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Miles Away (Carrion #1)

Page 22

by Addison Kline

  “Don’t worry, chica. You’re next!” Anthony spat.

  “Go fuck yourself, Schiabetta! You’ve got worse aim than your father does!” Letty spat, earning an amused look from Miles.

  “Keep it moving, tough guy. Let’s go, clear out,” the cops pressed as they nudged Anthony off of the casino floor.

  “You all right?” Miles asked Letty with a look of concern in his eyes.

  Letty laughed. “I’m fine. You’re the one who was just shot at. Thank God for that vest.”

  Miles shook his head as he examined his shirt.

  “Brand new shirt, too. Damn it.”

  “Considering the alternative?” Letty said as a more serious tone took over her face.

  Miles nodded, knowing exactly where her thoughts were going. “I’m always prepared, Letty. These guys are as transparent as cellophane.”

  Grabbing his shirt from Letty, Miles chucked it into a trash can. As he turned back to Letty, he grabbed her hand and led the way out of the restaurant.

  “Where are we going now?” Letty asked.

  “Well, for one… I need a new shirt,” Miles said with a laugh.

  Letty eyed Miles up and down as she pursed her lips. She let her eyes linger over Miles’s bulletproof jacket, his biceps and the intricate network of tattoos that covered his body. After a moment of appreciating the specimen of man before her, Letty replied, “Oh, I don’t know. I think I like this look better…”

  “Oh, do you now?” Miles replied with a laugh.

  Bringing her fingers to her lips, Letty replied, “Mmmhmmmm.”

  “I think some of the patrons in the casino might mind,” Miles said as he motioned to a pair of elderly women who were standing by the penny slots. They were staring at him as they talked in hushed tones. “They appear to be deciding whether to call the police back.”

  Glancing over her shoulder to give the old women a nasty look, Letty finally relented. “Oh, fine. Let’s go find you a shirt.”

  “Don’t sound so disappointed,” Miles said with a smile, knowing damn well that although they were joking around, Letty was scared senseless.

  Holding on tightly to Letty’s hand, Miles led the way to a souvenir shop inside the casino, hoping that they had a plain black t-shirt that he could wear. Letty browsed the racks that lined the wall, while Miles checked the circular racks that cluttered the middle of the store. They looked high and low but in the sea of t-shirts, they couldn’t find a single plain white, gray or black t-shirt anywhere. In fact, much to Miles’s dismay and to Letty’s amusement, most of the shirts were what Miles so poetically described as “fluorescent garbage.”

  As Miles grumbled at a bright green Jersey Shore TV show t-shirt, Letty wandered back to the clearance section determined to find Miles something to wear. After some browsing, Letty squealed with delight when she found the perfect t-shirt for Miles.

  “What?” Miles asked with a bewildered look on his face.

  “I found it!” Letty announced loudly as he hurried over to him.

  “You found what? Another neon craptacular t-shirt?” Miles asked, his sarcasm hitting an all-time high.

  “No, it’s black,” Letty said as she weaved through the racks of clothes to get back to Miles. Miles could barely see the top of Letty’s head over the rows of t-shirts.

  “Oh, good,” Miles said, but as Letty approached with the t-shirt in her grasp, Miles let out a roaring laugh.

  “You would find the one t-shirt that would double as a bad joke,” Miles said as he shook his head.

  Letty wiggled her eyebrows as she held up the t-shirt that read in big bold letters, “I Survived Hurricane Leticia.”

  Covering his face as laughter ripped from his mouth, Miles could barely catch his breath. Letty, much like Hurricane Leticia, could certainly wreak a lot of havoc under the right conditions.

  Still laughing, Miles asked, “Where did you find that? I’m getting one for G, too.”

  “You wouldn’t!”

  “I most certainly would!” Miles exclaimed as he started rooting through the kids’ clothing. “Ha! 3T. Got it!”

  “No fucking way… We can’t find a single black T-shirt, but there’s a bazillion Hurricane Leticia shirts.”

  “It’s happening!” Miles said happily as he yanked the tiny shirt from the rack.

  Miles approached the front counter of the shop. Dropping the t-shirts on the counter, Miles nodded to the shop clerk, who looked like he wasn’t even old enough to have a work permit.

