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Children of the Apocalypse: Mega Boxed Set

Page 82

by Baileigh Higgins

  “I went back to my own place and slept.”

  “You’re a hundred percent sure? No more secrets?”

  Lonny shook his head. “No more secrets, Captain.”

  “What about the key to the chicken coop?” he asked, remembering what Michelle had mentioned.

  “Key? I don’t have the key, Sir.”

  “And you didn’t take it from Miss Michelle?”

  Lonny shook his face, cheeks reddening. “Of course not! I’d never do that!”

  “Okay, thanks. I appreciate your help,” Breytenbach said, giving the boy a reassuring smile.

  As he walked away, he considered Lonny and Ruby’s conflicting stories. He was certain Lonny would tell his sister to echo his version of events, not realizing that Breytenbach had already spoken to her. What would they do once they realized he knew one of them was lying?

  The real question was, why lie? What were they hiding? Something was up with those two, but killing chickens? Would they go that far? Either of them? He shook his head. Guess, I’ll have to wait and see.

  Done for the moment with his investigation, he went off in search of Max. He wanted to tell him about the chickens and also touch base regarding their current situation.

  He found Max standing next to a hole in the ground holding an overexcited Buzz and Princess at bay with the help of Peter and Thembiso. He looked up as Breytenbach approached, and relief filled his face. “I’m glad you’re here, Captain.”

  “What’s going on?” Breytenbach asked though he had the sneaking suspicion he already knew the answer.

  “Peter and Thembiso just called me, telling me that the dogs had found something weird buried in the yard. I was afraid it might be harmful, so I came running.”

  “And what was it?” Breytenbach asked.

  “Chicken heads. A whole bag full of chicken heads.” Max shook his head. “Why would there be chicken heads buried in our camp, Captain?”

  “Well…I might have the answer to that,” Breytenbach said.

  “Do tell. I’m all ears,” Max said.

  “Come with me, and I’ll fill you in.”

  They left Peter and Thembiso with strict instructions to burn the rotting heads and fill up the hole. As they walked away, Breytenbach told Max everything he’d learned so far, including Lonny and Ruby’s lies.

  “Do you think one of them is the killer?” Max asked.

  “I don’t know. I can’t imagine why they’d want to get rid of the chickens. Why anyone would.”

  “Mm, it’s a mystery,” Max agreed. “But it also puts us in a spot. Those chickens were all we had. Getting a new flock will be next to impossible. Whoever did this screwed us over badly.”

  “I know,” Breytenbach nodded.

  “And now with all these kids showing up, we’ve got even more mouths to feed. Not that I’m sorry Logan found them, it just creates a bigger problem for us,” Max continued.

  “I hear you. Talking of which, there’s the man now,” Breytenbach said, spotting Logan in conversation with Martin. He waved them over, and the four converged in a secluded spot.

  “Fill them in on the chicken thing, please, Captain,” Max asked, waving a hand. He looked as tired as they all felt.

  Breytenbach obliged, ending off with the Lonny and Ruby mystery.

  “Well, at least we know for sure none of the new arrivals are the chicken killers,” Logan said.

  “Yes, I can rule them out, at least,” Breytenbach said.

  “It’s a setback, though,” Martin said. “Losing your flock. Plus you might have a possible psycho on your hands.”

  “Yes, and the new arrivals will put added pressure on us all,” Max said. “No offense, Logan.”

  “None taken,” Logan replied with a shrug. “I realized that when I brought them here, but their position was untenable.”

  “How so?” Max asked.

  “What Dr. Lange said. The undead are becoming both tougher and more active. Droves of the things were stumbling upon their hideout almost daily, and they were running out of the means to defend the place.”

  “Can they fight?” Breytenbach asked.

  “Most of them, yes. The rest are too young. How they survived for this long, I don’t know. It’s a testament to their will to live, I guess.”

  “We could use more fighters,” Max said.

  “You’ll need them if what Dr. Lange says is true,” Martin said. “Max…I’ve been thinking. Wouldn’t it be better if you all joined me at my base? It’s far more secure than yours.”

