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Expecting: An Mpreg Romance (Pine Wood Falls Book 1)

Page 16

by Sarah Havan

  “But you’re so much bigger now. You might be uncomfortable.”

  “Now we’re definitely going.” He crossed his arms over his chest and pressed his lips together.

  “I’ll see what she says if she calls back.”

  “Good. I love you.”

  “Love you, too. And I guess we should pack up the rest of our stuff for the move this weekend.”

  I didn’t let him pack anything. He protested some, but I told him to lay back and relax. We didn’t have all that much stuff anyway.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  Conrad went to wait in the lounge area while I went to my first support group. He kept urging me to go, and I finally caved. I was too scared to go up until that point I think. Scared what I’d learn about myself. Learn that I was never who I thought I was, and while I was happy about having the babies, I was still so confused about so many things, so I knew I needed to talk to somebody.

  I stood outside the door. The sign on it read: So, you’re an omega. I gulped and walked inside, taking a seat in a circle of blue plastic chairs. I was the only pregnant one. Even in a room of omegas, I felt like the odd one out. A balding white guy right about my height gave me a warm smile as I sat down.

  “You must be Mason.”

  “Yeah,” I said, my eyes darting to the floor.

  “I’m Mr. Barber. We’re glad to have you.”

  “Thanks,” I mumbled.

  “Let’s start.” Mr. Barber took a seat and glanced over the circle of people sitting around him. There was six of us, not including Mr. Barber. “Most of you have known your whole lives that there was a chance you were an omega, and when you find out, it’s a confusing time, and for many of us, it stays confusing. Makes us question who we are. Then there are the ones like Mason here.” He flipped his hand in my direction. “Would you like to introduce yourself. Tell us about yourself a little. Only if you feel up to it.”

  “Okay. Um, hi. I’m Mason Donnelly. I’m nineteen, and I knew nothing about any of this until I went to the doctor because I was sick. Talk about being surprised.” And I even surprised myself right then. I felt so nervous when I first walked in, but there I sat with words spilling from my mouth. “And I kind of love being pregnant. Bringing these babies into the world. I mean, it’s quite frightening, but there’s a calm in me that just kind of accepts it. It’s the rest I’m still confused about. I’ve always identified as a man.”

  “If that’s how you identify, you still are, Mason,” Mr. Barber said. Everyone in the group nodded along with him.

  “I do, but then, biologically, I’m basically a female.”

  He slowly shook his head. “Not true, and that doesn’t matter anyway.”

  “But maybe it does. I had always been so worried about being small. Not being like all the other guys who grew chest hair, had broad shoulders, had an awesome sized penis, but I think I was worried because somehow, I knew the truth. I knew I was different and didn’t want to admit it.” Talk about an epiphany. Maybe somehow, deep down, I always knew.

  “Sometimes, you need to feel comfortable in your own skin before you can fully realize something,” Mr. Barber said, leaning forward and resting his forearms on his knees, clasping his hands together.

  “At first, I was so upset, but now, it’s like it makes sense, but I still don’t know what to call myself.”

  “Many of us identify differently. I identify as male. I use male pronouns.” Mr. Barber pointed to himself.

  “I’m non-binary,” said a person with scraggly red hair and a big smile that sat across from me.

  “Not intersex?”

  “No, because I don’t feel like I’m a combination of the two. I feel like I’m neither male or female.”

  “I’m Marla. I’m trans. I completed my transition last year. I use female pronouns.” She sat next to the redhead.

  “And I go by female. She/her,” said a petite blond. “I’m Jennifer.”


  “Not all omegas present as male. Ones that present as female are rarer, but as you can see, here I am,” she said, emphasizing her point with jazz hands.

  “And you don’t have to identify as anything. Labels aren’t needed here,” Mr. Barber said.

  “I like my male pronouns. I know I’m a guy, but this past couple of months … the female part of me is pretty wonderful, and I don’t want to not acknowledge it. If that makes any sense.”

