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Children of the Apocalypse: Mega Boxed Set

Page 139

by Baileigh Higgins

  Tears streamed down Nadia’s face as he whispered his poisonous words into her ears, the pain in her abdomen making it hard to focus. “Please…”

  “Save it for the zombie that finds you as you bleed out slowly, little rabbit,” Jay said. Without further ado, he flung her to the side like she was garbage.

  Nadia hit the ground rolling, her limbs flailing as she crashed down a steep incline. The ground disappeared, and she was suspended in the air, falling. With a splash, she hit the water, and the strong current dragged her into its cold embrace.

  She tumbled around, not knowing which way was up or down. Clouds of pink surrounded her as her blood tinged the water. Her lungs were bursting, and stars filled her vision. Her arms fought to gain control, to find the surface, but with each passing second, her struggles weakened until at last there was nothing.

  Nadia’s struggles ceased as her consciousness dimmed, her body suspended in the water as the stream swept her downriver. Darkness was all she knew.

  Chapter 15 - Jay

  Jay stood on the roof of his armored truck, watching as his Ravager forces deployed themselves along the wall. They’d waited until nightfall to begin the attack, using the long afternoon hours to prepare and cleanse the streets of infected. Nobody wanted the undead to interfere in this particular battle. The entire plan was to take over the Queenstown community with the minimum loss of life and damage to infrastructure.

  He flexed his fists, remembering once more how he’d choked that little bitch, Nadia. She’d paid for her crimes, that he’d made sure of, and he still relished the sensation of her hot blood pouring over his skin.

  Now all his energy was focused on conquering the town that would become his kingdom. Here, he’d take the Ravagers to new heights. They’d become an unstoppable force, and in time, the entire country would belong to him, if not the continent. Maybe even the world.

  When all his men were in place, he raised his radio to his lips. “Anthony, come in.”

  “Yes, Boss.”

  “Commence the attack.”

  “Attack commencing.”

  Grappling hooks shot into the sky, hooking onto the walls. Men and women swarmed over the walls, silently killing the few guards that patrolled. They’d timed it just right. The guards were changing shifts according to his spies, leaving the wall understaffed for fifteen minutes. Enough time to infiltrate the community.

  It all happened with smooth precision. Once the wall was secure, more Ravagers dropped to the ground and opened the gate. With ponderous ease, they slid wide open. This was the signal for the rest of Jay’s forces to move in.

  Engines rumbled to life and charged through the open entrance. Jay jumped down and into his vehicle, the driver flooring it until they were inside the grounds. He sprang out before the truck even slowed and shouted, “Close the gates. Now!”

  His men obeyed, and the gates swung shut with a clang, once more securing the community against the ravages of the undead, but not the living. Shouts issued from the warehouse and change rooms as those guards due to take over the night shift realized they were under attack.

  A withering wall of fire met them as they emerged, their bodies convulsing underneath the onslaught of bullets until they collapsed to the ground. Blood soaked the earth, men and women dying where they lay.

  Jay nodded, satisfied. Phase one was complete.

  “Anthony, secure the clinic.”

  “Roger, Boss.”

  “Red, get to the Mansion.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  The Mansion as it was called by citizens belonged to Neil, their elected leader. By securing him and the hospital first, Jay gained valuable hostages.

  “Remember your orders. I want these people alive.”

  “Yes, Sir!” Red and Anthony confirmed their orders.

  “The rest of you, sweep through the community. Remove any resistance, but try not to kill too many people. I want hostages. Lots of them.”

  “Yes, Sir,” came the chorus of answers.

  Jay himself headed straight for a specific house he’d had his spies make a special note of. Cat’s house. Or rather, her mother’s.

  As he drove to through the streets, Jay couldn’t help but smile, watching his Ravagers perform their duties with expert precision. His plan was running smoothly, like clockwork, and he knew that his time had arrived. This is mine now, all of it.

