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Page 9

by Malone, M.

  I needed a break from my books, so I closed them all and headed out into the living room. The lights were almost all out, except the one I'd left on in the kitchen. Natalie was probably out again, looking for a new apartment.

  Did you have to be such a dick?

  Good question. No, I didn't have to be such a dick, I'd willingly chosen to be and pushed away the one girl who got me. I grabbed a beer from the kitchen and didn't even bother turning on the lights in the living room, but instead parked it on the couch and grabbed the remote. One of the movies from her collection was still in the Blu-ray player. I turned it on, needing some kind of connection to her.

  Because you need help. Yeah, I did.

  On the screen, Segal had a great action sequence that made it look like he was doing no work at all. In all likelihood, he probably wasn't. By the time he'd filmed this one, he was a lot older. So chances were good that I was seeing a stunt double. It didn't matter though. I still loved it.

  "I'm never going to find another girl that appreciates you the way I do, Segal."

  "If only you'd appreciated the girl in front of you."

  I whirled around, nearly spilling my beer. "Natalie. You're home."

  She nodded. "Yeah, I got back an hour ago."

  That tightness in my chest, the pressure that I'd been lugging along with me over the last couple of weeks, eased and dissipated for the first time in a while. I felt like I could breathe. And I knew that was her doing. The question was, how could I fix it? How could I make this better? How could I have her in my life?

  I licked my lips and said the only thing I could think of, the only common ground we had right now. Inclining my head toward the TV, I asked softly, "Want to watch with me?"


  I sat on the couch next to Trevor, wondering if I was making a mistake. I’d been doing so well avoiding him, but when I’d heard the unmistakable sounds of a Segal movie, I hadn’t been able to stay away.

  Damn him and his wonderfully horrible taste in movies.

  “I’ve missed you,” Trevor said, without looking at me.

  His eyes stayed glued to the television where Segal was currently fighting several bad guys with nothing more than a lead pipe and a shoe. He spoke so softly that I wondered if he’d really meant for me to hear that. But his words didn’t even make sense. I wasn’t the one who’d messed everything up and then walked away. All I’d done was try to salvage the remains of my heart and pride.

  “You haven’t had time to miss me yet. I’m still here.”

  He turned then. “No, you’re not here where it counts. And I really don’t want you to leave. I saw you looking at that apartment-finder site. Please don’t move out. I just got used to having a roommate.”

  I sighed. It didn’t make sense that he was trying to guilt trip me. He was the one who’d brought some girl home knowing I’d be there. Maybe he should ask Jenny to move in so he could have his harem on site.

  “Trevor, what did you think was going to happen? That I would just go to my room and ignore it when you bring your skanks home? No, thank you.”

  “No, that’s not what I expected to happen. I had no idea she was coming over because I didn’t invite her. There’s nothing going on with Jenny. She’s just a girl who asked me to tutor her.”

  “She was wearing a pretty obvious push-up bra for a tutoring session.”

  “I wouldn’t know because I’ve never gotten near her bra. You have to believe me.”

  I wanted to believe him, but I was done being played for a fool. If it looked shady, it probably was. I wasn’t going to be taken off-guard by a man’s infidelity again.

  “Then your aunt came by and reminded me that I’m pursuing international opportunities after I graduate. I didn’t think it was fair to you to start a relationship knowing that I plan to leave.”

  Wait, what?

  My aunt had come here and talked Trevor out of dating me? I didn’t know what to think of that. Aunt Patty had never been the type to be overly pushy or interfere in my life before. But the more I thought about it, it kind of made sense. My aunt knew I’d just gotten out of a bad relationship with a guy who didn’t plan on sticking around. Maybe she thought she was protecting me.

  But I didn’t need anyone else making decisions for me. That was the main thing I’d learned over the past year. I wanted to be in control of my own life. And I wasn’t going to let anyone else dictate what I did or didn’t do.

