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Three Steps to Hell

Page 11

by Mike Holman

“….Yes, you can drive it back here and put it in the compound until he’s been found.”

  “Hey, thanks Sargie, a nice long drive in an Aston Martin, brilliant. I will take the longest route back from Heathrow possible, probably via Scotland,” he said jokingly.

  “Yeah, I bet you will but no picking up any blondes on the way back, the car could be essential evidence depending how this turns out.”

  “As if I would Sarge.”

  “Right, I’ve just got a couple of things to do then I think it will be time for that beer.”

  “See you over there Sarge.”


  “Carlos, I need to see you.”

  Maria was speaking to Carlos from her office phone.

  “Okay, is tonight okay?”

  “Yes about 8.30, usual place please.”

  “No problem, see you there Maria.”

  Maria Peterson had done some thinking after Tom’s visit. She had determined that Tom was indeed a very professional and probably very thorough and intuitive Detective and that she needed to make his job of finding her husband a little more complex and move his attention away from Colmar Grounds.

  That evening both met at Pierros restaurant about 30 miles away from Brampton. This was Carlos’s favourite restaurant partly because he owned it and partly because the Chef he employed there had become a good friend who always ensured his meals were of the very best quality and cooked exactly to his liking. He made the best Valencian paella outside Spain.

  Carlos had reserved his usual table in a very private and quiet corner of the restaurant. Having ordered their meals and a bottle of the restaurant’s finest red wine both relaxed and discussed important business.

  “So Maria what did you need to speak to me about so urgently?”

  “I need a favour Carlos, it will involve a couple of days away if you can spare the time.”

  “No problem, I have the time, if you can handle everything here on your own.”

  “Yes I feel a lot more comfortable since our shipment went, I’m pleased it’s all over, you and I can run things now. You’re absolutely certain that the two fishermen will have handled it properly?”

  “Yes Maria, gone forever, don’t worry. Anyway, I trust them implicitly and pay them handsomely. Those crates will never open or surface, they are welded closed and being steel will take many many years to deteriorate. Everything will be fine. The police are fools you have nothing to worry about.”

  “That brings me to my point Carlos. The enquiry is being handled by a Detective Sergeant Tom Lancaster. I think he is going to prove to be very persistent and a bit too thorough. We need to lead the enquiry away from Colmar Grounds.”

  “Why has he suddenly become so involved?”

  “Partly my fault I think. In my desire to appear to be a genuinely distraught loving wife who is beyond reproach, I spoke to a Superintendent that we met through the Golf Club. I asked him for the best help he could provide in finding Colin and along came Detective Sergeant Lancaster, very highly recommended.”

  Carlos grinned, “That will teach you, always trying to be too devious for your own good.”

  Maria handed Carlos a mobile phone.

  “This is Colin’s, the police are monitoring any use. I would like you to fly to Spain then Italy over the next couple of days and make a couple of calls using this phone in each country. Just phone a couple of good quality hotels to enquire about room costs and availability or something like that but obviously don’t make a booking. Only turn the phone on just prior to making the call, then after the call turn it off again so that its location can’t be traced whilst you are travelling and carrying it. Then before you return to the UK leave it somewhere so that it will be stolen and then hopefully used by someone else. It should send them on a lovely wild goose chase for a while. I have removed the security pin number so whoever picks it up will be able to easily use it and it’s on a contract payment on the business account which I will ensure continues to be paid for the time being.”

  Maria also handed Carlos a couple of Colin’s visa cards and told him the pin numbers.

  “Make some withdrawals of cash on these over there but be careful to select small banks in small towns without CCTV coverage on the machines.”

  Carlos frowned, “Maria, you really think you need to tell me that?”

  “Sorry Carlos, habit from dealing with the fools I employ, of course I know you will be incredibly careful, destroy the cards afterwards don’t bring them back.”

  “I like it, well thought out Maria. I have a little business in Spain anyway so can do both at once. As for this Detective can’t you use your beauty, charisma and sexual charm to take his mind off it all, you could have a bit of fun now Colin’s gone.”

