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by Kate Tilney


  Ridiculously Royal #4

  by Kate Tilney

  Copyright © 2020 by Kate Tilney

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.

  Cover Photos by

  nemetse/ depositphotos

  feedough/ depositphotos

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  HENRY: Ridiculously Royal #4











  Epilogue One | Lauren

  Epilogue Two | Henry

  Epilogue Three | James

  Epilogue Four | Alex

  Epilogue Five | Sarah

  Prince Henry

  I was raised to believe I would one day wear the crown as King of Rhodon. After being downgraded to the spare of the heir a year ago, my time is mostly spent trying to stay out of the papers and figuring out what to do with my life. When I am called home to be godfather to my sister's new child, I want to get in and out with as little notice as possible.

  Until I meet my godchild's nanny. Suddenly I feel a need to stay, protect, and have. I may not know what I want to do with my life, but I know who I want at my side and in my heart.


  Being hired to nanny the future ruler of Rhodon seems like a dream come true. Falling for the baby's uncle, well, that is a bit more complicated.

  Even with reporters breathing down our necks, I can't resist him or all he has to offer. Is this a true love to last a lifetime, or will this go down as a royal scandal for the ages?

  Ridiculously Royal is a series of standalone, insta-love steamy shorts about royals finding true love and happily ever afters that are anything but common. Check out HENRY if you like curvy nannies and alpha princes who cause a scandal when they fall in love.


  The front doors of the palace swing open. I am barely out of the silver Maserati when my sister throws herself at me. I just have time to raise my arms around Princess Sarah of Rhodon as the force of her hug throws against my car.

  “You would think I have just come back from war or an expedition to Mars.” I chuckle, but pull her in tighter. “It has only been a few months.”

  “Three months, six days, and nine and a half hours.”

  “Not that you are counting.”

  “I had my secretary check. I was sure it had been even longer.”

  I pull back so I can tease her. But as I catch a proper glimpse of her face, my heart lurches. Eighteen months ago, my twin sister was a picture of health. Glowing skin from regular spa dates, a quick bright smile that could lighten anyone’s mood, and a pair of brown eyes that always seemed to sparkle like she had a secret.

  Now, I can see she has been made up carefully to cover dark circles under her eyes. Her cheeks sink in. And the light in her expression seems to be all but extinguished.

  “Hey.” I give her a one-armed squeeze. “You alright?”

  She forces her lips into a smile. “I am wonderful. I should be asking you, Mr. Jetsetter.”

  “The life of a traveling prince does have its perks.” Though, in truth, I miss being able to stay put for longer than eight weeks at a time.

  Our lives have all been turned upside down during the past eighteen months. That was when we learned that government officials and doctors had conspired to say I—and not my sister—was the firstborn twin.

  Sarah became the new heir-apparent. Our father threw her into appointments and tutoring sessions to cram twenty-five years of education into one. All while falling in love with her bodyguard, getting married, and giving birth to the future queen of Rhodon.

  Our brother Alex briefly returned to the military, but has become an official “working” member of the family since he married a celebrity baker last month.

  James is finishing his research fellowship in Economics at Oxford with his reporter ex-wife-turned-live-in-girlfriend.

  And I am living out of a suitcase to be out of sight and out of mind. Our father, the king, claims I can best serve the country as a goodwill ambassador making private visits to our friends and colleagues around the world.

  We all know better. We all know he wants me away so the people of Rhodon can forget I even exist.

  “I hate that father has done this to you,” Sarah says, her lips curving back down. “Ryan and I have repeatedly told him your exile is only making matters worse.”

  “I am sure father loved being told what to do by you.”

  She lifts a shoulder. “I don't care. I need you, Henry.”

  “I am here.” A camera flashes. Frowning at the paparazzo, I slip an arm around her shoulders and guide her into the palace. “And I am eager to see my goddaughter again.”

  “Your niece will be thrilled to see you too.”

  “Three month olds can talk, can they?”

  Sarah elbows me in the ribs. “Well, I am thrilled to have Cat see you. When it came time to pick her godparents, I knew there could be no one but you.”

  “And how did father take that proclamation?”

  She stills, but I already know. Even if our father had not felt it necessary to send me a note on the subject, I would have known. It is the king’s opinion that the role of godfather is far too attention-grabbing and news-worthy. He would rather I slip in and out of the baptism as a guest without being photographed.

  “Father may control most of my life now,” Sarah says. “But I have the final say on what is best for my family.”

  “Just not what is best for you.” I grip onto her tighter, before she can pull away. “Sarah, you never need to pretend with me. I can see what he is doing to you.”

  A tear slips down her cheek, and she swipes away at hit so quickly, I almost miss it.

  “Father is still unconvinced the people have accepted me as the future queen. He says it might have been easier if Catherine had been a boy.”

