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Origins of the Prime

Page 21

by Christopher Vale

  “Thank you,” she said. “I think.”

  “Despite what Deputy Director Durst thinks, your mission was not a complete failure. You found, located, infiltrated, confirmed and controlled, at least for a moment, an extra terrestrial station. Furthermore, you encountered a threat by one who wishes to upset the established order of things for his own selfish purposes. You stopped him. You saved our civilization from an arrogant barbarian playing with things he could not possibly comprehend.”

  “And you comprehend them?” Axel asked somewhat skeptically.

  “Not as well as I’d like to,” he replied. “Certainly not as well as Agent Williams does.” He turned to look at Dawn. “Wouldn’t you agree, Agent?” he asked her.

  Dawn shrugged and let her eyes drop down to the table.

  “Ladies and gentlemen the world is changing. It’s not about nation states anymore. We as a planet face common, global threats from within and without. The people I represent understand this. They want to build a safe and secure world. An advanced world of order with fully evolved species in control. That is why the President has agreed to relinquish control of the CSOS. You are no longer going to be under the thumb of the United States government, though Director Johnson will still meet with and give status updates to the President.”

  “Relinquish control to who?” Tom asked.

  “To the people I represent.”

  “And the President is okay with this?” Tom asked Ian.

  “Yes, the President is fully on board,” Ian replied.

  The man in black smiled. “Let me be clear. We will do a lot of good. You will be funded like you’ve never seen before. We are heading into a new era.”

  Everyone glanced at one another. The man in black leaned forward onto the table. “Martha, kindly start the recorder.” Martha clicked it on once again. “Now, I’d like you to tell me everything that happened from the time you touched down in North Vietnam to the time you returned to South Vietnam.” They glanced at Ian, who nodded for them to go ahead.


  It wasn’t long after the man in black left that Ian sent Martha out to purchase champagne. “We’re celebrating,” he said. Two hours later the office was alive with excitement at the prospect of what was to come. Most of the employees didn’t know anymore than that they had received more funding, but that prospect alone meant more opportunity for raises and advancements, so the atmosphere was quite jovial.

  Tom took Ian into his office closing the door behind them, saying he wanted to clear up some concerns that he had with the new arrangement. Axel took his glass of champagne and left Rolf to regale the paper pushers with stories of their exploits in Vietnam while sipping from a gallon of chocolate milk through a very long straw.

  Axel found Dawn alone outside on the balcony overlooking the city. She was leaning on the rails and smoking a cigarette. Her still full glass of champagne stood on the ground at her feet. He walked up behind her.

  “Hi,” he said, startling her.

  She spun around with a shout, but laughed when she realized it was only him. “You scared the stew out of me, Axel!”

  “Sorry,” he said with a smile. “I didn’t know you smoked.”

  She looked down at her cigarette. “I don’t. I mean I didn’t. Well I quit, but…” she said and then took a drag and blew the smoke from her pursed lips.

  Axel held out his hand for the cigarette and she handed it to him. He brought it to his lips and inhaled deeply, then blew the smoke from his nose before handing it back to Dawn. “You alright?” he asked. Dawn shrugged and then took another drag. Axel joined her by the rail and leaned over onto it, staring out over the city. Dawn turned back around and did likewise.

  “So, what did you mean in there when you said ‘what the CIA did to you’?” Axel asked.

  Dawn finished the cigarette and dropped the butt on the ground, stomping it out under the toe of her navy blue pump. She looked up and smiled at Axel. “Ask me another time, okay?” she said as she gently laid a hand on his forearm.

  Axel nodded. “Yeah, alright,” he said picking up on her discomfort. He smiled broadly then bent down and picked up her glass of champagne from the ground and handed it to her. He presented his glass to toast. “To making it back alive, again,” he said. Dawn smiled and clinked his glass. She sipped her champagne, but Axel threw back his head, draining his entire glass.

  “You need more,” she laughed. Axel was happy to see her smile again.

  He leaned forward and kissed her. She returned the kiss. “Would you like to pick up where we left off on our first date?”

  Dawn smiled as she leaned against him. “Perhaps,” she said. “If we can avoid any interruptions this time.”

  As if on cue the doors swung open and Tom and Rolf stepped out onto the balcony. “Here you are!” Tom said as he strode toward them carrying a glass and bottle of champagne. “Finish that,” he said pointing to Dawn’s glass of champagne. As she obliged, he popped the cork on the new bottle sending it flying through the air. He then filled his, Axel’s, and Dawn’s glasses. Rolf continued with his chocolate milk. Tom held his glass up. “To a new beginning,” he said and everyone clinked glasses.

