me too.” I said, “Okay.” I nodded, “Let’s do this thing.”

  We got back to my place. I unlocked the front door, “Come on in.” I said softly.

  Jason went in ahead of me and made a beeline straight for the bedroom. “I need you.” He said, “Inside me – right now.”

  My cock was immediately on board with that idea, “Right.” I agreed, “Just let me get the condoms and lube.”

  He took hold of my hand and pulled me into him. Looking up into my eyes, he said, “Just the lube, remember? We’re totally going bare.”

  I blinked, “Are you sure?”

  He nodded, “You’re clean, right?” he asked, his eyes gazing into mine and making me feel as if he could see right into my soul, “you got tested?”

  I nodded. “Of course.” I said, “I got tested right after the movie.”

  He nodded, “Me too – and there hasn’t been anyone else since we finished filming – obviously.”

  He started to strip his clothes off. My God. He was seduction personified.

  I just watched him take off every single item of clothing until he was stood in front of me, very naked and very aroused.

  My mouth watered at the sight of him, “Fuck.” I murmured, “You’re so fucking sexy.”

  He smiled and stroked himself, “Get your clothes off, big boy.” He said, “I’m just going to go and prep myself for you.”

  I shook my head, “Nuh-uh,” I argued, “I want to suck you down, deep in my throat and swallow everything you’ve got for me first – and then I want to prep you myself.”

  His beautiful eyes widened in surprise, “really?” he asked.

  I nodded, “Why not?” I asked, “We don’t have any secrets between us, do we?”

  He smiled his breath-taking smile and shook his head, “No,” he said, “We really don’t.”

  “Come here.” I pulled him to me and wrapped my arms around him, “I love you.”

  He sighed and leaned down to capture my mouth in his, “I love you too.” He said, “So damned much.”

  “What do you want to do?” I asked, “Want me inside you?”

  He nodded, “I’m gonna ride you.” He said. “Not like last night – I know you’re probably a little tender.”

  I nodded. I could still feel him…

  “I’m gonna go down on you.”

  I grinned, “Sounds amazing.” I said. I loved this whole new world of ways to have great sex. “Want me inside you now?”

  He chuckled, “Are you getting impatient to get inside me, Mr Sinclair?” he asked.

  I nodded, “It feels like forever since I was last there,” I said, “And you’re kind of addictive.”

  He nodded, “Oh, God, yeah.” He murmured, “So are you.” The next second, he was sliding himself down my shaft. “Oh, God. Hnnnhhh,” He closed
his eyes and tensed up a little as he stretched to accommodate me. I waited for him to get used to the adjustment. Finally, he opened his eyes and as they met mine, he smiled that beautiful sexy smile of his, “Oh, you feel sooo good.” he said, “Is that as good for you as it is for me?”

  I nodded, “I’m totally good,” I agreed as I circled his nipples with my fingertips and watched in satisfaction as they got hard, “I’m gonna totally fill you up – and then once we’ve recovered, you’re filling me, too.”

  He nodded, “Next time, then,” he agreed, “I’m gonna fucking nail you to the bed.”

  My mind went kind of blank at the very thought, “That sounds fantastic,” I gasped as he started to slide himself up and down my shaft. It had felt good with the condom on – but without any restrictions between us, it felt absolutely mind-blowing. I was in ecstasy. Absolute ecstasy and by the look of him, Jason was too.

  He nodded, “Fuck, yeah.” He panted. “So fantastic.”

  I thrust my hips up to meet him. He was so tight and so hot. “Relax, baby,” he murmured, “I’ve got you.”

  And he had. I was inside him the whole way as he finally worked his way right down me. We both stilled, panting a little. “You feel amazing.” I said, gazing into his eyes.

  He gazed back up at me, his eyes a little glazed over, “You feel fucking huge,” he said with a giggle, “Now, lie back and let me take care of you baby.”

  I nodded and held his hips as he worked me. Christ, he might have been the one being penetrated, but fuck, he was totally in control of me.

  “Oh, fuck!” He shouted out, “That’s it! Right there!”

  I couldn’t keep the grin off my face as he slammed himself down on me over and over as he kept up a running commentary of how fucking awesome I was and how good I felt. Jason, it seemed, loved to talk dirty – and it seemed that I loved listening to every dirty second if it.

  “I’m close,” I warned him as he slammed down onto me again, “I’m really close, now.”

  He nodded, reaching for his own cock, “I’ll get to work then.” He grinned down at me.

  No fucking way. If he was doing this for me, I could do that for him. I caught his hand, “Let me do it for you.” I said.

  He groaned, “Oh, my God, you’re absolutely perfect.” He murmured.

  “Unghh! Oh, God.” He grunted as I worked his cock while he slammed down onto me over and over. In seconds we were both coming. “Oh, my Gooooooddddd!” I yelled, “You’re fucking amazing!”

  His orgasm hit at exactly the same time, spraying come all over my chest and face. “Awesome,” he murmured against my neck as he collapsed forward onto me.

  I kissed the side of his head, “Awesome.” I agreed. He turned his face to mine and our mouths found each other. He stroked his tongue across mine, “I love getting sticky with you.” He murmured.

  I chucked, “Me too.” I agreed.


  I woke up the next morning to find a completely freaked out Jason sat up in bed, white-faced and shaking.

  “What’s up?” I asked, reaching for him instinctively, determined to make him feel better.

  “Twitter’s gone nuts again – but your tabloids have gone crazy about us being a couple. There’s testimonies from the taxi driver and the staff at my crummy hotel…” He had tears in his eyes.

  “Hey,” I crooned, “Come here. It’ll all blow over. Don’t worry.”