  “Mmm, I hadn’t thought of that, it would be very easy Carlos because he is the first man I’ve met in years who I have found instantly attractive and rather desirable. He is quite a handsome and interesting man and possibly a little vulnerable I think! Yes, very easy to accomplish that and quite enjoyable I imagine. Might be fun as long as he wasn’t to become tediously inquisitive in which case I would have to enlist your help I think.”

  “No problem, whatever it needs. Have a bit of fun with it, live dangerously!”

  “I think we both have more than enough experience of that!”

  Maria was concerned about something Carlos had said.

  “You said you have some business in Spain Carlos, what business? Nothing to do with trying to avenge your Father’s death I hope? We both know how ridiculously dangerous and foolish that would be, don’t we?”

  “No Maria, it’s just to collect on some overdue debts, honest, I’m not that stupid, but one day perhaps eh!”

  They finished a perfect meal, chatted for a while and enjoyed a carajillo (a small glass containing coffee, cognac, cinnamon, lemon, coffee beans and sugar). Carlos attended to the bill, Maria kissed him on both cheeks and made her way back to Colmar Grounds, occasionally smiling to herself as her imagination worked overtime on how she could play games with the attractive Mr Lancaster. About time I had some enjoyable sexual experiences, she thought to herself, I shall have to make a special effort to entice him into my web. She laughed out loud to herself. Little did she know that only a modicum of effort would be needed as Tom was completely besotted with her already.

  The next few days were very busy for Tom and his team who had been doing long hours of surveillance on a local drug dealer but it had been successful and they had managed to arrest him in possession of 6 kilos of cannabis resin.

  Tom was finishing off his day in the office enjoying a well earned coffee, (with a little added scotch), with Sweetface and Martin.

  “That was a good day today lads. It’s rewarding isn’t it when all the hard work comes together with a great result?”

  “Yeah, great Sarge, the look on that arsehole’s face when we got him with the stuff was reward enough in itself. How long has he been taking the piss out of us? It’s lovely to have the last laugh. Oh, by the way, I went to see Evans the other day about the motorbike. He really is a shit isn’t he,” declared Sweetface.

  Tom laughed, “What, he wouldn’t talk to you then, what a surprise. I thought you said you were going to use your best Detective skills Sweetface?”

  “He spoke but only to tell me he had no idea who stabbed him, he hadn’t been visited by anyone on a bike and then told me to fuck off. Nice lad! The only thing that might be useful is that his girlfriend was there when I went round, she looked really nervous about everything. His face was really swollen and bruised, he must have had quite a beating Sarge!”

  “That’s odd, it wasn’t that bad when I saw him in casualty, perhaps the bruising has just come up or he’s had another run in with someone. As for the girlfriend, you’re right she might be helpful if I can get to see her on her own. I know her and her parents. Nice family, I’ve never understood why she’s with Evans.”

  “Well she looked really nervous when I was
asking Wayne about the motorbike. At one point I felt she wanted to say something about it.

  I think Evans sensed it too. He glared at her and she went off into the kitchen.”

  “I might try to catch her when she’s at her parents’ home, I think it’s time I spoke to them about Evans too. I don’t really want to embarrass her at work, she’s a nice kid. Anything come up on the Aston Martin Dave?”

  “No, there are plenty of prints but all the ones that were good enough for comparison were his. His are still on file from his younger days when he was car dealing. He got arrested for selling a nicked car. He’s grown up and done well for himself since then hasn’t he!”

  “He certainly has. Anything in the car of any interest?”

  “No it’s clean, nothing of interest at all and nothing helpful on CCTV. They have got the car on camera entering the car park, the timing working out about right for when Mrs Peterson said he would have left home. So it suggests he went straight to Heathrow. It’s possible to see there is only one occupant but just a shadow really, even with digital enhancement it’s not possible to see a face or whether it’s male or female.”

  “What about after it was parked?”

  “He happened to park in a spot just out of CCTV coverage right beside a pedestrian exit also out of CCTV view.”