  Fury slices through me. “That kind of backward thinking has no place in our country’s present or future.”

  “No, but it is my job to do what I can to win the naysayers over.” She gives me a weak grin. “I took off two weeks after delivery, and I have been back at full duties since.”

  The anger turns to sadness, as I can sense my sister’s guilt and pain like they are my very own.

  “Is it necessary?”

  “This is unchartered territory.” She lifts a shoulder and seems to choose her next words carefully. “I feel . . . torn between serving our country and being the wife and mother Ryan and Catherine deserve. I spend my days running between meetings, ribbon cuttings, and classes. All while pumping in the car in between. At night I stay up with my daughter. I would never see Ryan if he was not part of my security detail.”

  “And you are running yourself ragged in the process.”

  “It is only temporary.”

  “Temporary or not, you deserve a nap.”

  The word nap puts a hint of that familiar sparkle in her eye for a second. “I was planning on spending a few minutes with Catherine after this next meeting. Her nap is almost over.”

  “How about I go and spend some one-on-one time with my niece while you get some much-needed rest.”

h purses her lips. “She still has about forty-five minutes left in her nap.”

  “I can get in a quick workout and shower first.”

  Her lips quiver a second before she presses them to my cheek, her arms wrapped around my waist again.

  “I cannot tell you how good it is to have you home.”

  Then we part ways so she can go to her next meeting, and I can continue my life of idleness. I wish I could do more for her. Maybe I can convince Father . . . I shake that thought out of my head. No, it will take a lot more than pestering from his children to get the King of Rhodon to change his stubborn mind.

  Country will always come first for the king.


  Putting the baby down for a nap was harrowing to say the least.

  Not that Catherine isn’t the sweetest baby in the world. And nannying for her is a total dream. But when that little girl puts her mind to something, she accomplishes it. And when that mind is absolutely determined not to take a nap—even though she can barely keep her eyes open—she doesn’t mess around.

  If she’s already this dedicated and focused at three months old, I can only imagine what she’ll be like when she’s queen.

  Not that I’ll really see much of that. I’m only in Rhodon for the summer while my grandmother—the official palace nanny—recovers from knee replacement surgery.

  Armed with the baby monitor, I slip into my bedroom, which is next to hers. The princess encourages me to use nap time to work on summer school courses. I’m halfway through my master’s degree in early childhood education. Taking a couple of classes this summer will give me a leg up when I’m back in the fall.

  I’m barely through the door when I catch a movement in the corner of the room. Whipping around to investigate, I let out a scream that is quickly silenced by a strong hand. I am pulled against a solid, muscular chest of a man at least six inches taller than me.

  “My family has had journalists go to extreme lengths to get an exclusive story on the royal family,” the deep voice says. “But I can say I have never seen someone sneak into my bedroom.”

  His bedroom? That has to be the lamest excuse for a fake story I’ve ever heard. I struggle against his hold without luck.

  Out of options, I take the only one left. I step down hard on one of his feet, shove an elbow to his gut, and finish with a fist to groin.

  As he keels over in pain, I jump away. I reach for my phone ready to call Catherine’s father. Not only is he a duke, but he works for palace security. He’ll have this guy in a dungeon in five minutes.

  I nearly push send when the would-be assailant’s groan catches my attention. He rolls over, and I finally get a glimpse of his face.

  And I nearly lose my breath.

  “Oh, shit.” Unless I’m mistaken, I’ve just punched Prince Henry of Rhodon in the nuts. “Please tell me you’re Henry.”

  “Who the hell else would I be?” He glares up at me. “I might ask who you are and what you are doing in my room.”

  “But this is my room.” My eyes widen. “Wait. I just remembered. The princess gave me your old room so I’d be closer to the nursery. Your new room is down the hall.”

  “She didn’t say anything.”

  “She’s a new mom working more than full-time hours. I’d say she has good reason to be forgetful.”

  Henry lets out an expletive as he pushes himself up to his feet. Once he reaches his full height, and his glare is directed straight at me, my heart skips a beat.

  The cheatsheet my grandma gave me to study did not do this man justice. In those pictures, he was handsome. In person, it’s a wonder my panties haven’t completely melted away.

  I almost glance down to check to make sure they’re still there, but catch myself in time.

  Besides, I can’t quite bring myself to look away from those intense green eyes that are focused on my face.

  “I am still waiting,” he says.

  “For what?”

  “For you to tell me just who the hell you are and why you are sleeping in my bed.”

  The thought of actually sharing the same bed with him is enough to make my cheeks flush bright red.

  “I’m Lauren. I’m the nanny.”

  He snorts. “You are at least forty years too young to be Nanny Nora.”

  “She’s my grandmother. Seriously,” I add when he looks like he doesn’t believe me. “My mom is her daughter. We live in Idaho.”