  “Okay, I didn’t know that Aunt Patty did that. She shouldn’t have told you that. I was hurt before, so she’s overprotective, but I can make my own decisions. And I wanted to be with you. And you just left like that didn’t matter at all.”

  No longer watching the movie, Trevor took my hand and brought it to his mouth. The soft kiss in my palm made me smile.

  “I only stayed away because I thought it was better than having to leave later. But if I’m a wreck after just a few days, there’s no way I can handle leaving you later. I need you, Natalie.”

  Happiness bloomed and I thought I’d burst from the sudden emotion. “So that’s the solution. You can just never leave me.”

  Trevor smiled against my hand. “I guess so. You’ve bewitched me with your great taste in movies.”

  “This might even be a good thing, you know?” When Trevor looked at me curiously, I stood and then settled myself on his lap, straddling him.

  “I’ve always wanted to travel, too. It would be kind of cool to have a boyfriend who lived in Europe so I could come visit.”

  “Do you really think that could work?” Trevor watched me with serious eyes.

  “You’ve never heard of long distance relationships? Hello, you’re a tech guy. Surely you’ve discovered the benefits of video chatting by now. Besides, it’s not like you’d be gone forever.”

  Trevor grabbed me suddenly and I laughed in delight as he buried his face in my chest. “I really thought I was doing the right thing. But screw that. I need you with me, Natalie. Whatever happens, we’ll find a way to make it work. Because I love you too much to let you go.”

  I blinked back tears. “I love you too much to let you get away. Now let’s see if you can make it up to me.”

  * * *

  Jesus, I had missed him.

  All I wanted were Trevor's hands on me, sliding over my skin, making me hot and tingly. He ducked his head down and sucked on my neck as I let out a low moan. His hand tightened on my hips, and he seemed to revel in the sound that I made, giving me open-mouthed kisses along my neck and jaw, before finally nipping gently at my bottom lip.

  I rocked my hips over the ridge of his erection, and he hissed before pressing his tongue between my lips and into my mouth. I'd missed this. I'd missed that dizzying feeling he could instill within me. It felt like the rush of the wildest roller coaster, along with the best kind of electrical zap.

  In seconds, we were shoving at each other's clothes. Trevor slid his hands up my torso, gently skimming my breasts with his thumbs, before helping me tug my shirt over my head. I didn't care where the damn thing landed. I was simultaneously trying to drag his T-shirt over his head.

  With a smirk, he helped me out and reached behind him, grabbing two fistfuls of material before pulling it over his dark curls.

  While he worked that out, I only let myself get momentarily distracted by the display of muscles before going for his belt and unbuckling the brass.

  Trevor wasted no time with his T-shirt, tossing it somewhere near the dining room table. With his hands tucking under my skirt, I cursed soft and low when his knuckles brushed over my sex.

  "I'm sorry," he whispered.

  With a frown, I asked, "For what?"

  His fingertips snuck into the edge of my panties, and then he twisted. "For this." With a flick of his wrist, he snapped my thong.

  The shock and sting of pain was quickly replaced by the warmth and pleasure of his hands running over my skin, soothing away the hurt. "Trevor," I gasped.

  He shrugged. "I said I w
as sorry."

  He kissed me again, licking into my mouth, even as he slicked his thumb over my clit. Good Lord, it was impossible to think at all when he did that. Anytime he had his hands on me, my brain just took a hiatus.

  There was some shifting and wiggling, a couple of curses, but we managed to work his jeans and boxers down to at least mid thigh so that we could free his cock together. When I reached between us and wrapped my hands around him, Trevor threw his head back into the couch cushions and cursed low, his hand digging into my hips. "Jesus, fuck me."

  I chuckled. "I think I'm getting to that."

  I slid both hands over his satin smooth skin, and then used my thumb to spread the drop of liquid that pooled at the tip. I marveled at how he could be so hard but so soft at the same time.

  "I like how you feel," I whispered as he pushed himself further into my hands.

  When he spoke, his voice was strained, more of a low growl really. "I love how you make me feel."