  “It makes plenty of sense, Mason.”

  “Can I say I’m a male and a little bit female?”

  “You can call yourself whatever you want. Some use they as their pronoun and identify as intersex.”

  “Can I use he and still identify as that?” I asked. Maybe I needed some kind of rule book, a set of guidelines.

  “Of course. You can say an intersex male.”

  “I think that sounds kind of right, but...” I still didn’t know for sure. After all the time I spent being upset and worried, I was coming to love everything female about me.

  “There’s no rush to figure these things out.”

  “Okay,” I whispered.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  “Mason, what are you doing?” I ran across the room to him.

  “I’m picking this bag up,” he said, lifting the bag.

  “Put it down,” I demanded. I didn’t want to sound overbearing, but I didn’t want him to strain himself.

  “It’s not heavy.”

  “Please, baby,” I said, batting my eyelashes at him and sticking out my bottom lip.

  Mason sighed. “Fine.”

  “Hey, guys,” Jill said, knocking on our doorframe. Margo stood next to her.

  “Hi, you two.” I gave them a wave and threw the bag that Mason tried to pick up over my shoulder.

  “Move out day,” Margo said. “Can we close the door for a second?”

  “Yeah, go ahead,” I said. “We usually don’t keep it open.”

  “People are starting to catch on that there’s something going on with me, and the stares are pretty darn anxiety-inducing,” Mason said, looking so sullen, but he shook it off and smiled at them.

  “Look how cute you are. Can I stare at you?” Jill asked.

  “Yes, because yours is friendly.”

  “I know this is such a personal question, but…” she started.

  “You can touch my stomach if you want.”

  “How far along are you now?” Margo said, getting to Mason’s stomach before Jill got a chance.

  “About five and a half months.”

  “Mason, it looks like you’re going to tip over.” Jill laughed, rubbing his belly.

  “Hopefully someone catches me if I do because I’d totally be like a turtle on my back,” Mason said with a laugh.

  “You seem so happy,” Margo said, scooting over so Jill could step in and also rub Mason’s stomach. It was a sort of funny site to take in.

  “I am.”

  “Good for you. Both of you. I hope we’ll still get to see you guys,” Jill said, glancing over at me.

  “Of course.”

  “Need any help getting your stuff out to the car?” Margo asked, pulling her hand away from Mason, but sticking it right back on his belly.

  “Thanks, but no. We already got most of it.”

  “Okay, see you all later then,” Jill said, dragging Margo behind her.

  “Bye,” I said, letting them out then turning toward Mason. “You ready to move into our cottage?”

  “Most definitely,” he said, smiling.

  Mr. Jones met us in front of the little house. Sam and Tyler were there with him. We had been talking to them a lot through texts and messages. They were so helpful with any questions or worries we had. The three of them helped us unload, and then Mr. Jones handed us the keys.

  “Enjoy your summer here, boys.”

  “Thank you,” Mason said. “You guys want to come in for a bit?”

  “Sure,” Sam said. He and Ty
ler followed Mason inside.

  “Oh, and Conrad, come talk to me if you need any employment opportunities,” Mr. Jones said before I went inside, too.

  “Really?” I asked. I had been meaning to look for a job, but everything else kind of took over.

  “Yes, the pay isn’t much, but it’ll cover your grocery bill, miscellaneous items and going out, and a new car payment.”

  “How can you guys do that?” I asked. Mr. Jones and Pine Wood Falls continued to surprise me.

  “We all help each other out here. Give back. Down the road, it’ll be your turn to help others. Free services, donations, etc. But this land has been in my family for generations, and I like to share it with my pack.”

  “What kind of services?” I asked, thinking I didn’t have much to offer.

  “Things like helping in the hospital. Dr. Garcia and the other staff do most of their work on a volunteer basis. What they would be paid, gets put back into the community.”

  “How does he afford to live?”

