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Meet Me in the Middle (Wattle Valley, #2)

Page 12

by Jacquie Underdown

  She nodded. ‘Very much so. I feel like I’m constantly chilled to the bone.’

  He had never forgotten that jolt of experiencing cold for the first time when he moved here all those years ago. Now, he wasn’t sure he’d handle the heat of Queensland again.

  Winnie bumped her shoulder against his and lowered her voice to a whisper. ‘Samantha said she’d noticed you around town a couple of times and thought she’d like to meet you. You’re still single, right?’

  His heart thudded and he cast a glance at Neve who was no longer talking with the others but watching this interaction intently. ‘Um … yes, I am single, but, you know, I’m …’ he hesitated, unsure what to say that would not upset Samantha or Neve. ‘I … am sort of seeing someone.’

  Winnie’s eyes widened. ‘Really, who is she? A local? Do I know her?’

  ‘You’re seeing someone?’ Michael asked loudly, alerting the others at the table of this big lie.

  ‘Since when?’ Jager asked. ‘Way to keep that to yourself.’

  He wanted to drown his head in his beer to escape as all eyes focused on him. Anders shook his head, waving their curiosity away. ‘It’s nothing really. May not be anything yet.’

  ‘Who? Since when?’ Jager asked, leaning forward, a big grin on his face. ‘No wonder you’ve been quiet. I should have guessed, you cheeky bastard.’

  He made very certain not to look at Neve and kept his face neutral. ‘You don’t know her. She lives in Traralgon. A mother of a school kid I coached.’

  ‘What’s her name?’ Jager asked.

  His mind raced to think of a name, but when put on the spot, something so easy, was embarrassingly difficult. ‘Pen—elope’ he stammered, realising too late how old-fashioned that name was. ‘Penny for short.’

  Michael nodded. ‘Nice. And she’s a mum, you say?’

  He shrugged, nodded. ‘It’s not serious. We’re taking it slow at this stage.’

  ‘At least slow is a start. I wouldn’t mind a slow relationship.’ Jager laughed. ‘Be one up from no relationship.’

  ‘From the sounds of it, Jager,’ Neve said, ‘Samantha here is single and ready to meet new people.’

  Anders looked at Neve, eyes slightly narrowed, certain he had heard an undertone of anger. When Neve turned to him, she didn’t hold eye contact for longer than a fraction of a second. She was frowning.

  One more beer, he told himself, and he would make an excuse to leave. Then he and Neve could actually talk. All this lying was making his head spin.

  ‘So how long have you been seeing Penny?’ Connor asked.

  He shook his head, hating that he was going to have to keep up this charade. ‘About a month.’

  ‘Since the wedding?’ Jager asked.

  He scrambled for timelines, knowing Jager would be doubly upset if Anders had nearly kissed Neve while also dating someone else. ‘No, after that.’

  ‘When do we get to meet the lucky lady?’ Winnie asked.

  He had a long swallow of beer, nearly finishing the bottle. ‘She wants to keep it under wraps for a while because she’s got a kid and all.’

  Winnie nodded. ‘Makes sense. Must be a tough situation.’

  ‘Yeah, I think it is.’

  Jager grinned at him and lifted his beer bottle up. ‘Well, early days, but congrats, mate. I hope it works out for you.’

  Every lie was accumulating as a twisted feeling in his guts, but he raised his beer and clanged it against Jager’s. ‘Thanks, mate.’

  Anders managed to get away without too many questions. A fake girlfriend was a great alibi it turned out, so maybe that wasn’t such a bad story to have concocted. Though, how long he could get away with it was yet to be determined.

  Back at home, he couldn’t keep still, wondering if Neve would show or not. For a moment this afternoon, he sensed some animosity.

  Surely she didn’t believe that he was seeing someone else?

  He shook his head as he rounded the corner into the laundry where he loaded his dirty socks and warm-up shirt along with some other clothes into the washing machine.

  Of course she wouldn’t have believed that to be true.

  He sighed as it dawned on him—was she upset that Winnie had introduced him to Samantha? But he had no control over that. As long as he was lying to their friends that he was single, this sort of thing might occur.