  “Hey, brother. I’ll take these two,” Miles said as he pushed the t-shirts at the clerk.

  The guy laughed. “Let me guess…” he said as he glanced over at Letty. “Her name’s Leticia, isn’t it?”

  “Sure is,” Miles said proudly, but as the shop clerk’s eyes lingered too long on Letty, he earned a grilling glare from Miles.

  “Aye! Eyes over here, buddy! That’s my hurricane!” Miles growled.

  “Uh… sorry. That’ll be $14.23.”

  “Here,” Miles said as he passed the kid a twenty-dollar bill.

  “Keep the change. I can’t bear another second looking at these fluorescent as fuck t-shirts. Letty, c’mon. Before I go blind or nuts.”

  As Miles exited the store, Letty waved goodbye sheepishly to the shop clerk who was clearly traumatized by their visit. The clerk stared at Miles with deer in headlight eyes as he walked out of the store. As soon as they were out of the shop, Miles pulled on his t-shirt and waited for Letty’s approval.

  “Nice,” Letty remarked as she threw up the OK sign with her fingers.

  Holding his hand out for Letty to take, Miles said, “C’mon.”

  “Where are we going now?” Letty asked.

  “You’ll see…”

  And just like that the night went on without a hitch. Miles was not a man that liked to live in the past. He learned from it. Miles had an impeccable memory. He didn’t rehash old hurts, he let them condition him. Miles let the pain of the past motivate him. He was not a forgive and forget kind of guy, though. Miles was a vengeance, vindication and victory kind of guy. The two execution attempts on his life today had only served to strengthen him. Dante Sabotino and Anthony Schiabetta did nothing but piss off a sleeping dragon. There was something inherently dangerous about people who lived in the shadow of a mighty and lethal force and lived without fear. Letty might be frightened, but Miles wasn’t. He had since been desensitized from witnessing so many acts of violence, degradation and utter disrespect of human life by the hands of his father. Michael Capadonno and his men used to strike fear in Miles’s heart. Those days were long over. The execution attempts acted as an activation agent. He knew who was behind them. That would be three times now that his own father tried to have him killed. As the old baseball rule goes, three strikes and you’re out. Miles now sought to take the heart of the man who had given him life.


  RAINE CAPADONNO SAT on a barstool smoking a cigarette as she kept a close eye on the double doors of the Destiny Nightclub. The pulsing beats sounding from the dance floor usually energized her, but tonight they were giving her a headache.

  “What are ya drinkin’, babe?” Rumor asked her cousin as she approached her from the opposite side of the bar.

  “I’m not. I’m waiting for this douche bag to show up with my money!” Raine spat with a miserable look on her face.

  “What douche bag?” Rumor replied with a worried look on her face. As she waited for Raine to reply, she slipped her long black curls off her left shoulder. Wearing a pink off the shoulder top, she had a tattoo of the name “Ruin” branded across her chest.

  “Jackie Villano!” Raine complained as she dropped a cigarette butt into the ashtray.

  “Told you not to sell to him…” Rumor said as she rolled her eyes. She clicked her long acrylic nails against the surface of the bar.

  “He better fuckin’ pay me for all the H I gave him or I’ll set the fuckin’ dogs on him!” Raine threatened, her eyes goi
ng wild as she eyed the crowd of the club.

  “You think these assholes would learn, especially after what your dad did to Ant’ny! Pay or be dealt with. Loser shoots all his money into his veins anyway.”

  “He’ll get his,” Raine insisted. “Don’t worry about that. I always get my way.”

  “Blow on these for me, baby…” Miles said in a sultry voice as he held a pair of dice near Letty’s mouth.

  As the other casino patrons cheered them on, Letty gently blew on Miles’s dice. A second later, Miles tossed it on to the craps table as the crowd cheered louder.

  “He wins again! Lucky fucker! Whaddya say?” the dealer asked. “One more round?”

  “No, brother. Time for me to bounce,” Miles said, realizing that he had drawn too much attention to himself already.

  “Oh, scared?” the dealer asked.

  “Never,” Miles said in a self-assured voice as he let the dealer scan his points card.

  “Godspeed, my friend. That’s one hell of a night,” the dealer said.

