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Miles Away (Carrion #1)

Page 12

by Addison Kline

  “Gentlemen! Have a seat…”


  THE BELL OVER THE ENTRANCE of the Cash and Carry Supermarket clanged loudly as Letty Alves strolled through the door clutching her purse tightly. Letty gripped onto Miles’s hand with her free hand. Miles had an amused smile on his face as he ducked under the doorway to enter the store. He towered over Letty, but there was no question as to who held the reins in the relationship.

  “Do you do this often?” Miles asked, as he willingly followed Letty’s lead.

  “Do what?” Letty asked as her eyes scanned the shelves for Adobo seasoning. Spotting the brand she used, she plucked a medium sized container off the shelf and tossed it into the shopping basket Miles was carrying.

  “Cook for your dad?” Miles clarified.

  “Oh, I stop in a few times a week to check on him. He hasn’t been the same since Mom passed,” Letty explained.

  “Oh…” Miles replied sheepishly. “Sorry.”

  Remembering how much of a support Letty was during his own mother’s illness and her eventual death, Miles felt terrible that he couldn’t be there for Letty.

  “So you take care of everyone, huh?” Miles asked, as Letty led him to the poultry counter.

  Placing her order for lean chicken breast, Letty looked back at Miles with a smile. “You know me.”

  “Yes I do…” Miles said with a charged edge to his voice.

  Letty placed the freshly wrapped chicken into the shopping basket. They continued into the dairy section as Letty hunted down the cheeses she used to make her father’s meal of choice. Miles’s eyes hadn’t left Letty. Zoning in on the gold pendant that hung around her neck, Miles continued with his line of questioning.

  “So who takes care of you?” Miles asked in a voice so full of inflection and concern that it caused Letty to take pause.

  Turning on her heel, Letty faced Miles with a surprised look on her face. Looking into his brooding eyes, Letty saw right past the tough façade. Cutting right to the quick, Letty saw vulnerability in Miles’s eyes. Placing her hand on Miles’s chest, the faintest of smiles pulled at Letty’s lips.

  “Who takes care of me?” Letty repeated with a coy look on her face.

  “Yeah. You heard me. You’re so busy taking care of everyone and everything. Who takes care of Letty?” Miles pressed.

  “That’s what I have you for,” Letty said with a wink.

  The breath rushed from Miles’s mouth as all his protective mechanisms fell to the ground. Looking down into Letty’s eyes, Miles felt that he had finally come home. His lips curled into a smile and tears flooded his eyes. Bringing Letty’s hand to his mouth, he kissed the flesh of her hand as he choked back his tears. It was a sight for Letty to behold. As her chest seared with pain and soared with happiness all at once, she gazed into Miles’s eyes hardly able to fathom the depth of the pain he felt. This man, who was the absolute embodiment of strength and resilience, brute force and rugged brawn, still had the sensitive heart that Letty had fallen for all those years ago. Releasing Letty’s hand, Miles’s eyes fell back on the gold pendant that lay delicately from Letty’s neck. Placing his index finger under the tiny gold disk, Miles attacked the elephant in the room head on. With a flicker of doubt in his eyes, Miles asked, “Who is G?”

  A nervous smile crossed Letty’s face. “He’s someone important. Someone I want you to meet.”

  Nodding, Miles accepted Letty’s response as he tossed a brick of asadero cheese into the shopping basket. Staring up at Miles, Letty let out a nervous breath as she followed him to the check-out aisle. The cashier quickly rung up Letty’s groceries one by one giving Miles a precarious look.

  “Your total is $27.42,” the pimple-faced cashier told Letty as he loaded up her groceries in a brown paper bag.

  Pulling her Visa debit card from her wallet, Letty paid for her groceries and let Miles carry the bags.