  Trevor's brows knit, but his hips rocked upwards, pushing him further into my hands. "Please don't fucking stop. I've imagined this a million times."

  "Well, you don't have to imagine anymore."

  One of his hands finally released my hip and slid up my torso, stroking his thumb over my nipple through the lace of my bra. Trevor smirked when I had to halt all motion to focus on the wave of lust rushing through me.

  "I love how responsive you are. One day soon, I want to see if you can come from me doing nothing else but this. Just pinching your nipples, licking them, biting them."

  I shivered. I wanted that, too. But right now, there was something else I wanted more. I raised myself up on my knees and positioned him at my cleft. One hand stroking down to the root of his cock, I held him still before gently swiveling my hips, coating the tip of him.

  "Jesus. Natalie. Oh my God." As if he couldn't help himself, his hips rocked into me. The first inch of him slid inside me easily.

  I threw my head back and held perfectly still. "Oh my God." Yeah, I could come like this. With just the tip of him inside me. I felt full, stretched, and oh so heavenly.

  "Fuck, you feel good." Trevor mumbled, then pinched my nipple harder.

  I gasped. That motion alone sent my body down another inch over the thick length of him. "Trevor. God, you feel so—"

  He shoved a hand into my hair and gripped tight. The sting of pain had me opening my eyes and focusing on him. "Natalie. We can't—the condoms are in my bedroom."

  I licked my lips before biting down and rocking my hips a little bit more, taking more of him inside me. "You feel so good, though."

  Trevor panted, sliding in just a little bit more, and then retreating an inch. The glide and pressure made me tingle. "Natalie. Listen to me. We need to stop. This isn't safe. And—"

  I wasn't listening. I wanted more of him. I wanted all of him. Forcing my eyelids open, I said, "I'm on the pill. I started right when I moved here. Not that I anticipated this, but—"

  His green eyes went dark suddenly, and he gripped my hips again, his fingertips pressing deep into my skin as he slid all the way home. With my skirt bunched up around my waist, he watched intently where we were joined. As he made love to me, he muttered words of need and longing and love.

  I arched and leaned back so I could brace myself on his knees. That new position gave him all the access he needed.

  One hand reached behind me, unsnapped my bra, and then shoved the lace cups up. He leaned over my body, sucking one stiff nipple into his mouth, and groaned against my breast. His other hand slid between our bodies, pressing slow, easy circles on my clit.

  I was coming in seconds. Flying high and clamping around his dick. But he wasn't done. Trevor kept going. Snapping his hips forward and making me gasp and widen my eyes when he hit that magical place deep inside. And then he would retreat. With each snap of his hips, I couldn't help but call out his name.

  As my orgasm coursed through me, sending my body into wicked convulsions, Trevor growled and pulled me forward on his lap. He slid his lips over mine and pressed his tongue into my mouth, kissing me deep. The top of my pelvis rubbed along his, prolonging the pleasure.

  I held tight onto his shoulders as he kissed me, my hips still working, my body still taking him deep.

  This was perfection.

  Trevor dragged his lips off mine and kissed along my jaw, whispering to me, making me hotter. "So fucking beautiful… I could do this all damn day... You feel so good..."

  His hand fisted in my hair more gently than before, while the other slid over my ass, rocking me more firmly against him as he loved me. When he slid a finger down the seam of my ass, I hesitated for only a moment, but then relaxed against him.

  I trusted him. I loved him. I was his to do with what he wanted.

  When his finger pressed against my pucker, the first sensation was shock, and then astonishment at the sting of pleasure. But when he eased a finger gently inside, I broke apart again, pushing myself up onto my knees and slamming back down over him.

  Trevor held perfectly still, his muscles going rigid. As he came, his gaze didn't leave mine, and he sank home one more time. "I am never letting you go. We belong together."

  I sank over him once more, and we both groaned, riding the wave of the last vestiges of our orgasms.

