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A Real Man Special Edition 2

Page 9

by Jenika Snow

I picked her up in my arms, her feet barely touching the floor now. I kissed her face, no’ stopping until I had marked every inch of her. I was letting her kno’ without words this was very, very good.

  “God, you make me so happy, Molly.” I set her back down and instantly fell to my knees before her, framing her flat belly with my hands. “There will never be a day where you question my love for you, lass. Never.”

  She speared her hands in my hair, smiling down at me. “I never have, and I know I never will.”

  “I love you so fooking much. I’ll show you for the rest of my life how much you mean tae me.” I rose tae my feet again and pulled her in for an embrace.

  “I love you, and we are going tae be some incredible parents,” I said.

  She started laughing, and I kne’ perfection had never felt so right until I had this woman, and the baby she carried, standing in front of me.

  Epilogue Three


  Three years later

  There was nothing more important in my life than the woman who’d said yes tae me at the alter, and the family we were creating together.

  Life really had no’ meaning for me without any of that, without knowing that Molly was mine, and the laughter of my daughter filling my head.

  I heard the shifting of Molly beside me, and pulled her closer tae my body. She was warm and sweet smelling, her soft breath brushing along my chest. I slid my hand down tae her rounded belly, my son growing big and strong inside. I buried my face in her hair, inhaling deeply and feeling my love for her grow.

  Even now my cock was hard, my need for this woman insatiable. I would take her all the time if I didn’t think I was overbearing. I didn’t want her sore, didn’t want her thinking I was some fooking asshole because I couldn’t contain myself around her.

  I wanted her constantly though. Just knowing she was pregnant, glowing and healthy, our child growing strong inside of her, made me want tae keep her close.

  Like some primitive animal I wanted tae mark her, to show her that she was always mine.

  I wanted everyone tae see that.

  I rubbed her belly back and forth, feeling our son start to move under her skin, those little jabs of life filling me with happiness. Our daughter slept just down the hall in her room, her sweet smile another reason I kne’ there was nothing more precious in this world than family.

  And then Molly placed her hand on mine. She slipped her fingers between mine, snuggled in closer tae my chest, and exhaled.

  “Sleep, lass. I dinna mean tae wake you.”

  She shifted and tipped her head back tae look intae my face. “You didn’t wake me.”

  Her sleepy smile had my cock getting harder. There was no doubt in my mind she felt the stiffness of it against her leg.

  “You’re insatiable,” she whispered.

  Three years had gone by so fast, yet they felt so far away now. Once our little girl was born, Molly had cut back on working. It had been her decision, and I supported her. I was now working as a full-time professor at the university by our home, providing for my family and making sure they dinna want for anything.

  “I bet this little guy will be just like you,” she said and smiled up at me again, this glint of happiness in her eyes.

  “You mean he’ll be wild?” I laughed softly.

  “Yeah, that sounds about right.” We both chuckled.

  I started kissing her again, and as the seconds passed, all I thought about was this moment. I could only think about being with her. “Fook, lass, I love you so much.” I cupped her cheek. “Do you kno’ how much I love you?”

  This woman and the children she gave me were the reason I lived.

  She leaned forward and kissed me. “I know.”

  I saw her love for me reflected in her eyes. I smoothed my fingers over her cheeks, her skin sweet. I pushed the blanket down, exposing her belly, wanting tae kiss her there, revel in the life she created.

  I ran my lips along her flesh, kissing her skin softly, smiling the whole time. “I’m the luckiest fooking bastard in the world.”

  She moved her fingers over my back, and I shivered at her touch.


  I gave her stomach one last kiss before looking intae her face again. I pulled her closer and just held her. Holding her like this was perfection.

  “For me it’ll only ever be you, lass.” I leaned down to kiss her, willing tae prove tae her for the rest of my life how true those words were.

  The End

  Epilogue Four


  “Aye, lass, that’s it.” I stared down at my wee wife, her head bobbing up and down, the suction of her mouth around my cock intense. I was gonna come sooner rather than later, and although I wanted this tae last, there was no fooking way I could not get off. “I donna think I can hold off, lass.”

  She moaned and the vibrations had me coming. I clenched my hands in her hair, tugging at the strands, not able tae stop myself. I dinna want tae stop myself.

  When my bullocks were drained dry and she’d swallowed every last drop, she pulled away and looked up at me. I helped her tae stand, pulled her in for an embrace, and cupped the back of her head. I kissed her, tasting myself on her lips and tongue, and wanting her flavor tae be what she tasted, as well.

  I moved her backward so the bed stopped her retreat, laid her down gently, and went tae my knees. I spread her thighs open, smelling the sweet, intoxicating scent of her and growled low. I devoured her then, eating her pussy out like I was a starving man.