  The sky had gotten dark since they entered the store. The parking lot was dimly lit outside of the grocery store. A single lamp post flickered haphazardly on the far side of the parking lot, setting Miles on edge. Letty walked a few feet in front of him, but Miles’s step quickened. As he caught up with Letty, he tugged on her arm, securing it tightly in his grasp. Miles passed Letty the groceries and the car keys, urging her to get inside the car. Looking back, Miles watched as the faint outline of a vintage black Cadillac pulled past where he stood. Standing in the dim light cast off by the supermarket sign, Miles put his hand on his belt just inches from his piece. It would take no more than a second to rip out his gun and take action. Miles glared at the car as a gentle cloud of smoke blew out of the passenger window as the car crept past. Miles recognized the car. It was the same car that had chased Miles and Letty all those years ago. Miles had a look of pure rage on his face. He didn’t break eye contact with the passenger side window. He couldn’t see who was riding in the car, but he knew exactly who it was. Jutting his chin out, Miles dared the watcher to make a move.

  “Try it, fucker. See what happens,” Miles said in a no bullshit tone.

  Much to Miles’s amusement, the Cadillac rolled on past, disappearing in the shadows of Downtown Carrion. Breaking his glare, Miles turned and walked back to Corina where Letty was waiting with bated breath.


  “THERE ARE THREE things that you need to know about Miles Capadonno… so you better listen up,” Michael Capadonno said in a hushed voice, his thick accent fighting through.

  Huddled in a circle by the blazing fire of the war room, Salvatore “Six” DiBlase, Anthony Schiabetta and Benny “Big Bang” Mancini filled up their arm chairs as their eyes peered at Michael with anticipation rank in their gaze. The fire illuminated his face, showing off old scars and battle wounds, his sunken eye sockets giving him the appearance of a ghost rather than a man who still drew breath. Clenching the arms of his chair, Michael prepared to give his men some key knowledge that they needed to take Miles out. He had no intentions of helping his son. Not when Miles was planning on getting revenge on the fifteen men who conspired to take him out seventeen years ago. Miles never issued a threat. It was automatically assumed that a Capadonno who was falsely imprisoned would be ready to raise hell.

  “Go on, Butch…” Benny “Big Bang” Mancini urged, as he listened with broad eyes.

  “Number one,” Michael said as he held up his pinky finger. “He’s strong. He’s probably the strongest guy I know. His brute strength only intensifies with rage. He’s mentally smart, too. Prison failed to break his mind. Intimidation from our guys on the inside didn’t break down his courage. Miles is not a guy you want to get on the wrong side of.”

  “Yeah, well, boss, neither are we!” Anthony Schiabetta reminded Michael.

  Michael laughed at Anthony and shook his head.

  “It’s that kind of attitude that is gonna get you killed. Miles is not someone you want to fuck with.”

  “Ant’ny! Shut up!” Big Bang said as he slapped the back of Anthony’s head. “Sorry, boss, go on.”

  Michael shook his head in disgust as he continued, “Number two. Miles is smart. He scored at fuckin’ 1450 on his SATs and if his street life hadn’t caught up to him, Miles would have gone to Princeton.”

  “Princeton? Fuck…” Six said in surprise.

  “For what? Being a fuckin’ flake?” Anthony complained. His father had told him all too well about the night that Miles didn’t show. A made man was executed because of his slight.

  Lifting his eyebrows, Michael had a serious look on his face. “He was going for Forensic Science.”

  “Joining the opposing team, huh?” Big Bang said as he examined his watch.

  Michael shrugged. “You know he’s never told me shit. I got all this from his mother before she passed, may God bless her soul.”

  At Michael’s words, Anthony kissed the cross that was hanging from his neck. Big Bang closed his eyes as he appeared to say a silent prayer. Six blessed himself as his eyes darted to the ce
iling. Don’t mistake their actions for being devout—it was all an act to stay on Michael’s good side. Despite the fact that Sonny wanted them to run jobs while Andie Cormack was on her death bed, Michael poised himself as the saint. Heads would roll if Miles saw the exchange.

  “Number three…” Michael said as he held up three fingers. “Miles has lost everyone that has ever meant anything to him. Don’t get me wrong… He cares about his brothers and sisters. But the women he loved are gone. Letty isn’t gonna go for an ex-con… You can fuckin’ forget about that… and Miles’s mother is not coming back. Miles has no ties. He has nothing holding him down. That makes him a very dangerous man.”

  “I ain’t scared!” Anthony declared as he stared up at Michael.

  With a dark look setting in his eyes, Michael glared back at Anthony and said, “Maybe you should be.”