  He might never let me go, but more importantly, I never wanted to leave. This was where I belonged.

  In his arms.

  Dying to know how Trevor took the news about Talia & Cage? We’ll send it to you FREE!

  Excerpt of WICKED

  available in Kindle Unlimited

  Get WICKED now at

  What could be worse than catching your creepy boss in an inappropriate position? Hearing him say your name.


  This day couldn't get any worse.

  I just saw my boss Mr. Dent's extremely unimpressive... dent. A night of drinking with my best friend is exactly what I need. Hunter is always there for me. The perfect Mr. Nice Guy.


  This day couldn't get any better.

  Finally I get my chance to show my best friend that I’m also the best guy for her. I just saw Bailey’s perfect curves soaped up in the shower and all my dreams are coming true. Until she won't return my calls the next day.

  Bailey wants to pretend none of it happened but I just need one chance to prove our attraction is real. I’m finally going to show her that I’m not that...nice.

  Excerpt of WICKED © July 2018 M. Malone and Nana Malone


  One year later…

  I smiled to myself as yet another text came through.

  Hunter: Get your ass down here now

  It was Friday night and the rest of the office had already knocked off to go down to Happy’s, the bar right down the street from our building. It was our favorite spot for happy hour, thanks to the cheap drinks and terrible music. I’d be right there with them if I hadn’t gotten so behind on my work today.

  Or if my asshole boss hadn’t dumped project busy work on me just a few hours ago. I wasn't even assigned to any of these projects specifically. Who did that?

  Hunter: Charles from Legal is on the bar dancing. I think he’s trying to twerk.

  I snorted at the mental image of the older man trying to shake his ass. Our firm was a pretty conservative place and when I’d first started interning here, I’d been really intimidated. Everyone seemed so busy and professional, like they all had their shit together, while I was just trying to figure out what I wanted to do after college. But this was my second summer interning with the company and after a few Friday nights hanging out with the office crew, I’d discovered that even the most conservative types had a wild side.

  Not that I wanted to picture the nice older man who always helped me with legal questions trying to gyrate his nonexistent ass. I giggled at just the thought.

  Hunter: Seriously, where the hell are you?

  Fed up, I finally respo
nded. Damn, he could be such a drama king sometimes.

  Me: Trying to finish all this work Mr. D gave me at the last minute. I could finish faster if you’d stop texting me!

  I returned to my computer screen and squinted at the small column of numbers. I sighed. Numbers weren’t my thing. I’d thought I was safe by majoring in marketing, but apparently even marketing majors needed to know how to adhere to a budget for their projects. My boss, Mr. Dent, didn’t really seem to understand the budget all that well himself, though. Probably why he’d dumped this on me at the last minute.

  After making a few minor changes to the numbers I’d entered earlier, I saved the file to the project drive and printed. It wasn’t perfect, but it was the best I could do. What the hell could he really expect at the last minute on a Friday? It was already eight o’clock, and no one else had stayed this late. If I was lucky, Mr. Dent had fallen asleep at his desk again, and I could just slide this into his inbox without having to interact with him.

  I hated having to talk to my creepy older boss, a man who still thought a comb over was preferable to just being bald, especially when there was no one else there to act as a buffer. It wasn’t any one thing he’d done that made me uncomfortable; there was just something about the way he looked at me. I shuddered as I gathered my things. He looked at me like he wished he could see through my clothes. I sighed, realizing his cringeworthy gazes were the only action I’d seen in months.

  I walked down the hallway toward Mr. Dent’s corner office. My handbag thumped against my thigh as I walked awkwardly, trying to type a text to Hunter at the same time. Maybe if I hadn’t been distracted, I would have heard the noises before I got to the doorway.

  “Oh yes, that’s it. Suck that dick.”

  I halted in the doorway, the hand that was holding my phone going up to cover my mouth. My brain was in such shock that I tried to cover my mouth and my eyes simultaneously, but I couldn’t block the grotesque image playing out right in front of me.


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