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Meet Me in the Middle (Wattle Valley, #2)

Page 10

by Jacquie Underdown

  ‘That’s incredible. I’ve not seen any of your videos.’ Sure, he’d checked out her Instagram posts and cringed with the memory of accidentally liking one of her photos. His first instinct was to unlike it, but she would receive the notification regardless, and then it would have really looked obvious.

  She called his bluff in the end, and, if she hadn’t, he wouldn’t be here right now.

  ‘They’re just me going through the process of creating different make-up looks. I try and make them funny and interesting. It seems to be working so far.’

  She opened YouTube on her laptop and started playing one of her latest videos where she applied Emily’s make-up for the wedding.

  ‘Much more professional than I was expecting.’ There was an intro and great graphics. The video was edited incredibly well.

  ‘That’s how I treat it—as a job. And I take it seriously.’

  He rested back against his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. ‘So what kind of goals do you have?’

  ‘Continue to grow my fan base. But, beyond all that, I’ve always wanted to create and market my own line of cosmetics for people like me.’

  ‘That’s … massive.’

  She giggled. ‘I guess it is.’

  ‘Could even take you out of Wattle Valley.’ He tried to conceal the unease in his voice.

  ‘It could. I’d never leave as long as Mum is, you know, still here. But I’m okay with moving if that’s where this takes me.’

  He hid his disappointment by looking away, pretending to cast his attention to the equipment in the room. Of course he supported her goals and wanted her to achieve all the successes she deserved, but to hear that she wasn’t considering Wattle Valley as her long-term home, saddened him.

  He looked back at her. ‘I hope it works for you, Neve. You’re obviously dedicated and have worked very hard.’

  Her cheeks flushed with pink and she lowered her gaze to her lap. ‘Thanks.’

  An awkward silence entered the room.

  He had been like a schoolboy today knowing he would be seeing her. He had wanted to talk about what their kiss meant and if there might be a chance for more in their future.

  Yes, Jager was still a problem, but he had hoped that in time, he might come to see Anders as a good option for his sister. And, yes, Neve had admitted she wasn’t looking for something serious, but he thought he might have a shot of changing her mind. Maybe she just needed to meet the right man.

  But knowing she anticipated moving away from Wattle Valley eventually was another red flag that pointed at their incompatibility. He wanted to settle down, have kids, plant his roots in this town that had offered him so much. She wanted a life that looked very different.

  ‘Let’s make a video,’ she said, a broad grin curling her lips.

  His nose wrinkled, eyes widened, and she burst into laughter.

  ‘Come on. It will be easy. I’ve been wanting to shoot something different and I couldn’t come up with an idea.’

  He shook his head hard. ‘You are not putting make-up on me. Do you even know the type of flack I’d cop—?’

  She laughed again. ‘I’m not putting make-up on you. I want you to put make-up on me.’

  He wasn’t sure if that was a better option than the first. ‘I have not one clue how to put make-up on.’

  ‘Good. That will make it all the more fun. We can have you watch one of the tutorials that I’ve already filmed, and, following that step by step, you can re-create my make-up look.’

  He stared at her for a long while, waiting for her to admit this was a joke. It didn’t come; those beautiful but pleading eyes kept beckoning him. ‘I … I don’t know. I’m not good in front of cameras.’

  ‘Believe me, Anders, you are perfect in front of a camera. You just don’t know it yet.’

  He blew out a long breath. ‘I tell you now if I cop shit over this, you’re to blame.’

  Neve waved her hand dismissively as she stood. ‘No-one you know watches my channel. My audience is predominantly young women. And certainly, no-one who plays for the Wattle Valley Lions is watching. Honestly, Anders, the make-up world is incredibly open and respectful of all genders and sexualities. Seeing a straight white guy put make-up on a straight white girl is the least strange thing my audience will have encountered.’

  It wasn’t her audience that he was worried about, but mainly the real people here in town. But, as she said, none of his mates would be watching it. ‘Fine. What do I have to do?’