  “I don’t know, Martin. A move of such a magnitude will be dangerous. Is it worth the risk? Will the people even agree to it?”

  “That’s up to you and yours, Max. The offer stands.”

  “Thanks, Martin. You’re a real friend.”

  “Don’t think about it too long, though. I can’t stay here forever,” Martin said as he took his leave. “Talk it over, and let me know.”

  “Will do,” Max replied.

  Once Martin was gone, Breytenbach said, “It’s a good offer, Max. If his place is as safe as he says, we should consider it.”

  “I know, but the risk of moving so many people through unfamiliar territory could well outweigh the benefits.” Max ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “I just don’t know what’s the right decision.”

  “Put it on the table and hear what people say,” Logan said. “You heard Dr. Lange, Lisa, all of them. We’re in real trouble here.”

  “Maybe you’re right, but let’s give it a day or two and see how Joseph fares with the reinforcements. Ronnie should be back with supplies any moment too.”

  “Your call, Max,” Breytenbach said.

  “God, I wish it wasn’t,” Max muttered as he walked away.

  Breytenbach turned to Logan. “I feel for him. Command is never easy, and on his shoulders lies the responsibility for all our safety.”

  “I know. That’s why I never wanted the job.” Logan shook his head. “Try to convince him, Captain. He’ll listen to you.”

  “I’ll give it a shot.”

  With that said, they parted ways, and Breytenbach continued on his rounds, helping out wherever he was needed. The repairs were coming along but still looked paltry to his eyes. Especially considering what was out there, waiting to devour them. Martin and Logan are right. We need to move.

  That night, he sat down to supper in a corner where he could watch Ruby and Lonny eating at their table. They both avoided his gaze, ducking their heads whenever they glimpsed him. Their complexions were pale and worried, affording him a certain grim amusement. One of them will spill the beans soon enough. I just need to keep the pressure on.

  True to her word, Julianne had managed to house all the new arrivals, and they were now clustered around a big table, eating their dinner. They all wore uniform expressions, watchful and guarded. He didn’t blame them. He’d felt the same way when he first arrived.

  There was only one grown-up among them. A woman named Liz. She looked tough, and the way she carried her gun spoke of years of experience. She guarded her charges with a fierce expression, and he got the feeling she was more dangerous than a herd of elephants.

  Julianne joined him at that moment, and he filled her in on the day’s events. As he spoke, he felt exhaustion seeping into his joints, and soon, the only dreams he harbored were those of a hot bath and warm bed.

  “Please tell me it’s my turn to bath today,” he asked in tones close to begging.

  Julianne eyed him with sympathy. “No, it’s not, but I can do a rub down with a warm cloth, and if you ask nicely, a shoulder massage.”

  “I’m asking nicely,” he said, fluttering his eyelashes in a ridiculous manner.

  She laughed. “Okay, massage granted.”

  He sighed. “Thanks.”

  “You really had a tough day, didn’t you?” she asked. “Chasing a chicken killer, crazy kids, and everything else on top.”

  “Yeah, it was rough, but nothing compared to yours, I�
��d bet.” He nodded at the new arrivals. “Where in hell’s name did you fit them all in?”

  “It wasn’t easy, but some of the older teens were willing to share with our own, so I managed to squeeze a bunch in like that. The rest are all staying in the last open bungalow we had. It’s not big, only two bedrooms, but they don’t seem to mind too much.”

  “That’s good.”

  “At least, they brought their own clothes, bedding, toiletries, and even a busload of food. It’ll stretch our stores by a month or so.”

  “That’s a relief. I know Max was seriously worried about it,” Breytenbach said. He thought for a moment of mentioning their other concerns regarding moving but decided to let it lie for the time being. Now’s not the time. Let Max make a decision first.

  “That woman, Liz, seems very capable,” Julianne continued. “So does her daughter Danielle, and a few of the others. Mainly Cat, Dee, Aiden, and Vera. The other two boys I’m not sure of. The one, Jonathan, seems rather cocky, and his friend a bit on the shy side. The girl with the glasses, Nicky, doesn’t look like a fighter either, and the rest are too young, of course.”