  “Nanny Nora has family in Idaho?”

  I nod.

  “Who knew?” Henry grins then, and I almost go into cardiac arrest right there.

  These princes should come with warning labels. Something like “Do not stare directly into their faces or risk being blinded.” Or at least super aroused.

  Which is the very last thing I should be feeling just minutes after nearly removing his family jewels.

  “Sorry about before.” I pull a face. “I thought you might be here to kidnap me.”

  His face grows concerned. “Is there much danger of kidnapping?”

  “Not at all. I just have an overactive imagination.”

  “It must run in the family.” The frown eases from his face. “I remember your grandmother could spin quite a yarn.”

  “She tells the best stories.”

  And while she occasionally spilled a little tea about the royal family of Rhodon, she kept most of it to herself. She’s a very good and reliable employee. It’s no wonder the princess wanted her back.

  Henry shoves his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants. “How long have you been here?”

  “About three weeks.”

  “How long will you be staying?”

  “Through the end of summer.”

  “What will you do after your time here is done?”

  I feel like I’m in the middle of a pop quiz on the first day of a class I’ve never attended. Down to the little jolt of panic in my chest.

  “I’ll go back to grad school. In America.”

  He arches an eyebrow, and I don’t know what to make of that. A lock of brown hair falls over his forehead giving him a rakish look. That makes me want to jump him.

  Which would be bad. Very, very bad.

  “Well, Lauren, it has been interesting meeting you.” He grins as my face flushes red again. “I suppose I will see you around.”

  Then he slips out the door. The moment it latches behind him, I rush to the window and throw it open. I gasp at the fresh air. Like it’ll help.

  For as long as I live, I will never forget those green eyes. Or how firm the prince’s chest felt against my back.


  I toss and turn most of the night. Every time I close my eyes, all I can see is a pair of lips I would like to taste, a round ass I’d like to sink my fingers into, and breasts I’d like to nibble on.

  Not to mention the pair of hazel eyes with specs of gold in them and the long mane of dark hair, perfect for gripping onto while sinking myself into her over and over.

  I spent most of the night rock hard. After a failed cold shower, I had to jerk myself off. All the while imagining it was those lips on my cock and not my hand. If my sister knew I was having those kinds of thoughts about the nanny, she would toss me out of the palace now.

  I skipped out on breakfast with the family and went for a run to work off some of the restless energy. When that did not do the trick, I took another shower. I tried reading a book. I even walked in the palace gardens.

  None of it did a damn thing to get that beautiful vixen out of my mind.

  Which is the only explanation I have for why I am now standing at the door to the nursery. I knock.

  A moment later, Lauren appears with a baby against her shoulder. My cock twitches and my tongue nearly rolls out of my mouth. Even with spit-up dribbling down one shoulder, she is more stunning than I remember.

  Her eyes widen? “What are you doing here?”

  I grin. Thank goodness for clueless Americans. If the nanny were a Rhodinian, she would be falli
ng all over herself to curtsy. Instead, she is giving me attitude.

  I like the attitude.

  “I wanted to get in a little face-time with my niece. I am her godfather, after all.”

  Which is not a lie. In all the excitement of the missed rooms yesterday, I did not have a chance to spend more than a passing moment with my niece.

  Getting a chance to look her over is a bonus.

  Sighing, Lauren pulls the door open wider and gestures for me to walk inside.

  “I could actually use another pair of hands.”

  She holds Catherine out toward me, and I freeze.

  “Oh, I am not sure I should hold her.”

  “Why not?”

  “I . . .” How am I, a grown man, supposed to admit I am afraid of doing it wrong? “I have not been around a lot of babies.”

  She nods in understanding and guides me toward a rocking chair. “Sit.”

  I do as ordered. Then, she pulls a crescent shaped pillow out and sets it on my lap.

  “Hold your hands like this.”

  Again, I follow directions. Nodding in approval, she places the baby in my arms. She’s so . . . tiny. Catherine’s eyelids flutter open, and she smiles up at me. My heart melts. In this moment I know. If anyone tries to hurt my niece, I will kill them.

  Grinning, I look at Lauren, who is watching us closely. “You’re good at all of this.”

  “I’m not sure everyone agrees.” She takes a sweat next to me. Leaning over, she rearranges the blanket around Catherine. Her hand brushes against mine, sending a jolt of electricity through me.


  “The king for one. I’m told he wasn’t super stoked your sister hired me. Even with my grandma’s recommendation.”

  Clearly my father does not see what I see in Lauren. Though, come to think of it, I would prefer he did not. The thought of any man looking at her the way I do makes me want to knock someone senseless.

  I frown. “Why not?”

  “He said I didn’t have enough experience. But my friend Ona, who works for his undersecretary, said it’s just that I don’t have the right pedigree.”


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