  “Like you, free accommodations, along with utility bills. And he picks up some hours at the local hospital in town, too. And donations help in that aspect, also. But we do have a large endowment that helps everything run smoothly. But if you don’t mind doing some handy work, come talk to me later.”

  “Thanks, Mr. Jones.”

  After Tyler and Sam left, Mason and I walked around our small house, exploring each room.

  “If we stayed here, this could be the babies room,” I said as we stood in a small bedroom with a nice window. The one wall would be perfect to put the cribs on.

  “If,” Mason said. “What if you take this job, we stay in this house, and we can’t help or give back down the road? What then?” Mason asked his eyes wide.

  “I’m sure they’d understand,” I said, pushing back his hair from his forehead.

  “Pine Wood Falls goes on for acres and acres. I’m guessing hundreds.”

  “Mason, they are not going to kill us and hide our bodies out in the woods somewhere.”

  Mason let out a large sigh. “I suppose not.”

  “But I’m going to take the job here at Pine Wood Falls that Mr. Jones offered me. It’ll keep me close to you.” I had this feeling of keeping him near me. He was my everything, and I wanted him close.

  “Gee golly,” Mason said, taking a step back from me.

  “Hey.” I was trying to do good by him, be there for him.

  “You know I’m joking. I’m in a mood, I guess,” he said, scrubbing a hand over his face.

  “Be in all the moods you want to be. You’re pregnant, so it’s kind of expected.” I felt bad for taking offense toward him.

  “What if it’s not because of hormones?” he asked, smooshing his lips together.

  “You’ve always been kind of moody.” He’d always also been kind of snarky, but I kept that thought to myself and was glad I did.

  “Have I?” he asked, blinking back tears.

  “Oh my gosh, Mason, I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

  “I’m not crying.”

  I kissed his forehead and cupped his chin in my hands. “Let’s go make ourselves at home.”

  “I sure hope that means you’re making me a sandwich, and we’re watching TV because I am in no mood for sex.” He wiped his cheeks with the back of his hands.

  I let out a laugh. “I love you.”

  “And I want a sandwich.”


  “You’re measuring a bit large for twenty-eight weeks,” Dr. Garcia said. He stood over Mason who lay back on the exam table.

  “Is that bad?” Mason asked, worry all over his face.

  “No, nothing to worry about. Babies are happy and healthy in there. It could be because of their position, or maybe you’ll deliver a little early.”

  At first, we said it was because he was small, he was having twins, that omegas show earlier and quicker and larger than the average pregnant person, but there was no arguing it, Mason’s stomach was just large.

  “It looks like I’m ready to deliver now. I’m the size of a barge.”

  Dr. Garcia smiled. “Have you thought if you’ll stay a while at Pine Wood Falls?”

  Mason closed his eyes and took in a deep inhale. “We’re staying for the summer. I give birth in just a matter of months.”

  “Even if you guys don’t want to stay here permanently, you can stay all the way through until Mason gives birth,” Dr. Garcia said, looking over at me.

  “We’ll talk about it more,” I said.

  “Let’s get you down from there.” Dr. Garcia reached his hand out to Mason.

  “I can do it by myself, you know.”

  “Just let me help you,” Dr. Garcia said in a gentle tone.

  “All right.”

  When we went to check out at the front desk, Dr. Garcia walked over to us. “You might want to schedule a birthing class soon and a tour of the maternity ward.”

  “Okay, thanks.” Mason gave him a small smile.

  “And welcome to your third trimester,” he said to Mason, giving him a pat on the back.


  You need some help?” I asked. Mason sat on the couch huffing and puffing, trying to tie his shoes.

  “I can’t reach my laces anymore,” he said, pouting.

  “I think it’s been a while since you’ve been able to.”

  “I was doing just fine.” He crossed his arms over his chest.

  “You trying to tie your shoes looks like a contortionist act.”

  “Well, I think I’m going to need to get some new shoes now.”

  “Or I can just tie them all the time for you.” I sat down on the couch next to him and patted my knee. He put his foot on top of it.