  Breytenbach listened as she spoke, but absorbed very little, if truth be told. He was just too tired. A fact Julianne soon noticed. She nudged him on the arm. “Off to bed with you before you fall asleep in your food, Christo.”

  “Sorry,” he mumbled, pushing his plate away. “I’ll see you in a bit?”

  “Yes, I won’t be long. I just need to fetch Meghan and Sam.”

  “Good. I can’t wait to sit down and relax for a while,” he said.

  She smiled and leaned over to kiss his cheek. “Be right there, love.”

  He made his way outside on legs that had gone numb but paused when a small hand tugged at his shirt. It was Ruby. “Yes?”

  “I…I’m sorry I lied before. About sleeping through.”

  He turned around to face her, painting a stern expression on his face. “Why did you?”

  “I didn’t want you to feel sorry for me, or worry about me. About the fact that I can’t sleep,” she whispered, her eyes downcast. “I…I have terrible nightmares sometimes.”

  “Are you sure that’s it? That’s the truth?” he prodded.


  “No more lying? You didn’t take Miss Michelle’s keys? Or kill the chickens?”

  “No, I went to the infirmary after she wrapped my thumb. I couldn’t have. I promise, it wasn’t me.”

  He studied her face with harsh intent, searching for a lie, but she seemed sincere. His heart softened at the pain so evident in her young voice. “Ruby, perhaps you should speak to Jonathan? I’m sure he can give you something to help you sleep.”

  She nodded. “Okay. I’ll ask him.”

  He sighed and reached out to touch her shoulder, noting the way she tensed. He let his hand fall away. “You can always talk to someone. Someone you trust? We’re all here to help you, Ruby, not judge.”

  “I…thank you. I appreciate that.” Seeming on the verge of tears, the girl spun around and ran away.

  He stared after her, disturbed. Perhaps, everyone was right. Perhaps, his job wasn’t to raid and fight enemies anymore. Not on the outside, anyway. Maybe his new job was to fight the enemy within and to look after those under his care. Because as much as Max was the leader, so too was he, and people looked up to him. Just like Jonathan said.

  It was only when he climbed into bed later that he realized something. Going to the infirmary didn’t mean Ruby couldn’t have stolen the keys. In fact, it placed her in close proximity to Michelle at a time the woman’s attention would be fixed on Ruby’s injury, not her pockets. Is it possible? Did she cut her finger on purpose? Or did Lonny take the keys? Or some other culprit who got close to Michelle that day?

  Breytenbach sighed as he stared at the ceiling. So many questions. So few answers. Tomorrow. I’ll figure it out tomorrow.

  Chapter 12 - Nadia

  “Caleb, I’m not going over this with you again,” Nadia said, her voice pitched low to prevent the other diners filing past from overhearing.

  A few cast curious glances their way, and she reckoned it was pretty obvious they were having a fight. Especially when Caleb gripped her by the elbow and pulled her toward him.

  “Why don’t you understand?” he asked. “You can’t just run off like that whenever you feel like it. We’re in a relationship now.”

  “Why not?” she said, jerking her arm away. “You do. You never asked me if you could go with Ronnie.”

  “But that’s different, I―”

  “How is it different?” she said. “We’re in a relationship, right?”

  Caleb sighed. “I don’t want you to get hurt, Nadia. Your arm isn’t a hundred percent yet. You know that.”

  “Stop using my arm as an excuse. You just want me to sit here on my ass, doing nothing all day long,” she said. “I’m not a little princess.”

  “That’s not true. I care about you, that’s all.”

  “You know it is, but guess what? You can’t stop me from going out there.”

  “Why do you have to be so stubborn?” he asked, throwing his hands in the air.

  “News flash. I am stubborn. Look at me!” she said, pointing at all of her.

  “Nadia, please. I love you, and I don’t want to lose you.”

  “No, Caleb. Stop. Just stop,” she said, raising both hands to ward him off. “I will not sit on the sidelines while others fight my battles for me. That’s not who I am. And I most definitely won’t be guilt-tripped into doing it either.”

  Caleb stared at her with a helpless look on his face, allowing his hands to fall to his sides. “That’s not what I’m trying to do.”