  “So fooking god, lass. So. Damn. Good.” I licked and sucked at her, nipped at her flesh, drew circles around her clit until she was begging me tae let her go over the edge. “Come for me, pretty girl. Let me taste your cream.” And she did exactly what I said, got off for me so her flavor was saturating my mouth, sliding down my throat, and making me drunk off of the flavor of her.

  When she relaxed on the bed I crawled up her, curled my bigger body around hers, and held her. “I donna kno’ what I did tae deserve you, lass.”

  She snuggled in closer to me and I closed my eyes, feeling like the luckiest bastard in the world.

  “And I can say the same thing about you.”

  My heart swelled even bigger for this woman, and I kne’ that nothing in this world could compare tae a man who was deliriously happy. “I love you, my wee wife. Always. Forever.”


  The feel of the wind in my hair, and the vibrations of the rough terrain beneath me had me smiling. I held the reins tightly in my hands and looked over my shoulder at Alastair. He was close behind, his black stallion sleek, the sun bouncing off the onyx colored coat. My horse, a white mare, ran faster, and as my heart jumped in my throat I felt alive.

  Living in Scotland, with the lush greenery surrounding us, and our little slice of heaven seemingly away from everything, made me feel like we were in our own world. It really was moments like these that I felt free. With the children back home being watched by Alastair’s mother, and the next hour just for my husband and me, it was like we were in our own world, or maybe our own romance novel.

  I took a right and let the horse lead me to a small clearing that we’d frequented plenty of times before. I pulled on the reins to slow the animal down and dismounted, securing the lead to a nearby branch. I opened up the saddlebag and pulled out the blanket and the packed lunch that I’d made for us. Alastair tied up his horse as well and together we walked into the clearing. I laid a blanket on the ground and we sat down. There was a slight breeze that rustled through the trees, and the sun peeked over the branches, casting slivers of light and shadow along the ground.

  Truth was I wasn’t hungry at all. I just liked being with Alastair, loved being in his presence. In the years since we’d gotten together and married, my life had been something straight out of a book. Of course we had our ups and downs, miscommunications, petty fights, and the stress of having children. It was our reality.

  But at the end of the day our l
ove for each other was stronger than ever, and I wouldn’t change it for anything.

  Alastair pulled me in close and I rested my head on his shoulder as I stared through the break in the trees at the sky. He ran the tips of his fingers along my arm, sending goosebumps traveling along my flesh.

  “Are you happy, lass?” he asked me, his Scottish accent thick. I shifted so that I could face him and smiled. “Even after all these years later do I still make you happy?” I could see the genuine concern in his eyes and wondered if he thought about this often.

  I rose up on my knees so that we were eye level and covered his scruff-covered cheeks with my hands. For long seconds I didn’t say anything, just stared into his eyes and willed him to see the truth. “Each and every day you make me more happy and I fall more in love with you.” I smiled at him. “Surely you can see how much I love you.”

  “All I want is for you tae be happy. All I desire in this world is tae kno’ that you never have a day where you regret your decision tae be with me. I donna want you tae think about your life without me in it.”

  I was shaking my head before he even finished speaking. “The only thing I regret is that we didn’t find each other sooner.” I leaned in and brought my lips to his, kissing him softly, gently. I wanted him to see, to feel and know that he was my life. The world that we created here with our family, our children, was exactly what I wanted.

  He was all I’d ever want.

  “It’s you and the family we created that makes me compete. You’re stuck with me.” I smiled against his mouth and he chuckled, wrapping his arms tightly around my body.

  “That’s real good, lass, because where you go I follow. Always.”

  MINE (A Real Man, 13)

  By Jenika Snow

  Copyright © May 2017 by Jenika Snow

  First E-book Publication: May 2017

  Photographer: Wander Aguiar :: Photography

  Cover model: Jonny James and Desiree Crossman

  Photo provided by: Wander Book Club

  Editor: Kasi Alexander

  Line Editor: Lea Ann Schafer

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: The unauthorized reproduction, transmission, or distribution of any part of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This literary work is fiction. Any name, places, characters and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coincidental.

  Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights.

  That one word has never meant so much.


  Ballet was my life, but after getting injured, that dream faded. I still needed fast money, so I sucked up my pride and decided to strip.

  Clubs could use a virgin stripper, right?

  But from the moment I saw Cole Savage, owner of the strip club I was trying to get into, any rational thought left me.

  He was dark and dangerous, and his personality screamed arrogance.

  I wanted him, and by the way he looked at me, I knew he wanted me as well.

  But I should keep it strictly business. That’s what I told myself anyway.


  From the moment I first saw Jana, I wanted her. She needed a job at my club, but the possessive side of me rose up, demanding she was only mine. I might have just met her, but I was already so damn territorial of her.

  If she wanted a job, I’d give her one, but she’d be keeping her clothes on.

  I’ve been celibate for years, but it’s time to change that with her.

  Jana would soon realize what it meant to be mine.