  He tugged a hand through his hair. This was going to get much too complicated—he could feel it. But Neve was important to him, and she wanted this secret kept, so that’s what he would do. No matter the cost.

  A knock came at the front door and a sharp thrill of excitement rushed him.

  He opened the door to find a smiling Neve on his doorstep.

  ‘Oh, thank goodness you’re dressed this time,’ she said, eying him up and down.

  How long ago that day felt now. ‘Thought I’d be polite.’

  She stepped inside and when the door was closed, practically launched herself at him. He caught her in time, holding her up as she threaded her legs around his waist and kissed him hard on the mouth.

  ‘I’ve wanted to kiss you all day long,’ she whispered against his mouth before her soft and perfect lips pressed to his again and her tongue found his tongue. Shocks of pleasure shot through him.

  She drew her face from his and looked him in the eyes. She was a little breathless. ‘You’re a good liar.’

  He groaned. ‘I don’t like it, Neve, truly I don’t. I didn’t know what else to say.’

  ‘And I don’t like strange women being introduced to you as potential love interests.’

  ‘I’m sorry, I had no idea that was going to happen.’

  She shook her head and kissed him again. ‘I know. It really sucks.’ Her next kiss was long and slow, such soft and tender motions, but she soon pulled away, unwound her legs and stood on the floor.

  He exhaled—hating that all of her wasn’t pressed to all of him.

  She took his hand in hers and threaded her fingers with his. That touch eased his need somewhat. ‘She kept looking at you like she wanted to eat you,’ she whispered.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ he said again.

  ‘It’s not your fault. I completely understand why she was.’

  He arched a brow, gave a teasing grin. ‘Oh really?’

  She nodded. ‘It was how I was looking at you in the wedding photo. It’s how I feel right now.’

  ‘There is only one person I want to …’ he stopped himself, realising how awkward what he was about to say would sound.

  Neve arched her head back and belly laughed, loose and powerful. ‘Eat you?’ she asked, then burst out laughing again.

  ‘Okay, it came out wrong, but you know what I meant.’

  She stretched up onto her tiptoes and kissed him. ‘I know exactly what you meant.’

  Chapter 15

  Neve looked up into Anders’ handsome face, into his hazel eyes. Her stomach was tensing with delightful anticipation as they stood in the entrance of his home.

  ‘Would I give you the wrong idea if I asked if we could go to your bedroom?’

  ‘After a conversation like that?’ he asked with a smirk.

  She nodded. ‘Even after a conversation like that. I really really want to kiss you—’ and touch you and press my body to yours and get to know the slopes and inclines of that incredible body, ‘—and I think your bed might be the most comfortable place for that.’

  His breaths were short and deep. ‘I told you that you’re the one setting the pace. Bedroom or no bedroom, we’ll go as far as you want.’

  Which indicated to her that he’d be more than willing to take it all the way, right this minute, but Neve wasn’t ready just yet. Despite how her body felt, the part of her brain left over from caveman days was telling her to tread cautiously.

  To sleep with Anders while her brother still didn’t know about the relationship, seemed to take things into a realm that she couldn’t come back from. It seemed to be the line that if crossed had t
he potential to blow everything up. Kissing was kissing—it could be excused. But sex was sex and it held a lot of power.

  Anders tugged on her hand—such a big hand in comparison to hers, much like his body. The mere thought of that gave her a thrill.

  He led her up the hall. Her cheeks grew hotter as her blood flowed faster, readying her body for more than a little kissing despite her conviction to keep the pace slow.

  They rounded into his room. She had never seen it before or much of his house, really. It was tidy, clean. No decorative items, just the essential furniture—a big bed with a newish masculine-coloured doona cover, bedside tables and a set of dressers.

  She arched a brow at him and smiled. ‘Did you make your bed because you knew I was coming over?’

  He laughed and it was a rough rasp of sound. She liked the way arousal changed his vocal cords. ‘I never knew how cheeky you were.’

  She shrugged. ‘I try.’