  ‘Be yourself and follow my lead.’

  He closed his eyes as he sighed.

  ‘It’s not that bad. Honestly. It’ll be fun.’

  He looked into her smiling face, and bright, excited eyes, and he couldn’t say no. This had to be the most ridiculous thing he’d ever done for a woman.

  The little red light on the camera flashed when Neve hit record. She looked into the camera.

  ‘Welcome back to Face Art by Neve. You may notice that I’m already smiling. That’s because I have a special guest with me today. Anders is a long-time family friend. Say hi!’

  Anders managed a tense smile. ‘G’day.’

  ‘We’re going to jump right into unknown territory here. Anders is rather reluctant about appearing on my channel because, you see, he’s a complete make-up novice.’

  His brow furrowed as he looked sidelong at Neve. She bumped his shoulder with hers and laughed. ‘A novice in both in the wearing and the application. But, seriously, guys, don’t you agree that if you looked like this—’ she pointed her thumb at him, ‘—you wouldn’t change what you’re blessed with at birth.’

  He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. What the hell had he gotten himself into?

  ‘You look terrified,’ she said with a loud laugh.

  ‘I am.’

  ‘It’s just make-up. It doesn’t hurt unless you get it in my eyes or stab me with one of the applicators.’

  ‘I’ll try not to do that.’

  ‘We’re going to be doing something a little different today. I want to see how well a novice can apply make-up under the direction of one of my past tutorials. It’s a little crazy, but let’s put to the test how well I can teach. Did you do art at school, Anders?’

  He shook his head.

  ‘Any painting at all?’

  ‘Nothing as precise as a face.’

  ‘As I said, a complete novice.’ She pressed her lips together and furrowed her brow. ‘I’m a tad nervous. I could come out of this looking like a complete clown.’

  ‘I can’t make any promises.’

  She giggled and he found himself chuckling because this really was ridiculous. But Neve had a relaxed and easy nature, and the tension was slowly leaving his body.

  She turned to him and smiled, almost apologetically. ‘Thank you so much for this. You’re doing great, honestly. So much of what we film, I’ll edit out, so if you want to stop, we can. The cameras will keep rolling, but I’ll play with it later and only put up what works.’

  He nodded.

  She spun back to the camera. ‘I’m going to let Anders choose a look he likes best from my collection. Remember, I’ll put details to all the cosmetics and applicators we use today in the notes down below.’

  Anders scrolled through her list of videos and chose a random one. ‘Neve’s natural Summer Beach Look,’ he said with a chuckle. ‘Despite the fact that it’s winter and we’re about an hour from the nearest beach.’

  ‘But by the end of it, you’re going to be convinced it’s thirty degrees outside and you can hear waves crashing against the shore. The power of make-up, baby, don’t doubt it.’

  He laughed again, almost forgetting now that they were talking to a camera and not between themselves.

  Neve went about grabbing all the cosmetics and brushes they would need and laid them out in easy reaching distance across the desk.

  ‘They are foreign objects to me,’ he said. ‘I have no idea where to start.’

  ‘Well, pres
s play on my Summer Beach Look video and let Past Neve show you how to work with all this.’

  He hit play and watched Neve on the laptop monitor talk about make-up needs during the hotter months—much more involved than he had believed possible.

  ‘I’ll splice the relevant parts of that video into this one, so feel free to pause it while you complete each task,’ she said.

  Video Neve ran through prepping the skin with primer. He hit pause and turned to her. ‘Primer, it is.’

  She handed the tube to him and squeezed a little onto the back of his hand as she had done in the video. ‘Just with my fingers?’ he asked.

  Neve turned to the camera. ‘Folks, Anders thoroughly cleaned his hands with anti-bacterial wipes and all my applicators and sponges have been treated too. Hygiene is really important especially if you’re recovering from surgery. And as I always say, if you have any remaining open wounds, I would recommend waiting until you’re completely healed before returning to your make-up routine. If you’re unsure if your skin is ready yet, please ask your doctor for advice.’