  “Maybe you don’t realize it yet, but it is.” She sighed and shook her head. “You know what I am, Caleb. You know what I’m like. Maybe it’s time you decided if that’s really something you can live with…or not.”

  “What are you saying?” he asked, his brow furrowed.

  “I’m saying, maybe we need a time out.”

  “What? You’re crazy!” His words came out louder than she wanted them too, and several heads turned their way.

  “Whatever, Caleb. I’m sitting with Cat tonight. Think about it, and we’ll talk again in the morning. Okay?”

  Without waiting for him to answer, she wound her way into the common room and took the empty seat next to Cat.

  “Trouble?” Cat asked in a low whisper.

  “You could say that, but it’s not important,” Nadia replied. “I want to hear all about you tonight.”

  Cat laughed. “Let’s have dinner first. I’m starving.”

  “Good to know not everything has changed,” Nadia teased. “You were always hungry, as far as I can remember.”

  Cat pinched her in the ribs. “Look who’s talking. You eat like a horse.”

  They got into line and waited for a plate of food each before sitting back down. It was simple fare, but good. Better than anything they’d had in ages. Chicken, rice, onions, and beets.

  “Mm, this is good,” Cat said.

  Her reaction was echoed by the rest around the table, and silence fell as everyone relished the meal. While they ate, Nadia watched the group from beneath lowered lids, impressed by the way they stuck together, like a family. The bigger kids would cut up the little kid’s food and help them clean if they messed, while even the smallest showcased remarkably good manners.

  “You’ve been together a long time,” Nadia remarked.

  “Months, maybe a year,” Cat replied with a shrug. “I’m not sure. I lose track of time.”

  “Yeah, me too. It’s weird like that, isn’t it? No more calendars and watches.”

  After supper, everyone excused themselves to go to bed. It had been a long day, and they were exhausted. Liz hustled the smaller kids away after Cat said goodbye, and she turned to Nadia. “So, I hear I’m bunking with you?”

  “Yeah. Let me show you.”

  Cat grabbed
her backpack and followed Nadia to the room she shared with Ruby and Donya. Two bunk beds lined the walls, and Cat put her stuff down on the empty mattress.

  “Fancy a walk?” Nadia asked.

  “Sure,” Cat replied, following her outside.

  They walked along the grounds, staying just outside the perimeter cast by the spotlights on the walls and talked and talked. Cat filled Nadia in on everything that had happened since they’d last seen each other.

  Nadia returned the favor, ending off with, “So here I am, and here you are. Crazy, huh?”

  “You’re telling me.”

  “I’m sorry about your mom,” Nadia said.

  “Thanks. It’s getting better now. It used to drive me crazy trying to imagine what had happened to her. I’ve realized now, I’ve got to let it go.”

  “It’s better not thinking about it.”

  “True. I can’t believe you’re a carrier either. That must suck,” Cat said.

  Nadia sighed. “It’s tough, but if it weren’t for that, I’d be a zombie twice over already. Plus, Dr. Lange thinks I’m the key to the vaccine.”

  “If you’re a carrier, I wonder what Aiden is?”

  “Yeah, that’s a real puzzle.” Nadia frowned. “Do you think he’ll let Dr. Lange have some of his blood? It won’t be much. A few vials, at most.”

  “I’m sure he would. Aiden’s very responsible. Dee’s the crazy one,” Cat said with a laugh. “Kinda like you.”

  “This world needs crazies like us,” Cat replied with a grin.

  They paused by a tree on a slight rise, and Nadia sat down on a soft patch of grass. Cat settled down next to her, and they stared at the camp stretched out below them. It was quiet and peaceful, with crickets sounding in the background.

  “This is nice,” Cat whispered.

  “I know,” Nadia said. “I come here a lot to think.”


  “Brandon, Bobby…everything we’ve lost.”

  “Brandon wasn’t your fault, Nadia. Neither was Bobby.”

  “I know that now, but I still miss them.”

  “I’ve missed you,” Cat said. “I’ve thought about you all this time.”

  “I’ve missed you too.”


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