  “Oh, Christ,” Jason whispered, running his hand through his wild curls and looking more stressed than I’d ever seen anyone. “Do you think it’ll be the same in the States?”

  I shrugged helplessly, “I don’t know, baby.” I murmured, stroking his hair and trying to cuddle all of the stress out of his body, “I have no idea what the tabloids are like over there.”

  He grimaced, “Well, I don’t think they’re quite as bad as this but they’ll have the story already.”

  I nodded, “yeah,” I agreed, “Can’t get away from social media – but it will all blow over in a couple of days – and like I said last night – we don’t have to tell anyone. This is our life – our personal business. No one else’s.”

  He nodded biting his lip, “I want to tell the world that I love you, Gerard.” He said quietly, “But I’m not joking about my father – he really will go nuts about this. He’s a devout Christian – and to him, being gay is the worst kind of wrong – far worse than sex before marriage.”

  I sighed, “I get it.” I said, “Shall I come back with you?”

  He shook his head, “That’s only going to make things worse.” He muttered. Pasting on a bright smile, he looked at me, “And we both have interviews to do too – you can’t come with me because you have them here and I have them over there.”

  I nodded. It was true but I really didn’t want him to go home alone to face the music. I really didn’t have much of a choice though. “I’ll come over as soon as they’re over – the last one is Friday – so I’ll be over for the weekend.”

  He smiled and nodded, “That would be great.” He said.

  Chapter 20 – Going back home…


  The time went unbearably quickly and before we knew it, it was time for Jason to go back to New York. I really wasn’t happy about him going to face his nut-job father alone, but I had little choice if he didn’t want me to go with him.

  I wanted nothing more than to gather him in my arms and kiss him and to tell him that he was my whole world before he went through to the departure lounge – but again, there were too many people around that would see and I didn’t think he needed any more fuel adding to the already growing inferno that was the speculation about our relationship.

  I wasn’t about to let him go without at least a hug, though, “Be careful.” I warned him, “And know that I love you more than anything else in this universe.”

  He smiled as he pulled away from me, “I know.” he said, his eyes filling with tears, “And I feel exactly the same way about you.”

  It was time he went. I gave him one last hug and then he went through to the departures and I had no choice but to head for the exit.

  I wasn’t surprised, but at the same time, seriously pissed off that we’d been followed.

  “Hey! Gerard! Gerard!”

  I wanted to ignore them and just carry on walking but that would make me look like a prick, so I turned around.

  “Good to see you, Gerard.” The smarmy looking bastard grinned. He had a camera on his shoulder and kept sticking his massive mic in my face.

  “Thanks.” I said, “Good to meet you,” I shook hands with him and his small crew.

  “Just seeing Jason off?” he asked.

  I nodded, “Yeah,” I agreed, “He’s due back in the states for interviews over there.” I smiled easily. I had nothing to hide – just as long as they didn’t probe too deeply. Some things were no one else’s business…

  “You guys have really hit it off.”

  I grinned and nodded. I wasn’t about to lie about that. Better to hide the truth in the truth, “Yeah, I absolutely love him to bits. He’s so great – and so talented. I fall a little bit more in love with him every time we see each other. We’re having a blast.”

  He nodded gleefully and I immediately felt a shiver of apprehension. I shouldn’t have said that. I was reckless at times… “Your new movie – it’s a step further into homosexuality than your past roles?”

  Oh, here were go… I shrugged, “It’s not really.” I said, “It’s just more of a love story than the last movie.”

  Undeterred, he was going down his route no matter how much I argued. I decided to just let it go.

  “Jack Rayner’s known for pushing the boundaries in his movies. So, Gerard – how did you feel about the nudity? Was it awkward being naked with Jason.”

  Keep a lid on it, Gerard, I warned myself in my head. They know nothing about you and Jason, keep it that way… “I felt it was done in a tasteful and perfectly acceptable way.” I replied poli
tely, “And you’ll see that for yourself when the movie comes out.”

  “That’s great, Gerard,” he beamed at me, “And what would you say to the critics that are complaining that there isn’t enough nudity?”

  I smiled, “I have no idea how they can say that when they haven’t seen the movie yet, but hell, I don’t remember having a stitch on for a fair few of the scenes.” I replied with a laugh, “How naked do they want us to be?”

  He laughed along with me, “I have no idea. Listen, thanks for the interview buddy. I appreciate it.”

  I nodded and smiled, “Yeah, laters.”

  They’d walked me right back to the car park. I got in my car and got the hell out of there as quickly as I could. God, I hated the paparazzi…

  I drove for a while, until I was satisfied that I wasn’t being followed and then went and parked outside Gina’s new place. I sat there, fuming to myself that Gina had caused my boyfriend so much stress. I picked up my mobile phone and found her number.

  She picked up after a couple of rings, “You’d better tell me exactly what you told that guy.” I growled.

  She burst into tears.


  “What the fuck were you thinking?” I asked her incredulously. We were sat in a little café that we both knew. It was tucked away in a side street, a stone’s throw away from her new flat and I had almost certain anonymity here, which, right now, was all I wanted.

  Gina blew her nose on a tissue and shook her head. “I don’t know.” She said, “I wanted him to love me, I guess.”

  I sighed, “Do you think he knew?” I asked, “that you were dating me, that is? Do you think he targeted you?”

  She shrugged, “Probably,” she said, “I’m such a fucking loser in love.” She turned anguished eyes on me, “Why can’t I find a nice guy?”

  I smiled, “I’m a nice guy.” I said, trying to make her smile.

  She shrugged, “Yeah,” she said, “You’re a great guy – but sadly, not in love with me.”


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