  Anders smiled at her professional yet light-hearted persona. He could tell from this small time with her today, she truly cared about this profession and her audience.

  ‘Here we go,’ he said, realising that this was about to be quite an intimate act. He drew himself up taller, trying not to let his feelings show.

  She held her face still as he dipped his finger into the white, creamy primer and dabbed spots of it onto her nose, forehead, chin and cheeks. He began at her nose, blending it in, spreading it to her right cheek.

  Her skin was warm and silky soft under his fingertips. The way her lips relaxed into a natural pout stirred memories of last Saturday night when he got to taste those lips. Desire surged anew and he had to turn his attention away from her sweet mouth.

  He circled the primer with his fingers to the left. When he rubbed gently over her scar, she flinched. He drew his hand back quickly. ‘I’m sorry, did I hurt you?’

  Her gaze didn’t meet his. ‘No. No, that wasn’t …’

  When she finally looked into his eyes, he could see they were glossing.

  ‘What’s the matter?’

  She shook her head. ‘I’m sorry. It’s so silly.’

  ‘It’s not silly, Neve. What is it?’

  She stayed silent for a long while, focusing on her lap.


  ‘Other than doctors and myself, no-one has touched my scar before.’

  ‘At all?’

  She nodded, finally looking him in the eyes. ‘I thought I was okay, but I guess I’m worried about how you think of me and if it feels … repulsive to you.’

  His eyes widened. ‘Repulsive? Really?’

  ‘That was probably too strong a word choice.’

  It was, but that choice of word told him a lot. ‘Neve.’ He rested his hand over his heart. ‘I don’t mean this in a negative way, but I think the way you look at your scar and the way I see it, are very different. I’m a footballer. My mates all have various forms of scars. I have a stack of scars—’

  She opened her mouth to cut in, but he kept going.

  ‘Not like yours, I know that. But it’s not a big deal to me. Like … at all. I mean, I see it, but I see it the same way I see you have a freckle here,’ he said touching her nose. ‘And that you have a grey hair here,’ he said tugging her hair gently.

  She gasped. ‘Grey hair? I don’t have grey hair.’

  He rolled his head back and laughed.

  She smiled along with him. ‘I fell for that, didn’t I?’

  ‘Hook, line and sinker.’

  Her small smile was bashful. ‘Just when I think I’m doing well, something new reminds me that I still have some work to do.’

  He shrugged. ‘You’re human.’

  ‘Yeah, I sure am.’ She turned to the camera and frowned. ‘I’m still a work-in-progress.’

  ‘Did you want to keep going?’

  She nodded. ‘I’ll be brave. Promise.’

  He pressed the rest of the primer into her skin and when he circled over her scar, she didn’t flinch. He had never known how much courage it took for her to show her face to the world through her videos but also to him. If this type of work is what gave her power and happiness, then he supported it.

  ‘Next step,’ he said, flicking the tutorial video on so he could see what to do next. Concealer.

  She handed him the concealer and the sponge he needed to blend with.

  Every step, he completed. Between watching the video and applying make-up, it took a little over an hour. The eye area was the most time consuming because he was afraid of getting eyeshadow and mascara in her eyes.

  Lipstick and gloss were to be applied last of all. She passed him the lipstick and lifted her chin, her lips relaxed and gently parted. He leant in closer, steadied his hand, and swept the colour across her top lip trying to keep between the lines, then over her plump lower lip. It moved with the glide of the colour before shifting back to its natural position.

  All through his body was a rush of heat. His breathing and pulse hastened, and he could tell by the way she was looking at him that she had noticed.

  He wanted to kiss her so badly, he ached with need. To have touched her face and been up close with her, her scent consuming him, had been fuel to his fire.

  When finished with the lipstick, he sat back, gathering his breath and wits.

  But she smacked her lips together to spread the colour evenly and he lost his composure. The crease in her bottom lip was even more pronounced with the bright red shade he applied.