  “What’s the game plan, then, boss?” Big Bang asked.

  “Well… Ruin owed me a favor. Him and an associate are out running interference ’til we figure out what the fuck is going on. In the meantime somebody go find Fish and Dante, they need to be dealt with. Tell everybody to be here at midnight. This can’t wait anymore.”

  “Did you decide on your appointment?”


  “Yeah, who’s gonna sit in your chair?” Big Bang asked. He thought that’s what this little gathering was all about.

  “Oh, yeah,” Michael said as he took a puff of his cigar. Blowing a smoke screen in his men’s faces, Michael replied, “I’ve got that all figured out.”


  “WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT all about?” Letty demanded to know as Miles lowered himself into the car. Her eyes were wide as she stared up at Miles waiting for an answer.

  “Nothing, Letty. Please don’t worry,” Miles said, dismissing Letty’s concerns.

  Holding up a hand, Letty wasn’t trying to hear “nothing.” She knew what nothing meant when spoken by a Capadonno.

  “Be straight up with me, Miles. That’s the only way this is gonna work,” Letty said, her eyes snapped on Miles’s face.

  Damn, she looks pissed.

  Miles released a heavy sigh as he stared back at Letty. He knew she was right. Nodding in understanding, a conflicted look crossed Miles’s face.

  As his brow furrowed, Miles replied, “The vultures of Carrion are getting hungry.”

  Giving Letty a look of uncertainty, Miles searched her eyes for any flicker of fear. He found none. Instead, Letty’s eyes grew shrewd and determined. Twisting her fingers into Miles’s beard, she tugged Miles down to her level.

  With a raised eyebrow, Letty said in a stern voice, “Let them starve. You’re mine and no one is taking you away again.”

  Reaching up his hand to her arm, he stroked the fabric of her sweater gently.

  “Don’t worry, Letty, I ain’t going anywhere.”

  Releasing her hold on Miles’s beard, Letty smiled faintly, feeling somewhat relieved. Slapping Miles on his thigh, Letty exclaimed, “Good! Now let’s go pick up G.”

  Miles gulped a bit every time he heard Letty mention the name G. He didn’t know who G was, or how G would affect the dynamic of their relationship.

  “Okay…” Miles said sheepishly. “Tell me where I’m going.”

  “217 Evergreen Terrace.”

  Flicking on the radio, “Thunder Road” blared from the speakers as Miles hit the gas pedal. Maneuvering the tiny streets of Carrion, Miles could feel his stress levels rising. Not because of the Capadonno crime family breathing down his neck. No. That he could handle any day of the week. Miles was certain that he had a handle on the family situation. The thing that was causing Miles’s anxiety level to spike was this G character. Miles’s thoughts were running at warp speed.

  What if she was spoken for? What if G was a jealous ex? What was so fucking important about G, anyway?

  Miles continued to wage war in his head. He fought to come to a conclusion that would satisfy the nagging worry that plagued his mind.

  Dude, she said she loves you. She just banged you in the car, and told you not to ever leave her again. You’re snappin’ out! Breathe. Just fucking breathe. Everything will be fine.

  “Here we are,” Letty said as they pulled up to 217 Evergreen Terrace.

  Glancing out his window at the property, Miles wondered what it would be like to live in a house like that. With a white picket fence, a wrap-around porch, and a vegetable garden in the front yard, 217 Evergreen Terrace was a little slice of American pie. Miles’s eyes lingered over the blue house, curious as to who lived inside.

  “Nice house,” Miles said as he broke his gaze from the property.

  “Thanks,” Letty said as she prepared to climb out of the car.

  When she saw Miles wasn’t following, she called back into the car window, “C’mon! Come meet G!”

  Doing as he was told, Miles climbed out of the car and followed Letty up the stone garden path. Letty unzipped her purse and proceeded to shuffle through her bag for her keys. Finally pulling them out, her large ring of keys jingled as she climbed up the porch steps. Quickly, Letty navigated her way through the lines of potted plants that sat neatly on the steps as she approached the front door.

  “You live here?” Miles asked in a bewildered voice as he cut through the garden.

  “Yup,” Letty replied with a proud smile. “Home sweet home. I just paid it off last month.”