  “Now is that just unlucky for us or had a lot of thought been put into avoiding being seen by whoever was driving?”

  “Don’t you think he was driving then Sarge?”

  “Haven’t a clue Dave, just surmising. There are many possibilities.”

  “Before you ask Sarge, I have checked with airport security for flights that day, no Colin Peterson on the computer listings with any carrier. However, I was told that, although officially not possible, he could have got on to a private plane and somehow avoided being on the computer system. Bearing in mind Peterson’s money and connections I think this is a possibility, but why for God’s sake? Perhaps Maria might have some idea of any contacts he has with private planes.”

  “Good point Dave, thanks, I will ask Maria about that.”

  “Thought it might be a new excuse for you Sarge, to go and see her again!”

  “Implying what Constable Sweeting?”

  “Oh, nothing!”


  Paul Dorsey arrived at Evans’ house as arranged after work to check how his mate was. Wayne opened the door.

  “Alright Wayne, wow the old bruising has come up on your face mate, fucking hell they must have given you a harder time than I thought.”

  “Oh this shit was extra after I got out of hospital Paul.”

  “What, why? What the fuck is going on Wayne?”

  “It’s a long story mate.”

  “I’m in no hurry,” Paul replied.

  “How about walking into town for a pint or two, I ain’t been in the Bull for a while, you can buy me a pint ‘cos I’m skint. You had a good day on the market Paul?”

  “Yeah not bad, pretty much same as usual.”

  Paul Dorsey had worked on a large fruit and veg stall on the market for some years travelling around to different towns in the area on different days.

  “That Detective Lancaster visited me on the market today, Wayne.”

  “What the fuck does he want with you Paul?”

  “Well you know I got nicked after taking you to the hospital.”

  “Yeah you told me, I thought that was all cool.”

  “Well I didn’t want to tell you but I had to tell Lancaster that I had picked you up by that phone box in the lay-by after you called me and taken you to hospital. I had to tell him Wayne ‘cos he threatened to arrest me for stabbing you, you know GBH or wounding or whatever they call it if I didn’t tell him how the blood got on my jacket and my car. Anyway, he said the blood all checked out as yours and he was reasonably happy with my story for now, whatever that means. He told me he wanted to find out how you had been stabbed and tell him. I want you to know Wayne that even if you do tell me I won’t say nothing mate, you know I won’t.”

  “Hey, don’t worry so much I ain’t bothered about Lancaster. If he questions me I just tell him to fuck off, I didn’t do nothing wrong anyway, it’s those fucking bastards who stabbed me who ought to be worried about the likes of Lancaster.”

  “Well why not tell Lancaster and get them nicked then Wayne?”

  “Fuck off Paul, I ain’t no snitch, I sort my own problems out.”

  “How you going to do that then and what happened after you came out of hospital?”

  “Buy me a pint and I’ll tell you but no word to Lancaster or Sue or any other fucker for that matter Paul.”

  “Cool, no problem.”

  Paul and Wayne walked into town, most of the conversation on the way relating to women, sex and how they could make a bit of dishonest cash. Both had grown up together and had been best mates for years but Dorsey was by far the weaker willed of the two and regardless of his outward appearance had quite a pleasant personality when sober and was quite soft at heart.

  Once at the Market Square they stopped briefly at the cashpoint in order that Dorsey could draw out some money.

  “Be nice to drag one of these fuckers out of the wall and have all the cash wouldn’t it Paul?”

  Dorsey laughed in agreement.

  The Bull was fairly quiet. The landlord Eric saw them both arrive.

  “Alright lads, fuck, what’s happened to you Wayne, been arguing with the wrong people have you?”

  “You ought to see the other bloke Eric,” Wayne jokingly replied.

  “I had Lancaster in here the other day.”

  “What did he want this time?”

  “You told him you had a fight in here.”

  “Oh, I just said that to lead the silly old fucker on a wild goose chase. What did you tell him?”