  Sleep-befuddled citizens emerged from their houses only to be faced by people with guns. As per the community’s rules, no one was allowed to carry a firearm inside the premises. They were herded back inside with strict orders to stay put unless they wanted to be killed. Those who resisted were shot on the spot as an example to the rest, their deaths performed execution style. Horrified cries filled the night as overly brave husbands, fathers, and even mothers met their end.

  Not many resisted after the first few deaths, and a thick silence fell over the community, broken only by Jay’s men as they shouted orders back and forth.

  Anthony reported back from his mission. It was a success, except for Neil’s stubborn refusal to surrender. As such, he’d been wounded in the shoulder. He was still alive but bleeding heavily.

  “Take him to the clinic and confine him there with the other patients,” Jay ordered with a muttered curse. He needed the leader alive and kicking. “Stupid asshole. I’ll deal with him later.”

  Red also reported back stating that her mission was, “As easy as pie, Sir. I was hoping for more action.”

  “Sit tight, Red. You’ll see plenty of action in the days to come. The first thing I’m doing is reinstating the Ring.”

  “That’s music to my ears, Sir,” Red purred over the microphone.

  Jay put down the mic and stepped out of the vehicle in front of Cat’s house. Two of his men were already there, holding both Cat and her mother hostage under special orders from himself. They stood on the patio in their pajamas, holding onto each other as they gazed about them with shock and horror.

  He sauntered over, taking care to give Cat a good view of his immense physique. She gasped when she recognized him, and the flare of terror in her eyes caused a frisson of delight to run down his spine. He enjoyed a little fear in his women. Not too much, just enough so they respected and obeyed him without losing their fighting spirit in the process.

  He walked up the steps and stopped before her. “So, we meet again, Catherine.”

  She lifted her chin in a gesture of defiance. “Jay.”

  His eyes roved over her scantily clad form, taking in the skimpy pajama shorts and top she wore. “I see you dressed up for me.”

  “Screw you, Jay,” she spat.

  His eyebrows lifted. “Still a fighter, I see. That’s reassuring. I was afraid the hardships you’d suffered of late might have broken you.”

  “Not on your life,” Cat said with venomous tones.

  “Who are you?” Matilda cried, pushing Cat behind her. “And what do you want with my daughter?”

  “Why, I want her, of course. Didn’t she tell you?” Jay asked. “We’re to be wed. She’s going to be my new queen.”

  Matilda drew herself up to her full height. “You will not lay a hand on her, you filthy―”

  Jay slapped her across the face, employing enough power to get his point across but not enough to maim her. She spun around, and blood sprayed from her split lower lip and nose. Cat screamed and rushed over to help her mother, trying to stem the flow of blood.

  “What did you do?” Cat said.

  “I taught her, and you, a lesson. Keep your mouth shut from now on, you old hag,” Jay responded. “As for you, Kitten. We have much to discuss. Come.”

  “I won’t leave her. She needs a doctor,” Cat said, shaking her head.

  Jay sighed. “Would you rather I kill her as punishment for your disobedience?”

  Terror filled Cat’s face. “No, but I can’t leave her like this.”

  “I tell you what. Follow me, and I’ll have my men escort your mother to the
clinic where she can join your other friend, Lisa, for the time being. She will not be harmed further. Nor will your friend…if you obey.”

  Cat hesitated. “Do you promise?”

  Jay chuckled. “Pinkie swear.”

  “Fine. I’ll go with you.”

  “Good girl,” he praised, before waving at one of the guards. “Take the woman to the infirmary and place a guard on her and the other one Lisa at all times. If something happens to them, I will have your heads.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Cat watched as the Ravagers led her mother away before turning back to him. “What do you want with me?”

  “I want to talk. Walk with me,” Jay said.

  Jay led the way toward the Mansion, keeping a relaxed pace. He noticed Cat’s slight limp and the walking stick she used and frowned. “Is your injury permanent?”

  She looked up at him, perplexed. “Injury?”

  “Your leg.”

  “Oh, I don’t know. I haven’t consulted a doctor about it.”

  “I will send one to you in the morning,” Jay replied. “What happened?”