  “So, your talk with Ian went well?” Axel asked.

  Tom nodded. “Yes. I was nervous about this mysterious man whose name I don’t even know. But my relationship with Ian goes back to the War and he has laid most of my fears to rest.” Tom placed his arms around Rolf and Axel pulling them in close. Axel and Rolf placed their arms around Dawn forming an intimate circle. “However, what is most important is that Team Blitzkrieg will remain together. No matter what, we will always have each other’s backs, right?”

  Everyone nodded.

  “But I’m still not sure of the name,” Axel said.

  “Hush, Axel. That’s an order,” Tom said good-humoredly. “Besides it’s too late to change the name now. I’ve already had t-shirts made.”

  “I like the name,” Rolf said with a giant grin. “It’s cool.”

  “Well, there you go,” Axel said with a laugh.

  “I like Canary,” Dawn smirked at Tom.

  “I’ve got to admit it’s growing on me, too,” Tom said.

  “I like Psion, too,” Rolf said, not wanting Dawn to feel left out.

  Dawn laid her head against his massive arm. “Thanks Rolf,” she said.

  They stayed together on the balcony until they finished the bottle of champagne. When they finally went back inside they were met with excited handshakes and hugs from their coworkers. Everyone could feel that the futures of the CSOS and Team Blitzkrieg were only just beginning. A new day was dawning.


  Moscow, U.S.S.R.

  Alena sat at an outdoor cafe in Moscow, sipping black tea. She adjusted the collar of her coat as a cool breeze blew through the air giving her a chill. She glanced up and saw an attractive woman walking toward her. The woman appeared to be no older than Alena, but Alena knew she was at least twice her own age. Alena set her cup down on the small, round table as the other woman reached her. She smiled up at the woman and motioned for her to sit.

  “Thank you,” the woman said with a smile.

  “Tea?” Alena asked pleasantly, her eyebrows raised expectantly.

  “Not right now, thank you,” the woman replied. Alena could tell she was eager, anxious even.

  “Thank you for meeting me,” Alena said pleasantly.

  “Of course, my darling,” the woman said with a warm smile. “It has been too long and I always enjoy our visits.”

  Alena stared across the table at her for quite some time before continuing. She wanted to ensure that she chose her words carefully. She admired the woman across from her, perhaps even loved her, and she did not want to offend her nor give her the wrong impression. She cleared her throat.

  “Everyone at the Centre appreciates what you did during the Great Patriotic War,” Alena began. The other woman leaned back in her chair, crossed her arms over her chest and
raised her eyebrows at Alena. That was quite a sugary way to begin a conversation. She waited for Alena to drop the bitter pill on her. “Everyone appreciates what you have done for our cause. I appreciate that you were the last friend my mother ever had on this earth. And I appreciate that you have been like a mother to Alexi and I for all of these many years.”

  “What are you getting at Alena?” the woman asked as she leaned forward.

  Alena paused and glanced down at the table briefly before once again meeting the other woman’s eyes. “The Centre knows that you tried to assassinate Colonel Arnulf in America.”

  The woman looked away, an expression of exasperation flashed across her face briefly, but disappeared before her eyes shot back to Alena. “He is a monster, Alena. He deserves to die. Do you know what he did to your mother? What he did to me?”

  Alena held up her hands. “No one is arguing that point. But the Centre had a plan and you nearly upset the whole thing. We cannot have rogue assassins meddling in our plans. Even those as celebrated as the great Valkyrie.” The woman looked down at the table and nodded. “Anyway, you’ll be happy to know that Arnulf is dead.”

  The woman’s eyes leapt up to meet Alena’s. “Are you certain?” she asked. Alena nodded. “Did you see the body?”

  “There is no body, comrade. It was vaporized along with everything else.”

  The brightness in the woman’s eyes disappeared and she looked away, out over the crowds of people walking along the street. “Then you are not certain.”

  Alena leaned forward and took her hand. “I am as certain as anyone can be.” The woman nodded and forced a smile.

  There was a long pause in the conversation before the woman spoke again. “Is that the only reason you asked me to meet you today?” the woman asked almost timidly, clearly hoping for some other news.

  Alena shook her head. “No,” she replied before reaching into the briefcase leaning against her chair legs and pulling out a large manila envelope. She slid the envelope across the table. “I can confirm that your sons are alive,” Alena said.