  “While that would be great, we are not together twenty-four hours a day.”

  “Let’s go shoe shopping then,” I said, tying his shoe.

  “Conrad, I don’t want to go out there like this.” He took his foot down and put up the other one.

  “It probably would be stressful for you. I have two-day shipping online.”

  “Let’s pick me out some sensible shoes. I was going to go for a walk, but now…”

  “You’re uninspired because you can’t tie your shoes?”

  “No, I’m horny.” A way better answer than the one I expected.

  “Well, let me also help you with that.”

  I pulled his shirt up, and he took it off. And then came off our pants and his shoes that we just tied. I took his hand, pulling him to his feet, and we stumbled into the bedroom with me trying to take off his bra. He lay back on the bed, and I kneeled over him. He tugged down my underwear.

  My cock sprung free.

  He kissed the tip of my hardness and licked around to the underside of my glans.

  I guided him to lay on his side, and I lay behind him, lifting his left leg up, and pushing in. He gasped as I caressed his breasts and nibbled at his neck. I pushed in deep, and he let out a shaky breath, his breasts heaving up and down, his belly sticking out so far and moving along with his chest. He arched his back into me and shoved his ass back. He felt incredible as always, and I could feel it build. But I slowed so I could make it last. I cupped Mason’s head in my palm and pulled his face to me, pressing my lips to him as I rocked my hips in and out at a languid pace.

  He moaned and writhed against my me, biting his lip with his body shaking.

  “That feels good, doesn’t it?”

  He nodded and let out a whimper.

  I thrust in harder.

  His body jerked, and he reached back, grabbing my ass, digging his fingernails in.

  “Oh, God,” he said, his voice breathy.

  “Tell me how good it feels.”

  Mason’s mouth dropped open, and he clawed at the sheets with his other hand. I took his wrist and pinned it down.

  “You can’t come yet.”

  “Please, Conrad,” he begged.

  “A little longer. Feel my hard cock in you. Feel it fi
ll you.”

  Mason let out a mewling sound, and I hooked my other arm under his shoulder, locking him to me, and kept pushing at the spot that was driving him crazy, making him beg me to come.

  It was so damn hot.

  I kept pushing in and then pulled out and slammed back in.

  Mason let out a scream.

  “You still haven’t told me how good it feels.”

  “Good. So, good. Jesus, Conrad.” He struggled against me, but I held him tighter, making him whimper and beg for more. I slowed down, and he cried out, “No.”

  “Let’s enjoy this, baby.”

  “Oh God, I am, but oh Jesus, I need to come.” He wriggled about some, arching his back and whimpering. “Please,” he whispered.

  And I gave in, pumping faster, my cock so hard, ready to release. Mason screamed as his body shook, and he released. He whimpered as I could feel him clench around me again, causing me to release deep in him. He trembled as he rode out another orgasm. Him being an omega, he always had more than one.

  “My God, Mason. That was so amazing, and you. You’re so fucking gorgeous. And add in your heaving breasts and that beautiful belly, and just wow.”

  “I hate it but love it at the same time when you tease me like that.”

  “Maybe next time, I’ll tie you up.”

  “And maybe I would just love that.”

  Holy hell, with him saying that I was hard all over again.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  We sat on the bed and watched TV together. I leaned back in Conrad’s lap, and he had his hands around my belly. A bowl of ice cream sat on top of it. I fed it to him over my shoulder.

  “I think I like your ice cream craving better than your chicken wing one.”

  “What if I dipped chicken wings in the ice cream?” I asked, thinking it was a real possibility.

  “That sounds disgusting.”

  “No, that sounds good. Maybe I can get a bottle of buffalo wing sauce and use it as an ice cream topping.” My stomach grumbled at the thought.

  “That sounds vomit inducing.”

  “Now I want chicken wings. Ooh,” I said. My stomach balled up into a cramp, a sharp ache taking over.

  “You okay?” Conrad asked in my ear.


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