  “I told him there hadn’t been any fight, had nothing to tell him because I didn’t know what the fuck he was talking about. He said you’d been stabbed.”

  Evans lifted his T shirt exposing his stomach and chest proudly showing off his bandaged wounds.

  “Hey, you’re a lucky lad, could have been dead Wayne.”

  “Yeah, I suppose so, I’ll get my own back don’t you worry.”

  “Who did it?”

  “A couple of bikers, Scottish accents don’t know them though, big nasty fuckers. I’ll work out a way to get even when I find them.”

  “Obviously,” retorted Eric.

  “What can I get you?”

  “Two pints of lager please Eric,” Dorsey asked

  “And a couple of steak and kidney pies, Eric,” Wayne added.

  The lads settled in a quiet corner of the pub.

  “Come on Wayne, you still haven’t told me what happened, I’m cool, you know I won’t tell anyone if you don’t want me to.”

  “Make sure you don’t tell Sue or Lancaster, don’t want him sniffing about all the time. I would never say to his face but he’s okay as the filth go but I don’t want him sticking his nose in.”

  Wayne took a long swig of his pint, put it back on the table, looked at Dorsey and started to relate the story. Dorsey knew Wayne had been doing casual driving jobs through an agency. Evans explained that for a couple of weeks he had been driving for a company based at East Point delivering furniture, antiques and works of art around the south of the country and also to two associated antique shops in Gloucestershire and Brighton. He explained how he had quite liked the job but admitted that, on more than one occasion, he had felt very tempted to disappear with some of the goods because the guy in the Brighton shop had told him how valuable some of it was.

  “Anyway, the night this happened I got back to East Point to load up for the next day. It was late and dark and I saw the boss man, Rashid. He left me to load up. They wouldn’t let me take the truck home because they didn’t like it being left on the street overnight fully loaded. Very sensible too ‘cos I would have been tempted to fake it had been nicked. Anyway, Rashid n
ormally gave me a lift back just into town and I’d walk the rest. If I couldn’t get a lift in he would pick me up in the morning from town, sometimes with the two blokes who stabbed me up. Big Scottish guys, always in leathers, saw a bike down there once, a Kawasaki 1000, I think. They really thought they were hardmen, always pissing about and trying to wind everyone up. One of them pulled a fucking gun on me in the back of the van once and pulled the fucking trigger. It was an imitation but I nearly shit myself.”

  “Was he the one who stabbed you?”

  “Yeah, Rashid told me to wait about outside by the van after I had finished loading up because he had to go and sort something out and would be about half an hour. I saw him go through some gates, which he unlocked and then down a windy path down towards the sea. He was really insistent that I had to wait by the van and not go wandering about and locked the gates after him which I thought was odd. He’s always cagey about everything. I waited for him to be out of sight, finished off and then climbed the fence next to the gates. I thought perhaps they stored some valuable stuff down there ‘cos I once noticed the Scottish guys carrying some crates up. I thought it might be something I might break into in the future so I wanted a nose about. I got part way down the path then the two Scottish guys appeared out of nowhere, grabbed me and said, ‘What the fuck are you doing down here?’ ‘Just being nosy,’ I said. The bigger one said, ‘Big mistake’ and punched me full on in the stomach, then they grabbed hold of me and dragged me back up the path through the gates and into the van. Rashid came up and spoke to them quickly. I was having a set to with the bigger one. Then they drove off with me in the back of the van. They said Rashid had told them to drive me to town and that I was sacked. The bigger one said, ‘He’s not happy you’ve been snooping around, arsehole. Time you got taught a lesson.’ Well you know me, I told him to fuck off and that they didn’t know who they were messing with. This went on for a bit then I called the bigger one a fat pussy.”

  “Not a great way to make friends,” chuckled Dorsey.

  “He stopped the van in the old café lay-by. They dragged me out, punched me a couple of times and then the bastards stabbed me. I didn’t see a knife but assumed that’s what it was. He said, ‘Don’t ever show your face again if you value your life.’ Then they left me. You know the rest.”


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