  ‘But no, I make my bed every day. Force of habit.’ He frowned then and she wondered what memories something as innocuous as making a bed could be attached to.

  Despite knowing him for many years, their relationship had been superficial. All the intimate details were buried inside him and she hadn’t had many chances to know about them or where each was hidden. Realising that was enough to confirm that treading lightly until she knew exactly what type of man he was, was the right thing to do.

  All of her relationships had started with the superficial, then deepened inevitably as time went by. Sometimes she could meet the most attractive person and the moment they spoke and revealed their inner-world, the outside form would dim and tarnish until each symmetrical line was defective.

  Same in the opposite way, ugly becoming beautiful as a kind-hearted inner-world made everything else shine. She made sure she gave people enough time now because first impressions weren’t always correct.

  But with Anders, so far, his outer- and inner-worlds were compatible, and she was willing and curious to see what he would reveal to her in time.

  Anders gripped her hips between his big hands and slowly walked her backwards to the bed where she sat down on the firm mattress, looking up into his smouldering eyes.

  His smile was gone; in its place was a look that evoked basic instincts within her—desire like a tide rushing to meet her. First, it lapped at her ankles and then as he carefully, yet commandingly, nudged her to lay back on his bed, and his big body crawled over her, arms resting either side of her head, legs spread and framing her hips, the waves crashed violently.

  The desire was hot and encompassing. A growing, tingling warmth filled her up. He lowered himself, holding most of his weight on those strong arms until his lips reached hers and he took her mouth with tenderness and reverence, such a contrast to his big, powerful frame.

  She gripped the muscled broadness of his shoulders, her palms and fingertips hot. Strength, so much strength as her touch slid down his arms, wandered to his tight waist, caressed the strong slopes of his back.

  His kiss deepened, his tongue a force of pleasure, warm, soft, and exacting. He kissed her like she had never been kissed. And it was a kiss that was so much more—it was an intimate, sexual act, in and of itself, and every slide, press and suck was felt in her breasts, her belly, and between her thighs.

  She gave a pleasured whimper and it only made him more potent, as though that small sound fed his own desire and amplified it like embers finally catching to kindle and exploding with heat.

  His mouth left hers and she took her first full breath. Burning lips pressed to her neck, followed by tongue and teeth, gently biting and sucking. A hand slid up her side, under her shirt, leaving a scorching trail.

  He lowered more to her, his pelvis resting against her belly. She rolled her body, completely instinctual and out of her control, to feel that hard length of him more thoroughly.

  Her moan was out of her mouth before she could stop it, but what this man was doing to her, and how he made her feel and want, was all so new. She was blazing and he was the fuel that kept them both alight.

  He lifted up, his biceps straining, and stared down at her face. His eyelids and jaw were relaxed, and it was that expression of arousal that undid her. She pushed his chest and rolled him onto his back. Hands on his shoulders, pinning him to the mattress, she climbed on top of him and parked right where that powerful erection sat so solidly.

  She kissed him as though she was starved and wasting and his mouth was a life force. She caressed every part of him, pressed herself to him like it was the first and last time she would ever touch anyone again.

  Frenzied pops and sucks as they devoured one another filled the air. The rustling friction of clothes. The smooth glide of hands against skin. His scent was everywhere, all over her, and it amped up her need and drove her to the brink …

  She lifted her head, sat upright and ran her hands through her hair, attempting to gather her breath. ‘Oh my fucking god,’ she whispered. ‘I’m sorry, but—’ you’ve unhinged me, made me ravenous, ‘—I’ve never felt like this.’ She climbed off his lap, rolled off the bed and paced across the floor, trying to gather her breath.

  Everything, even her brain now, wanted to take things further with him. She was burning up with the need to feel him inside her. She was unstitching right down the centre, wanting him to see all of her.

  He chuckled softly, reached a hand for her. ‘Hey,’ he said gently, and his voice was a deep rumbling sound that only made this more difficult.

  She looked at that big paw and her body panged to have it roaming over her flesh again, awakening every inch of her.