  The woman’s eyes were wide with excitement. She fumbled nervously with the metal fastener which held the envelope closed. She finally opened the envelope, pulled out a black and white photograph and stared at it, her hand covering her mouth. “This is them?” she asked softly. Alena nodded. “You are positive?”

  “Yes, Brygida, I am positive. They still call themselves Axel and Rolf, as when I knew them in Germany.” Tears filled Brygida’s eyes and she quickly wiped them away with her fingers. “They are working for the Americans. We have tried to capture them twice, but…” she let her words trail off.

  “Oh, my sweet boys,” Brygida whispered softly before bringing the photograph to her lips and kissing it gently. She wiped more tears away, cleared her throat, and slid the photograph back inside of the envelope. Her eyes met Alena’s. She leaned across the table and lowered her voice. “Well perhaps instead of capturing them you must convince them to join you.”

  Alena nodded. “I have tried, believe me. Rolf’s mind is…well he is like Alexi.” Brygida nodded her understanding. “And Axel,” she smiled at Brygida. “Axel is quite stubborn. They have clearly been brainwashed by the fascists into believing that the Soviet Union is evil. That we are the enemy, instead of the corporate fascists.”

  Brygida smiled and patted Alena’s hand. “No my dear, you misunderstand. I said you must convince them to join you. I did not say the Soviet Union.” Brygida looked both ways to ensure no one was within earshot before continuing. “All of your life you have served a totalitarian military government that meant to exploit you. The Nazis and now the Soviets. My darling it is time you began to serve yourself.” Alena sat back and stared at her old mentor as her eyes narrowed.

  Brygida smiled. “It has been too long since we have had a proper visit, Alena. I think I will have some tea,” she said, “and we can talk for a while.”

  To be continued in Blitzkrieg: Flight of the Valkyrie!

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  Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed Blitzkrieg: Origins of the Prime. As the title suggests, this story simply showed the origins of an entirely new super hero universe which I intend to expand in several new titles. I am very excited about this new and ambitious project and wanted to take a moment to explain how it will work.

  First I am concluding the Blitzkrieg storyline in two more books, Blitzkrieg: Flight of the Valkyrie and Blitzkrieg: The International. Don’t miss getting a FREE copy of The Zomtastic Six a zombie superhero novel that overlaps with the Blitzkrieg storyline. After the Blitzkrieg series is complete I intend to write solo hero novels that will lead to the next superhero team series Eclipse, beginning with Eclipse: Rise of the Prime. Eclipse will leave the 1960s behind and take us to present day where, unknown to most people, genetically enhanced super humans live among us. These super humans, known by their creators as “prime humans,” or more simply as “the prime,” are forced out of the shadows and a new super team is formed to battle those among them that seek to rule humanity instead of help it.

  The third series in this universe I hope to publish sometime in 2017, but as of yet is untitled. The premise is known, however, and it will explore the lives of those people who were experimented on to create the prime. Escaping from a genetics lab they must flee for their lives, but they discover they are gifted with amazing super powers.

  So the most obvious question is, will these stories overlap? You bet they will. Like I said, this is a superhero UNIVERSE and just like any other superhero universe the characters will meet. There will be culminations of events that bring them all together and sometimes tear them apart.

  As I said, this is an ambitious project, but it’s something I’ve wanted to do my entire life. These stories and characters have been stirring around in my head for as long as I can remember. Sure they have changed and evolved over the years, but the basics of a superhero universe has always been there. Now I’m finally going to create that universe for everyone to see.

  Of course with a project this ambitious, I have to ignore other projects. I have other stories unrelated to this universe I’d like to write. Some more main stream novels that might have a larger success rate if I wrote them instead. Therefore, if you would like me to continue and expand this series, I need your help. I need you to write reviews for Amazon and other locations. I need you to tell your friends and family about the books. I need you to Tweet about them, Facebook about them, Instagram the covers—whatever you can think of.

  Oh and check out my other books, too. They are not superhero stories per se, but are still fantasy and if you liked Blitzkrieg, chances are you’ll like them too.

  Thank you so much for taking the time to read my novel and this afterward. I always appreciate feedback and hearing from readers who enjoyed my work. So please drop me a line on Twitter @AuthorChrisVale or by email at To get em
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  Be sure to flip the page to see summaries of my other books and where you can find them!

  Thank you,




  "This is a beautiful and touching story of loyalty, love, friendship and trust. The author is a magnificent story teller and his descriptions of the battle scenes, the overall environment and all the characters he brings to life is superb. You will love and cheer for our new hero...," Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos.

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