  “Lena happened,” Cat replied.

  “Lena? How so?” Jay asked, his eyebrows lifting.

  “She had one of her cronies injure me before our fight in the ring. He stepped on my ankle, tore a ligament, I think,” Cat replied.

  “That bitch. I should’ve killed her myself,” Jay growled.

  Cat shrugged. “I’m making the best of it.”

  “I’ve noticed. I’ve been watching you for weeks, making sure you are worthy of sitting at my side,” Jay said, observing her carefully for her reaction.

  She shook her head. “I can’t. I don’t love you.”

  “Who said love had anything to do with it?” Jay said with a sneer. “Love is for fools.”

  “Then why?” Cat asked. “Why me?”

  “Because I want you, simple as that,” Jay said. “And what I want, I get. Besides, you’d be a fool to reject my offer.”

  “What exactly is your offer?” Cat asked.

  Jay slowed to a stop. They’d reached the Mansion, and he turned to face her. “My offer is this: Prove yourself a worthy Ravager in the Ring. Fight for me. Marry me. Once we are united, we will rule all of this…together. Our children will be strong. The new rulers of the future.”

  Cat sucked in a breath as he stepped closer to grip her chin with bruising force. “Give in. Be mine.”

  “And if I refuse?” Cat asked.

  “Then you will die, but only after I kill everyone you’ve ever loved and made your life a living hell until you beg me to put you out of your misery.”

  “That’s not much of a choice,” Cat answered in a shaky voice.

  “Maybe not, but it’s yours to make, so choose,” he commanded. “I’ll give you a few days to think it over.”

  Jay leaned forward and kissed Cat on the lips, the kiss neither soft nor tender. Instead, he crushed her lips beneath his until he drew blood, and she hissed with pain. He lifted his head and brushed his thumb over her bleeding lip. “A little something to remember me by while you think it over.”

  Without waiting for her answer, he walked away, flicking his wrist at the waiting guards. “Take her to her room, and make sure she does not escape, or it’ll be your heads.”

  His last glimpse of Cat was her wild eyes as his men led her away, her mouth swollen and her gaze accusing. It didn’t bother him. “She’ll come around. They all do, in the end.”

  Epilogue - Cat

  Cat paced up and down in the bedroom Jay had assigned to her, following the same figure-eight loop until she grew dizzy. It was a pleasant room, decorated in soft pastels with wicker furniture and a window overlooking a small flower garden. The bed was comfortable, and the closet filled with new clothes both in her size and to her taste.

  An adjoining bathroom added to the luxury. The antique bath was lined with scented soaps, lotions, and oils. The toilet flushed, and hot water was readily available. To top it off, plush towels, slippers, and a robe waited for her on a pedestal.

  As wonderful as it was, Cat found it hard to care when she imagined everybody else was suffering. She didn’t even know what was happening on the outside. She hadn’t set foot outside the room for four days. Not since the night, Jay had taken over.

  Cat had expected things to go differently. After making his offer, he’d disappeared into the night, and she hadn’t seen him since. The only faces she saw, were those of the silent woman who came in once a day to tidy up the room, and the guard who watched her door and brought her meals. Both refused to talk to her.

  He’d sent the doctor as he’d promised. A surly Dr. Heinz had given her ankle a cursory examination before pronouncing that she was healing just fine and would be back to full capacity within a month. That was a relief, but a small one, at best.

  By now, Cat longed for company. A friendly face. A voice other than her own. She was ashamed to admit that even Jay’s presence would be preferable to this awful empty silence. She had no one to share her fears with, and nothing to occupy her time. Each minute lasted a year, every hour an eternity.

  At last, she stopped pacing and sank down onto the bed. She needed to clear her head, to come up with a plan, but the sound of the key turning in the lock brought her to her feet in record time.

  It couldn’t be the maid. She’d already been in that day. It couldn’t be the guard either. It was between meals. With her heart banging in her chest, Cat watched as the door swung open to reveal the imposing figure of Jay. Or the Beast, as so many called him.