  ‘Come here.’ And with those two words, she heard the understanding but also the protection. He would make it okay. He wouldn’t push or take her beyond where she was capable of going. But he wouldn’t leave her alone to deal with it either.

  She climbed back onto the bed beside him, facing him. He kissed her once on the lips as his hand played with a lock of hair that had fallen over her ear.

  ‘Some kiss, ha?’ he said with a smile.

  She inhaled deeply and nodded. ‘I wasn’t quite ready for that intensity.’

  ‘Me either.’ A slow, lazy smile. ‘We’ve got plenty of time, okay?’

  She nodded.

  ‘No rush.’

  His words were already calming her down.

  When she was ten, their next door neighbour bought a horse, which was a little unruly and not yet broken in, for his son. After it had tried to kick his son off for the tenth time, he had organised a horsemanship practitioner to come around to the yards and develop the horse’s trust in humans. This man’s calming and gentle nature as he worked with the horse had mesmerised Neve as a young girl.

  Anders had that same gentle, emphatic nature.

  ‘How do you do that so well?’ she whispered.

  ‘What’s that?’

  ‘Calm me down.’

  He looked away from her and that frown she had noticed earlier returned. ‘My stepdad had a lot to do with it. He showed me how to recognise when my own emotions were getting out of control and how to deal with that. I wasn’t the best kid—a bit angry. Fought a lot.’

  Her eyes widened. ‘I would not have thought that of you. You come across as so level-headed.’

  He smiled. ‘Good. It means I’ve left that kind of behaviour behind. I think to be able to recognise the emotions in myself, I can see it in others too.’

  She leant in and kissed him gently. ‘Thank you.’

  That frown returned. ‘I would never make you do anything you’re not ready for.’

  She nodded. ‘I know. I mean, I think I know. I don’t know you so well, even though we’ve been in each other’s lives for a long time.’

  ‘Where does that hesitation come from?’

  She exhaled, not knowing if she was ready to glimpse her baggage let alone throw some his way. ‘Mum. Past relationships. Taught me to be cautious.’

  He rubbed his hand over her shoulder
and down her arm but didn’t say anything for a long while, letting her words float between them. ‘I’ve been a little curious about that actually.’

  Her brow furrowed. ‘About what?’

  ‘About what happened with Joshua.’

  Her stomach tumbled. She sat up, crossing her legs under her. ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘At Wil and Emily’s wedding, Jager told me to stay away from you, which, I have to admit, made me upset. He’s my best mate and yet he doesn’t trust me.’

  She wriggled on the bed, knowing where this may be headed.

  ‘I couldn’t understand why he felt he had a say in who you date. So I pressed him about it. He was a little drunk, I realised.’

  ‘What did he say?’

  ‘He admitted that he felt responsible for what happened—the car accident. He hinted that maybe Joshua was violent.’

  Neve sucked in a sharp breath as all that old emotion impinged, a bit like looking in the mirror and seeing a scar, only this time she was looking at an old memory and feeling the emotional wounds. ‘He told you that?’ she whispered.

  He nodded but didn’t say any more.

  ‘I can’t be sure because my memory of the incident isn’t great. But after the accident, I was scared to be near Joshua again. I was scared to even think of him. My body would start shaking.’

  Anders went still as he listened. His face was blank, but his breathing was slightly accelerated.

  ‘The night of the accident, I’d been with friends having dinner. He came to pick me up because I had had a few drinks. One of my friends had told me about a rumour that Joshua had been cheating on me. It confirmed suspicions I was already having, but I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and a chance to explain. So, on the way home in the car, I confronted him about it.’ She shuddered to remember the look in his eyes, how big and black his pupils were, and the spittle that flung from his mouth as he roared.

  ‘I never anticipated how he would fly off the handle. He denied it and denied it, so aggressively. But it was the way he was denying it that made me doubt him. He had flipped it somehow to make me the bad person for even asking. I didn’t know that he had been drinking that night. Quite heavily, according to the blood tests taken after the accident. And I can’t know if I remember it right because my memories of the accident are hazy, but I swear he yanked on that steering wheel on purpose and ran us off the road into that tree.’


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