  “I’ll say,” Miles said as he glanced at the total on the dealer’s scanner.

  In a matter of an hour, Miles had won over five thousand dollars. As Letty and Miles walked from the table, Miles winked at Letty.

  “I learned a thing or two while I was away,” Miles said with a sly smirk.

  Letty laughed. “Yeah! I see that!”

  Standing in line to cash his winnings, Miles’s attention was caught by a black vintage Cadillac that had rolled out front of the casino. Pulling Letty close to him, Miles kept a protective hold on Letty as he grabbed his cash and veered out of sight.

  “Where are we going, Miles?”

  “Let’s go check out the jewelry store.”

  Letty’s head damn near spun around.

  “For what?” Letty asked with a million-watt smile.

  “I just won 5K. I want to get you something pretty.”

  “You don’t have to do that, Miles,” Letty said, not wanting to spend his money.

  Turning around on his heels, Miles gave Letty a serious look. “Trust me, Letty. You’re going to want this.”

  As Miles led the way to Herschmann’s Jewelers, Letty tried to maintain her composure. Tried and failed. She had a smile on her face that could light up Times Square. Miles, hearing the giggles that were ripping from Letty’s mouth, turned around again with a smile. Letty sucked her lip in, but it was too late. Miles had seen the exuberant grin on her face.

  With a cocky smirk, Miles asked Letty, “You do love me, right?”

  Letty chuckled a bit before she answered. “That, Miles Capadonno, is a stupid question.”

  Leading the way into the jewelry store, Miles approached the counter and nodded at Mr. Herschmann. Extending his hand, Miles greeted the man warmly.

  “Mr. Herschmann, we spoke on the phone. I’m Miles.”

  “Ah, yes. Mr. Cormack…”

  Letty stared over at Miles at the mention of the name.

  Cormack? Interesting.

  “This is the woman I was telling you about. I am going to ask her to marry me,” Miles said as he looked back at Letty with a wink. Letty’s lips parted as a sharp breath escaped from her mouth. “Show her your most elegant pieces. Whatever she wants, she gets.”

  “Okay, future Mrs. Cormack. If you come over to the parlor, I’d be happy to show you some of our best pieces. Mr. Cormack has made it very clear I am to cater to your whims.”

  “My whims?” Letty asked as her heart raced in her chest. “Miles, I don’t need anything fancy.”

  “You’ll get what you want. Don’t show her the price tags. Just let her pick the one she likes the best.”

  Letty looked completely out of her element as the jeweler brought over a tray of platinum-band diamond engagement rings.

  “I’ll be right over here if you need me,” Miles said with a smile as he went to stand by the door.

  As Letty looked at the dozens of rings before her, and tried to find a way to narrow down her decision, Miles kept a close watch on the door. Letty didn’t notice though, because she was too busy trying to decide what she wanted. With so many beautiful choices to choose from, Letty’s head was spinning. Finally after forty-five minutes of indecision, Letty had made her decision.

  “We have a winner!” Mr. Herschmann called out to Miles, who was still standing by the door. He almost looked like he was standing guard.

  Miles smiled as he approached Letty and the jeweler. Letty pointed with her index finger to a simple but beautiful two carat princess-cut diamond set into an exquisitely detailed antique gold band. It wasn’t the most elaborate of rings, but it certainly wasn’t anything to scoff at either. The ring suited Letty, who wasn’t known for being flashy, and the antique band reminded Miles, they had a history together.

  “Is that the one you want?” Miles asked as he looked down at Letty.

  Letty nodded her head, eyes filling up with tears, as she replied, “Yes, Miles. It’s perfect. Absolutely perfect.”

  “Great. Mr. Herschmann, I’ll be paying in cash. Do you have a box?”

  “We won’t be needing a box, Mr. Herschmann,” Letty said slyly.

  Miles raised an eyebrow at Letty as he laughed.

  “Oh, no?” Miles asked.

  “No. I won’t be taking it off,” Letty said in amusement.

  “There you have it,” Miles said as he paid the bill.

  “Best of luck to you both,” Mr. Herschmann said. “And when you’re ready to purchase wedding bands, come pay me a visit.”

  “You got it,” Miles said as he dug his hands into his pants pockets.