  “Well, let me bring Mr. Savage in here to go over your résumé.”

  I stared at the woman whose name was Poppy or Pippy or something equally fake sounding. I just nodded, not about to be a smart-ass and ask why I needed to speak with the owner of the club when I was applying to strip for them. Did he need to know where I’d gone to school before I took my clothes off?

  Pippy or Poppy, or whatever the hell her name was, got up and left me in the swanky office alone. I had to give the place credit; it was high-class, like men had to fork over a shitload of money just to get into the VIP room.

  I started picking at lent on my shirt. Although there probably was nothing there, I felt my nerves grow higher. The seconds moved by agonizingly slow. And then I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand on end.

  The room became hotter, the air thicker. My skin felt tight, and despite facing the desk and not hearing anyone enter, I knew someone had come into the room.

  I turned around in my chair, and there he was, this imposing figure of over six feet tall, wearing a dark three-piece suit, and having authority written all over him. His hair was coal colored, short. His eyes were this deep blue, so dark they almost could've been black. And I could see tattoos peeking out from under the collar of his shirt and jacket and creeping down his hands.

  But it was his expression, his focus on me that had me sitting up straighter.

  He walked closer, not saying anything, never taking his gaze off me. He sat behind the desk, finally looking away from me and staring down at the folder with my résumé.

  For long moments he did nothing but look at those forms, at my qualifications. Although I don't know what he was trying to figure out, seeing as I was here to take my clothes off.

  “I’m Cole Savage, the owner of the club. Tell me, Miss Banks, why would you want to work here?”

  Was he serious? Did he want some long-drawn-out explanation on why I wanted to stand in front of a roomful of men, their gazes raking over my partially nude body, right before I twisted around on a silver pole?

  Instead of lying and making up some excuse on why I needed the money, I just told him the truth.

  “I used to dance.” When all he did was stare at me, I continued. “I did ballet, but I hurt my ankle and wasn't able to do it anymore. Instead of working a dead-end job, cleaning tables or serving people their food, I figured the fastest way for me to pay off my debts is to strip.”

  He didn't say anything, just leaned back in the leather chair, his arms folded over his broad chest, his gaze intense.

  I shifted on my seat, feeling this uncomfortable tightness in my whole body. I didn’t know what it was about this man. Having him only five feet from me, his expression making me feel like he could see right through me, knew my every secret, made me feel unhinged.

  He closed the folder, blocking out my résumé, making me feel like this was the end of the story. Maybe he didn't like what he saw? I wasn't well-endowed in the chest department, didn't have curves that went on for miles. I certainly wasn’t made like the women I saw dancing at his club.

  I was a ballet dancer down to my very core, even if I was sitting in front of a strip club owner asking him to give me a job to get naked in front of strangers. I was graceful, thin. But I knew I danced beautifully.

  If he wanted me to demonstrate what I had to offer, I'd be more than willing to give him a show he’d never forget.

  He leaned forward then, his hands clasped on the table. I stared at his fingers, how long and strong they were. The backs of his hands had tattoos, his knuckles sporting the same ink. How much of this man was covered? How much of his golden, hard skin was painted in abstract, seemingly dangerous lines of black?

  Strangely enough I wanted to know that. I wanted to see for myself.

  I don't know what it was about him, but he made me feel like I walked on a tightrope, the ground beneath me an endless void of the unknown.

  But I felt like falling off that rope into the abyss wouldn't be the worst thing that ever happened to me.


  She’d left the of
fice only five minutes ago, yet my entire body was still on fire. My cock was still a lead pipe between my thighs, aching, needing to be buried deep in her pussy.

  The moment I saw her sitting there, her long black hair this wave of spilled ink along her shoulders and back, this possessiveness slammed into me. Never had I felt my body grow so hard, so tight. I hadn't even seen her face yet, but I knew she would be mine.

  I’d fucking make that a reality.

  And then I walked around the desk and stared at her delicate features: big blue eyes staring up at me, wide, unsure, unknowing. She seemed a little hesitant, almost afraid.


  She was smart.

  I was a man who was used to seeing fear in people's eyes the moment they saw me. It was who I was, how I've lived my life. I never claimed to be a good man. I made my living on what others saw as taboo, wrong even.

  Jana Banks.

  Even her name got my dick hard.

  Although she was gorgeous, the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen, the very idea of having her get naked in front of a bunch of horny bastards made me furious.

  I was surrounded by superficial beauty daily. I had tits and asses all up in my face. But this was a business, and I looked at it as such. I didn’t fuck my employees, no matter how much they came on to me.

  But for Jana I’d bend the rules until they fucking broke in two.

  I had no doubt she'd make me a lot of money stripping, grinding her glorious body along that silver pole. But in the five minutes I’d been in her presence, she was all I wanted.

  I knew, without a doubt, that I would make her mine.


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