  Miles’s eyebrows raised as he looked at the house in a whole different light. It definitely had Letty’s style infused in the design, from the soft shade of blue that the house had been painted to the sweet rose garden that was cultivated in the front yard. Letty had made herself a beautiful home.

  “That’s impressive, Letty…” Miles said as his voice trailed off. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of the house. He was really proud of what Letty had done with herself.

  Letty shrugged. “Not really. The house was a real fixer-upper. Old HUD house, so we put a lot of work into it. My parents put down half the money, and I got a mortgage for the rest.”

  Miles nodded, appearing to approve. “I’m proud of you, Letty.”

  “Huh?” Letty whipped around with a stunned look upon her face. Miles smiled back in return.

  “I’m proud of you. You made something of your life.”

  Letty gave Miles an appreciative smile as she ran her finger along Miles’s jawline. In that moment, she appeared to be making an important decision.

  “You’ll stay here. I don’t want you at the compound,” Letty said in a stern voice.

  “Uh,” Miles stammered.

  “Don’t argue me over this point. This is your home. This is where you’re safe. Just like we planned,” Letty insisted.

  Without another word, Letty entered her key in the lock and swung the front door of her house open.

  “Nicole!” Letty yelled loudly as she approached an oak staircase that led to a second-floor landing.

  No one responded. Letty dropped her keys into a bowl on the glass coffee table that sat in the middle of her parlor and proceeded to look around for Nicole. Quietly, Miles walked over the threshold, lowering his head to get through the doorway. It wasn’t the fanciest of houses. Letty didn’t have the best of everything. But what she did have was a welcoming home. It was warm and comfortable. There was no threat from a rabid relative. There was no pretense or façade. Miles was amazed at the warmth that exuded from within the four walls of 217 Evergreen Terrace.

  “Nicole!” Letty yelled again up the stairs.

  “Who is Nicole?” Miles asked as he stepped into the parlor.

  Letty appeared to be paying Miles no mind though. Sweeping through the parlor, Letty’s heels clicked against the hardwood floor as she made a beeline to the mahogany staircase. Racing up the stairs, Letty left Miles alone with his thoughts as her voice trailed off down the upstairs hallway. Miles peered around the parlor, his eyes falling against the sea foam walls. Family photos lined the walls. Eyeing each one,
Miles smiled. Letty had done as he wanted her to. She led a full and happy life. Miles broke his gaze from a photograph of Letty lounging on the beach in Sea Isle City when he heard the sound of approaching voices.

  Letty descended the stairs one by one with another woman in tow. Miles presumed she must be Nicole. She was a wild child, no more than seventeen years of age, with spiky purple hair, ripped denim jeans and a black t-shirt that read Rebel Punk. She and Letty gabbed incessantly as they walked down the staircase. Miles walked to the center of the room, unsure of what to do with himself. Though he was in prison for half of his life, Miles had some manners. He held on tightly to the lessons his mother taught him. He didn’t want to seem rude to Letty. This was her house, after all.

  “Okay, Nicole. Thanks again!” Letty called out the front door. She then closed it with a gentle click.

  As Letty turned back into the room, it was her turn to render Miles speechless. Miles’s mouth gaped open as he watched Letty come forward. A small boy, no older than two years of age by Miles’s calculation, clutched onto Letty’s arm as he peered out at Miles. With soft brown eyes and caramel skin, the child looked a lot like Letty. His nearly black hair swept gently across his forehead. The child released a hand from around Letty’s neck, stretching it out towards Miles. Miles’s breath hitched as he compared Letty’s face with the child’s own. Their eyes were identical and when he smiled he had the same deep dimple that Miles always adored on Letty. Letty watched Miles’s face carefully, scrutinizing his eyes for any sign of fear. Letty was surprised to see that there was none present. Instead, a look of amazement shone out from his eyes. Miles wasn’t frightened by the prospect of a child—he just seemed surprised by this sudden turn of events. Staring down at the gold bracelet around the child’s wrist, Miles smiled at the letter G. The wind rushed from Miles’s throat as reality set in.

  “You’re a mother…” Miles said in a soft voice. There was no judgment present in his tone, nor was there any sign of disappointment. Miles sounded happy for Letty.


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