  “Thank you so much, Mr. Herschmann,” Letty said as she grabbed her purse off of the counter.

  “Ready?” Miles asked as he rocked on his heels.

  “Ready,” Letty said as she nodded.

  A moment later, Miles and Letty walked out the door far happier than they were when they had walked in. As the door of the jewelry store swung shut, Letty grabbed the fabric of Miles’s t-shirt. Pulling him down to her level, Letty rushed Miles’s mouth giving him the most desperate and passionate kiss he had ever experienced in his life. As their lips parted, Miles smirked just slightly.

  “As long as I have you, Letty. That’s all I need. You and G.”

  “That’s exactly what you’ve got. C’mon. Time for bed,” Letty said suggestively, as she pulled Miles towards the revolving door of the casino.

  “Mmmmm,” Miles said groaning in a guttural tone. “Your wish is my command.”

  Pushing the revolving doors, Letty stepped out of the casino first, but it was Miles who saw the man step from the shadows of the garden. Pulling Letty behind him in a sharp jerk, Miles placed himself between Letty and the fast approaching man. Immediately, Miles recognized the man’s allegiance by the P tattoo on his neck.

  “Can I help you, brother?” Miles asked as he spread his arms, making it hard for the man to pass him.

  “Long way from home, ain’t ya, Capadonno?”

  “Not really, Pena. Quick drive down the turnpike.”

  Mark Pena replied with a bite, “I’m surprised you’d dare to step foot in AC.”

  “I’m a free man. I can step anywhere I damn well please.”

  “Had a chat with your old man recently.”

  “Oh, yeah? Me, too. What did the old traitorous bastard have to say this time?”

  “He don’t like you much, you know. Kind of fucked up that a father is paying big money to have his kid killed.”

  “What else is new? The bastard’s been trying to kill me for the last seventeen years,” Miles explained as he placed a hand on the back of his waist band. “I know you’re packing, and you should know, I’m packing double, and I never miss a shot. Move aside.”

  “You’re lucky I hate your father, because I’d be really tempted to claim that cash.”

  “Don’t get too greedy. He doesn’t pay up easy.”

  Mark Pena nodded as he backed up a few inches.

/>   “I’ve never had a problem wit’ you, Miles. We have common enemies. I was just told to pop by and see what all the commotion was about.”

  “That would be Schiabetta…”

  “I thought he was locked up.”

  “His kid… Anthony. Shot me twice. Lucky for me, I decided to wear a vest today,” Miles commented.

  “Damn Schiabetta senior and junior tried to ice you. That’s nuts.”

  “It’s a family affair, I guess,” Miles said coolly.

  Mark Pena nodded and held out a hand to Miles.

  “See you on the flip side, Cap’…” Mark said as Miles slapped his hand.

  “Later, Pena…”

  As Mark Pena skulked away, Miles heard Letty let out a deep sigh of relief.

  “Gotta learn to relax, baby. My father’s not the only one with connections,” Miles said cryptically.

  A moment later, Miles hailed down a cab that would take them back to their hotel which was on the other side of the complex. Just a short ten minute ride was all it took to get back to their hotel room. As Letty entered the room, she glanced back at Miles with a devious smirk on her face. Running her fingers along the edge of the windowsill with the lights of Atlantic City glowing in the distance, Letty pursed her lips. Miles lowered himself into a chair by the window. Pulling off his Hurricane Leticia t-shirt, Miles took her bait. “What?”

  Miles took off his bulletproof vest and placed it gently on the floor next to his chair as Letty gazed at him from the windowsill, her lips still pursed.

  “You never did ask me,” Letty said her eyes scrutinizing Miles’s face.

  “I know I didn’t,” Miles said as a smile grew from his lips.

  Miles summoned Letty with a crook of his ring finger. Patting his leg, Miles non-verbally cued Letty to take a seat on his lap. As Letty approached him, Miles pulled her close to him, sliding her legs atop his, and cradling her waist with his sturdy hand.

  “Grow old with me, Letty. Spend your years by my side. Tie yourself to me, and let me glue myself to you. This thing we have, it’s as natural as air. As natural as breathing. It’s when were apart that we are both gasping for air. Do it. Say you’ll marry me,” Miles whispered, never taking his eyes off of Letty.


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