  She studied him as he ducked inside. His tall, muscular body, dark eyes, and tanned skin were attractive. He was a handsome man, even with the scar that twisted his face. It could be worse. He could be a hunchback or old with rotting teeth.

  Immediately, she hated herself for the thought. Hated herself for feeling even the slightest attraction to him. He’s ugly on the inside. He’s a monster. Primal. Brutal. Tyrannical. Remember that.

  He stood with a relaxed posture, a slight smile playing on his lips as he waited for her to finish her perusal. Cat’s cheeks burned with shame, and she turned away from him and moved away to grip the windowsill with both hands. “What do you want?”

  “I’m here for your answer,” he said. “Choose. Me or death?”

  Cat swallowed and lowered her head. She’d known this moment would come. Had agonized over it until she wanted to scream out her frustration. Yet, there was no choice. Not really. Not when so many lives hung in the balance.

  “Well?” he prompted.

  She turned around to face him. “I have made my choice.”


  “Do you promise not to hurt my mother or my friends? Any of them?” she asked. “Will you set them free?”

  “Set them free? No. I’d lose any leverage I have over you, and that would be foolish, wouldn’t it?” Jay said. “I will, however, promise not to harm them as long as you do what I say.”

  “I see,” Cat replied, her hands clenching into fists.

  “Oh, yes. You should know one thing. Nadia is dead. I killed her.” He shrugged, his face cold and remote as he imparted the devastating news.

  “What?” Cat gasped, the room swaying around her. “Why? You said―”

  “Unfortunately, your friend was the cause of my brother’s death and the destruction of our camp. Our home. She was never part of the deal.” Jay shrugged. “You would do well to think of your mother and Lisa, though. They still remain, as does little Sam and his brother Ralph. Such cute little boys, don’t you think?”

  “You wouldn’t hurt a child,” Cat said, aghast at the mere thought.

  “Wouldn’t I? You could call my bluff…if you like.”

  Cat shook her head, grief for Nadia uppermost in her thoughts. But Jay was right. The others were still alive and would stay that way if she gave him what he wanted. “Fine. I choose you, Jay.”

  “Are you sure?” Jay asked with a smirk. “You�
�re not going to change your mind later on?”

  “No. I’ve made my choice, and I’ll stick to it.”

  Jay nodded. “Good. Now take a bath and put on something nice. I require your presence at dinner tonight. We have much to discuss, including your upcoming battle in the Ring.”

  With those parting words, he left the room, leaving Cat feeling sick to her stomach. She fell to the ground as her knees gave way. “What have I done? Ring? Battle?”

  But that wasn’t the worst. Tears streamed down her face, and she clutched her hair by the roots, pulling the strands until her scalp hurt. “Nadia, I’m so sorry. God, I’m so sorry for failing you. Please, forgive me, because I never will.”

  The End.

  Edge of Night

  Chapter 1 - Nadia

  Nadia’s eyes fluttered open, her brain struggling to regain consciousness. Every fiber of her being screamed at her to wake up. Wake up before she was found, helpless and vulnerable. Found? Found by what?

  She blinked, becoming aware of her surroundings. Her body lay on something soft…water. She was lying in a stream, floating on the current that gently bobbed her limbs up and down.

  Nadia reached out with her right hand and encountered earth. Mud. The embankment. She was next to the edge, her body in the shallows. She gasped as her memories returned, and with it the fiery agony in her stomach.

  With a twist of her head, she looked around, noting that she was caught in a pool formed by a willow tree’s roots. With a grunt of pain, she struggled upright, the fire in her belly growing into a raging furnace.

  Blood stained the water around her deep crimson in color. Her blood. Nadia pressed one hand to the stab wound in her middle. More blood flowed from the injury, each drop she shed weakening her further. Already, she was dizzy with blood loss, her mouth as dry as dust. Her head swam as she looked around, searching for any signs of the undead. If one of them found her now, she was a goner, unarmed and injured as she was.


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