  He was like a bull with the way her wickedly red mouth was calling to him. The camera didn’t exist. In the room was only him and Neve. And right now, all he cared about was kissing her.

  ‘I don’t know if I’ve done a great job here or not, but I want to kiss you so much right now.’

  Her eyes widened, followed by a slow, seductive grin. ‘I dare you,’ she whispered.

  He didn’t need any more invitation than that. He cupped her face with his hands, leant in close and pressed his lips to hers. Her soft mouth against his was like a flame to kindle, and he wanted more—so much more.

  He deepened their kiss, coaxing her tongue to taste his. She obliged willingly and he sighed against her mouth. Warmth and electricity sparked each time their tongues met, swelling fire deep in his belly.

  Heat, hands, touch and need, so much need.

  Her palm pressed to his side, the other hand caressed his neck. Fingers through his hair, along his jaw. They kissed and kissed, sucking, licking and tasting until his body was engulfed in flames. Boiling blood. Dancing, pinging darts of pleasure as her caress moved under his jumper onto bare skin.


  He gripped her waist, needing her whole body pressed to his, and tugged her to him. She obeyed, lifting to her feet and swinging the camera so the lens pointed away. She sat on his lap, her legs spread either side of him. To feel her there, everywhere there, he was instantly hard, and when she rocked against him, he knew she was well aware of that fact.

  A frenzy of soft and hard caresses, gentle and urgent kisses, sucking, kissing and tasting of soft, salty skin. He couldn’t stop. Every muscle was hard and engaged. His blood was racing through his veins. His heart pounding away in his chest. She was exquisite, her taste, kiss, and electric touch. He never wanted to let her go.

  In time, the pace slowed until Neve eventually pulled away, resting her forehead to his as she caught her breath. The only other direction this was headed was to the bedroom and, despite being physically willing, there was a lot to negotiate before they took it to that level.

  His lips were tingling as she pressed a final kiss to his mouth and climbed off his lap. He drew a deep breath in, trying to displace some of the sexual tension surging through his system. He was still so hard, he ached.

  Neve glanced at her watch. Her sigh was almost anguished and he understood that breathy sound beca
use he too hadn’t wanted to stop kissing her.

  ‘We better finish this video. You’ve got work this afternoon, right?’

  He nodded. ‘And footy training after that.’

  She straightened her hair as she turned the camera back at them and sank down into the seat beside him. She smiled at him, then stared into the camera. ‘Time for the big reveal.’ Her voice still held an edge of lust-fuelled huskiness. ‘Just so you know, I’ve not seen how my face looks yet. Can you pass me that mirror?’

  He slid the silver hand-held mirror to her. She lifted it in front of her, her eyes widening when she saw her reflection. The corners of her mouth curled and her gaze slid to his.

  ‘What?’ he asked.

  She pointed to her lips, where the red had been smudged around her mouth, then held the mirror up for him. The rest of that lipstick ended up around his mouth. His hair was dishevelled. He burst into laughter.

  ‘Look at my eyes,’ she said, her mouth opening wide as she practically cackled. ‘Oh my god, Anders, you are never doing my make-up again!!’ She barely made it through the sentence before dissolving into giggles.

  He assessed her face properly for the first time. All over were traces of just how juvenile his efforts were. ‘I told you this wasn’t a good idea.’

  Tears were rolling down Neve’s cheeks as she lost it. He had never seen her laugh like this; it was contagious.

  ‘You can’t blame me for the lipstick,’ he said with a chuckle.

  She was almost whimpering as her shoulders shook. Reaching for a tissue, she grabbed one and dabbed at her wet cheeks. ‘No, I can’t blame you for that …’ And then she lost it again.

  Anders couldn’t help but laugh along with her.

  When she was able to manage more than a sentence, she faced the camera. ‘Folks playing along at home, I think I’ve learnt a lesson today – no matter how good the teacher is, the student has to practice. But thank you so much, Anders, for helping me out today. I really enjoyed myself.’

  ‘Surprisingly, so did I.’


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